30-Days of House Arrest Ch. 01


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"You haven't discussed it because he took your case 'pro bono' - that means 'free'!"

"I know what 'pro bono' means," I snapped back at him.

"Why then don't you treat him with the respect he deserves?" asked Mr. Hall.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. I didn't know why Mr. Hall was getting so angry.

"The very least you can do is call him 'Sir' - don't you think he has earned that? he asked. His face growing redder and redder.

"Well, uh, yeah, sure," I said.

"Johnny, you are a phony and arrogant little twerp...you move to this town with the attitude that you're better than us - that we're Southern hicks who aren't worthy of your respect - you say you're not gay then come to my gay bar telling me I should hire you because you can 'act gay' and fool everyone - I introduce you to the nicest man in the world who takes you into his home for practically nothing and you repay him by avoiding him - treating him like some sort of freak because he is gay - never offering to cook or clean but you don't mind him cooking and cleaning for you...you are useless around your own home...when he tries to communicate with you you blow him off as though he's some ignorant bumpkin - you better grow up boy and grow up quickly!"

I began to tremble. I'm not good with confrontation at all.

Mr. Hall continued: "Whether you like it or not, you better get it thru that thick skull of yours Mister G now has total control of your life for the next year..."

Well, yeah, I guess he does.

"...if you make him the least bit angry, he has the power to have you sent to prison and I've already told you what will happen to a wimpy little white boy like you in prison!"

I shuddered thinking about it.

Mr. Hall's angry demeanor suddenly softened.

"Johnny, I didn't mean to yell at you...you are a nice boy with obvious mental and emotional problems..."

Huh? What?

"You claim to like girls but no one has ever seen you with one, why is that?"

"Well, uh, I work a lot," I said defensively.

"You don't work any more than anyone else - they all have social lives...is it because of your drinking?"

I had to look away from him.

"After work, you don't mind having a shift drink or two with your co-workers but when you're invited to party with them you always go your own way...why is that? You don't have to answer, we all KNOW why that is...your life is so miserable the only thing you can do is go directly home and drink until you pass out...then you wake up feeling horrible and live your life the same way day-after-day-after-day..."

Mr. Hall sadly shook his head.

"Johnny, all I am saying is let Mister G into your life...I shouldn't say this, but he is not that happy either...you both have an opportunity to help one another...instead of escaping the demons in your head with booze, reach out to him. He likes you - he wants to be there for you...listen to him and heed his advice."

Mister G suddenly appeared before us. The smile on his face told me everything I needed to know.

"Johnny,' he said, "are you ready to go home?"

"Ohhh, yes...yes, sir...and sir, thank you for everything you have done for me!"

The one thing Mister G forgot to tell me was the judge added a ten-thousand dollar fine to my plea deal.

When he told me that on the ride home from court, I freaked out.


Mister G softly said, "I wrote a check and gave it to the court...you can pay me back at your convenience...when you go back to work after house arrest, you and I and Mr. Hall can work out some kind of 'payment plan'...how does that sound to you?"

"Oh, okay...thank you, sir," I mumbled.

I was numb from everything that had happened earlier and now this. I wondered how long it would take to pay back ten-thousand dollars?

A long, long time, I thought to myself. A cold chill raced up my spine.

Mister G got me a plea deal to stay out of prison...is going to let me serve my house arrest at his place...and now he tells me he paid my ten-thousand dollar fine out of his own pocket...oh-oh...will he insist on sex with me?

Will I be forced into doing faggot-things with him to repay my debt?


The ankle monitor they fit on me was tight, but not painful. Best of all, it is water-proof so I can still swim when I want.

However, I was too nervous the first day to go swimming. I didn't want to have his lecherous eyes on me while I was in the pool. I didn't want to give him any ideas, or even the slightest provocation for him to get a hard-on.

I spent most of the time on my computer in my bedroom. On the second day at noon I heard a light rapping on my closed door.

I don't know why I was startled to see Mister G when I opened the door. Maybe because since I'd lived there, he had never once been in my room.

"We need to talk, son," he said somberly.

Oh no, is this it? Did he let me have one day of peace before he forced himself on me? How does this faggot-thing work? Is he gonna want to play with my dick, or God forbid, will I have to play with his?

"Oh, uh, yes sir," I replied softly, stoically. "Come on in..."

"No, why don't we go out to the pool!?" he said.

With a heart filled with dread I followed him out back. We sat at one of the tables.

"I noticed you didn't go swimming yesterday - didn't even come out of your room..." he said.

"No, sir, I, uh, well..." I stammered.

"Son, I don't want to watch you moping around the house for thirty-days...I'm going to try and help you get thru this but I need your cooperation."

Uh-oh, here it comes...

"I've taken the liberty of working out a schedule of duties to keep you busy and to keep your mind occupied..." he said.

I'll bet you have, I thought cynically.

"The cleaning crew that comes here on Mondays and Fridays have been taking care of the property but I'm going to assign you some of their chores...that will give you something to do, are you okay with that?" he said.

I nodded my head but he must have seen the puzzled expression on my face because he added, "Did you even know I have a cleaning crew?"

"Uh, well, you know..." I mumbled.

He sadly smiled and said, "You didn't, did you? No, of course not - you always sleep until noon...the boys are gone by that time!"

I blushed a deep red. He was right.

"Anyway, you will clean the kitchen, living room and the area around the pool...and of course, your own bedroom and bathroom...do you understand?"

"Oh, uh, yes, sir," I answered enthusiastically.

"Are you aware I have a masseur come here Monday thru Friday at 3:30?" he asked. "Maybe not since you've left for work by that time."

"Oh, uh, no sir, I knew that!" I answered. Although I didn't know the guy was here five-days a week. I saw him once or twice on my days off.

"Well, once he finishes my 'massage' you will also be required to clean the massage room and table. Since you'll be home and awake I think it best to tell you they provide me with more than their basic job titles, if you know what I mean?"

I didn't. I furrowed my brow to mull the answer but he saw my confusion and added:

"I have very strong needs - sexual needs - and they give me relief..."

Oh my goodness! Again I flushed a deep red.

"Since you are not gay, I feel compelled to warn you so as not to offend your sensibilities," he said.

WOW - I won't be forced into taking care of 'his needs' - fantastic!

He continued: "So you have probably discovered my video and audio security system I have set up on the television in your room..." he said.

I gave him a blank stare. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I originally slept in your bedroom when I first had the house built and security system installed so the wiring to the television is still there - you can view every room - every square inch of the property on the tv monitor..."

OH, wow...

"I'm only telling you this because when the boys from the cleaning crew are here and of course the masseur, if you don't want to see images of naked boys servicing me DO NOT turn on the television!"

Another blush covered my face.

I simply replied, "Oh, yeah, of course not!"

"Johnny, I don't want to hurt your feelings but there is another topic to discuss and that is your hygiene...how do I say this? Well, both Mr. Hall and myself have detected a rather foul odor you emit from time to time..."

The burning sensation returned to my face.

"...now some of it was the alcohol seeping thru your pores, but not all of it...so another thing I must insist upon is you are going to begin taking baths...do you understand me?"

I had lowered my eyes from embarrassment. I mumbled, "Uh, okay, yes sir."

"I will provide you with a special mixture of bubble bath with a pleasant fragrance - not too girly to offend your masculinity - but it will help you with your problem, okay?"

Oh my goodness - bubble baths?

"Uh, yeah, okay," I said softly.

"I have to warn you though - wear a shower cap whenever you bathe...included in the mixture is a depilatory agent that will remove all your body hair - isn't that great? You won't have to shave your body hair anymore - it will simply fall off in the bath tub!"

Oh my goodness! I wasn't sure how I felt about this but I was in no position to argue with him.

"Now lastly Johnny, let's discuss your physical fitness..."

Huh? My what?

"Another thing I will insist upon is you taking care of your body...before your morning bath you will do fifteen push-ups and thirty sit-ups...this will give you some chest tone and keep the baby-fat off your belly...you will do the same exercises before your nightly bath, as well. Do you understand me, Johnny?"

Two bubble baths every day???

"I, uh, yes sir, I understand."

"Good boy, you won't believe how quickly thirty-days will fly-on by!"


I couldn't remember the last time I was awake at seven in the morning but it was part of Mister G's schedule for me.

Since I wouldn't be bathing for a couple hours, I brushed the wildness from my morning hair and slipped into my old sweat pants and a tee shirt.

The moment I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hallway I could smell bacon coming from the kitchen. I hadn't been in the custom of eating breakfast but the bacon smelled terrific.

Mister G gave my attire a casual glance but said nothing.

"Are you hungry?" he asked. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"Oh, uh, yeah sure," I lied.

He pointed to the chair in the middle of the table and I sat down. There was a place setting and a glass of orange juice. I saw three pills next to the juice.

"You're going to be taking vitamins every day. The big one is vitamin C - that will help you stave off illnesses...the yellow pill is a multi-vitamin and the blue one is for strength and energy - that one you'll only be taking every other day," he explained. "Go ahead - swallow them down with the orange juice."

"Yes sir," I answered and did as I was told.

Breakfast was delicious. I already knew he enjoyed cooking and was good at it.

When we finished eating he smiled and said, "Okay boy, it's your turn - go ahead and clean-up the mess I made."

"Y-Yes sir," I replied uneasily as I looked around and saw the dirty dishes and pots and pans.


It was 9 o'clock and I was vacuuming in the living room when suddenly I heard a key unlock the front door and it swung open. To my total astonishment, five nearly naked young guys came into the room.

They were all around my age. They wore no shirts, and it took me several seconds to recognize what they were wearing down below.

Are those thong panties? I wondered.

The biggest of the guys smiled at me and said, "You must be Johnny, the mysterious renter we've never met...don't mind us, we're the cleaning crew."

I blushed a bright red when I realized he'd caught me staring a little too long at the large bulge in his red thong.

"Like what you see?" he smirked at me. "Most boys do..."

"I, uh, well, uh..." I stammered.

"It's okay, boy...come and join us for 'happy hour' and just maybe I'll let you feel it," he said.

They laughed at my obvious embarrassment and walked right on by me. Their buttocks were on full display. My only thought was that it must be uncomfortable for them to have the string tugged so tightly to their assholes.

I felt slightly dizzy and was breathing harder than normal. And then there was the main problem: my prick had become fully erect. I turned away from them but they didn't appear interested in me anyway.

I remembered Mister G saying to me it was okay to go to my room while the cleaning crew was here and I did just that.

I sat on my bed feeling dazed and confused. I waited for my hard-on to subside before I went to the strange drawer with some of Mister G's 'toys' and found the special television remote.

After Mister G had told me about the security system I spent a long time figuring out how to use the remote to switch from regular tv to the security system. It turned out you don't - that there is a special remote and I found it in one of the drawers along with several different sizes of dildos and butt-plugs.

There is also a set of clamps with weights attached to the chain that I studied and still have no clue as to their purpose.

I switched on the security remote. I had become adept at changing the channels going from room to room. I watched the boys at work cleaning the many rooms in the East Wing.

I didn't see Mister G at all until I finally changed the channel to his bedroom. He was sitting on the edge of the bed watching the small, blonde-headed boy bending over dusting and polishing the furniture.

It seemed to me the boy was intentionally enticing Mister G with various, unnecessary poses simply to arouse the old man. I changed the channel until I saw Mister G in close-up: he wore only a pair of dark boxers, the kind I'd grown accustomed to seeing him wear around the house.

"OH," I gasped in surprise when I saw his erection tenting-out the front of the shorts.

I saw his lips moving but couldn't hear anything so I turned up the volume.

"Ohhh, that's good Tommy...you're doing a fine job...what a good boy you are..."

'Tommy' was directly in front of Mister G bending over polishing the wood on a long chest of drawers. I watched him lewdly gyrate his hips then he stood and faced Mister G.

Oh my hell - the boy had a hard-on that the thong could barely conceal.

"Show it to me, Tommy - let me see your pretty little hard dick," said Mister G.

He smiled and said, "Yes, daddy."


The boy made a grand show of lowering the thong exposing himself to Mister G...and myself. His dick was about the same length and width as mine.

My own prick instantly stiffened. What the hell is wrong with me?

"What does my pretty little boy want?" asked Mister G.

"I want to feel your cock in my pussy, daddy - show me your big cock, daddy - pleeeeezzzzz..."

Mister G shoved down his boxers and then there it was - the manly pole of flesh I'd once felt against my buttocks. It was much longer and thicker than Tommy's (and mine).

Oh my hell!! I felt the pre-cum leaking from my slit staining my cotton briefs. I pushed down not only the sweatpants, but the briefs as well. I ran a thumb over my glans, smearing the juices on my purple cockhead.

"Good boy...get your pussy nice and wet for daddy - show daddy how you get your pussy ready for his cock."

"Yes, daddy."

I couldn't believe what I was watching. It was gross and obscene but I couldn't take my eyes off it either.

Tommy reached into one of the drawers and pulled out a bottle of something and a smallish, cock-shaped dildo.

Oh my goodness - I have an identical dildo in one of my drawers.

Tommy dipped the flared end of the dildo in the bottle of liquid and then to my total amazement, he stood with his back to daddy, err, I mean Mister G, spread his legs wide then bent over giving Mister G an unobstructed view of his pussy - I mean asshole.

Tommy wasted no time. He pressed the cock-shaped head to his anus and worked it inside of himself. He withdrew it, oiled it again and pushed it deeper inside himself. He repeated the process twice more.

"My pussy is wet for your cock, daddy," announced the boy.

"Good boy...why don't you ride daddy's cock today so I can give you a treat?"

The boy squealed, "Ooooo, yes daddy - that's my favorite position!"

Not being queer, I didn't know what they were talking about.

I held my breath as I saw Tommy back up to Mister G, spread his legs outside of the older man's legs, then began lowering his hips directly over the manly cock.

Oh my hell - there is no way the small boy could take something that big up his ass!

Tommy reached behind him, found the base of Mister G's cock, pressed the bulbous head to his anus then paused.

I held my breath. My heart was pounding in my chest.

Suddenly the boy pushed down and I watched the manly cock disappear inside him.

Oh my hell - he's taken the whole thing in his asshole!

Several seconds went by until the boy slowly lifted himself until just the cockhead was inside him then suddenly, and with surprising force, impaled himself once again on Mister G's cock.

I watched Mister G reach in front of the boy, but I couldn't see what his hand was doing.

I fumbled with the remote then suddenly figured it out. I was able to set-up a split screen where I could see from the back the boy sliding up and down on the hard cock in his ass, and a frontal view of Mister G masturbating the boy's slender erection.

I couldn't control myself. I began jerking-off in time with Mister G's hand.

My gaze drifted back and forth from the boy rising and falling on Mister G's cock to watching Mister G's hand moving rapidly up and down on the boys hard prick.

I became so dizzy with excitement, at one point I allowed my mind to imagine that was me with Mister G. It was me getting fucked in the ass - it was my hard prick in Mister G's hand.

The boys voice grew louder with his every thrust. "OH DADDY - OH DADDY - YES DADDY - YES DADDY..."

I wanted to see the boy shoot his load so I focused on Mister G's hand.


The sight of the sperm and semen erupting from the boy's cock-slit sent me over the edge.

"OHHHHHHHHHHHHH," I cried out as spurt after spurt of hot cum shot into the air.

My body writhed and bucked on the bed as I emptied my balls.

I heard Mister G cry out and watched the screen until I saw the old mans cum leaking from the boys clinging asshole.


Spent and confused, I pulled back the bedspread and hid under the covers.

What have I done? Why did I get so excited watching two queers getting off?

My only escape was sleep. A deep, beautiful and satisfying sleep.

When my eyelids blinked open and saw Mister G's empty bedroom I breathed a sigh of relief.

That was an aberration, John, I told myself. That doesn't mean you're queer.

I found the remote and clicked room to room. I didn't see anyone. Good, the boy's are gone.

I decided to go for a swim so I checked the pool area to make sure I'd be alone.

Oh-my-hell - all five boys AND Mister G were naked!

I didn't want to watch them but my hand froze and was unable to shut-off the television.

My eyes grew wide at what they were seeing. Mister G was standing before a boy seated on one of the chairs.

OH-MY-HELL - the boy's head was bobbing back and forth over Mister G's hard cock in his mouth! The other four boy's had paired off and were kissing and fondling and playing with each others erections!

My mind repeated 'I can't watch this - I can't watch this' but I could not look away.

I suddenly became aware of my hand underneath the bedspread caressing and stroking my hard prick.