1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 01


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"Hello Parker." A voice acknowledged me from the door.

I lifted my head and there Lilly stood. At first glance she looked completely flushed. Studying her a bit longer Lilly had that look of being guilty of something.

"Hello." I replied standing up.

Lilly now looked petrified and skittish at the same time. My instinct was to move closer but I feared doing so she would bolt. Lilly looked both ways outside the door, ostensibly to see who was watching. There was an awkward moment where I wasn't sure if I should say something or not.

"I just wanted to say hi before I left." Lilly whispered.

"I'm glad you did." Was all I could muster.

Lilly smiled, then, just like she came, Lilly left my door quickly. In a matter of minutes there was a complete reversal of my fortunes. Why did she look so nervous when I stood up? I came to the conclusion Lilly didn't want anyone to know she knew me.

To her, I was after all, just a guy working at the gym. Lilly might think if the other guys thought I was approachable, maybe they could be too?

I decided to forgo trying to figure it all out and concentrate on the fact Lilly did indeed stop and say hello. Buoyed by the understanding Lilly could have just as easily had left, I considered it a great day. I walked to the door and watched her head to the Range Rover. I smiled realizing there was no snow left from the day before.

I looked back at the people in the gym, more than a few looked up at me as I walked back to the office. The guys had that look suggesting I was out of my league. The women seemed to be talking amongst themselves as if there was some gossip I was missing out on.

One thing I liked about this gym was being able to come get my workout in quickly and without distractions. Among the things we discussed before Josh left was protecting clients information as well as unwanted advances.

During my time in charge there were a few comments from the people who work here. Mostly about client's outfits or lack of really working out but taking up machines. When it came to Lilly even the staff seemed to be tight lipped. It was as if there was some secret no one was letting me in on.

Wednesday I really had no idea what to expect when Lilly walked in the door.

"Hello Parker!" Lilly greeted me halfway to the women's lockers.

"Hello!" I said happily.

The greetings were quick and garnered little attention. Lilly headed straight to the locker room without stopping. I saw Lilly come out but didn't approach her.

Today was her upbeat routine and Lilly seemed happy to be here. Still listening to music with her phone strapped to her arm, there was little chance to interact. Based on yesterday I let Lilly initiate any conversation. Lilly waved as she left.

"Bye Parker!" She called out.

It was as if all eyes were on me now. I'm guessing it was the first time Lilly had publicly spoken to anyone in the building.

"Goodbye." I waved back. By not using her name, if there was a secret, I wanted Lilly to know it was safe with me. And just to be honest if she did reject me in the future I wouldn't be publicly humiliated.

Thursday Lilly was back doing her more casual routine. I was dealing with maintenance problem on the pool so I didn't see Lilly until she was almost done. I walked past Lilly as she was working on one machine.

"Hello." I smiled, stopping so she could respond.

Lilly pulled her earplugs out. Her smile seemed forced but sincere.

"Parker." She said. Lilly waited as if she was expecting me to ask her something.

"Just thought I would say hello." I offered.

Lilly turned red, her eyes dotted around the room to see if people were watching.

"Hello Parker." Lilly replied politely.

I took that as a cue to leave and did so clumsily. Lilly did however wave goodbye on her way out.

Friday Lilly was back, she seemed happy to see me. Like yesterday she avoided any direct contact. I was still dealing with the repairs to the pool when Lilly left so I didn't get to see her to say goodbye.

I finished my workout and took a shower as the last of the gym rats were leaving. The staff and I checked the building over like we do each night and I said goodbye locking the door behind me.

I pulled in the drive at home but there was a vehicle in back blocking the garage. It was a Land Rover. Parking behind it I grabbed my bag and walked in the back door only to be greeted by Daisy.

"Parker there is a woman here to see you!" Daisy blurted out.

"You seem surprised?" I teased her. I looked past Daisy to see where Lilly was.

"Well I am! Do you know who that is?" Daisy asked excitedly.

"Lilly?" I answered. Daisy twisted her nose at me but I was in no mood to talk. "Where is she?"


"Daisy where is she!" I asked again this time more sternly.

"Have it your way, she's in your room." Daisy whispered.

"My bedroom?" I asked shocked.

"She insisted." Daisy threw up her hands. "She knew right where it was."

Daisy gave me a suggestive smile but I wasn't in the mood to explain it. I rounded the banister and looked up the stairs. Now what is Lilly doing in my room I thought? I walked up the stairs as Daisy came into the foyer watching me.

I opened the door and found Lilly sitting on my bed perusing an investment book that had been setting on the nightstand. She was wearing a dark blue dress that was stylish but not too revealing. Her coat and hand bag were beside her, they both looked expensive.

"You read this stuff?" Lilly asked.

"As well as other things." I smiled.

"Do you understand it?" Lilly closed the book and replaced where she found it.

I smiled broadly. "I believe so." I replied happily. I was confident Lilly took this as wishful thinking.

"Since this is our second date, give me a kiss." Lilly sat on the edge of the bed not moving to get up.

I moved slowly and steadily closing the door behind me. Sufficiently prepared to handle just this situation I bent over to kiss her. Lilly guided me to my knees between her legs then embraced me for a perfect kiss. When we parted she seemed taken aback again.

"That was nice. You're a good kisser." She cooed.

Embarrassed by the compliment, I tried to find something witty to say. "You're the perfect date." I gushed.

"Parker now it's time to give me a proper kiss." Lilly gave that wicked grin from the other night.

She scooted back pulled her dress up and exposed her naked pussy! I was speechless. Without hesitation Lilly's hand gently guided my face between her legs. This of course I was not prepared for. Thankfully I was at least experienced.

I may not be lucky with women but it wasn't for a lack of trying. I delved between her legs like a seagull after a fish. Lilly moaned loudly the instant my tongue speared her core. I had her attention now and intended to keep it. I flattened my tongue and opened her labia and trailed up tickling her clit.

"Parker!" Lilly growled.

I spread her legs wider and then settled down to a leisurely pace hoping to prolong her pleasure. At first Lilly allowed me the luxury of patience but it was soon clear hers was waning fast. Lilly gripped the hem of her dress and pulled it over my head tight.

Her ass skittered to the side as her body started to tremble. I slipped my hands under Lilly's ass and lifted her pussy splaying it open even further.

"Oh god!" She shouted. Lilly lifted the dress back over my head and instead grabbed my hair.

I could feel her body start to waver side to side, her stomach tightened, Lilly bucked up driving my tongue deep in her cunt.

"I need to cum!" Lilly wailed.

Lilly had waited, not patiently maybe, but she tried. Lilly let me teach her what I knew without altering my course but her needs dictated an end to my plans.

A simple tug was all that was needed to set a new course. I took her clit between my lips and the reverberations were instant.

"OOOHHH! Lilly announced her orgasm.

I on the other hand flicked her clit several times then so as not to overstimulate her started kissing around her pussy. Lilly combed through my hair with her fingers mumbling her gratitude. I pulled back and let Lilly enjoy being be repaid without further commitment on her part.

If anything she was not shy. Lilly let me gaze upon her perfect sex for just a minute until she regained her senses. Lilly looked at me through half closed eyes, there was a yearning on her part she could not hide.

I was back on my haunches ready to pounce if she gave me the signal. Lilly looked at me intently, there was a sadness that came over her. I had seen that look before too.

"It's ok." I whispered.

Lilly jumped up from the bed grabbed her coat and purse and made a beeline to my door.

"No Parker, it's not." Lilly shouted back. "I'm sorry!"

She opened the door quickly and there to the surprise of us both was Daisy on the other side. It seems we were all caught red handed so to speak.

Daisy looked at Lilly, knowing she had just been caught listening in. Lilly now looked at Daisy, once the shock passed I saw that wicked smile. Lilly it seems was happy for the audience. Daisy blushing looked at me on my knees. She smiled at my predicament.

Lilly looked back at me, she pulled Daisy close and whispered in her ear. My sister's eyes grew big, she started to squeal before covering her mouth. Lilly pulled back and nodded glancing back at me again.

"Really? Parker?" Daisy squealed again.

"Trust me, I know." Lilly whispered just loud enough I could hear.

Then from nowhere she pulled Daisy close and kissed her squarely on the lips. You would think I would be the one surprised. And to some extent I was, but it was Daisy that was taken back this time.

Lilly quickly descended the steps.

"Lilly!" I yelled jumping to my feet.

"What?" She yelled from the foyer.

"You can't go!" I replied.

"You don't understand I must."

I heard the front door close before I could reach the first step. I bound down the stairs through the kitchen grabbing my coat. I skidded to a stop just feet from her Land Rover.

"Please don't come any closer!" Lilly begged her window rolled partially down.

"I understand." I said. I then took a step back.

"No you don't Parker." Lilly answered.

I could see fear in her eyes. Not physical fear but fear just the same.

"If you're going to leave I need to move my car." I offered.

In her haste to go it didn't even register my car was blocking her in. Lilly looked in the rear view mirror and saw I was telling the truth. I walked back and pulled the car in the street. Lilly backed out the opposite way. I smiled as I pulled back in the drive. I turned off my car and sat for a moment taking a deep breath.

When I got out Lilly was standing outside my door. I looked up and her car was still running in the street. The only way she could have gotten here this fast was to run.

"Is everything ok?" I asked confused.

"No damn it! Everything is not ok." Lilly cursed. "Here take this."

Lilly thrust out her hand and produced a key with a fob. Bewildered I took it from her.

"It's a valet key to the house." She seemed torn on what to do next. "I know I am going to regret this, but give me a kiss!" Lilly insisted.

"But I haven't washed yet!" I warned her.

"I know!" She smiled that wicked smile.

Like I had allowed her to kiss me after cumming, Lilly let me kiss her after eating her pussy. I felt her melt in my arms through the kiss. Then as quickly as we started she pushed me away.

"Who are you?" She gasped as I let her go. "I'm sorry Parker I need to leave now!"

Lilly ran back to her car and drove away without looking back.

I walked back to the house confused more than dejected. I mean I did get her off, and she did come back for a kiss, and now a key to her house. Still there were unanswered questions. One was where did she live? The other was why did she give me a key?

I closed the door and hung up my coat. Out of nowhere Daisy comes bounding in the kitchen. She runs to me and throws herself into my arms and tries to kiss me.

"What the hell?" I scolded her trying to pull her off me.

"Kiss me like you kissed her!" Daisy suggested.

"I will not!" I chastised her.

"Please Parker just once?" Daisy pleaded.

"No! You're my sister! Now let me go." I demanded.

It was getting to the point I was going to hurt her if I got any more physical.

Daisy giggled. "Just once Parker, one real kiss and I will stop."

"Just tell me why?" I tried to talk my way out now.

"Do you really not know who that is?" Daisy asked.

"Her name is Lilly." I explained again.

"Kiss me and I'll tell you who she really is." Daisy bartered.

"Who is she?" I asked my curiosity piqued.

"Kiss me and I'll tell you." Daisy repeated. "A real kiss, on the lips."

"I haven't washed." I warned her.

"I know, now kiss me." Daisy bubbled.

I thought I would give her a solid effort but Daisy had her sight set way higher than I expected. When her tongue probed for mine, well, I gave her what she wanted. Just like Lilly her body melted in my arms, the difference was Daisy was in no hurry to end our kiss.

"Wow, she was right." Daisy stood up grinning. "Well done Parker."

"Ok who is she?" I asked.

"I can't tell you!" Daisy replied.

"Wait, you said if I kissed you, you would tell me who she really is!" I complained.

"I know, but I promised her I wouldn't tell you." Daisy moved to the hall.

"Daisy I'm warning you!" I threatened.

"Look, you didn't tell her who you really are." Daisy exposed me. "Neither did I. You're smart, you figure it out."

"You really didn't tell her." I asked knowing I was just as guilty as Lilly was if Daisy was right.

"Not a word, and Lilly did ask." Daisy offered. "Oh, and Parker, maybe you shouldn't start looking into it for a week or two. I have a feeling things will play out on their own before then."

If I was clueless about the ways of women Daisy was just the opposite. With her suggestion filed away, my thoughts turned to Daisy. She wasn't supposed to be home from skiing yet.

"No Lucas?" I asked knowing it was fifty/fifty as far as what the answer would be.

"We went skiing, he fell off the cliff." Daisy joked. Still I could see it stung.

"You need a hug?" I offered.

"I do." Daisy pouted.

"Seriously you ok? Lucas seemed like he could be the one." I asked a bit more concerned.

"I thought so too. The problem is so did some other girl." Daisy started to tear up. "Why couldn't he just be honest about it? Parker don't ever lie to a woman."

"I'll try and remember that." I replied not knowing what else to say.

"I'm sorry, I know you wouldn't ..." Daisy apologized. "Why don't women see you for what you really are?"

"We were talking about you." I changed the subject. We had been down this road before and it always ends up in the same place. "Do you want to tell me?"

"No!" She snapped back. "But I'll tell you this, three might have been interesting!"

"Seriously?" I replied taken aback. "Lucas wanted a threesome?"

"He never asked." Daisy explained. "I wasn't about to offer, but the thought crossed my mind."


"I love Lucas, but I'm not sure if I could watch him with another woman..."

"I think I better get washed up." I gulped.

This was my sister and that was becoming too much information. I knew Daisy was adventurous but there are some things I just didn't want to know. She is beautiful enough, it's hard not to stare, then to think about her...well let's just say I'd rather not.

I went up and decided to just take a shower. I slipped on some sweats and went to my room to catch up on some proposals for work. Thankfully I only had a week to go at the gym. Working two jobs is a bitch.

I had just turned off the light when my thoughts drifted back to the night's events. The door to my room opened. I saw her enter and walk to my bed.

"Daisy?" I whispered.

"Can I sleep with you?" She asked softly.



"Daisy you're my sister." I reminded her.

"You slept here with Darren." She snapped back.

Just to be clear Darren is our brother and as kids we shared the bed when we visited our grandparents. Still I could hear the desperation in her voice. I moved to the far side of the queen bed.

"Thanks." Daisy said as she moved in beside me.

She tossed for another minute.



"Can you give me another kiss?"



When I didn't reply she took that as permission. Daisy turned quickly and leaned over me pressing her lips to mine. Again her tongue parted my lips. Her voluptuous breasts pressed on my bare chest, I could feel her stiff nipples poking through her thin top.

The kiss lasted for almost a minute, and then I could tell she wanted another.

"Thank you." Daisy cooed. "Good night."

"Good night." I answered relieved that was over.


"No more kisses." I replied.

"Please hold me." She squeaked.

I rolled to face her, Daisy backed up and I gripped her shoulder making sure to keep my distance. Daisy scooted back further her ass nudging up against my erection, the one thing I wanted to avoid.

"I hope that's not for me?" She teased wiggling her ass tight against it. "But thanks for the compliment."

What could I say except to tell her to leave? I remained silent and soon the little minx was sound asleep as my mind churned for another hour.

I decided to go to the office Saturday afternoon and catch up on some proposals. The gym closes at eight on Saturday, but I still had more work to do. I stopped for dinner reading some files while I ate. I figured I could continue once I reached the gym by hanging out in the office.

It was usually a light time of the week but there was a handball tournament that was just winding down and everyone was waiting to see who the winners would be. I didn't see Lilly at first but when she saw me there was an immediate smile.

I eventually made my way over to where she was working out.

"Hello." I smiled. Lilly pulled her earbuds out.

"Hello yourself." Lilly replied happy but nervous.

She looked around to see who might be watching.

"Everything ok?" I asked choosing my words carefully.

"Everything is fine." Lilly smiled, still nervous.

There was this uncomfortable pause, like we weren't sure who should speak next.

"I'm glad." I replied, then nodding, I continued on my way.

Relax Parker I told myself. She is never outgoing in public.

Still I had this uneasy feeling I was missing something. It was almost as if every time we took a step forward the next day we took a step back. Only then we took another step forward again. Maybe Lilly is just that private of a person. Maybe like me she has been disappointed too many times.

Lilly did wave on the way out. I watched the end of the tournament while I worked out. Around nine I came out of the shower and got dressed to go home. When I picked up my phone I noticed a text.

'please come, 201 cedar, in back, use key, will leave other door unlocked. 3rd on left, Lilly'

I looked at the time the message arrived, it was eight thirty. That was almost an hour ago when I would have normally left. I texted back.

'on my way, Parker'

After five minutes, I was surprised Lilly didn't reply, but more surprised she had my number. Deciding I had nothing to lose if I was late I weaved my way through town.

The only connection I could come up with was Daisy. I reached the massive house the gate was closed. I pulled out the key she gave me and pushed the button on the fob. The gate opened and I drove in pulling around back.

It was built after the turn of the century on a large lot by a wealthy industrialist. The house is very ornate and stately. At one time there was a beautiful flower garden out back my grandmother talked about all the time but it has been neglected for years.