
It's been a rather long time since I published a story here. I've not been idle. I have been working diligently on something that I think is pretty decent. I'm sitting at 39K words and have only the final scene to write. It's not related to the first part of the first story I have published here right now. This story line kept pushing my brain for attention so I put a pause on the first and dedicated my limited time to this one. It's an I/T genre tale titled Love, Abandonment, Regret, Promise. I have no idea how long it will take me to button it up. At my current pace, likely a month or so. Let's hope it's worth the wait.
It has been a very long time since I tried my hand at writing fiction. Plots, characters, and settings have been bouncing about in my noggin’ like ping pong balls forever. At some point I decided that if I didn’t write these little story snippets down, I’d go bonkers. All that did was make room for more snippets to come in.

I recently stumbled upon this site and thought it might be a good outlet for piecing together some of the snippets I’ve accumulated over the years into a coherent story or two.

For me, writing is an exercise of discovery. Like a snowball released from the top of a snow-covered mountain slope, I free an idea and try to follow it as best as I am able while as it grows, twists and turns in its ever-quickening descent. Sometimes I correctly guess where it will end up, and sometimes I’m shocked. The surprises are my favorite.


New England

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