'57' Ch. 03


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"We're going to what I affectionately refer to as my workshop," he told her over his shoulder. "I'm sure other words may spring to your mind when you see it."

57 watched Master Evan descend, momentarily mesmerized by his movements. He moved with a grace and purpose that surprised her as most men tended to lumber around, not caring what they stepped on in the process. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the gloomy hallway and while she was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic from the darkness and the stagnant air, she did her best to keep her attention focused on following quietly behind her trainer.

Evan stopped in front of an imposing steel door and, pulling on the handle, swung it open to the accompaniment of complaining metal hinges. From this vantage, he could see that what little light pierced the darkness was reflected from the surfaces of mysterious objects too dimly lit to be identified. Evan imagined it could be a quite daunting sight for someone seeing it the first time. Releasing the handle, he took a nervous 57 by the elbow and guided her inside.

As she entered the room she took note that most of it was lost in darkness except for a plain wooden chair sitting in a pool of illumination from an overhead spotlight. She jumped once more as the door swung closed with a solid thud behind her. Her nerves were more than a little frazzled and while it seemed that, intellectually, she was beginning to accept her lowly status, she still had a hard time accepting it emotionally.Perhaps this is part of what it means to be submissive, maybe it's normal to be constantly nervous,she thought to herself.

"Have a seat, slave," Evan told her as he released her elbow. "Oh, and you won't be needing your uniform." He held out his hand to her.

57 swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, making it impossible for her to speak. She managed to nod, slid the scrap of lacy fabric down her well toned thighs and handed it to Master Evan. Walking toward the chair, her heart thudded in a staccato rhythm in her chest. The darkly ominous room was messing with her head, making her think about all the scary things that could happen to you in the dark. Strangely though, she was also getting aroused.Is there anything that Idon't find arousing anymore?,she silently chided herself. Slipping her warm backside into the cold chair, she couldn't help but wonder nervously what her trainer had planned for her this time.

Evan slipped the thong into a back pocket of his pants, then turned and disappeared into the darkness. He wasn't gone long however, and returned holding several coils of rope in his hands. These, he dropped unceremoniously to the cold concrete floor next to her chair. "As you've probably surmised from the rope, we're going to experiment a bit with bondage. As I'm sure you know, it can be a big part of D/s play. Tell me your thoughts on being tied up, 57."

"Honestly Trainer, I find the thought to be deeply exciting. Bondage always played a big part in Lindsey's fantasies," 57 couldn't keep the husky note from her voice, nor the breathlessness that accompanied it. She would have considered this near-constant state of arousal she'd experienced in the last two days extremely frustrating had it not been for the brain-meltingly intense orgasms she got in return.

"You'll find that rope is more than just something to tie you up with. Many submissives find the feel, or even the smell of it, to be arousing in their own right," Evan took a coil of rope from the pile and rubbed it against the side of her face, letting her experience its roughness and earthy scent.

The rope's heady aroma filled her nose and a trembling thrill shot through her at the feel of the course fibers against her cheek. She desperately wanted to feel it pulled tight against her arms, her legs, and body. Bits of various fantasies flashed through her mind; all of them involved seeing herself bound, rope coiling around her extremities and snaking around her body in wickedly erotic patterns. The images made her lips part in an impassioned moan.

"We're not going to do anything too extreme at first." Evan told her. "We're just going to tie you to this chair so you can get a feel for it." He uncoiled the rope he'd been rubbing against her cheek and placed her arm against the wooden arm of the chair. He then proceeded to bind that arm down, looping and knotting the rope from her wrist to elbow. Grabbing another length of rope he repeated the process with her other arm before asking, "Tell me how that feels, 57."

"Mmmm, it's very nice Trainer," her voice came out as throaty whisper as she forced her reply past vocal cords nearly frozen from lust. This was how Lindsey had always pictured submission in her fantasies -- to be bound and helpless, unable to stop anyone from doing whatever they pleased to her.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself," Evan said, "which is fine... as long as you also stay focused." He then knelt down and bound her legs to the chair in a fashion similar to that he'd used on her arms. Finally, he took the longest bundle of rope from the floor and used it to tie her torso securely to the chair back. The rope criss-crossed between her breasts and encircled her chest in a tight embrace.

She watched him closely. For the most part, her gaze was focused on what he was doing with the rope, but occasionally it would drift to the interplay of the muscles in his forearms, or would wander over his body as she imagined what was hidden beneath his dark clothing. She felt no hint of anxiety as he crisscrossed the rope in an intricate design across her torso. As a matter of fact, the thing that commanded her attention most was the growing passion burning through her veins, heating her to the core.

Master Evan stepped back to admire his handiwork. Reading 57's body language, it was obvious to him that being bound had made his trainee extremely turned on. Her flushed skin, hard nipples, labored breathing, and glazed expression all told the story. "It appears rope agrees with you. How does it feel to be tied up and at someone's mercy?" he asked her.

57 turned her lust-glazed eyes up to her trainer, the only word that that her fevered mind could dredge up to describe how she was feeling was exhilarating, and she told him so. Her body was completely relaxed in one way, but so fired up in another that she could barley stand it. She could feel the cool air against the exposed, swollen flesh at the apex of her thighs sending goosebumps dancing across her skin. A tremor of need worked its way through her restrained body and she wished that Master Evan oranyonewould do something to quell the flames of lust that already threatened to consume her.

Evan stepped away into the darkness once more, leaving her wanton desires achingly unfulfilled. It was exquisite torture for her. She was both afraid he wouldn't come back and afraid of what would happen when he did. Mysterious sounds came from the hidden depths of the room. She could hear him rummaging around and wondered what diabolical things he would bring back to use on her. Stepping back into the light, Evan smiled at her. She was starting to learn that, when her trainer smiled, things were about to get "interesting".

"Having you tied up like this provides an excellent opportunity to show you that physical torture doesn't have to involve mechanical devices," Evan said. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pair of black latex gloves. Making sure he had her undivided attention, he slowly pulled them on his hands like a doctor preparing for surgery.

A low moan, which she tried to stifle, mingled with a whimper as her mind processed his words and the intimidating import of the gloves. She unable to control the thudding of her heart, nor prevent the flood of wetness between her legs. She trembled at the deviant look in his eyes and fearfully wondered where this was going. Her lust-fueled imagination presented her with all sorts of terrifying and erotic scenarios.

Evan traced his gloved fingers along her cheek and then brushed them along her lips, stretching out this moment of anticipation. The smell of the rubber filled her nose, reminding her of doctor visits and the often painful or embarrassing things that happened behind those closed doors. All she could do was moan as she let the end of her tongue flick across the passing fingertips.

Having built her passion to the fever pitch he desired, Evan pulled another object from his pocket and held it up for her inspection. It looked like a tube of toothpaste, only it didn't have any labeling, and was colored blood-red. "This deceptively ordinary-looking tube containspain, 57. Inside, is a cream that burns like fire. I'm sure you've had experience with heat rubs along the lines of Icy Hot or BenGay. This is very similar in effect although more intense. It doesn't physically damage you in any way, it simply lights up your pain receptors," Evan explained. "I think you'll find the effect to be... memorable."

"M-memorable?" 57 stammered out. Her eyebrows arched and her eyes went wide. She knew, from Lindsey's memory, what Icy Hot was, but she'd never got it anywherenearher sensitive parts. She couldn't even imagine it down there...and while that thought alone freaked her out, she let out a groan when she realized that she had absolutely no way to stop him. She desperately wanted to avoid this, despite the fact that she felt the strong need to please...or rather submit. She was beginning to realize that the reality of being helpless and at someone's mercy might not be quite as uncomplicated as her fantasies had led her to believe.

Evan cupped her chin in his gloved hand. "I want you to ask me for it, 57," he said softly, pinning her with his icy gaze. "I want to hear you say,Please rub that cream on my cunt, Trainer. I want you to hurt me."

57 couldn't even begin to break eye contact with Master Evan. Her breathing was labored now, as much from fear as desire and, though she couldn't move them, she felt an overwhelming need to wipe the clammy palms of her hands on something to dry them off. She didn't want any more pain, she wanted pleasure...needed it even. She didn't want to say the words. Still, something deep inside felt an overwhelming need to submit to Master Evan and, before she knew it, the words were spilling seemingly unbidden, from her mouth, "P-please Trainer... rub that on my... c-cunt. I want you to hurt me," her voice a quiet yet agonized plea that, once it passed her lips, allowed her to finally lower her gaze. She let her eyes follow along the intricate rope-work that restrained her arms and waited for what was to come.

"That's my good little trainee," Evan said as he straightened up. He squeezed a pea-sized dollop of cream onto the tip of his index finger and then reached down to spread her labia with his other hand, exposing her hard clit. He rubbed the cream with a slow, deliberate motion against the little nub, making sure it was well coated, and then waited for her reaction.

"T-thank you, Trainer," she said and shuddered at the contact, her core clenching in an automatic, needy response from the stimulation of her clit. She let her eyes close and her head fall back as she waited for something she was almost sure she wasn't going to enjoy experiencing. She could feel tingles in her nether region...ones that most definitely weren't normal and those tingles were slowly turning into a heat. A heat that was strangely neither hot nor cold, yet somehow both.

Evan continued his silent observation. He was interested to see how his trainee would react to this new sensation. From experience, he knew it wouldn't be long until the full effect of the cream kicked in.

57 groaned long and low in her throat as the heat gradually intensified. Her breathing became more and more labored and her skin glistened as her confused body fruitlessly tried to cool itself off. She bit down hard on her bottom lip, her hips twitching in pain-filled pleasure.

Evan reached between his sweating charge's legs and spread her labia with his index and ring fingers. Then he tapped his middle finger on her exposed, inflamed clit and watched her stomach muscles twitch with each percussive beat.

She ground her teeth together at the taps against her burning clit, not only her stomach muscles clenching, but her hips and the muscles in her cunt clenching too in response. She knew they were only done lightly, but the sensation they produced was completely out of proportion to their strength. She grunted softly with each impact and her breathing became much harsher. She looked down and watched what he was doing, unable to tear her eyes away.

"So, 57," Evan asked, looking in her eyes as she raised her head to meet his gaze, "do you think this is memorable yet or should we do more?" As he said this he let his finger, along with its coating of cream, slide along the cleft of her cunt and circle the opening of her vagina.

The painful heat of the cream was starting to slowly ebb away, and her breathing became easier and easier to manage yet, simultaneously, her arousal seemed to skyrocket, and she could feel copious amounts of hot, slick juices pour from her aching cunt. She let out a breathy moan as she felt Master Evan's fingers near the entrance to her pussy. 57 couldn't manage to find her tongue to get the words out in answer to Master Evan's question so at first she nodded her head in affirmation then shook her head no, unable to sort out her lust-addled thoughts.

"You do realize that I asked you a question, 57?" Evan punctuated his question with a hard slap to her burning pussy. "It seems I've told you before that this isn't just for your pleasure. Don't tell me you're gettingsidetrackedagain," Evan told her sarcastically.

Evan let his fingers return to her clit, this time not using gentle taps but firm pressure; knowing that the pressure of his fingers would reignite the heat of the cream, and also knowing that he was spreading it to previously unexposed areas of her sensitive skin, he expected round two of this exercise to be just as interesting for 57.

57 bit back a cry of pain as the hand connected in a harsh slap against her sensitive cunt. "Oh...g-god! Sorry Trainer!" Another gasp, this time of surprise, escaped her lips as she felt that heat taking off again as Master Evan pressed his coated fingers firmly against her sensitive flesh. She could feel the outer labia as well as the entrance to her cunt begin to tingle now and she moaned helplessly in frustration.

She took a few deep breaths trying to regulate her pain receptors as well as respond to his original question. "I think, Trainer, that in this specific case, I want you to do to me whatever it is thatyouwant to." 57 trailed off wondering what manner of diabolical treatment she'd just signed herself up for.

"What makes you think that I can't already do whatever I want to you, slave? For one; I own you while you're in training, and two; it's not like you can do anything to stop me while you're tied to this chair. I view answers like that as a cop-out, a way to avoid giving a true response to my question. What if I'm in the mood to give you more pain? Shall I just assume that what you're requesting?"

Shit!,she thought. Sometimes she didn't know what answers to give. She wanted more, yes...but she was tired of pain. She wanted something pleasant. Something that gave all of her aches a release.

"T-Trainer, no. I don't really wantmorepain...I'm just sofucking horny!I need to cum!" Her face turned a deep crimson at the admission.

"And you think that asking me to do whatever I want will make me take pity on you and let youfuckingcum? I would suggest you work on your logic a bit, specifically cause and effect. I detect a distinct gap in your education that needs repaired. Of course, itismy job to educate you, I suppose."

"No Trainer, my logic was simply the fact that I don't have a say. I apologize. If you want me to have more pain, then I will have more pain. I am hoping though, that good behavior may eventually lead to an orgasm." She looked down a bit shame-faced. She felt slutty and wanton, which didn't sit well with Lindsey's psyche at the moment. She had also cursed earlier -- out loud, which made it even worse, and to top it all off it was an f-bomb. Right now she just wanted to concentrate on feeling good to the exclusion of everything else and, with cream setting her loins on fire, she couldn't. The constant struggle to turn the pain into pleasure was beginning to wear her down.

"Well perhaps it's time for a change of pace, but maybe not quite what you've been expecting," Evan turned toward the darkness and said, "David, come on over. I think you've been a spectator long enough."

The man that 57 had observed the night before having dinner with Master Evan emerged from the shadows. He surveyed her naked and restrained body with hungry eyes and a lecherous grin.

"You may not realize it, but you and David have interacted before. Well, actually, Lindsey and David have interacted," Evan said. "Say hello to our newest trainee, won't you?"

"Hello, 57," the bald stranger said, "I've been looking forward to this meeting for quite some time."

57 felt as if the bottom of her stomach had just dropped away, and guiltily felt like she had been caught red-handed, even thoughshe technically hadn't. Her earlier'Oh Shit'feeling was back and had intensified tenfold over what she'd felt then. In a way, she grateful for the ropes binding her to the chair because she wanted to hide from this. She knew that voice like she knew almost everything else about herself: through Lindsey's memories. Sitting there frozen, she was finally able put a face to the deeply erotic, commanding voice that Lindsey had masturbated to both on the phone and in her fantasies. She said nothing in response though, partly because she hadn't really been asked to speak but mostly because she wasn't sure she even could. Lowering her gaze to the floor, she instead concentrated on trying to slow the near thunderous beat of her heart.

"I'm hurt, 57. I truly am." David said, "After all we've shared, I don't even get a hello? You won't even look at me?" He paused for a moment then ordered her in a commanding voice, "Look at me slut!Do you forget me so easily?"

"N-no, Maestro," 57's voice was hoarse and quavery despite her best efforts to keep it under control. Slowly she dragged her eyes up, forcing herself to meet his. Every inch was a struggle.

"I see my surprise was effective and that youdoremember who this is," Evan told her. "What Lindseydoesn'tknow is that David, or Maestro as she knows him, is one of our scouts. When a scout finds a candidate that is cloned, he gets a reward. David's reward is you, 57. He gets to take your new body's virginity. I'm sure Lindsey fantasized about submitting to her Maestro, now you'll get to experience it first-hand."

Evan turned to address his companion, "David... she's all yours. You might want the antidote to the cream, though, or you may have a hotter time than anticipated," With a laugh, he tossed a blue tube of cream to Maestro.

Answering Evan's laugh with his own, Maestro replied, "Quite true, my friend. I'm definitely not a fan of Szechuan cock."

57 trembled but said nothing. She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to be left alone with Maestro. Yes, she'd played with him on the phone and in chat rooms, but doing it for real was something she'd never thought would happen. Before, she knew she could simply hang up the phone or log off of the computer if things got too intense. Here, she had no such protection. 57 found that, in the flesh, her online play partner was truly intimidating, but she also couldn't quell the unmistakable flutter of anticipation curling through her midsection at the thought of playing with him for real.