
~ ~ What I'm Looking for ~ ~

I write online and you will only find me in chat for roleplay. I play characters so it doesn't matter what I look like in real life. I'm not a little girl and I'm not an old lady. That's all that you need to know to roleplay with me. So just to make it clear, I'm not here to chat real life or to cyber, and I do not share personal info.

I get all the long term plots that I want on the forums. In chat I prefer simpler scenes that can be completed in 1 or 2 sittings - in short, stuff just a bit steamier.

~ ~ What to Expect ~ ~

I'm a detailed writer/player - as in it will take me on average 4 or 5 minutes to type out my responses. For many, this pace is too slow so be forewarned. If you want a quick fap, I am not for you. On the other hand, while I don't necessarily require you to match me in detail, I do expect some effort back. If all you're going to do is give me one-line dialogue-type responses with zero descriptions to react to, you're not for me.

In general I find characters on the innocent side more interesting to play, but if the plot is inspiring enough I can sometimes play someone more assertive, although for this I need a motive to get behind that excites me. Without this, I'll stick to more shy/innocent/submissive (although I know that this is quite unpopular especially since I'm not very kinky). Just don't expect my innocent character to suddenly betray all of her morals to turn skank for you. Also, If we are playing non-con, don't expect my character to like it. Pseudo-rape is the biggest lie.

~ ~ Hot List ~ ~

Turn-ons for play are strong characters, attentive partners and detailed inspiring replies. I'll say it again, be attentive. If you want to swoon me, pick up the hints that I'm dropping and play off of the details.

I'll warn you, I'm at least 95% vanilla. My favorite elements are, being seduced, instant hookups, taboo/forbidden, partially clothed, risk, voyeur and dubious consent and I prefer realistic bodies and proportions for both my character and yours. I love being handled.

I'm a sucker for pretty boys. I love nice hair, whether it's groomed or a bit long and messy, if I can run my fingers through it it's hot. Good bedhead makes me weak (fans self). I'm not super fussy about body type but I prefer something lithe. Tall is fine but short guys can be uber-cute too, so no real preference there.

I suppose that I also have a penchant for bad boys, or at least guys who may not be all that good for me. There is a certain appeal in being a bedpost notch (maybe it's the ultimate objectification?), especially if you can convince me otherwise. Doing something that I might regret later works well. Be charming (even if you tell lies). Make me feel wanted. Make me an object of desire. Pursue me. Bad ends are okay, especially if I'm not sure that it's coming. Keep me guessing whether your affections are true or if you're just using me.

~ ~ Not List ~ ~

Turn-offs are indecisiveness (it's unmanly), ignoring agreed upon plot elements, expecting my character to grow to like something that she doesn't (or forcing your kinks to the detriment of plot), and a general lack of the above turn-ons. These are from experience.

I don't care for brutish or otherwise intimidating men, uber alphas or overly large roid ragers. I also don't go for guys who rely on some superficial aspect like 'well-hung' or 'ex-marine' or '50+' and expect that it will be enough to make me wet without him actually doing anything. Some girls might be down with this type of stuff but I find it incredibly dull. Furthermore, I don't like this whole beard and mustache culture going on. Sometimes I don't mind some sideburns or maybe a goatee if it suits the character (and a bit of stubble lends some ruggedness that I'm actually into), but if I need a lawnmower to kiss you it's not happening, blechh, sorry.

Of course if it's non-con, all of that is negotiable.

I have nothing against adultery, but don't bring me your cheating/swinging plots. I'm also not interested in any scene where the background dynamic is 'we've been flirty for some time' (yawn). Existing relationships in general are a tougher sell.

Hard limits include incest (ick), non-human, poop, master/slave/pet (yawn), and daddy talk.

Not a fan of anything anal or watersports (spanking and begging is also terribly boring) but these might be negotiable depending on the consent level in the plot.

~ ~ Final Note ~ ~

*** I am NOT going to play a role where my only motivation is that I'm horny or I'm just a slut. I find this (and the guys who want it) exceedingly boring (sorry). I know that this concept totally baffles some of you. If it does, save both of us some time and don't bother contacting me.

I will always listen to your plot ideas but please be warned that I can be quite choosy and nine times out of ten I say no. It's me, not you ... okay once in a while it's you. :P

Was all that too bitchy?





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