
Writing has slowed somewhat due to other 'life' matters. I am pleased that others continue to enjoy my stories.

If you want professional quality writing, perhaps you ought to find a site where you can pay for that. I tend to ignore critiques or 'helpful suggestions' from 'anonymous' people who either have not written a word or prefer to hide away from being critiqued in return.

Thanks for your votes and the occasional email of support. I'm still enjoying the crap comments from trolls and religious nutters. In the main I continue to delete comments that are offensive, aggressive or misogynist.

The new story about Emily fucking the neighbour came about after some positive responses to Jill's story. Its a mix of ideas so I'll see how it goes with readers - I didn't put it under Loving Wives because of the all the trolls and losers who inhabit that category.

The new series about Jill is a special request for a reader. Some of the ideas came from her. So I trust she will enjoy it ...and everyone else as well. And, as usual, shitty comments about the characters will be deleted.

"Maria's boys" is another special request from a reader. Hope the rest of you enjoy it as well.
sLut Lucy was the source my ideas for her stories (the "Adventure" series is finally finished) - also written at her request so I tried to write it with "her voice".
I appreciate those who've been inspired to email me directly with their feedback. I write to please myself so its especially satisfying when others enjoy my efforts.
I've turned the comments 'on'. But I will delete anything that I regard as misogynist or encouraging violence or aggression towards women. Its not censorship - as an individual (rather than a media outlet or an institution) I am not bound to respect whatever you may wish to claim as free speech 'rights'.





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