1 + 1 Equals 3, or Does It? Ch. 01


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Once owned by a famous sports figure the house was completely updated. After being traded to another team he sold it for a big loss during the recession. An investor bought it and was going to turn it into a business but the neighbors blocked that. He has been renting it out until he can sell it.

Lilly's Land Rover was there. I parked beside it, my old car look sadly out of place. There was a formal looking back door and then a more secluded plain looking door. I remember she called it a valet key. It was a polite way of saying servant's entrance.

I went to the door further away and placed the key in the lock. It turned freely and soon I was in the back of the house just off a large kitchen. The next door was propped open so I walked into the kitchen and looked around. It looked spotless but also not used.

One door led to a pantry, the other to the hall. Her text mentioned the 3rd room so I took the hall.

"Hello?" I called out not too loud.

There was no answer but I could hear faint sounds like music playing. I was so engrossed in the features of the house I almost missed the room. I stood outside, the massive door looked hand carved of solid wood. It was almost eight feet tall the ceiling at least two feet taller still.

I listened closely and the music seemed to be on the other side of the door. At this point I have to admit I'm not sure what the protocol should be? Does one knock or does one open the door? Invited in specifically to this room I chose the latter.

I opened the door and much to my surprise, and I might add, to hers it seemed, was Lilly.

"Hello?" It came out before I realized how dumb it was considering the circumstances.

It took a moment for Lilly to look up from what she was doing, but when she did it was clearly her. The auburn hair, the big brown eyes, her pixie like nose. When she raised up to get a better look at me I even saw her pierced nipple with the little pink balls.

I also saw the two legs pointed in my direction, opened and meeting at a clearly swollen pussy. There was a sheen both on it and on Lilly's face as I looked back up at her. She was naked, her perfect ass just beyond, a pair of hands gripping her waist. I could see her legs spread as well, the person eating her out not visible.

"Parker?" She gasped.

The look of ecstasy quickly turned to surprise, that look then turned to horror. Obviously I was not expected at this moment. I looked around the room to see if there were others. I looked back at Lilly and her eyes seemed to be pleading with me now.

I stepped back into the hall closing the door. I moved quickly the way I came, a muffled noise coming from the room I just left. I thought of leaving the key but figured I might need the fob to open the gate.

I pulled up to it fumbling to get the key from my pocket when the gate opened automatically. I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry. I wanted to do both. Here I was invited and when I showed up she was in the arms of another woman.

I thought back to Daisy for a moment and her recent break up with Lucas. Threesomes just don't happen to guys like me. Still if I had been invited? I laughed now for sure.

Yeah Parker, in your dreams, I thought. But a guy can still dream can't he? The fact is I'm not that kind of guy, or even want to be. Sure it would fun, a memory to last a lifetime even. But what then?

Swinging? Fornicating in a room with dozens of people watching? Then wife swapping? I've had my share of disappointments without trying to compete with guys hung like porn stars. Sure it's fun to dream but my goal is to find the right girl for me. In the end that is what will really make me happy.

I was almost home when my phone beeped. 'you left'

'you were busy' I replied.

'coming back' she answered.

'see you monday' was my response.

'' popped on my screen.

The message had been received and duly noted. I arrived home to an empty house on a Saturday night. If I was comfortable with my decision to leave I wasn't with what I saw. Not that Lilly was in the arms of another woman, after the kiss she gave Daisy I had a feeling she liked women as well.

But it was that she was surprised to see me. Hell she was the one that invited me! She must have thought I wasn't coming and when I came so late she had moved on to other options. Her look of horror must have been in reaction to how I reacted to the situation.

There was something else that bothered me about what I saw. Sure it was just a glance but it was worth noting just the same. I prepared for bed, read some of my book and turned off the light early.

I looked at the clock, it was just after one when she closed the door. I closed my eyes as she walked up the steps. I had just started to drift off when she opened my door.

"No kisses." I groaned rolling over.

Daisy scampered across the room and jumped on top of me.

"I love you!" She giggled.

"Go away."

"Not until you kiss me!" She laughed.

"Not a chance."

Daisy pulled the covers back and slipped in beside me.

"Go home!" I ordered her.

"Not until you kiss me." She persisted.

At this point I was in no mood to argue anymore. With a sigh I rolled over and faced my sister. Daisy scooted up to me and pressed her lips to mine.

This kiss was not like the others, it was slow, almost delicate. It was several seconds before her tongue searched for mine. Her arms pulled me over with me partially on top. The passion of the moment required me to prolong the kiss until it seemed we might never stop.

I pressed myself up looking into her sparkling eyes in the dim light. Daisy was breathing hard, she looked at me in a way that unsettled me.

"Thank you Parker." Daisy whispered.

I moved back to the side and lay my head on the pillow. Daisy snuggled back against me, pulled the covers over and lay her head down as well. For only the second time in our lives we slept together.

Monday I had made a decision to give Lilly her key back. I had thought it over all day Sunday and it seemed the best for all involved. It was a kick being part of this secret affair as it were, but someone was going to get hurt. If it wasn't me it would be someone else, and if I was the one doing the hurting...well, that I couldn't accept.

Lilly gave me the wicked smile when she came in. Her routine was just like it was every Monday, fast and furious.

"Hello Parker." Lilly pulled the buds from her ears.

"Hello miss." I answered not using her name.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked.

"Stop by the office on your way out." I replied politely.

Lilly was taken back by my curtness but nodded just the same. I left Lilly and was at the office when she exited the locker room. I had her key and fob on the desk when she entered. The office is really just a glass enclosure near the front door with a desk and a computer.

There is no privacy and little in the way of sound proofing save the glass. Lilly looked at her key and the smile vanished.

"What is this?" Lilly asked.

"I think it best you take it back." I answered quietly.

"I'm sorry Parker that won't happen again." Lilly looked scared for some reason.

"Still, I think its best." I replied not wavering.

"You need to think about this!" Lilly chastised me.

Lilly turned and left the office fuming. I looked at the desk and the key putting it back in my pocket.

Tuesday Lilly came in, she scanned the gym locating me instantly. If Lilly was mad when she left yesterday, today Lilly was taking the opposite approach. She smiled then went into the locker room. When Lilly came out I walked by.

"Hello." I smiled.

"Hello Parker." Lilly smiled back.

"Can you come to the office again before you go?" I asked.

"Sure." Lilly smiled again.

Lilly is slick, cool as cucumber this one. I waited patiently as Lilly finished her routine. Like yesterday I was at the office when she exited the locker room. Lilly met me at the office I ushered her inside and handed her the key.

"I thought about this like you said. I appreciate the offer but I think it best I give it back to you."

"But why?" Lilly's lip quivered.

"Let's just say I think you're looking for more in a man than I can give."

"But Parker you're wrong." Lilly started to tear up.

"Still I think it best." I repeated.

After yesterday's defiance and giving me a chance to think it over, Lilly reluctantly accepted my decision.

Lilly took a moment to compose herself then walked out of the office. I could see the people outside wonder what I said to upset her, but they all looked away when I turned to scan the gym.

I stayed and locked up before my work out then taking a shower before I left. When I got home I was exhausted. I even stopped in the bathroom to prepare for bed first. Without turning on the light I could see Daisy was already under the covers.

"I suppose it would do no good to ask you to leave?" I sighed.

"Go away!" She sobbed.

"This is my room!" I complained then realized she was crying. "What's wrong?"

"Go away!"

"I will not, now tell me what's wrong?" I sat down beside her.

"You can't be here!" Daisy protested.

"You just need a kiss I bet." I teased her.

I grabbed her through the covers and quickly flipped her over.

"Parker...!" Daisy became silent as my lips pressed against hers.

I pulled back and looked again into her sparkling eyes. This time they were sad however.


"Why do you have to be such a nice guy?" Daisy whispered.

"Come again?" I asked.

"I need to kiss you now." Daisy stated.

She pushed me back on the bed and pulled the covers off. I felt her nipples unencumbered with material brush across my chest. My hands instinctively reached for her waist as she positioned herself above me, I could feel she wore no panties. Her pussy was directly over my erection only the thin material of my shorts separating our sexes.

Daisy leaned over and kissed me and at the same time rubbing her pussy along my cock. She was oozing wetness, my cock was soon damp from her pussy.

"Daisy!" I pulled loose.

"I know, kiss me." She attacked my lips again.

I was pushing up as she pressed down and stroking my cock with her pussy through my shorts. Daisy moaned parting from my lips.

"Daisy!" I warned.

"Now Parker! Cum now!" She hissed.

The weight of her tits, the soaked material of my shorts, the pure ecstasy of her cunt lips alone were enough. When Daisy gave me permission, strike that, when she ordered me to cum, I obeyed.

Daisy fell limp over me as her orgasm subsided with mine. We lay there listening to each other's hearts beat. I was at a loss for words.

"Thank you Parker." She cooed.

"Why Daisy?" I asked.

"You said cum again." She gave a sad laugh.

"Seriously, why?"

"I think you know." She whispered.

When she did it stimulated my cock. She giggled and rubbed her pussy over it again making it harder. The cum in my shorts squished around the head. Daisy giggled.

"You can fuck me if you like?" Daisy now locked onto my eyes.

"THAT, is not going to happen." I assured her.

"No I suppose not. You really are a nice guy aren't you?" Daisy gave me a loving kiss. "I can see how Lilly fell for you."

"What did you say?" I asked as something she said clicked in my brain.

"Parker you need to talk to her, not me."

"I think it's time you go." I suggested.

"Good night Parker." Daisy whispered.

Daisy moved to the side, snuggled up against me her ample tits pressed into my side. Her hand squeezed my cock, she giggled and then proceeded to go to sleep.

Daisy missed it just like I had at first. Even when I asked she mistook the question. When does one plus one equal three? I asked myself. Smiling I went to sleep.

Wednesday was something of a special day. All through work I was smiling. I even bought lunch for a colleague. Josh and his new wife would be back Saturday, three more days. I could go back to my old routine. I could go back to just being Parker.

Lilly sought me out the moment she walked in the gym.

"Who are you?" She hissed trying not to draw attention to herself.

"Hello Lilly." I said grinning. It was the first time I had ever used her name in the gym.

Lilly was taken aback by my boldness. Her eyes grew wide then narrowed. She looked around, people were starting to stare. Flustered she went to the locker room. Inside I was ecstatic. I watched Lilly punish herself during her work out.

Every time Lilly looked over I was smiling. This only made her madder. By the time Lilly went to the locker room she was physically drained.

"Can I see you in the office?" Lilly grabbed my arm

I closed the door and faced her.

"Do you know who I am?" Lilly yelled no longer worried about causing a scene.

"No." I replied simply.

Lilly was shocked at such a simple answer.

"Do you care?" She probed.

"Yes, definitely." I explained.

Lilly was again taken aback by my response.

"Who are you?" Lilly muttered as she opened the door to leave.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said just as Lilly stepped out.

Lilly gave me a wicked smile and nodded confident she would know the answer.

"When does one plus one equal three?" I smiled.

"It doesn't!" Lilly snapped back.

I let her get to the front door before I called out.

"Lilly!" I yelled for all to hear.

"Yes?" She turned to see everyone looking.

"The correct answer is when one of the numbers is really two." I winked. "I would like to take Lilly out for coffee tomorrow if she's free." I winked again.

Lilly almost lost her composure. She looked around, everyone was waiting for her answer. Lilly composed herself, looked me straight in the eyes, and then gave me that wicked smile.

"Lilly would like that." Lilly replied. She winked at me then left. I looked around at a stunned gym. I went back to the office and sent her a text on where and when.


They walked in together the two minx's, I studied them closely trying to figure it out for myself. Dressed differently but virtually the same I relied on mannerisms. They were playing me just like they had all their lives to others, just like they had for the last few weeks. They were both smiling as they approached, they had the same gait, their hair in ponytails. Even their nail polish was the same.

As they got closer I found the detail I was looking for, the one that revealed the difference. Then that wicked smile confirmed my observations. I moved to her twin first and taking her in my arms gave her a kiss she would hopefully never forget.

"I missed you Lilly?" I whispered as she tried to regain her composure.

"What about me.?" Her sister asked.

I checked to make sure Lilly was ok then I kissed her sister on the cheek.

"That's it? A kiss on the cheek?"

"I never kiss on the first date." I replied.

She was stuck and she knew it. To reveal she was in fact the one that had started this all could be dicey. I knew this woman, whatever her name, she could not just sit by and be overshadowed by Lilly. She glared at me like a woman scorned.

"Should I tell her or are you?" I asked as much as threatened.

"Lilly already knows. We have no secrets." She answered. "Parker I want my kiss."

"It seems you have me at a disadvantage. I know her name, but yours has never come up." I smiled.

"It's Rose." Lilly took her sister's hand. "Our mother loves flowers."

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance Rose." I held out my hand to shake hers.

"Don't do it sis, hold out for the kiss." Lilly teased.

She had found her voice. I knew instantly that these two were closer than even I suspected.

"Now about that kiss?" Rose reminded me.

I am sure the few people in the coffee shop that witnessed the earlier affections didn't expect what came next. It may have been the most passionate kiss we shared to this point. Rose melted into me like Lilly had, but she had been here before.

"That's better." Rose admitted.

Sufficiently greeted we sat in a corner and ordered.

"When did you know?" Rose asked.

"Know what?" I replied smiling revealing nothing.

"Who I am?" Rose said.

"I don't know who you are. Either one of you." I answered truthfully. "Except of course you frequent the gym every other night."

"Really?" Lilly asked stunned. "That's all you know?"

It was a tricky question, one I would normally dodge, but Lilly seemed sincere in her reasons.

"I know Rose and I have pushed the limits of intimacy." I revealed. "I know the two of you have as well!" I laughed.

Lilly turned red, Rose just smiled.

"I'm guessing at least one of you has been intimate with Daisy." They looked at each other and giggled. "Ok, maybe both, but that's her business."

"You're ok with that?" Lilly asked biting her lip.

She studied me closely as she asked that particular question. I looked to Rose, she was looking at Lilly to see her reaction. When I looked back at Lilly there was clearly anticipation on her part waiting for the answer.

"Daisy is an adult. A bit more adventurous than I expected it seems." I offered. "She can also be naïve and trusting. When you leave I hope you let her down gently."

Lilly was clearly upset by my response, Rose however knew it was on purpose. She touched Lilly's shoulder and shook her head. I looked at Rose and could see the anxiety in her eyes.

I knew then I had made a mistake. Rose looked at me and knew it too.

"I may deserve that but Lilly doesn't." Rose snarled.

Like a lioness protecting her cubs she let me know clearly she would protect Lilly with her life. At the same time, Rose let me off the hook telling her she deserved it. Now embarrassed with myself I tried to get it right.

I knew there was something in this tangled web that involved me. The night Rose locked me out of the gym was by all accounts a mistake. But why come back in the locker room and seduce me.

Why show up at my house and let me pleasure her? Rose set me up to find Lilly on top of her in their house. That was to prove a point, they were lovers.

If they're gay why go through all of that for any guy? Better yet why me?

When Lilly looked up from that pussy, I only got a glance, but I had seen that pussy before. It was Rose's. Tuesday when Daisy said Lilly fell for me it dawned on me there might be twins, identical twins.

When I offered the key back to Rose she just got mad. Then she all but insisted I keep it before leaving. I offered it to Lilly and she took it but her reaction was much different, it was like I was saying no to her personally.

I don't consider myself conceited but there was only one answer as to why Rose pursued me. That first night she saw something she was looking for. Not for herself but for Lilly. Yesterday I let her know I was interested in Lilly as well.

That's why I came today.

"You're wrong Rose, you didn't deserve that either. I stand by what I said but offer my apologies to you both." I said sincerely.

"So?" Rose scoffed, folding her arms waiting for my answer.

"Lilly, if you want to know if I am still interested knowing you're bi-sexual, the answer is, I think so." I said struggling to get it all out. "I'm nobody special, I have no experience with this."

Lilly beamed as I finished. She looked at Rose who nodded. It was a fortuitist nod.

Rose looked at me sternly, it was like a warning shot over the bow.

"You still don't know who he is?" Rose said to Lilly but glared at me.

"I know he can kiss." Lilly said excitedly.

"You're sure?" Rose looked at her sister.

Lilly looked at me and smiled. "Yes."

"You will bring her home before dark?" Rose stated flashing her wicked smile.

"Promise." I assured her.

Rose stood, so did I. She moved to me and gave me a firm kiss on the mouth. "Let's not see if she's bi just yet."