50 Shades Of Pale Pink Sissy


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Sir introduces me to Mistress Jane and Master John. "This is my new friend Antoinette". Both of them stare at me in disbelief. They both seemed to recover as the maid brings two glasses of Champaign for Sir and me. The other two are not introduced. "My beautiful young friend currently works for me" Sir says "I am thinking of upgrading her position to keep her closer to me". My heart skips at the thought of this. I wonder what he means by that. "Tonight she will have the chance to change her life". He added.

Sir stands in front of me and dips a finger into my glass. Pulling it from the glass he places it to my lips. Involuntarily my lips parted and I suckle on the finger. Oh! What is happening to me I think? Sir smiles and repeats the exercise. My response is the same. My inner girl swoons. Hell! This is the sexiest feeling I have ever had. I can feel a little dampness between my thighs as my hated boy bit dribbled a little. The others looked on engrossed.

The maid appears and announces that dinner is served. Sir takes my hand and leads us all too the dining room. This is another huge room with a long banquet table that would easily seat forty. Four places are set at one end of the table. Sir places me on his left while the other two sit to his right. The two youngsters kneel behind their respective owners. I have worked this out somehow. Is this what Sir wants from me I wonder? I feel quite small sitting with these three tall people. We are served oysters natural. I love oysters and at sirs nod I pour one off the shell into my mouth loving the way it slips down my throat. Sir smiles and seems pleased with me as he starts on his food. We enjoy a fine Semillon with it. My inner bimbo is happy that I am pleasing him. When each of the other owners has one oyster left they tip it onto the floor where their respective "friends" slurp them up and swallowed them, licking the floor clean afterwards. Is this what I have to look forward to I wonder.

Main course of rare fillet steak, with a few vegetables is served. This is another of my favourite dishes, which made my mouth water. As mine is served the maid takes my steak knife away. What does this mean I wondered? Shiraz is served with this course. Master reaches over and slices up my meat for me which I then eat with a fork. I wonder what this was all about but the inner bimbo doesn't care. With desert of crème caramel we drink a fine botrytis wine. I am even allowed to eat it unassisted.

Sir suggests that his guests might like coffee in the play room. They both agree and take their little toys with them leaving us alone.

Sir stood, takes my hand and leads me to a chaise in front of a large fire place. He sits, pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arm around me. My body and the bimbo go ballistic. Clasping the back of my head he turns me towards him and kisses me. My mouth opens and hungrily responds to his tongue. I'm prepared to do anything at this point to stay with this man. I can feel his erection pushing against my leg. This man wants me!

"Sir" I ask "what is the play room?"

"It is a room where a dominant like me can play with his submissive partner and enjoy providing pain and pleasure to the sub and just pleasure to myself. Imagine a medieval dungeon with lots of toys and you will get the idea. Depending upon your answer, you may get to see it later this evening" Is his answer. I gasp at the thought and wonder if this was really what I want. Once again I am conflicted over my feelings about this beautiful and powerful man.

"Before we get into that, I need to find out a lot more about you. Then you will need to know what I'm offering you for you to join my life style" he smiles. "Tell me about your past sexual experiences".

I begin my story about my early days.

I recount my happy times at home with mum and my big sister allowing me to be a girl whenever I wanted. I never met my dad as he had died when I was quite young. My early school days went pretty smoothly even while I had to pretend to be a boy. There was some bullying but I usually got away with just a few bruises. Now we move onto my high school time.

I started at the local high school when I was twelve. Most of my class were a little older and had reached puberty. I was hopeless at sport and kept to myself until a few of the more adventurous girls adopted me. I found that I could talk to them even if they did tease me about my femininity. Some of the boys used to pick on me and I often got roughed up. The girls soon put a stop to that. They made it clear to the jocks from our year that all sexual favours would be withdrawn unless little sissy me was protected. The boys hated this but I was left alone because they wanted their feel ups of the girls and the occasional hand job. I actually got more than they did because a couple of the girls made me give them oral pleasure as payback for their protection. I didn't mind the taste and spent the time between their legs wishing that I had what they had between my legs.

I managed to get through to the end of year ten almost unscathed. Unfortunately mum fell for a new bloke who moved in and decided that I needed some serious schooling to cure my sissy ways. He also liked to spank me over his knee. I'm sure he came in his pants every time he swatted my bare bottom. He was a real prick and had heaps of money.

In year eleven I was sent to private school as a day pupil. I had reached puberty and my little breasts had developed. It wasn't long before they were noticed by the nasty bastards at the school. The school only ever used surnames so I was known as Hazel. I was teased and slapped around so much that I contemplated suicide. One day three frustrated borders grabbed me after last class and talked about how hard they were going to beat me. I offered to do anything they asked if they wouldn't beat me. Their eyes lit up. They had a plan. As they led me to an abandoned caretaker's house on the school grounds one of them said "at last we have a new fag to look after us".

I was dragged into the house and made to strip. They all laughed and commented that I looked as good as any girl. One of them went to another room and reappeared with a pink baby doll and matching panties. They stank of stale sweat and were soiled with dry semen. As I slipped them on he threw a pair of old white mid heeled pumps. They were a size to small but I managed to squeeze into them. A cheap blond wig and some bright red lipstick completed the look they demanded. I think they thought that if I looked like a girl they couldn't be queer when they used me. I hoped that they didn't want to rape my bottom.

One of them flopped into a lounge chair and pulled his member from his pants while the others forced me onto my knees in front of him. "Suck bitch" I was told. Shyly I licked the tip and tasted a dribble of juice that oozed from the hole. I tried to ignore the stench of sweat and piss coming from his under pants. My head was grabbed and my mouth was forced over the shaft and down until I gagged. They let me set my own pace after that. His breathing rate increased and soon he exploded into my throat. I swallowed and almost vomited. Another one replaced him and as soon as he was satisfied I serviced the last of them. I was left lying on the floor as they left, vowing to repeat the exercise as soon as soon as they could.

I lay on the filthy floor for a long time and just sobbed. Eventually I roused myself and carried my school clothes to the other room which turned out to be a bedroom. There was also a small bathroom and laundry off the main room. I stripped off the girls clothes and dressed myself. Fortunately there were some tissues in the room and I was able to clean the lipstick off. I sat on the bed and contemplated my options as I had calmed a little. I could refuse to comply with their evil demands and get beaten up regularly. Suicide was an option which I dismissed. Complying with their wishes seemed my only option. Girls had told me that they gave head and enjoyed the power that they felt when they did it. I don't think my situation was going to empower me but at least I could pretend to myself that I was doing a girly thing. In the laundry I found some washing powder. I hand washed the filthy baby doll and panties. If I had to wear them I at least wanted them clean. Hanging them over a towel rail to dry I scurried outside, collected my school bag and ran home which was a few blocks away. Fortunately mum and the horrible boy friend were both at work so I was able to sneak in and have a long hot shower to wash away the filth from the floor. Nothing would wash away the filth I felt inside. I had dreamed of sex with boys and those dreams were nothing like the reality of the oral rape I had just endured.

The nasty trio forced me to meet them at the cottage most days for a couple of weeks. The routine was pretty much the same every time. I tried really hard to be a good girl for them and they were a little less rough with me, although I was often thrown over the knee for a good spanking if they thought I was not trying. One day they discussed raping my bottom. I was terrified. In the end they decided not to do it as only gays did that sort of thing. I was very relieved to be spared the pain and indignity of that. I laughed inside at the thought that they could justify oral sex with me as not gay. Soon they demanded that I service them on a Saturday. I was forced to clean the cottage in between the rapes which each managed to do twice during the day. They finally left me at about three PM.

I limped home as my feet were sore from wearing the tight heels all day while I swept, mopped and dusted. At least on Sunday my mouth and feet got a rest. Monday arrived and once again I was ordered to be dressed and waiting in the cottage. As soon as the last bell rang I raced to the cottage and prepared for the afternoon onslaught. Just as I wrapped my lips around the first bully the door crashed open. Standing there was one of the prefects. He was a tall year twelve student who I had always found very attractive. I squealed and bolted to the bedroom. I heard the prefect tell the others to meet him in the prefect's room at eight the following morning for a little chat. They scurried out the door. He found me curled up on the bed sobbing. Gently he sat next to me making soothing sounds and patting my shoulder. When I turned to look at him he realized who I was. He had thought I was a real girl in the brief time he saw me on my knees.

"Explain yourself" he ordered. So I told him the whole sordid tale weeping the whole time. He assured me that he would solve the problem and that there would be no more bullying from any one at the school. He promised to be my protector. I threw my arms around his neck in relief. Surprisingly he held me tight for a few minutes and then lightly kissed my forehead and went to the main room while I dressed. "I would like to see more of you if you'll let me" he said. My heart skipped as he assured me that he would be nice to me and not force me to do anything that I didn't enjoy. Wow! I might have a boyfriend. I soon found out that he was gay but wanted to keep it quiet. So started a lovely affair that lasted until the end of that year when he left the school. I used to dress for him at his place as his parents were overseas. I eagerly pleased him with my lips and he found ways to satisfy me without invading my bottom with any more than his longest finger.

The rest of the year passed without any harassment. I don't know how he did it but he solved all my bully problems. During the Christmas break Mums boyfriend left her so I begged and cried not to return to that awful school.

She eventually relented and I was able to team up with my protective girl friends at the local high school for my final year. I had cried for days when my boy friend went overseas to join his parents and go to university. Mum was very understanding and helped me with all my girly needs. I grew my hair long and was able to style it as a girl on the weekend. I soon discovered how passable I was when mum and I went shopping with me dressed up. I was able to buy all sorts of lovely lingerie, shoes and dresses.

I passed my final year and got an apprenticeship with a local gay hairdresser who allowed me to be the girl I was at work. I studied hard at college passing every year with ease. I did other short courses in makeup and cooking. I was in demand at the salon with most of the customers. Once I was qualified I picked up the job at "Pink" and found a flat in the heart of the gay district.

Sir and I sat at either end of a leather lounge sipping bubbly while I told him my life story. He watched me intently throughout the story telling. He told me to wait while he collected something. Returning with a small wooden case, he placed it nearby on the floor. Taking my hands he stood me up, turned me around and gently pushed me gently onto my knees facing the lounge. By applying pressure on my back I was made to lie with my chest on the lounge. My heart was pounding and my tummy fluttered with anticipation at what might happen next. Was I to be spanked, loved or what.

I heard some rattling as he pulled something out of the box. He pushed the hem of my skirt over my bottom and pulled my thong aside exposing my nice clean hole. "Do not move an inch" he whispered I heard a noise like rubber being stretched and then felt some thing smooth and oily being massaged around my rim. Soon I realized that he was easing a gloved finger inside me. I gasped with pleasure as it was forced to its full length inside me. He pulled it almost all out then forced a second digit in next to it. I cried out as it was too much and started to hurt. He removed the second finger and proceeded to pump his finger back and forth. I was in heaven and my little boy bit dribbled juice into my panty gusset. I knew then that I would say yes to anything this beautiful man asked. I wriggled my bottom in response to his ministrations. He slapped me hard across by bottom and removed the finger. I gasped and whispered "Oh no please don't stop". "You moved when I told you not to" he hissed. "You must obey me". He pulled my thong into place and pulled my hem back down. I was crying inside at the loss of his finger ministrations. Taking me by the shoulders he lifted me up and placed me back onto the lounge.

Gazing into his eyes I whispered "yes". He looked at me quizzically. "Yes to what? He asked. "Yes to anything and everything you want from me or to do to me" was my answer. His eyes sparkled as he smiled. "Oh I'm so going to enjoy my little Sub, Miss Hazel". He then proceeded to explain what he expected from me and what he would provide in return.

I was to be his weekend companion and would be designated as his personal assistant on the payroll. I could work at the salon from Tuesday to Friday midday if I wished. Friday afternoon was for preparation of my self for the weekend. Monday was to recover from the weekend activities. I would have a clothing allowance and, if I wished he would move me into a fully furnished unit near work after a trial period. He asked if I had a drivers licence. I did but had no car. I would receive a nice little company car to get to and from his house and to go shopping.

In return I would be his submissive. He would dominate me in every way from Friday evening until he let me go on Monday morning. I would be expected to endure restraints, any form of intercourse that Sir desired, corporal punishment, sex toys and body modifications as agreed by the Dominant and the submissive. I will wear clothing of a style that excited my Dom and will always present myself in a clean and stylish manner. Other conditions may be imposed at any time by mutual agreement. Either party could back out of the agreement at any time.

"Do you accept these conditions?"

I pitched forward onto the floor and on my knees I crawled in front of him. Placing my forehead on the carpet I replied "yes Master, in every way". Standing he leaned down, pulled me to my feet and then into his lap. "You will make me very happy" he said. I knew that I was already happier than I had ever been.

"If I was to provide body modifications where would we start?" he asked. I looked down shyly and touched my breasts. "How big would you like?" You choose Master". He reached between my thighs and cupped my sex. "What about these?" whatever pleases Master" was my response. "I might have you castrated but your Boy clit must remain. I want you for your ambiguity and your beauty. I cannot relate to a true girl which is what you would be without it. That was why our guests were so surprised to see you with me. They have never seen me with anyone who wasn't obviously an effeminate male. To see me with you was a shock as they believe that you are a genetic girl. Mistress Jane wanted to buy you and she only likes girls". I blushed and was so pleased with this assessment that I hugged master. He didn't seem to mind.

The doms and subs reappeared from the hall. The two doms had huge grins while the subs were sobbing quietly. Their make up was ruined and they walked very carefully as if in pain. They took their leave and Master escorted them to the door. Ah I thought, alone at last.

Master returned. Taking my hand he said "come this way so I can enjoy you. I want to make you cum. My legs nearly buckled and my heart flew. On shaky legs I followed him down stairs to the play room. It was a large room decorated in red with black trim. The lighting was subdued. I could see various devices that I didn't understand around the room. There were racks of whips and canes mounted on the wall. Master quickly slipped my straps off my shoulders and peeled the dress off me. His eyes sparkled with lust as did mine.

I was led to a leather topped narrow bench. Master quickly lifted me onto the bench securing my wrists by leather cuffs so that they were pulled down towards the floor on either side of the bench. Leather straps were secured over my tummy and neck. My knees were pulled back onto my chest with cuffs and chains attached just above my knees. A spreader bar pushed my knees apart. I was totally exposed. Suddenly my head tilted backwards as the end of the bench was lowered. I was now looking at the far wall upside down. I felt my thong being pulled aside and then a lubricated probe a little larger than Masters' finger invading my bottom. My nipples suddenly exploded in pain as some type of clamps were snapped onto them. I was distracted from the pain by the tip of master's cock rubbing across my lips. I opened my lips and ran my tongue over head savouring the taste of his pre emission. Hungrily my lips enveloped the tip and I started to suck. I felt a gentle tingle inside me as the probe started to pulse. My whole body was humming. Master slowly pushed into me until I nearly gagged then pulled back. He was very gentle as he gradually pushed my limits further and further. All the while the buzzing in my bottom gradually increased. My little boy thing dribbled happily into my gusset. Eventually Master passed my gag limit and entered my throat. Wow! I could really do it I thought as my throat was invaded. Masters pace picked up as did the vibration happening in side my bottom. I could feel my climax building and hear Masters rasping breath. Suddenly multiple senses were assaulted at once. Master pulled back into my mouth, my nipples exploded again as the clamps were ripped off and the blood flowed back, my clitty pulsed as I came and master filled my mouth with his seed which I swallowed hungrily. Once he was spent master slid out of me, lifted my head rest to horizontal so I could look around and left me alone while I calmed down. He gently massaged my breasts and then my bottom and said "well done, I'm pleased with my little subs performance". "Over the next weeks we must gradually stretch your tight little ring so that I may make you truly mine". I couldn't speak as my emotions welled inside my throat. I realized that I was falling for this man in the strongest possible way. I just tried to nod meekly and smile.