
Old retired Marine; avid reader, new writer. My stories are not just about sex, so if that's all you're after, you may be disappointed. This is my first attempt at writing; any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. This is mostly for my own satisfaction; if no one enjoys the effort, I'll move on. I'm not having the volunteer editors review my offerings for now; so there's going to be a few miss-used words and punctuation gaffs, most of the writing I've done in the past has been technical; not much dialog in that. And I've probably not been consistent with verb tense either; just a warning.
One last note; if any of my readers have any suggestions for where the story should go, any "scenes" you'd like to read, let me know. Especially any female readers; I've toyed with the idea of adding the thoughts of my female characters.

****Update - 25 Aug 2023 ****
Was a little busy with life this summer; the next few chapters should show up a little more frequently. I haven't figured out how to directly respond to comments, but one reader has asked about Carl's future. I won't give anything away here; but even though Carl doesn't want children.... Let's just say it takes two to tango, and Carl is in for a bit of a surprise in his distant future; thanks for paying attention.
Semper Fi

**** Update - 28 Feb 2024 ****
Chapter 15 has been rejected because "the paragraphs are too long", making it "hard to read on a mobile device". Not sure what they are talking about; one of my followers notified me he has no problem reading the chapters on his cell phone. I'm not sure just how many people are trying to read Literotica on mobile devices; and that ‘issue’ seems to be more of an editing choice, to me; but it’s not something I’m going to fuss with. What really doesn't make sense is that Chapter 15 is no different from the first 14, as far as paragraph length goes.

**** Probable Final Update - April 2024 ****
I don’t think I will be posting anything here anymore; the inconsistent review process is too annoying; time to move on. I’ll give chapter 16 a shot in a few days, but I don’t expect much. If it shows up, Literotica was happy with it; if it doesn’t, I wasn’t happy with Literotica. I've already listed my story on Patreon; my readers can continue reading Carl's story there; Chapter 16 will post there very soon; more chapters will follow.

P.S. I wasn’t able to figure out how make my story available as an e-book; but I’ll keep working on it, maybe. For now, if you would like the story in one single file; email me at and I’ll send it to you. I can send it as a Word, PDF, or ADE file; the Adobe Digital Edition version is very easy to read, I highly recommend it.

Semper Fidelis - Always Faithful


Various, I'm a traveling man

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