'57' Ch. 03


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There was enough space between them to be proper, but she could feel the heat of his body at this range and it did funny things to her insides. Her fingers itched to rub his shoulders, to get his body relaxed, but she made no overt moves and instead folded her hands in her lap, her impeccably manicured, blood red nails glistening in the pool of light from his reading lamp. "I am doing well Sir.", she answered, "The Corp takes very good care of me as I am sure you're aware. As to57, she is a very strong individual and has taken much in stride without complaint. On a more personal level, I found her to be quite pleasant company and I am looking forward to participating in her training. I had Diana inform me of what happened this evening just so that I would be up to date on everything. It would appear that she is having problems getting over Lindsey's inhibitions and she will require some work to overcome her previous conditioning."

"I actually blame the problems she had more on David than her. I'd hoped that his previous experience with Lindsey would have prepared him to better deal with 57, but he got carried away. You know I'm not a fan of the Corp's ritual of deflowering. I feel it tends to interfere with my training, as today's events demonstrated."

He paused and turned to look her in the eyes, his ice blue ones locking onto her soft brown ones. "Would you submit to me Fina?" he asked, holding out a hand to her.

She smiled, her arousal flaring at his words. She slipped her hand into his for a moment then withdrew it, slowly dragging a crimson nail across the palm of his hand in an intimate promise. Without saying anything, she slipped off of the couch and knelt at his feet, her legs splayed wide and her arms slipping around to her back, thrusting her generous breasts outward.

"Always, Master Evan," she replied, reverting to his more formal title as she leaned her head forward to rest on his knee in a further display of submission.

Evan stood and let his dressing gown drop to the sofa, exposing his smoothly muscled torso. Now, clad only in sweat pants, he pulled her to her feet and laid her on her back on a long coffee table. He reached under the table and retrieved some rope he'd placed there, which he then used to tie her spread-eagle to the table's legs, while also looping rope around her elbows and under the table to restrain her arms. Serafina had a fetish for rope and being tied up, so he knew this would get her juices flowing. "Let's talk about what I have planned for tomorrow afternoon's session with 57," he said conversationally.

Fina swallowed hard as the planes of his muscular chest were revealed, and was pleasantly surprised when she found herself on her back, legs obscenely spread, with her arms and legs tied down. Her heart thumped heavily against her ribcage loudly enough that she was sure he could hear it.

Evan leaned down and traced the tip of his tongue around the outline of her lips while his fingers made lazy circles on the warm almond-brown skin of her stomach. "You won't mind if I take some time to reacquaint myself with your charms, would you slave?" he asked her, his breath warming her lips.

"Yes...I mean no!" Fina groaned a bit, a soft giggle working its way through her parted lips before she said, "What I mean is, Please, Master, reacquaint yourself at your leisure."

Evan chuckled in response, enjoying that he was able to cause the normally unflappable submissive to stumble over her words. "Why, thank you, my dear. I think I'll start right here," he said as he pressed his lips to hers, his hand coming up to cup her chin.

Heat exploded in the depths of her belly and raced through her veins like liquid fire as she felt Master Evan's lips press tightly to hers. Fina groaned long and loud, before taking a deep breath and moving her lips back against his. She was helpless to prevent her body's reaction to his and she trembled beneath him in her heightened state of arousal.

He opened his mouth and pressed his tongue against her lips, feeling her mouth open in response. Their tongues danced against each other and the sound of Serafina's impassioned moans fed the growing fire of Evan's own arousal.

The feel of his tongue gliding against hers nearly shattered her control but she was disciplined enough to hold herself back. They had played mind games with one another before...rather he had played mind games with her. Fina had been trained by him to come by mere vocal command, so it was no surprise to her that his kiss could nearly push her over the edge. Her hands balled into tight fists, nails digging into the palms as she nipped playfully at his lips in an effort keep from drowning in the intense feelings Evan never failed to bring out in her.

He traced a route with his tongue and lips down her chin, her neck, chest and the soft skin of her breast, leaving little bite marks here and there along the way. Finally reaching a nipple, he teased it with the very tip of his tongue and watched the aureola contract and felt her nipple tip push against his tongue as it hardened and extended. He brought his hand up to cup the opposite breast as he sucked the hardened nub between his lips.

Fina gasped and moaned as he played with her sensitive nipple. Her body rose, unbidden, into an arch, thrusting her full, heavy breasts at him seeking more of his attention. The small scrap of fabric covering her mound was growing damper with each passing moment and she rolled her hips as best she could within her restraints trying, but failing, to bring some sort of stimulation to her aching sex.

Continuing his oral assault on Fina's sensitive nipple, Evan let his hand slide down the smooth expanse of her stomach to rest on the small triangle of the g-string covering her mound. He could feel the heat radiating through the fabric and paused in his teasing of her nipple to say, "It appears that you're a bit worked up, Fina. Would that be an accurate assessment and, if so, what should we do to remedy the situation?" To help along with her response, he took her nipple between his teeth and bit down just hard enough to make the breath catch in her throat.

"Please, Master Evan! Please fuck me!" Fina begged throatily, helplessly blurting out her desire to him even though she knew he was more than likely in no hurry to satisfy that particular request. She needed him to know how hot she was for him, how much she had missed him. So far in her life of working for the Corp, she'd not met anyone who could match the way he made her feel, physically or emotionally. She could be equally happy just staying here and subbing for him instead of doing the Corp's bidding, but doing as she was told was what she was created for and she had to admit she also enjoyed the duties the Corp assigned her.

"So quickly, Fina? I thought women required a bit of foreplay to warm them up, and didn't enjoy just having a cock shoved in them with no preliminaries," Evan shrugged, "I've always enjoyed the preliminaries myself, but here, let me give you something to amuse yourself with," Evan slid down the waist of his sweatpants and placed his hard erection in the hand of her partially restrained arm, the awkward angle making her have to work to maintain her hold on him.

Serafina grasped the warm cylinder of flesh, unsurprised that her fingers wouldn't wrap all the way around his girth. Though she couldn't see it due to the way she was tied, she remembered it all too well, having worshiped every inch of it in the past. She moaned softly, her breathing ragged, interspersed with soft whimpering sighs that she was unaware she made.

"I am always ready for you, Master Evan," Fina half whispered, half moaned as her fingers explored his hardness, teasing the tip of it with the pad of her thumb as she moved the precum she found there around the silky head.

"You always were a horny little slut,"Evan said with a laugh, "You put on a cool and calm facade, but I know what's really going on in head of yours," he paused a moment to lean down and kiss her forehead, tasting the salt from the sheen of sweat that covered it.

"Well, I guess there's nothing for it," Evan paused and sighed theatrically, "I suppose I'll just have to fuck you; although you've hardly even given me time to decide what position I want to do it in," he told her in mock exasperation.

She trembled, her arousal making her temporarily unable to give a coherent answer. She knew it wasn't strictly necessary, but she liked to be vocal with him, because she knew he liked it. Even his chaste kiss on her forehead did something for her libido, but she always craved more with him; almost like he was her drug of choice.

"It's time for a change of scenery I think," Evan said as he applied himself to untying her.

Once he'd released her from her bonds, Serafina sat up on the edge of the table while Evan stepped out of his pants leaving him completely naked. Leaning forward, she wrapped her lips around his hard cock, stealing a quick taste of him while she could.

Evan laughed again, enjoying her eagerness to please him, then observed, "Such a dirty girl that I trained. I've missed you Fina."

She smiled before trailing her hand down the front of her stomach, over the triangle of fabric that covered her mound and caressing herself lightly, all the while looking at him. "I have missed you too, Master Evan. Your slave's pussy needs you inside of it," she trailed her nails back up the front of her cunt wishing it was him that was teasing her but she knew that good things came to those who waited.

Evan took her hands a pulled her to her feet. Serafina's mouth formed into a pout at having her oral session cut short. The pout turned into a smile, however, when he pulled the ties on her g-string allowing it to fall to the floor. He pulled her to him, enfolded her in his strong arms, and buried his face in her fragrant hair.

"Then let's go somewhere where we can get reacquainted better," he said as he led her toward his bedroom, his arm resting lightly around her shoulders.

Clad now only in her collar and her cupless bra, she leaned into Master Evan, happy to let him lead her wherever he chose. She watched the play of muscles in Master Evan's arm as he twisted the knob and opened the door. She couldn't help but be enthralled, she found everything about him erotic. She brought her heavy-lidded gaze up to his and found that she couldn't help herself, disciplined or not, as she leaned forward, got on her tiptoes, and pressed her lips against his.

Evan paused to hug her tightly once more and return her kiss, letting his hands find the hooks to her bra behind her back. Undoing the fasteners, he stepped back and let it fall to the floor, freeing her breasts from what little confinement the minimalist garment provided. Then, sliding his hands under her arms, he lifted her from the floor and threw her onto his large bed, Serafina's initial scream of surprise turning into delighted laughter as she bounced on the mattress.

She sat up after the bouncing ceased, still giggling. She moved her hands up to her face and pushed the hair away from her eyes. The light from the laughter in her eyes was replaced quickly with the hot glaze of arousal as she watched him from her seat on the bed.

Evan slid onto the bed next to her, his cock still standing at full attention. "I've got reacquainted with your lips on mine and your breasts. I think the reintroduction of my cock had to your mouth was much too short, however. Don't you Fina?" he asked her.

"Dio!..." she moaned huskily. "I thought you would never ask!" She got down on all fours, her voluptuous ass arched into the air enticingly. Her heavy breasts hung low and swung with her movements as she crawled her way sensuously toward him. Her face now centimeters away from his cock, she moaned softly letting the warm moist air from her breath envelop his hardened member.

Evan paused to watch Fina stalking his cock like a tigress stalking her prey and waited for her to pounce. He thought back to when he'd first met the woman she'd been cloned from. Angelina had been in her early thirties then and was in great demand as an escort specializing in being a submissive for some of the most powerful men; and women, in Europe. They'd met at a Corp function and he'd been immediately impressed by the way she carried herself and undeniably attracted to her. When she'd consented to be cloned, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he'd been the one chosen to instruct Serafina, then known as 14, in the specific duties that the Corp would require of her. While Angelina had since retired and their paths hadn't crossed in years, his bond with Serafina had only strengthened in the intervening time and he was very glad he'd been able to persuade his superiors to have her assist him in the instruction of his newest trainee. With that thought he once more turned his attention to the present.

Settling down in front of Master Evan, Serafina looked up at him and was struck again by a wave of lust for this dominant man. Smiling up at him she asked, even though she knew she didn't really have to in this personal setting, "May I suck your cock, Master Evan?" She waited with bated breath for him to answer her, her lips close enough to his hardness that she could feel the heat radiating from it across the sliver of distance separating them.

"Yes you may, slave," he said, "I'll be interested to see if you've picked up any new techniques since our last interlude."

Fina groaned with lust when he gave her permission and, wasting no time, she opened her mouth and took his large cock between her lips. She was starving for him and gave him no time to adjust to the feel of her lips on him before she took the plunge and had his length resting down her throat. As ramped up as she was at the moment, she wasn't in the mood for slow and easy. In fact, she felt like she was ready to spontaneously combust from the heat her arousal generated in her. Slipping her mouth off of him, she grazed her teeth lightly along the underside of his cock, careful not to hurt but just enough to give a gentle surprise. She then lapped at the tip of his cock like a kitten with cream before she moved her mouth back onto him, starting an easy pace, neither fast nor slow, but one where she would go all the way to bury her nose against his pelvis then retreat to the tip of his cock, suckling and teasing the head for a few moments before starting it all over again.

"Oh, youhavelearned a few new tricks!" Evan said with just the slightest quiver in his voice. No one in his experience could suck cock like Serafina. As a fellatrix, he'd never met anyone even approaching her skill and she never failed to surprise him. He hoped she'd be able to impart some of that skill to his trainee, although from what he's seen during her interlude with David, 57 was already a natural. He held her head for a moment and brutally fucked her face, letting her know he was still the boss, before once more letting her have her way with him.

Relaxing her throat to the hard fucking, Fina couldn't stop the moans and whimpers coming from the back of her throat at his rough treatment of her. She loved it when he took command. This was amply demonstrated by the hot trail of liquid desire running down her inner thighs as she returned to her worship of Master Evans cock. She changed her tactics this time, moving slowly... softly, wanting to make him wild in his need for her.

Evan knew Serafina liked to play these little games to test his will. A few times, she'd even won. As a submissive, she approached perfection, a wonderful mix of playfulness, self-control, obedience and raw sensuality.Well, two can play at that game,he thought to himself. He slid his hand around the smooth curve of her ass, his fingers seeking her pussy. Upon reaching their destination, he slipped his thumb into her wet, grasping hole and used the edge of his palm to massage her clit.

A startled moan escaped around his cock and she shuddered hard. She pulled her lips from him and panted in pleasure, waiting until the urge to come had passed. She clenched her vaginal muscles tightly to lock on to Master Evan's thumb and turned her head to look at him before releasing it and saying, "Do you not wish that was your cock, Master?" She knew she was playing with fire, dangerously close to what could be considered topping from the bottom but she couldn't help herself.

"You do realize, Fina my dear, that I can win this little game any time I want," Evan told her, "It only takes one word... Shall I say it?"

Ohhh fuck!Her body trembled at the question, on one hand she wanted him to say it desperately; on the other she wanted him deep inside her before he let her come. Serafina could feel the muscles in her cunt quiver threateningly but she was a good girl and managed to rein in her lust temporarily. Though, even with her iron control, it was getting more and more difficult.

"I know, Master," she said huskily before continuing, "I assume if you want to say it, you will say it; otherwise you will soon be burying this cock deep inside of me. It is a win-win situation, yes?"

"You're always so logical, Fina – a woman after my own heart," Evan chuckled, "All right, on your back."

Serafina hurried to comply, lying on the bed and spreading her legs wide. The smoldering look she gave him as he positioned himself above her was one of pure, unadulterated lust.

Evan lined up his cock, pushed just the head into her opening, then said, "You also realize that it isn't an either/or choice, I can both fuck youandsay the word..." he pushed himself into her and then said forcefully, "CUM!"

Serafina was glad that Evan wasn't asking her to hold her orgasm back. She wasn't sure she was that disciplined after her long absence from him. She screamed loudly as his thickness speared into her, threatening to split her petite body in two. His entry into her body always felt right though, despite the fact that he was huge for her. Her orgasm started as little flickering contractions at first then, as the pleasurable waves swept over her, they grew into much stronger ones clamping down on his thickness with so much strength that it was at times almost painful. She didn't mind the pain though, it simply gave her something to convert into more pleasure.

Evan held still and watched as waves of orgasm broke over his slave. He didn't move because the tight grip felt much too good for him to want to interfere with it. Instead, his simply rode out her climax, buried to the hilt and shivering at the sensations her vaginal spasms transferred to his deeply buried manhood.

As the whirlwind of her orgasm died down, Fina arched her hips up against Master Evan's pelvis, grinding herself against him shamelessly. She watched Evan and realized her appetite for him was limitless and yet she felt no need to try to curb it.Why is that?,she wondered. She trailed her hands down her body again, this time her destination was the little bundle of nerves at the junction of her labia. Her blood red nails glistened in the shadowed space between their joined bodies as she circled a finger around her extra-sensitive clit, teasing it with promises of more.

Evan grabbed Fina's legs and put them over his shoulders. He gave her a slow in-and-out with his cock then told her, "Once I start fucking you, I want you to cum. You're not to stop cumming until after I do. Understood?"

Her legs, already trembling, clamped down on his shoulders and she felt a flush of heat as she heard the wet sound of him pushing in then pulling out of her juicy cunt."Yes, Master Evan," she responded automatically. Then, actually processing what he'd said , she thought to herself,What did I just sign up for?!She felt her stomach drop and her breathing getting more and more harsh as the seconds ticked away. She wasn't sure how she was going to manage to prolong her orgasm, but she would figure out a way.