
Stories by purplishy

Anything that Claire writes down becomes true.

by purplishy
Mind Control 01/07/2023
4.19 25.5k 32 5 73

Natalie Portman has a surprise encounter with Gal Gadot.

4.16 11.4k 13 1 34

Sarah goes on a fantastical trek through the stars.

4.32 9.1k 15 1 38

Fiona prepares a magic recipe for her girlfriend.

H 4.52 10.5k 12 41

Lisa has deja vu during her first day at a sorority.

by purplishy
Lesbian Sex 09/11/2021
4.39 27.3k 28 3 65
Amie, a traveling apprentice of the Scholar's Guild, is visited by 2 farm girls.
by purplishy
Lesbian Sex& more 06/10/2023
106.3k 32 3 95

Amie is visited by two farm girls.

by purplishy
Lesbian Sex 08/26/2020
4.43 45.8k 28 3 73

Amie, Kara, and Jessa encounter a priestess.

by purplishy
Illustrated 08/20/2021
3.79 60.5k 4 22
Melanie's new roommate is much more than she appears.
COMPLETED 55.3k 36 4 117

Melanie's new roommate is much more than she appears.

4.31 23.4k 20 3 58

Katrina and her mistress help Melanie discover magic.

4.29 9.8k 5 25

Melanie's unruly nipples get into trouble around town.

4.38 22k 11 1 34

Jenny finds her wishes are being granted.

by purplishy
Mind Control 09/17/2020
4.33 48.9k 60 4 109