50 Shades Of Pale Pink Sissy


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I am led down to the play room. We find Maid still in uniform tied to an X style cross against the wall. He is stretched out with his hands and spread wide apart with a ball gag in his mouth. There is a puddle at his feet where he could not hold on. Master puts on some latex gloves, picks up a knife and walks slowly towards the clearly terrified Maid who urinates again. Lifting the maid's skirt Master quickly cuts the sides of his panties and drops them into the puddle. Master grabs the flaccid penis and pulls it hard away from the body then runs the back of the knife along the under side. Maid's eyes are wide, almost bugging out with fear. Dropping the penis Master tears the maid dress off his body leaving him in a corset, stockings and heels; His fake implanted breasts are exposed. Master selects a box from a shelf and gets me to hold it while he removes a pair of metal toothed clamps with chains and weights attached. He quickly snaps the wicked looking clamps to the captive's nipples and drops the weights. I hear the intake of breath as maid sucks air through his nose. Master selects a larger clamp which he snaps onto maids prick and drops that weight too. Drips of blood appear from the nipples. I can't look to see what is happening down below.

I am led to the bench where we had played before. Master eases off my dress and carefully hangs it on a hanger on the wall. He lifts me easily onto the bench so I'm sitting watching the maid writhing on the cross. He passes me a cold glass of white wine which I find delicious. Walking to a rack filled with whips, canes and paddles he selects a thin whippy cane and steps up to the hapless creature. Standing to one side he flexes the whip between his hands and the slashes it down over the exposed breasts. He waits until the maid stops writhing and repeats the slash again. I wonder how I would feel if I was treated that way. Master keeps slashing at the breasts until the maid passes out.

He returns to me with a wicked grin on his face. Placing the cane aside he takes my glass and places it next to the cane. Lifting me, he stands me on the floor, turns me and bends me over the bench. My bottom feels very exposed. He takes the cane and I hold my breath in anticipation of what will come. I hear the swish and my bottom explodes with fire. I scream and then start to sob. Thankfully I see the cane placed back on the bench next to my glass. Master gently rubs some thing soothing on my bottom and the pain subsides a little. "That was for peeking at me in the restaurant" he whispers gently, "come and fix your make up" he orders. He leads me through a door into a bath room where I find a spa, shower and make up table covered in cosmetics, in front of a mirror. There is also a full length mirror in which when I turn, I can see the bright red stripe across my bottom. Seeing a door to one side I look and find a toilet. I sit carefully down and pee. After washing my hands I repair my make up and return to my Master who I find whispering to the maid. I can't hear what is said but I see maid nodding vigorously.

Master returns to me and drops to his haunches in front of me. He slides my thong down my legs. Lifting each of my shoes in turn he helps me step out of them. I'm embarrassed as my little bits are exposed to his gaze. He unclips my chain belt and removes the black plug which he drops to the floor. I blush as he stands, lifts me and lays me on the bench. Soon I feel that familiar probe (I think it's a little fatter than last time) pushed into my bottom. My little thing jumped to attention. I look at the maid and see he is getting aroused at the show as his thing grows and tries to stand even with the clamp and weight. He grimaces in pain.

Master lowers my head back and I'm soon slurping on his beautiful manhood. The probe is vibrating inside me. My little thing is tingling as a little moisture leaks out. I can feel my orgasm building deep inside me as the probe vibrates faster. Master's breath becomes ragged. I'm about to let go when master leans over me and takes my little thing between his lips. He sucks hard as he explodes into my mouth and I squirt a few drops into his. Oh, this is heaven. I would never have believed that master would do that to me. I now know what he means by pain and pleasure going hand in hand. Suddenly he is out of my mouth and my head is raised in his powerful hands. His lips cover mine and his tongue snakes into my mouth. Our flavours mingle and I feel fluttering warmth deep in my belly.

Sated, I lie as my breathing slowly returns to normal. I'm so happy and contented with warmth still flooding my core. Master helps me to stand and I go and pee and fix my lipstick. On my return I find master staring at the maid. My hand is taken and he leads me to stand in front of the captive. Leaning down Master, whispers in my ear "Tantalize him. Dance for him. Tempt him. Twirl for him. You will torture him with your beauty". I do as I'm told twirling and dancing in time with the slow seductive music that has started in the room. Finally I face away, bend forward and look back between my legs giving him a great view of my red bottom and puckered little rose bud. He is struggling against his bonds and I can see hate in his eyes. I know he would kill me if he reached me. I'm reminded of Hannibal lector eyeing me off as a fine meal. I'm looking at pure evil and, bursting into tears run to master, hide behind him and hold onto his shoulders.

Taking me into the bathroom he dries my eyes and asks me what is wrong. Choking back tears I explain, in my best little girl voice, that he terrifies me. "Master, I can't stay even in the same house as him. Please can you find some where else to keep him?" I sob. "I could be your maid if you wish. Please get him away from me".

"Ok little one. If you feel that way I'll have him removed this very afternoon.

I will organize it right now." He opens his phone and selects a number from memory. "Master Black here, may I speak to Mistress Rebecca please". There is a short wait. "Rebecca, how are you. I have a favour to ask". Master walks away to the far side of the play room. I didn't hear the rest of the conversation. Master returns and tells me to dress. I slid the plug back in and secured it, slipped into my panties and then into my dress. I am led to my bedroom where Master sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap.

He explained that the maid was to be taken to Mistress Rebecca's estate an hour out of town where she would cure him of all his problems. Master explained that Mistress Rebecca was a fellow Dom. She was a transsexual who loved to transform recalcitrant males into her slaves. The van that was being sent to pick up the horrible man was to bring a new maid who was completely trained and submissive. I was told to stay in my room and rest. The new maid would come at the appropriate time to prepare me for the evening. I decided to read some more of the book as I wasn't really tired. I found the story very instructive, giving me ideas of how to please my Dom.

There was a knock on the door and a pretty little maid steps hesitantly into the room. She is dressed in a very short satin maids dress with a white apron and cap. The short skirt barely covers her bottom but leaves her seemed black stockings and suspenders completely exposed. She wears eight inch black pumps and very slutty makeup. How can she walk in those shoes I wonder? They didn't have platform soles. She introduced herself as Mary.

Unable to help myself I had to ask "how do you walk in those shoes?" She smiled and explained that Mistress has modified her Achilles tendons so that she could even wear ballet heels comfortably; the down side was that she couldn't walk without at least six inch heels. "What other modifications have you had?" I asked incredulously. "Castration, breast implants and lots of piercings" she replied. Wow I thought.

Mary helps me undress and remove my plug. I enjoyed the pampering and even allowed her to administer my evening enema. I shower, dry, plug myself and style my hair in ringlets as I was sure that master liked them. I vow that I'll give him the full Shirley Temple look one day. I giggled at the thought of what that would have done to the pervert in the van on its way to Mistress Rebecca. Mary brought out yet another pale pink corset which laced up at the back. She helped me into it and laced me in. pink stockings were slipped up my legs and attached to my suspenders. My nipples were exposed as usual and Mary carefully painted them with red dye which itches as it dries. My nipples respond and are immediately erect. She helped me into my thong and I tucked my bits away. I loved this personal attention. My make up couldn't be trusted to any one else so I applied it myself with Mary watching intently. "How long do we have?" I asked. Mary told me that there was plenty of time so I offered to do her makeup. We cleaned the old whore paint off and I made her up in a similar style to my own. Over the top but not slutty was my motto. She squealed with delight when she saw the final result. I promised to do her hair some time. I could see that she could be a friend and ally in my quest to become Master's only interest. Scheming bitch I thought of myself.

Master appeared at the door wearing a dinner suit, smiling. He carried a white cape over his arm. He stopped close to me and inspected me. Smiling again he passed me pair of very brief translucent panties. "Put those on" he ordered. Slipping off my thong I wriggled into the new panties. There was no way that these would hide my bits. The waist was a string with a little sheer triangle that encased my clitty and little balls. From that there were two strings that sat into my bottom cleavage and met the waist string. I couldn't tuck. I was on display. "Oh please master. No! It will stick out.' I pleaded. His countenance was dark as he replied "You said NO! I will add some more stripes to your beautiful bottom for that, and it will be done in public. Make sure that you have plenty of tissues in your bag tonight. We are going to a Club so I can show you off". Quickly he placed a pink collar round my throat and padlocked it on. Next the white cloak was draped over my shoulders and secured at my throat with laces. The cloak was made of sheer material and hung loosely from my shoulders to my knees. I had to hold it closed at the front. The garment did nothing to hide any of me from anyone's gaze. My undergarments are clearly visible through the cloak. A white dog lead was attached to the collar and I only had a second to load my bag with tissues before being led down to the waiting car.

We are whisked through the streets until we pull up in front of a black door. There is a queue of people waiting to enter. Bouncers are controlling the flow of relatively straight people who want to watch the naughty stuff happening inside. After alighting we are quickly ushered through the door. Master leads me into the club, through a hall and into a foyer where we are greeted by a tall man dressed in black leather. I'm so embarrassed. Why was I not allowed to tuck my hated bits away? I am blushing as every one stares at me. Master leads me to a small table in what looks like a theatre restaurant where every table bar ours is full. We are seated in a prominent position near the front close to the dance floor. I do my best with the cape to cover my secret. A beautiful woman, wearing only heels and a collar, is lying chained over a wooden saw house while a masked man whips her with a riding crop. She squeals at each blow. Drinks and nibbles are delivered to the table. I manage to eat a little and sip at my drink even as my tummy turns with fear and trepidation. What has master got in store for me I wonder? The cropped woman is now crying uncontrollably, her tormentor doesn't relent. The crowd is silent apart from some heavy breathing from some of them. Eventually the masked man stops and runs his hand along the woman's back seeming to delight in every welt that he has created. Her back, bottom and thighs are striped in red. Unchaining the sobbing woman he helps her to her feet where she stands unsteadily. He clips a lead to her and takes her away.

Master stands, takes my lead and walks between the tables slowly. I stumble along behind him. Occasionally he stops to chat briefly with some other patron. I follow meekly behind him blushing all the way as I am perused by every one we pass. I hear whispers and giggles from many tables. Finally we reach a doorway and master leads me through it, into a dim corridor and eventually back into the bright lights of the dance floor. The saw horse had been removed. Master removes the cape and I am left standing facing the crowd. I couldn't see them in the gloom beyond the bright lights of the dance floor, but can hear whispered comments. I hear a noise above me and see a pair of leather cuffs attached to a chain slowly descending towards me from above the lights. The chain stops with the cuffs at my waist height. Master reappears and quickly cuffs my wrists to the chain. He walked away again while the chain moved slowly up, taking my wrists with it. Soon I am standing helpless on tippy toe with my hands high above me. Once again master returns carrying a long whippy cane. Walking to the front of the floor he gains the audience's attention. "This possession of mine said NO to me. How many strokes should it receive?" he asks. There are many calls from the crowd ranging from two to fifty. I almost faint as I know how much the cane hurts. Returning to me "will you submit to my punishment of six strokes?" he asks me. I can't speak. My legs are shaking with fear. I nod and look at the floor. "So be it, count each stroke" he announces.

Grabbing my arm he turns me away from the crowd so that my bottom is on show to the crowd. I hear the swish of the cane just as my bottom burns as if on fire. I scream. This is much stronger pain than I had experienced with the last caning. Nothing happens. I sob. "Count the stroke" I hear him say. "One" I barely manage to sob. Swish, I hear it again and I scream as my bottom explodes in pain again. There is a pause as I sob and gasp. Eventually I realize what he is waiting for. "Two!" I gasp. The caning is drawn out over several minutes as I can't remember to count each time. Finally we pass five. I count and wait for ages. Finally the swish and the pain arrive, much stronger than any of the other blows. He must have been holding back earlier. My legs buckle and I dribble a little pee that I can't control. He waits. Finally I manage to say six.

"You are a difficult girl. I should give you six more like that last one for being slow to count." He whispers. I almost cry out "NO", but manage to hold it back. "Please Master! Spare me". I cry and collapse hanging from the chain, sobbing. The chain is lowered and I end up flopped on the floor in my small puddle of pee. Master helps me to my feet and guides me off stage where he takes me to a powder room. He leaves me to dry my eyes and repair my make up. I use some tissues to dry the urine that has soiled my panties and run down my legs. I know that everyone will smell me. I am allowed to wear the cape.

Master leads me back to our table. I hear people sniffing as we pass. I start so sob again. Master pulls out my seat for me. When I try to sit I cry out at the pain. Master grins and suggests that I might like to kneel at his side. Gratefully I kneel next to him but find I can't sit back onto my haunches. I am forced to kneel up straight while master feeds me little snacks and allows me to suck my drink from his finger. We watch two more punishments which are quite vanilla next to what I experienced.

Master seems bored with the displays and eventually stands and helps me to my feet. I am very relieved as I was starting to cramp due to the position I was forced to maintain. My lead pulls and so I walk with my eyes down behind master as he leads my along a corridor with doorways either side peeking in I see various BDSM scenes being played out. There are subs in all sorts of positions chained, roped and cuffed. In some of the rooms I see subs being caned, spanked and whipped. Master pauses at a doorway and turns to me. Looking down I see his excitement straining at his tight pants. Leading me into the room he sits in a chair and releases his manhood. Sinking to my knees and lick the moisture from the tip. Slowly I take the smooth head in my mouth and gently suck. He gasps. I engulf his length and start to bob up and down. My bottom is so sore but I forget about it as I service my master. Working hard to please him I am eventually rewarded with hi seed filling my mouth. He pulls my head up and the last squirts splash onto my chin and dribble onto my breast poling in my cleavage. I swallow my mouth load and clean the last drips from his beautiful member. After zipping he stands, lifts me to my feet and leads me out of the room. I can smell his man juice on my chin and breasts and I blush with humiliation.

We enter a theatre with many seats. Standing at the back I'm shocked to see a close up video of my recent performance being played. All that shows is my face and mouth engulfing master as I service him. Satisfied that I'm suitably embarrassed master leads me out and back to the entrance hall where I'm left standing on display, my lipstick smeared and his cum decorating my chest. I know I stink of my pee and his juice. Head bowed I sob quietly at such humiliation. People pass and laugh at my plight. I am called slut and whore by some of them. Is this to be my life? A couple of men take the opportunity to fondle my bits trough my skimpy panties. A pretty woman slaps my bottom which makes me scream with pain. She smiles and walks on. Just to be an object to be hurt and abused? Is this to be my future? Will I be able to take this every weekend? I think about going back on my agreement with master to be his sub. My heart thuds and hurts at the thought of being separated from him. I don't think I could go back to my old life.

Eventually Master returns and with my lead makes me follow him outside where we walk the length of the waiting queue to our car. He helps me in and I flinch as I sit on the leather seat. I try to make myself comfortable by moving about but nothing will relieve the dull pain from my bottom. Master smiles at me and winks. He's obviously enjoying my discomfort. Being Saturday night the traffic is very heavy so it seems to take forever before we are back at the mansion. Much to my relief I'm led out of the car and into the house where the maid waits for us. Standing or walking isn't so bad but sitting is torture. Master tells the maid to wash me, treat my bottom and put me to bed. He also suggests that the maid should comfort me. I wonder what that means.

Mary leads me upstairs to my bedroom where she undresses me very carefully while the bath is filling. She removes my plug which slips out very easily. Maybe I should jump a size? I think. She slips out of her dress which exposes her lovely implanted breasts. She is just wearing her topless corset, thong, stockings and heels I am helped into the bath which is very soothing. I relax while Mary sponges me to remove master's juice. My make up is removed with a cleanser while I luxuriate in the lovely scented water. Reaching out I pull Mary's thong down as I want to see what I might look like after castration. Mary's clit is not as small as mine but not manly. Although embarrassed she allows me to feel her empty sack. She tells me that it is much easier to tuck now and that she can still get hard and cum a little. While I digest this Mary decides that I am clean enough and that the water is cooling helps me out of the bath where she gently dries me with a soft towel. Led to the bed I'm laid upon my tummy. A soothing balm is spread onto my buttocks which quickly gives me some relief from the pain. I ask for the next sized plug which Mary inserts with some lube. It fits quite easily so I ask for the next one which is a little difficult but I manage to accommodate it with out tearing anything. I feel quite full and stretched. I hope to be ready for master to take me soon.