
um... hi everybody. i'm new here, and this is my first time publishing anything. i have a lot of extreme fantasies, involving all kinds of horrible things happening to me (or to various fictional stand-ins for me).

i am very hormonal, in fact i may have an imbalance of some kind, because i am very, very hormonal!

and i did have some early sexualized trauma, which i have written about a lot, but i'm not sure i can publish my autobiographical writings here because i was under 18 when certain formative events occurred.

i would love to find myself in a correspondence with someone who wants to scare me by describing horrible things they might do to me if they ever tracked me down... or who will bully me, boss me around, humiliate me, and just say horrible things to me that will make me shiver and blush.

i don't fantasize about meeting a responsible man who i can trust to tie me up and gently stroke me with a silk flogger, i fantasize about being tortured by pirates!

if you are excited by my stories and you want to "mess with me" and make me scared, and wet, i really do invite you to write to me:


also if you're curious, you can read my new blog:


little update: i have posted some stories here now and gotten some appreciation, and i must say i really, really love that some of you guys (and gals) are genuinely getting aroused by reading my stories! i know this is crazy, and asking way too much, but i will say that what i really want to know is if you got an erection (or started lubricating), and/or masturbated during or after reading my story? and which part(s) made you particularly excited? i realize i have no right to ask this, so feel free to ignore this plea, but honestly if i had a magic window and i could see into your bedroom as you read my story and touch yourself, i would probably die of joy. i don't care what you look like or anything, it's not about that at all... but this is really, really exciting for me, and i'm very wet right now just thinking about the possibilities!❤️


okay, this is they way way way less important part. alert: the next bit is all about me being a total attention whore. so... if you really want to support and encourage my writing, be sure to "rate" the stories/chapters of mine that you like best. i don't know why i care, because i don't *really* want to advocate my perversions... the world in which i were a terribly popular erotic writer is probably too cruel of a world. BUT, if a story shows up on the "hot" list it gets more clicks, and i have a few stories that are languoring just barely beneath the threshold.

the two that are "so close yet so far away" right now are:

"Sinking Lower and Lower" with 4.47 - needing 4.5 stars to make the hot list - and "The T & D Version" with 4.4 stars.

and - boo hoo! - "Beth Likes It Ch. 3" just lost its hot-list status! so it's now at 4.48, and needs a little more love to regain its place on the hot list!❤️

thank you so much! i love you guys!❤️❤️❤️


i'm not telling



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I Have A Pain Fetish, I Have An Exploitation Fetish, I Have A K9 Fetish, I Have A Humiliation Fetish, I Have A Pee Fetish

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