30-Days of House Arrest Ch. 01


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"When he spanks me..." I said in almost a whisper.

"When he spanks you - what does that mean? C'mon, speak up, boy!"

"He gets a hard-on when he spanks me," I replied.

"Good...now here is what I want you to do today...I want you to intentionally screw-up your cleaning - something obvious, and something you know you'll get a spanking for..."

Oh my hell...

"When he's done spanking you, you will thank him for the spanking then reach inside his boxers and take hold of his cock and move your hand up and down on it. You got that boy?"

I was so flush with embarrassment my eyes began watering. I simply nodded my head.

"Good boy...once you make the first move, he will know you are willing and will take control from there...when he tells you to do something, all you have to do is say 'Yes sir' and then do it, understand me boy?"

"Yes, sir," I said softly.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I couldn't believe I agreed to it.

"Johnny, you're going to love it when he brings you off - someone else's hand on your prick is so much better than your own!"

And finally, I couldn't believe my dick betrayed me and had stiffened at the thought of having a man's hard cock in my hand.


I hated to admit to myself Mr. Hall had been right about my hard-ons and the number of times I jerk-off every day. Although, to be totally honest about it, he'd guessed four-five times, well...uh, it is actually a higher number than that.

I seriously don't understand what is wrong with me. Take yesterday for example.

As usual, I went into my room when the cleaning crew arrived and had no intention of watching them on the security monitor, but...well, I couldn't resist.

Sitting on the end of the bed, I watched from start-to-finish the blowjob Mister G received from the red-headed boy and well, I got so excited, I screamed out loud when I shot a huge load into my gym shorts.

I almost never make much noise when I climax, but lately, maybe because I'm in the privacy of my bedroom, I've been shouting every time I cum.

I then laid back and waited for the inevitable nude frolicking around the pool.

When I watched all the perfect male bodies hugging, kissing, caressing, and fondling, well, let me tell you, I felt lonely and maybe a little jealous. I wondered what it would be like to be out there with them.

And finally, when I watched Mister G fuck the little blonde boy in the ass, I couldn't keep my eyes from staring at his manly cock sliding in-and-out of the boy...let me tell you...when I heard the boy cry out, and watched his body shake as rope after rope of spooge shot from his little dick, well, I cannot find the words to describe my own orgasm.

Mr. Hall said it is entirely normal for a healthy boy like me to be interested in any kind of sex, even male-male sex, but...I dunno...that wasn't the way my dad raised me.

He hated fags more than anything and once told me he'd kill me if he ever suspected I was queer.

But more and more, I think of Mr. Hall's words to me:

"Johnny, you are a thousand-miles from home. You finally have the opportunity to live your own life. No one back home will ever know what you're doing here unless you tell them...now none of us have ever seen you with a girl, is it at all possible, you are not as interested in girls as you claim?"

Of course, I vehemently denied I was queer, but Mr. Hall slowly shook his head from side to side then said something that I would remember for a long time:

"You know, son, boys like you have been brain-washed by your friends and parents to believe the only acceptable form of sex is with a girl but deep down you know that isn't true...you found sex with a girl to be not very satisfying...in fact, you found it rather repulsive, didn't you?"

I blushed and weakly protested, "No, uh, I liked it."

I could tell he didn't believe me which made me kinda angry.

"Johnny, all I am saying is give yourself a chance at happiness...be open to new ideas...like I said, you are a thousand-miles from home - you are in the perfect situation to experiment and discover what you truly like - no one from back home will ever find out what you do here...who knows, maybe you really do like girls, but with your current living situation, you now have the perfect opportunity to finally find out what you like, and more importantly, what kind of boy you really are!"

Once the cleaning crew left, I returned to the kitchen to finish up my duties. I was washing the breakfast dishes and it was difficult getting the dried egg off the plates.

I was able to clean one of them then I suddenly stopped.

"Give him an excuse to spank you," Mr. Hall had said to me.

I placed the still-dirty plate in the tub to dry and finished up my work in the kitchen.

A half-hour later Mister G was checking my work. My breath quickened; my heart began racing.

"What is this?" he asked me holding up the dirty plate.

I feigned panic and reaching for the plate said, "I'm sorry - I'm sorry - here, let me clean it."

He gave me the plate, and when I had it cleaned I said, "I'm sorry - it won't happen again."

"No, it WON'T happen again...do you know why?" he asked me point blank.

"Uh, well, uh-"

"Get into my bedroom right now, young man!" he curtly ordered me.

"Mister G, please..." I begged.

"Don't make me any madder than I already am, boy! We have an agreement and you failed to live up to it...you know the consequences - now get into my bedroom!" he said forcefully.

"Y-Yes, sir," I dutifully replied.

I was glad he was walking behind me so he couldn't see my dick tenting-out the crotch of my shorts.


The tears welled in my eyes after about ten hard spanks from Mister G's big hand. Ten more spanks and the tears flowed down my face like Niagara Falls. As usual, he didn't stop spanking me until I was bawling like a little boy.

Knowing full well what I was going to do for him afterwards, I became keenly aware of his erection pressing against my lower belly.

I admit I rubbed my stomach over it hoping by some miracle he would cum in his boxers sparing me from having to take a man's hard cock in my hand for the first time in my life. No such luck.

As per his routine, when he stopped spanking me he gently massaged my bruised buttocks. It always amazes me how the same hand that can inflict so much pain could suddenly feel so soothing on my tortured flesh.

The massage seemed to go on longer than normal. By the time he cleared his throat and said "You may leave now, boy" the head of my hard prick was sticking out of the top of the pouch of the jockstrap.

I sudden rush of adrenaline surged thru-out my body. My heart was pounding so hard I imagined I could hear it.

When I stood beside him on wobbly legs, I took a deep breath then wrapped my hand around the bulge in his shorts. I gave it a squeeze then oh so slowly moved my hand up and down on it.

"What do you think you're doing, boy?" he asked in a husky voice.

I had rehearsed the words Mr. Hall told me to say over and over in my head and they simply spilled out of my mouth.

"Please sir, I want to make it up to you...since it is my fault I give you erections, I think it is my responsibility to take care of them for you...please sir, please allow me the honor of removing your shorts so I can take your manly cock in my hand and give you the pleasure and satisfaction you deserve!"

His face was expressionless. His voice even and in command.

"So you willingly want to give me a handjob, is that correct?"

I winced and blushed at the term 'handjob'.

"Uhhh, yes sir," I said.

"Yes what, boy? Tell me out loud what you want to do!"

I knew my face was as red as it could get.

"I, uh, I w-want to give you a handjob, sir," I stammered.

"I don't know, Johnny...is this just a onetime offer? You'll jerk me off right now then afterwards act like nothing happened and nothing has changed between us?"

"No-no, sir, no, it's not like that at all..."

"If that is not it, what is it you are offering me?" he demanded.

"Well, I mean, uh..." I stuttered as I felt trapped with seemingly no way out.

I lowered my eyes and softly said, "No sir, I will give you a handjob whenever you want one."

A beautiful smile formed on his handsome face as he stood and pushed his shorts to the floor and his manly cock majestically jutted straight out from his crotch.

"So, from now on you will play with my cock and balls whenever I tell you to, is that correct?"

"Y-Yes, sir."

"Yes WHAT, boy?"

I don't remember a time my whole body trembled and shook like it was now.

"I-I will play with your c-cock and balls whenever you tell me to, sir!"

He smiled warmly and stroked the side of my face.

"Good boy," he softly said. "Good boy."


Okay, my dad was wrong! God did not strike me dead the moment I took another man's hard penis in my hand.

In fact, in a strange and perverse way I kinda liked it. It gave me an adrenaline rush like I'd never experienced before.

I mean, think about it: here you are squeezing and stroking this beautiful, hot and hard piece of meat and the man attached to it is totally reliant upon you for his pleasure.

The moment I wrapped my hand around his erection Mister G began to moan and make small declarations of pleasure like "Ohhh yes, boy" and "That's it - stroke it faster, boy" and "I'm gonna cum for you, boy - move your hand up and down as fast as possible."

And a split second before his cock erupted, he cried out "YES-YES-YES-YESSSSSSSSSS..."

It was all I could do to keep a firm grip on his exploding penis and obey his commands to "KEEP STROKING—KEEP STROKING..."

When his body finally came to rest I could feel his warm ejaculate rapidly cool off on my wrists and hands.

I sat in a daze of utter confusion. My balls hurt so much they were practically begging for relief. My prick throbbed inside the jock. My head was spinning. I had just masturbated a man and I liked it.

I liked the feel of his warm, manly cock in my little hand. I liked hearing his moans of pleasure. I liked how excited my own prick became...and finally, to be entirely truthful, I liked watching the long, thin streams of sperm and semen shooting from his purple cockhead.

I was still dizzy when Mister G reached over and roughly pushed my jockstrap to my knees. His big hand gripped my hard prick and the electric jolts of pleasure shooting thru-out my body made me swoon and cry out.

He had me shooting my load in less than a minute. I flopped about on the edge of his bed like a fish out of water unleashing a torrent of cum like never before.

Oh my hell, Mr. Hall was certainly right about how sooo much better it felt to have someone else's hand jerking me off than my own.

I was still seeing stars dancing before my eyes when suddenly Mister G presented his cum-soaked hand to my face and said, "Lick my hand clean, boy!"

If I'd thought about it I would never have obeyed his command to lick my own cum off his hand, but my orgasm had drained not only my balls, but my brain as well.

When I cleaned his hand with my tongue I had to admit the taste wasn't bad at all.

Mister G smiled at me when I was done and patted my head saying, "Good boy...good boy."

I really enjoyed his attention and praise.


I was bending over the coffee table polishing the wood when behind me I heard Mister G say, "Time for lunch, boy."

I looked around and caught him staring at my ass.

He smiled and without a trace of self-consciousness said, "Johnny, I never get tired of admiring your body. Your little butt is simply sublime. It fills out your shorts perfectly!"

Not knowing how to respond, I blushed and softly said, "Oh, uh, thank you, sir."

We had always sat at opposite ends of the table when we ate, but I saw my plate next to his so I gingerly lowered my well-spanked buttocks onto the chair beside his.

One thing I have to say about Mister G is he's a wonderful cook. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are always delicious, and since I stopped drinking, my appetite has returned and I always eat everything he gives me.

We usually ate in silence but he wanted to talk today.

"I know being cooped up here for a month must not be much fun for you...how are you dealing with it?" he asked.

"Oh, I think I'm getting used to it now," I answered.

"Once you're done cleaning, I don't see very much of you...you spend a lot of time in your bedroom...how do you keep yourself amused?" he asked.

I cursed myself for blushing and muttered, "Oh, uh, you know...the internet and stuff."

"You like the internet, good...watch a lot of pornography?" he asked then heartily laughed out loud.

My face was beet-red.

"Oh, don't be such a prude...I'm kidding...no really, have you used the security remote?"

"Uh, yeah, a couple times."

"Oh? Out of curiosity, have you ever watched me with the cleaning boys?"

Oh my hell. How do I answer that question without giving myself away?

"Well, you know...sometimes..."

"Not being gay and all, it must be upsetting to you to see all that naked male flesh..."

"No-no, I have an open mind...I can find beauty in just about everything."

"Yes, those boys have beautiful bodies, don't they?"

"Uh, yeah...yes they do."

"What do you think of our Happy Hour by the pool - isn't that a sight to see?"

"Yes it is," I said without thinking.

"Johnny, do you masturbate when you watch us?"

OH MY HELL...did I just fall into a trap?

"Son, there is nothing to be embarrassed about...a boy like you can get as aroused looking at males as you can with females...it's only natural," he said.

It is? That doesn't seem right.

"...remember how excited you got in our moment of intimacy? We're going to be sharing many-many of those moments and I don't want you to ever be ashamed or embarrassed when you're stroking my cock, okay?"

Did he just say that out loud. "Oh...okay..." I mumbled.

"I will be completely honest with you and I expect you to tell me the truth, too, okay?"

"Yes, sir..."

"So tell me: do you masturbate when you watch us having sex during Happy Hour?"

OH MY HELL - I fell into his trap again!

I blinked away the moisture in my eyes and frantically search my mind for an answer to his question. He was actually being pleasant about this...lighthearted even...I saw no other way out of this than to admit the truth to him.

"Uh, yes, sir..."

"Yes sir WHAT?" he asked with a smile.

I took a deep breath and said, "Yes, sir, I masturbate when I watch you guys during Happy Hour."

He smiled and stroked my bare back and said, "See? That wasn't so difficult, was it? Like they say 'The truth shall set you free'!"

A minute of silence as we ate then he bluntly asked me," How often do you masturbate? Once or twice a day - or more than that?"

There was no turning back now.

"More than that..."

"Johnny, look at me...good boy...now tell me the number of times you masturbate every day."

Oh my hell - how much more humiliating can this get?

"Mister G, uh, sir...I, uh, I really don't know the exact number..."

"It's that often, is it? Think boy, give me an estimate...seven-eight-nine times day?"

His words got to me. They were so personal and embarrassing, tears began trickling down my cheeks. I began to lightly sob.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, sir...ever since my house arrest began I don't have any control over my, uh, penis...it seems to constantly be hard...I don't know why..."

He placed his hand on my thigh and gently squeezed. "I want to help you with your problem, if you will let me, that is."

Oh my hell...I prayed he would take his hand from my thigh. I was beginning to feel my dick stiffen again.

"I want to teach you some self-control and discipline, Johnny...I don't mean spanking or physical discipline...no, I want to teach you how to be mentally tough...do you want me to teach you discipline, boy?"

What other choice did I have?

"Yes, sir...yes, I want you to teach me discipline."


Mister G watched me closely while I cleaned the kitchen after lunch. His hands stroked my neck and back sending shivers of delight racing up my spine.

I was long past caring that my hard prick tented out my shorts the whole time and he was totally aware of that fact.

When I was done, he held out his hand to me and said, "Time for some 'afternoon delight'..."

Oh thank God, I thought. The pressure in my balls was becoming unbearable.

I held his hand while he guided me to his bedroom. He walked directly to the floor-to-ceiling mirror on the far wall.

He released my hand and stood behind me. He caressed and fondled my belly and chest. He seemed particularly interested in my breasts and nipples. He pinched the little nubs into hard points.

In one swift motion, his hands slid into my shorts and jockstrap and pushed them to the floor. I was standing naked now, the tip of my hard-on leaking pre-cum.

"Take down my boxers, boy," he commanded.

"Yes, sir," I replied and pushed them down to the floor.

"In due time I will teach you the real way a boy takes down a man's pants!"

I had no idea what he meant by that comment.

"Okay, you stand to the side of me and slightly to my back."

He had to position me where he wanted me. He stood facing the mirror with his legs slightly apart.

I couldn't tear my eyes from his manly hard cock in the mirror.

"Reach down my butt with your right hand and hold my balls!"

"Yes, sir."

His dirty command made my prick throb. Also, my wrist and arm insinuated themselves between his buttocks.

"Now reach around and take hold of my cock!"

"Yes, sir," I said. When I had a firm grasp of his erection my hand immediately began moving it back and forth.

"Did I tell you to move your hand?"

I was confused. I thought that was why we were here.

"Uh, no sir."

"You have to learn to do what the man tells you - no more - no less...do you understand me, boy?"

I said, "Yes, I understand, sir" but really did not understand.

"Good boy...good boy..." he said approvingly.

"Just hold my cock and look at it, boy."

"Yes, sir," I replied and stared at his manly erection.

"Do you like what you see, boy?"

I knew what he wanted to hear so I replied, "Yes, sir, I do like what I see."

"What is it you see, boy?"

Oh my hell, here we go again.

"I, uh, I see my hand holding your cock," I said softly.

"What else do you see, boy?"

What does he want from me?

"How about your other hand?"

Oh, okay, now I get it.

"I see my other hand holding your balls, sir."

"...and what kind of boy willingly holds a man's balls for him?"

Huh? What?

He immediately added: "Stroke my cock, boy, masturbate my hard cock!"

"Yes, sir," I said and obeyed his command.

He had me go slow. So slow I could feel every vein and ridge and bump on his man-flesh.

My fingers began massaging his balls on their own volition.

"Faster, boy!"

"Yes, sir!"

I became dizzy. His manly cock and balls felt so wonderful my mind became enveloped in a cloud of pure lust and desire.

"When I cum on the mirror boy, I want you down there as fast as you can to lick it all up!"

Huh? What? Lick up his cum? Oh my hell!!

"Do you understand me, boy? Tell me what you're going to do?"

My heart sank as I realized there was no way out of this.

"I, uh...when you cum, sir, I will clean the mirror with my tongue."

"Good boy...good boy."

I was getting so excited by the depravity of playing with his manly cock and balls and the idea of having to eat his cum I felt my own balls rise and was afraid I would cum before him. That would not be a good thing.

I moved my hand on him as fast as I could. I HAD to make him cum before I began spurting my load.

Suddenly, I felt his cock swell and expand and he began crying out. I watched the amazing spectacle of his sperm and semen shooting from his cockhead and splashing against the mirror.