
Stories by scorpionicus45

Rosa's first time.

4.29 52.9k 12 2 18

Aiko has fun at home after work.

4 17.9k 10 1 14

Alex didn't want a tutor, until he saw her.

4.12 74.7k 28 8 44

Aiko is captured by Aliens with sex on their minds.

3.96 49.9k 13 3 17

Wife enters herself and her husband in an unusual contest.

3.77 180.8k 35 15 53

Bob and his wife join an unusual club.

3.92 72.9k 21 2 26
658.5k 206 34 289

An Asian girl is auctioned off in the stocks.

by scorpionicus45
BDSM 01/29/2006
4.18 89k 16 4 30