All Comments on '1: Educating Kaylee Ch. 05'

by Spartan22

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Archangel_MArchangel_Mabout 11 years ago

New chapter! Yay! :)

You are developing this story *beautifully*! I'm enjoying it very much. Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you need more editing assistance! <3

m48gunnerm48gunnerabout 11 years ago

I am really enjoying the story, but it is soooooo long between chapters, hey I know you have a life, but have some pity on us poor readers!

MerlHaggertMerlHaggertabout 11 years ago
This story

This story is fantastic; great pacing pretty good dialogue. But dammit you told us it was all written in the first chapter and releasing the story like you do IS SO DAMN AGGRAVATING. The chapters are getting shorter. You need to be more consistent and never tell your readers it's already done and then have this sparse release schedule. It's bullshit. GREAT story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
fuck you

i have been waiting for this chapter to be out since your last chapter. does it make you happy to torture your reading in anticipation for the next chapter. you are fucking cruel. fuck you!!!! the story is so great that i cant wait. damn you and your cruel tortures

SpudnickSpudnickabout 11 years ago

I am loving this story so far but this waiting for chapters to come out is killing me =/. Well cant wait for the next chaoter keep up the good work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
The readers whine

But you are the one delivering the interesting characters. Writing is tough, reading easy folks.

It must be good because I can recall the characters as each chapter is opened within reading the first few paragraphs. The bad ones I'd long since have forgotten.

You write it and dole it out at the pace that suits you and lets you develop the best story. In smallish doses with time to savor. Just PLEASE don't quit on it.

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Under the Sun

If Hollywood hasn't proven it enough, there is nothing new under the sun. The same stories have been told over, and over, and over. Pixar is, by far, the most guilty of it. Next time you watch Rattatouille or Wreck-It-Ralph or even WALL-E, take a moment and see if you can find the pattern they use over and over and over again.

However, the framework of the story is not what matters. It is the elegant details within a story that sets it apart and gives it life. It is the ability of a writer to create living, breathing human beings and create believable, relate-able (spl?)--and most importantly desirable--situations. The classic "Nerd and Cheerleader" story is a classic for a reason! Even it's reverse "Jock and Nerd", while less used, is a classic. Why? Because it's a damn good framework for a story!

What Spartan22 has done is create living, breathing people and invite us to share their story and learn to like them--be they bitchy or nerdy.

Spartan! Carry On!

Spartan22Spartan22about 11 years agoAuthor

This message didn't take the first time, so let me try it again.

First off, thanks again for your comments. Based on the biggest concern being the story length, I see three courses of action for me in which to proceed, and I'm interested what the majority of readers think. Here are the options:

1) Continue as normal. Story gets edited, and comes out every few weeks

2) Stop posting this story altogether. Work on the editing, and several months down the road, post the entire thing in one shot

3) Post everything now. The downside is it will be a very choppy, unedited read, and may suffer comprehension in a few areas.

Care to vote on options 1, 2, or 3? Let me know here and via email what you think. Thanks!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
option 1!

I love the way the story is going n its better to edit den to have shitty writing! I rather just wait to read it every few weeks wen it finally come out... Just like today wen I saw it.. Lol I was all excited to read the new chapter.. Just wish it was a lil longer though..

Latinlover15Latinlover15about 11 years ago
Fucking A

Spartan, dude keep up the good work and take as long as necessary to write,

Your writing is great

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Every time I think you've peaked you blow the top off the last chapter. And we're only at Chapter 5! This rocks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Option 1

Great job so far, I'd rather you take the time and edit it. Take all our impatience with a grain of salt!! We just like what we see. No need to change it up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
excellent read

This is an excellent story and you are doing an amazing job with it so far. As far as what I would like to see I am torn while I look forward to reading each chapter to see what happens I would love to know how it all turns out. That being the case I would say just continue on putting out a new chapter every couple of weeks or so. Keep up the great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Great story, but please get an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Kudos! Continue as you have. Option 1.

Hi Spartan 22,

You're doing a great job creating a very well written story. I like the slow and careful development of the characters and your attention to detail. Proof reading and editing make for delay but also quality. This story is worth the wait.

So I vote for you to proceed as you have been in continuing to write an excellent story.

Let's see, a striped pink and purple tank top and high heels. Hmm... Why do I think a metamorphosis will be in Kaylee's future?

Good luck,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
ur doing amezzing

That is the best story that I have read. Ur doing really good so keep up ur good work n post ur next chapter. Plez.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


Keep it coming! :)

iome50iome50about 11 years ago
the work of a talented storyteller

you, Sir, are an awesome Author.

your story is extremely captivating to me, it is riveting; I do wish you will continue to put your talent on this work of yours - and I do wish to thank you for sharing it!

about originality, I would not worry: not even Shakespeare was being original when he wrote his most famous plays, and if the Immortal Bard could freely draw from other sources, so can do we...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Please keep this going. I check almost every day waiting for the next chapter. You're a great writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Three weeks two pages?? PLEASE, a little faster. I know, it takes time, it shows. There is actually a lot of thought behind the story, it is written well, it has been edited. Just that the wait is KILLING ME and others I am sure.


TooCleverByHalfTooCleverByHalfabout 11 years ago
I Urge Patience

To the "TRY HARDER" commentator:

Sometime five thousand words pour out of you in a day. Other days ten words can be a struggle. Add in editing, revisions, submissions, and real life, and suddenly three weeks seems downright prompt to me. Besides, I'd much rather have it good than fast.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I don't care about the wait, but it's killing me that it's soooooo short. Please just a page or two longer?

Spartan22Spartan22about 11 years agoAuthor
Okay, okay!

So I spent the weekend doing a lot more editing. My editor is currently out of commission but I have a few more chapters he's already looked at. So (and no promises I'll have the time to do it again!), I QC'd a chapter tonight and have submitted it. Hopefully you'll see Ch 06 by Friday, only a 1 week wait this time. I predict 08 chapters total in Book 1, just so you know. I may need a short break to clean up Book 2 before posting, but we'll see. For now, hopefully Ch 06 will make it to you by this weekend. Thanks for your patience, all!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
PIXAR is your frackin' example?!

To degrapsi: While I appreciate your literary and cinematic reference to the commonality of plot elements, surely in the endless "sequelitis" affected dreck that comes out of Hollywood you could have come up with a better (worse) example. I love Pixar's, well... everything. So much I don't even care if I'm being manipulated.

Oh, and I really like this story series, too. Take your time and do it right.

tfnnjtfnnjabout 11 years ago
to To Clever by Half

I know I am being impatient but it is a good story, well written (that being the key to making it good). Most of the stuff here is like a run on sentence, this isn't. I have read a few great things here and a lot of crap. I guess I have too much time on my hands and keep looking for more to read and keep coming up short. Any suggestions on good authors would be appreciated. Also, a few extra words between sex scenes as well. One of the other things about this that is good. Sex scenes are fun no doubt, but they story, like this one should be foreplay, leading up to it.

random_librarianrandom_librarianabout 11 years ago
Still a little out of commission, but...

Hi everyone,

Spartan's been taking the heat for me to a certain extent, and I really do appreciate his thoughtfulness.

The plain truth is that I had a pretty nasty spinal surgery recently. (I know, I know, taking one out or putting one in?). I won't go into the gory details, but the short, and not completely melodramatic, version is that from some things the surgeon is telling me (and from some things he's not telling me), it sounds like it was touch-and-go there for a bit.

Anyway, I'm back home now, and I should be back to reading and editing specs sometime soon. (Believe me, you don't want me editing things with the quality and amount of painkillers I have on board right now. What do you mean, Kaylee traded in the BMW for a flying orangutan?)

Thanks for reading, and please keep reading,


PS -- If you're enjoying this story, please do me a couple kindnesses. One will be to not go too hard on me when unleash my story "Shelter" on an unsuspecting world. Won't be soon, though I am working on it.

The second kindness? If you're able and in a place where you safely can, please consider becoming a blood donor. If some people I'll never be able to thank hadn't done such a simple yet selfless thing, I'm certain you wouldn't be reading these words right now.

Off my soapbox,


partial2passionpartial2passionabout 11 years ago
Umm why so many complaints??

So weird. I think the upload time is good. Its consistent, he doesn't just leave us hanging.. so have a little more patience.. And for those who are complaining about 1 or 2 pages.. you do know that one page posted here its around 7 to 8 pages in a word document, right?

I typically post 18 pages and its always comes up as only 2 pages. PLUS the fact that it takes exactly ONE week for Literotica to post the chapter.. So this poor guy is churning out 15 plus pages of a really good story that is nicely edited... in a couple weeks time?? My God people throw the guy a bone.. he's great doing a great job. :-) Sorry I just had to speak up because I don't think a lot of people know the amount of doc pages it takes to full 1 Lit page and how long the upload time is.

furetofuretoover 9 years ago
There is a special place in hell

for people who complain about the publication pace of free content.

Horseman68Horseman68almost 8 years ago
Continues Great.

Only reason I can figure that there are no comments on this chapter is that readers are too anxious to get to the next one -- the story is so obsorbing.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Boys aren't scared of girls the way your write them, it's a little annoying when protagonists have to be betas. I really liked the series, great characters.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The plot thickens! Kaylee starting to see douchebag Brad for what he is - breaking up imminently I hope! And realizing she has strong feelings for Luke. Surprised she only went to 2nd base with her boyfriend in 2 years of dating. Atta girl! Saving the good stuff for Lucky Luke!

shopratshoprat4 months ago

This is really an awesome story. Kinda sappy, feels like a Hallmark movie, but really good.

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