A Clockwork Green Ch. 04


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"You... you're being so m-mean to me right now. Uhnn! Making me b-be naughty like this."

I'm only vaguely aware of the fact that I am shifting my weight onto the leg balanced on the bench, and that I'm rocking my hips back and forth. Gods, what kind of pervert am I to be doing this? Ever since that episode with Heimdahl, I haven't been able to get the idea of being watched out of my head. Maybe I should stop. Good people don't do this kind of thing...

And then I see the look on Mackenzie's face. I see her slide a hand down her own trousers, though it's obvious by the swell that her cock needs no coaxing. She is staring at me desperately, watching me with a hunger that sends a shiver up my spine. Ripples of delight dance over my scalp.

"Cherry," she whispers, as though she were out of breath. Suddenly I don't give one sweet damn about being a good girl anymore. I want to be my Mackenzie's nasty little plaything, and she's going to get such a show here.

"Y-you like seeing me... like this, don't you my Sweetness?" I roll my hips around and arch my back, thrusting my erection out at her while stroking it faster. My posturing makes her whimper as she takes a step forward, and it's becoming clear to me that she's starting to lose what remaining willpower she has left. "Oh, I'm having... having such an eff-ffect on m-my love, aren't I." My lips quiver as my fingertips tease my swollen head. I reverse the arch of my back to stick my backside out a little, and reach back with the other hand to slide two fingers into my ass. My mewling cry sounds so loud in so small a space, but that realization does nothing to quiet me as I'm penetrated. Pure animal lust takes control of my fingers, wiggling about and around. "But, you're going to, ah!!, have to stay back. You want to see m-me come for you, yes?"

"Yeah. Fuck yeah, I wanna see that!" She stops herself short and looks me up and down. There it is! The look I saw back on the tables in Heimdahl's room. That ravenous, wide-eyed stare that lets me know I am moments away from being her little toy; to be used as she sees fit. I can feel the lust in her gaze, and it makes me feel sooo yummy... so wanted...

"Ahn! I-I can see the... the look in your eyes, Sweetness. You want your treat, d-don't you? You ah!!!... You want your Cherry," I whimper. I am getting close now, and I can feel pressure starting to build at the base of my cock. It starts to spasm in my hand, and it only makes me finger my ass all the more.

"You're about to come, aren't you..." I can hear the hunger in her voice. "Show me. Show me everything. I want to see you shoot your load all over this room!"

"M-Mackenzie! I... ahn! I-I..." I close my eyes and the room starts to spin. I am so close, now. Just another few moments... just a few more strokes...

Mackenzie's touch breaks my concentration. She's moved beside me, and I feel her run her fingers under my chin as she so very gently turns my head to look at her. I open my eyes to see her smiling softly at me. I've... I've not seen that look since that strange dream in the desert months ago.

"You're my good little girl, aren't you..."


The smile grows warmer still. "Come for me, Cherry."

That moment, that very moment... I feel something wash over me. A warmth I've only felt once before, more than just my impending climax. It wraps around my like a soft blanket, and I whimper happily at the sensation. A vision of a field of flowers pops into my head as I feel cum spurt from the tip of my cock. It pulses over and over, streams of white spunk shooting across the room for what seems like forever.

I make no sound at all, not even a whimper as I look into those emerald eyes of hers. I feel... safe. Happy. Content.

She surveys the mess I made, then looks at me with such happiness. Like she's been finally sated at last after a large meal. "That's my girl. That's my sweet Cherry."

It's all I can do to just lean over and put my head on her shoulder, letting out a little sigh of contentment. I take a few deep breaths to clear my head, and I can feel her put her arms around me.

"Let's get this cleaned up and finish our shoppin'. After seeing that, I've got plans for that ass of yours."

Oh, Mackenzie...


Finally! The night of the auction! I've been eagerly anticipating this day for so very long, waiting for the chance to see what the other side of the world looks like. Despite my views on the order of things, I am curious to know how people of money and power act and behave. What are we going to see? This is more than just a chance to show off a pretty dress while on Mackenzie's arm. It's a learning opportunity, and it's one I'm not going to pass up.

Just passing through Elysia subjects us to a battery of disrespect, ranging from indifference to disgust. The level of assholery drops off significantly once we reach the estate housing the auction, however. It's a grand and wonderful building to be sure, and the pleasant smiles of the staff stand in stark contrast to the sneers and eye rolling encountered minutes before.

"The shitty attitudes disappear when there's money to be made." Mackenzie shakes her head. I positively beam at her, squeezing her arm in approval at the observation. My girl may not have a high education, but that doesn't mean she's dumb. She looks at me sheepishly while flushing slightly; she still hasn't quite figured out what to do with my adoration.

We go inside after handing our cloaks to the doorman. His eyes almost seem to bug out of his head as he ogles us, stumbling over his words as he lets us in.

"I guess we're too much woman for him to handle." My hand shields my mouth to suppress a little giggle. Mackenzie may not have been happy about it, but I finally convinced her to take off her goggles and let me put her flaming orange hair up in a bun of curls. She's at least nine kinds of adorable right now in her strapless, sleeveless red dress.

She winks back at me. "What'd really blow his fuckin' mind is if he knew we're better hung than him, too." That's my girl! I swat at her playfully as we make our way down through the causeway and into a great hall set up for the auction. The sight before us makes us both stop and gaze in wonder at the scene before us.

The room is very well lit despite the late hour, thanks to ornate hanging gas lamps supplemented with fire magic to burn brightly. They chase away the shadows, illuminating priceless works of art that are set up between large windows. Heavy red velvet curtains offset sharply against the cream-colored walls

Tables line the perimeter of the room, overflowing with foods that even I've never laid eyes on before. The sheer quantity of it is making my mind boggle. There is more food here in this room right now than some people back where we live will see in a month! All different kinds of delicacies, from exotic fruits to delicate chocolates and everything in between are artfully displayed to appeal to the senses.

Large, comfortable sofas have been arranged around the room, offering those here to buy a place to relax and enjoy themselves. Servants make their way to various patrons, filling orders for drinks and food. Some of them are very scantily clad, and there's no illusions as to what they're offering. A small gasp from Mackenzie causes me to turn around, and I see her gawking at everything around her; She has such a wonderstruck look on her face.

"Char, people can afford to live like this?"

"Yes, they can."

"Why... I don't understand. Don't they know there are people who don't have almost nothin' to eat? Why can't they..." She slowly brings her gaze to lock with mine, and I can see her start to connect the dots.

"They know." It's all I can manage to say. She's from Hollinsport, a hardscrabble town where everyone had to work together to survive. To know that there are people living like this while others are suffering is creating a kind of mental logjam.

"I think... I think I understand what you've been gettin' at." A look of mild disgust slowly spreads across her face. "And I think I know why the P'fessor lives where she does now, too."

I open my mouth to agree with her, only to be cut off by a commanding voice from up at the massive stage in front of us. "Esteemed guests, please begin to take your seats. The evening's events will begin shortly."

Mackenzie starts over to the chairs in front of us, forcing me to catch her by the arm quickly and shake my head. "Those are for the guests buying things tonight. We'll have to go to the back of the room, and when our item is sold we'll collect the money. We'll have to leave here afterwards."

She nods silently, though I can tell she doesn't like the idea. Nobody likes being told they're not good enough, and Mackenzie is a proud person.

A waitress in a black and white maid's outfit wanders by carrying a tray of drinks. She pauses in front of us, eyeballing us for a moment. "You don't look like aristocracy, ducky. What are you here for?"

"Retainers," Mackenzie says simply.

The waitress nods with an "ah" and smiles. "Seen a few of those lately. And you two look more like soldiers than royalty. Who you working for?"

"Professor Annette Tournesol."

"Oooh, I know her! Wonderful woman. Tell her Jessica said 'hello', won't you?" She winks at us before looking around the room. "And make sure you enjoy a little of what's around here before you go. You don't get the opportunity to have a little taste of the good things like this often. In fact, here..."

She offers both of us a tall crystal glass of a orangish drink. I accept it with a nod, while Mackenzie takes hers a little more reluctantly. "You'll like this, trust me." With that, she sashays off to serve the other patrons.

Mackenzie and I take a sip of our drinks, and I watch as her expression lights up almost immediately. "That's fuckin' good... What is this, Char?"

"It's called a 'Mimosa'. It's part chilled orange juice and part champaigne." I giggle at her as she takes a large swig from the glass, relishing the drink thoroughly.

"I call it fuckin' good! I wanna have another." She drains the last of the glass and sets it down on the tray of a passing servant before giving chase after him. "Hey! You got another of those Mimosas, buddy? Give it up!"

I laugh heartily, admiring my girl as she runs after him.

My thoughts are interrupted by the announcer, who has begun to introduce the prime patrons of the evening. "Ladies and gentlemen, before we begin I'd like to introduce you to the esteemed sponsors for tonight's affair. These champions of New Verdia have led us through times both harrowing and difficult, and their names echo through the halls of every corner of the city. May I introduce to you..."

My pulse quickens immediately. This is another reason why I am here tonight; I want to catch a glimpse of the people in power, to see them as up close and personal as I can get. Regardless of what I think of the affairs of New Verdia, these people are proven leaders. They have the one thing that most of the people in this room don't, and that is power. They are the movers and shakers in our corner of the world, and I want to see what that looks like.

"Baron Erlich Von Krauss."

A short, gray-haired man wearing delicate spectacles and a somber look raises his glass in the air in acknowledgement. He's the Minister of Science and Arcana, and is responsible for most of the city's infrastructure. He's probably forgotten more about applied mechanics and magic than most people will ever learn.

"Baron Ivanovich Mikhail Rasputin."

He has women on both arms, despite the fact that he's in a relationship with another noble. He has the look of a powerful warrior, wearing a long sword on his left side. He's ruggedly handsome, and yet I can see a cruel streak in the set of his eyes as he looks around the room. From what I've read, he's fought in many battles. There is a reason why he's called 'New Verdia's General'. I wonder how I'd match up against him?

"Baroness Emmaline Wadsworth."

New Verdia's self-appointed Minister of Commerce. She's a mousy woman, though the hard steel in her gaze betrays her true nature. This woman is responsible for much of the financial goings-on in the city, and it's due to her leadership that the city is prospering. She is also the reason the city is segregated like it is, and I can actually taste the bile rising in my throat at the mention of her name.

Mackenzie comes bounding up, clearly pleased with herself. She actually has four drinks in her hands, and the fact that she only learned to walk in heels three days ago is a testament to her determination to get her drink on. Watching her practice was... lovely. "I brought you a drink, Char."

I shoot her a bemused look, eyeing the four drinks she's trying to balance in her grasp. "Only one, Sweetness?"

"Yup. The rest are for me." She hands me one of the drinks and sets the other two down on a table. "I've been a good girl, and I deserve a present."

"Duchess Emilie Amaranth."

It's rather strange, really. No-one seems to know what she really does for the city, though she wields the most political clout of the four. Some believe her to be some kind of power broker, a matchmaker of sorts for the political elite. Others say that she is no more than a dilettante, the daughter of a powerful scion of the city in days past with no real power. Then there are the few that whisper in conspiratorial tones that she has made faustian deals with arcane entities for her powers.

I spin around to see her for myself, and my jaw drops open. She is regal, confident... and painfully beautiful. She gazes over room with a kind of bemused expression, one that brings to mind a predator sizing up potential prey from afar. Her eyes bore holes as she stares, and she has the bearing of one who is accustomed to getting her way. Every. Single. Time.

At the same time, there is something... sinister about her. I can't quite place my finger on it; for all the power the other three show, she radiates it, and dangerously so. It scares me, and yet it draws me inexplicably to her. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I am feeling like this... but it's there, all the same.

I am still watching the Duchess as she heads to her observation box above the auction house floor. I can hear someone calling my name, distantly. I pay them no mind as my eyes follow her up the stairs before the wall steals her from my view.

"Char? You're staring at her."

I hear myself sigh, almost in a dreamlike manner. "Huh?"


It's enough to finally break me from my reverie, though she's not being loud at all. It's the tone in her voice that finally makes me turn to her. She has a stony look on her face, one that is tinged with a barely realized fear. She regards me with trepidation, and I can't help but feel that something, however small, has changed.

"Sorry, Sweetness. I just got caught up thinking about the auction is all." It's a lie, and I can immediately tell that Mackenzie doesn't buy it.

"Sure." The announcer finishes the introductions and begins the auction. She takes a heavy swig from her glass and turns away from me.

"Mackenzie, I..."

"Forget it. It's not important." Now we're both lying to each other, and that small change doesn't feel so small anymore. I ruefully sip my drink. It tastes like ash.

Good job, Charlotte. You've managed to ruin a wonderful evening. You stupid bitch.


The auction continues on well into the evening, and I watch as amazing things that I would never have presumed to put a value on are bought and sold at whim. They have yet to get the item we're selling for the Professor, but I know that it's coming up soon. Truth be told, I am grateful our part in this evening is almost done.

Mackenzie has been drinking more than usual. She's not drunk yet, but I suspect that she's well on her way. She's had five or six mixed drinks, and I know from experience that's her judgement will start to wander soon. She's not said one word to me since the auction began, making for a very awkward silence. She drains her glass yet again before spinning on her heels (while almost toppling over in the process) and stalking off.

I start off after her, only to be pulled back to the auctioneer. They've gotten to our item! I watch the proceedings with excitement as the bids climb higher and higher for the Professor's artifact. This is going to sell for far more than she thought...

More and more money is being offered, each bid building suspense within me. How much is she going to get for that tiny statue?! A thought pops into my head as I watch; she promised us a ten percent commission! Comparatively speaking, we're going to have a lot of money when this night's over.

A hand lightly touches my hip, breaking the spell that's come over me. I whirl.

It's Mackenzie. She's standing before me, wearing a very embarrassed and petulant expression on her face. "Cherry," she whispers quietly. "I, um... We have a problem."

"What's wrong, Sweetness? Are you okay?"

"I just... um... we need to find a broom closet or something."

"Did you spill something, or make a mess?"

"Heh... not yet..." I turn around to search for a lavatory or other place where we can deal with this. My hand inadvertently brushes over her bulging erection, and I gasp in shock

"Mackenzie! What has gotten into you?! Control yourself!"

"Cherry, I'm so sorry. It's that dress!"

"This one? You've seen me in less!"

"Yeah, but... heh, never while I was in a dress too. There's nowhere to hide!" Her apologetic grin looks so out of place, and I can't help but giggle at her. The grin fades into a scowl as she tears away from my gaze. "This isn't funny!"

"It very much is, my dear. Come on. It doesn't look like there's a bathroom around here. Let's head over to the balcony over there." I take her by the hand and lead her behind the crowd as much as I can..

We both step out into the cool night's air, goose bumps forming on my skin as we cross the partition from inside to outside. The night sky is simply amazing, stars scattered throughout the firmament like dust on the wind as they shine down on us. A full moon hangs lazily on the horizon, casting shadows over the landscape of the city. These are the kind of nights I loved to stand watch on back when we were aboard The Chimaera.

Mackenzie brings me back to the real world as she presses close to me. "Who do you belong to, Cherry?" The fear in her voice is palpable, and it takes me aback. I know exactly what is going on here now, and it breaks my heart. I did more damage to her with that stupid fucking display earlier than I had thought. She's trying to be dominant here, but she's rattled and hurting.

"Mackenzie. I -"

"Please. Who do you belong to?"

I catch myself in a whimper as I cup her chin in both hands. "You. Always you, my Sweetness."

Her eyes soften a little, but there is still trepidation there. I look around, a thought forming in my head. I don't know whether it's the night's air, or the alcohol I've been drinking or just the fact that I've hurt the dearest person to me in this world. But I have an idea as to how I can prove my admission to her. I look down at the bulge straining against her dress, and a wan smile plays over my lips. I flutter my eyelashes as I turn my gaze to meet hers. "Take me. Here. Now." Her jaw drops open, and she seems to be at a loss for words. She stares into my eyes, as if she doesn't quite believe what I am asking of her. I lick my lips as I caress her cheek with a long, slow touch. "Bend me over this railing and use me as you like."

I hear her actually growl as she roughly spins me around, pushing me down onto the marble latticework that overhangs the balcony with one hand while hiking the hem of my dress up over my hips with the other. The garden below is empty, blessedly empty. I feel her yank down my panties, making me step out of them before kicking at my ankle and forcing my legs wide apart. I hear myself whine pathetically, whimpering as she tosses me around. "M-Mackenzie. I -"