A Clutch of Mermaids


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The tall girl smiled, more comfortable with her friend's touch now. She leaned forward and kissed Sarah's neck.

"That's nice," she whispered, "but not now. They're 75 yards away, Sarah - they'll hear us for sure!"

Sarah was feeling more reconciled to the possibility of 'captivity'. Her eyes sparkled with amusement. She bent until her lips were next to the tall girl's ear.

"Then," she whispered very softly, "you're just going to have to control yourself, aren't you, Rache?" Rachel shivered as Sarah's tongue-tip traced a slow line down her jawline.

The little blonde's hands grew bolder, roamed up and down Rachel from shoulder to knee. A hand settled on one of Rachel's legs, Sarah's thumb moving slowly over her inner thigh. Rachel squirmed, gasped slightly as Sarah's other hand settled under one of her breasts.

"They're so beautiful!" Sarah whispered, her head still on Rachel's shoulder. "Mine are pretty good, but I've always been jealous of these, Rachel."

Her hand swept back and forth over Rachel's yielding womanflesh, lingered over each stiff nipple to play and tease.

Her head lifted from the brunette's shoulder and her lips met Rachel's, lightly at first, then with increasing pressure. Her white teeth softly bit her friend's lip, pulled back gently. Rachel, giving into the inevitable, opened her mouth and began to meet Sarah's tongue-tip with her own.

At that, Sarah leaned in even harder. Her tongue pushed through into Rachel's - teasing, arousing.

Rachel felt wetness between her legs, brought a hand up to caress Sarah. The small girl pushed it away. Leaning back, her face wore a bright smile.

"Nope! It's my turn, girl. Can't be both, 'cause one of us has to stay sane or those boys will be over here in a flash."

Her lips returned to Rachel's, her hand continuing to play with the big girl's magnificent breasts. Again and again, her small hand lifted, massaged and squeezed them, running over rock-hard nipples.

Sarah shifted her hand, slim fingers sliding gently down over Rachel's stomach, lingering over her mound and finally slipping between her thighs to feather-stroke her labia. The big woman sighed deeply.

Sarah leaned forward, lovingly kissed first one breast and then the other. Her tongue began to circle one of Rachel's breasts, large circles spiralling in toward its prominent nipple.

Rachel moaned as Sarah stopped just short of her throbbing nipple, switched to the other breast and began again.

Rachel moaned lightly. "Sarah..."

"Hush, Rache! Stick a sock in it!"

A sock... The two broke out giggling, which only ended when Sarah's tongue returned to fondling and licking the tall woman's twins.

Around and around and around, the blonde's soft tongue circled, almost but never quite reaching the centre. Rachel so very much wanted Sarah's lips on her nipples, but the young woman persisted in her teasing light tongue strokes, never quite touching Rachel's supersensitive tips.

Sarah's forefinger slid between Rachel's now-slippery lips, found her entrance, penetrated just to the first knuckle.

Rachel was panting now. She could not remember ever being so aroused, so needy.

Her hand's movements constrained by the fin lock, Sarah's finger swirled around and around, teasing and tormenting her friend.

"Sarah!" the tall girl moaned. "No more teasing! I can't take it. Please!"

The smaller woman paused. Leaving her finger inside Rachel, she felt with her thumb until she found her friend's clitoris and began to drag it lightly over the swollen button. At the same time, she found an engorged nipple with her lips and began to lash its tip with a flickering tongue.

Rachel jerked, started to give a loud cry. The smaller girl swiftly covered her mouth with a hand. As she continued to work Rachel's pussy with her hand, her mouth left the brunette's breast and darted up to cover Rachel's mouth with her own.

Rachel's thrashed in her bliss, pleasure flooding throughout her lithe body. It was all the young blonde could do to keep their lips locked together to stifle her lover's screams of pleasure.

Rachel slowly came back to earth. Her cries ceased, replaced by gasps for breath. Sarah sank back, gently slid her hand out of Rachel's pussy and lovingly cuddled the tall woman's breasts with damp fingers. Rachel gave a soft hum of contentment.

Sarah leaned up, kissed her friend's cheek softly. Leaning back, she smiled gently.


Day 6

It didn't have to last a long time.


"Rachel.... Rachel, hon, it's after midnight. Rachel, wake up."

The blonde girl shook her friend by the shoulder and felt her awaken.

She leaned in for a kiss. It was dark enough in their cave that she missed the first time and had to shift slightly. Soft lips met soft lips; tongues tasted each other's breath.

Rachel's hand came up, stroked Sarah's jawline. "You're amazing."

"I love you," Sarah said softly. "But it's time to go, I think. The moon's just starting to come up."


The two slipped into the water below, long hair trailing behind them as they moved. The sea surrounding the island seemed unnaturally calm, with scarcely a ripple. The moon's rising was an elaborate double event over its mirrored surface.


All it needed to do was to slow down two swimmers for a few moments.


They paused as they approached the mouth of the channel, waited silently for almost half an hour. Nothing was stirring and, with a short kiss, Sarah led them up into its dark water, her fin barely disturbing the surface of the water. Following her, Rachel admired the full curves of Sarah's bottom as it emerged from the water at each stroke.

The trees on either side cast shadows even in the prevailing dimness and there was just enough light to make out a plum tree by the bank. They waited in the water for another few minutes before pulling themselves out onto the bank, tails dragging behind them. Standing to pick the fruit was difficult, but Sarah helped prop up her taller friend by sitting beside her with a hand on her bare bottom.

Rachel was plucking the ripe plums, feeling around in the darkness, when Sarah's fingers mischievously began to squeeze her buttock.

"Stop that!" she hissed.

Her words were a mistake.

The two women froze at hearing a low swishing sound in the water from the way they had come. Alerted, they each clutched a handful of plums and listened intently, ears trying to pierce the darkness.

Uphill just a little, very close by, William's voice suddenly bellowed, "Now,  Tim!"

Alarmed, the mermaids slid the short distance down the bank into the channel. From behind them, in the direction of the shelter, came a male bellow, followed by the sound of a body splashing into the water.

The girls turned towards the sea, swimming as fast as they could towards the relative safety of open water where they knew the men could not hope to catch up.


Just a few moments...


Rachel's leading wrist suddenly ran into something in the water. It felt like a dangling vine or maybe a washed-out tree root. Twisting away from it, she lunged to one side, only to be blocked by another, then another. Disoriented and becoming snarled in an invisible obstacle seeming to stretch in all directions, she flailed at it, only to have Sarah run into her from behind.

Behind them were shouts and splashes from Tim, clawing his way down the channel, closing off that way of escape.

The two women tore at what seemed to be a snarl of vines going in every direction. They jerked at it, felt it begin to part. Knots gave way beneath their frantic hands, meshes parted.

A huge splash immediately behind them again carried them against the mesh. A floundering hand caught Rachel by the hair, another seized Sarah by the arm.

"Gotcha!" whooped William, shaking water out of his hair.

"Tim!" he yelled, "Tim! I've got them both! Bring a light."

The splashing noises from towards the shelter ended and, in short order, a torch began to bob its way through the darkness towards them.

A naked and dripping Tim arrived on the path above them, holding a blazing branch high over his head. Looking at William, still waist-deep in the channel and still clinging to the topless mermaids, he whistled. "Nice catch, William!"

"Nice weaving, Timothy!" William laughed.

By the light of the torch, the girls could now see a crude, half-ruined net stretching across the width of the channel.

The island had provided vines in profusion, some flowered, some fruit-bearing. It had not been that difficult for the men to tie enough together to form a rudimentary net long enough to span the narrow channel.

Had the mermaids been able to see its wide-spaced meshes, getting through it would have been easy. Before William had raised it, they'd swum over it unaware as it lay slack at the bottom of the channel, hidden by both water and dim light. But once raised - it, their confusion and the darkness had combined to delay them just long enough for the tall man to pounce.

"Well and fairly caught, girls," William laughed. "Now, do we need to carry you to the camp or will you swim and meet us there?"

Trust, Sarah again thought to herself, it was all about trust.

"We'll swim," she said.


There no longer being any need for silence, the two mermaids reached the landing by the shelter before William and Tim. Hearing them in the water, Tammy and Jade lit their own torch and came to look.

"Are you two OK?" Jade asked.

"Oh, yeah," Sarah said. "Just really, really pissed at that net."

Tammy smirked. "They were giggling and laughing all yesterday when they were making it," she said. "Down by the end of the creek."

"We heard them," Rachel said.

"We heard one of you, too!" Sarah grinned ruefully.

Jade blushed. "Guilty. They took us with them to keep them amused while Tim wove the net."

"And provide sound effects, I think," Tammy said. The other three laughed a little, but not Jade. She just smiled. She was a vocal lover and knew it.

"Well, the sound effects sure worked," Sarah laughed. We figured they'd shifted the orgy down to the beach. No way were we going to go anywhere near that."

Rachel looked back and forth between the standing girls.

"You can stand!" she exclaimed.

"Tim let us out of our fins for a while," Jade said. It seemed odd to the mermaids to be hearing a woman's voice at normal volume, so conditioned were they to whispering.

"Are you hungry" Jade asked. "The boys have food and they don't mind sharing it."

Rachel could hear footsteps. "Let's see what happens now," she replied.

The two men arrived shortly after, still grinning broadly. Tim handed the torch to Tammy. "Go build up the fire," he directed.

Looking at the two mermaids sitting on the bank of the channel, William asked, "Are you two OK? How hungry are you?"

"New York striploin, medium rare?" Rachel replied, her eyebrows raised. "Candied carrots? Maybe an Argentinian merlot?"

The big man laughed, his voice echoing across the island. "Not likely! But how about some canned stew? It's not gourmet or anything, but it's warm and filling. Karl's left a stack of stores here."

Stew. Canned stew. Normally the two would have been revolted by the mere thought, but at that moment, it seemed the most appealing meal they could imagine.

In short order, they were both sitting in chairs, shovelling stew into their mouths while the other four watched. Tim even fetched them each a can of beer from the channel, which soon went to their heads.

Tim looked at William as the two put down their spoons. "Time, I think. To the victors go the spoils."

"Agreed. But it's been a long day, boyo. I think I could do with a massage first."

Tim grinned.

The shelter was simple, lacking both walls and power, but it was hardly uncomfortable. Six posts supported a shingled roof over a simple raised wooden floor. The space was big enough for two large inflatable beds, far more comfortable than simple air mattresses one might take camping.

There were even sheets and pillows.

The men lay face-down on their beds. William had taken Tammy and Rachel for his body rub; Jade and Sarah were with Tim. All four had been released from their fins.

Rachel's hands were digging into a knot on William's shoulder while Tammy kneaded his feet. On the other bed, both girls were stripping Tim's arms, slowly sliding tightly-gripped hands down from shoulder to wrist, over and over.

William groaned as Rachel's strong fingers dug forcefully into the knot, sighed as he felt it release. The two girls began to coordinate their strokes. Soft hands rubbed in unison over William's back, sweeping and kneading the strong muscles under his tanned skin. When it seemed to the tall girl to be time to move further down his body, she looked at Tammy for guidance.

Tammy smiled back as her hands ran down from William's back and onto his buttocks. Rachel's followed a moment later and the two dug their fingers into his firm muscles.

Rachel, in spite of herself, felt some degree of tenderness and affection building within her. Tim had indeed proved a nice man and a gentle captor. William had, under the circumstances, been a real gentleman. And, she had to admit, he was easy on the eyes. Her hands ran over his bum, down along his thighs, squeezing and shifting his strong muscles.

She had few regrets or fears now. Based on what they'd seen earlier in the week, Rachel had expected to be taken the instant she was caught, but asides from William seizing her by the net and then soon after carrying her up the bank to the camp in his arms, he'd not touched her. He'd been quite kind to her, she realized, in minor ways, with little things.

She sensed her body reacting in spite of any reservations she might still have had. She was still uncertain about her feelings, but realized that she was no longer apprehensive of what she knew would inevitably follow.

Tammy slapped William lightly on the sole of one foot. "Roll over," she said.

Obediently, the man shifted.

Unsurprisingly, he was erect.

The two women ignored his manhood, carried on as if they'd not seen it and began massaging his scalp.

On the other bed, Sarah and Jade had found Tim more eager. He was lying on his back; his cock - not long but quite thick - swaying under the attentions of the two women. Jade was licking it slowly from bottom to top while Sarah was gently sucking his balls, one by one, into her mouth and tonguing them in there.

"Sarah," Tim said, "the fire's dying. I want to see better. Go put some more wood on it, would you?"

The blonde girl let go of his scrotum, rose and walked outside. Tossing a couple of logs onto the fire created a storm of sparks behind her as she re-entered the shelter. Tim, his arms crossed behind his head, looked approvingly as her young figure was silhouetted by the rising flames.

"Come here," he directed. Moving one of his arms for a moment, he patted the bed beside him.

The blonde girl knelt as directed.

"Spread your legs," he directed. "No, turn so I can see."

The firelight flickered on her lower lips, slick with her arousal.

"Stroke yourself," he commanded, softly. "Show me how you like it best."

Sarah found herself blushing. No lover had ever asked, much less demanded, that of her. For all her adventurous spirit, she hesitated.

"Do it," he said. Then, to her surprise, "Please."

Her eyes locked on his, Sarah slowly lowered a hand to her pussy. A slender finger began to run along her labia as Jade took Tim's cock deep in her mouth, pumping as much of the shaft as she could still reach with her hands.

Tim's eyes flicked back and forth, electrified by Sarah's display, thrilled by Jade's oral efforts.


Tammy and Rachel worked their way down William's chest, massaging strong, prominent muscles. William sighed as their fingers slid over his abdomen, skirted his cock.

Rachel looked at it in the firelight. It was formed in proportion to his height, long, sizeable. Pendulous testicles hung it in his sack, one lower than the other.

And he was uncircumcised. Rachel's boyfriends had all been circumcised; William's was the first of the kind she had seen. His foreskin had slipped back when he'd become hard, leaving part of his cockhead exposed.

Her hand shifted to rest on his balls, rolled them slightly. She bent forward to kiss them lightly. He smelled of white soap, she realized.

Tammy's hand started to slowly drift towards William's groin, her fingertips just touching his abdomen. Rachel suddenly wanted - needed -  to be the one holding it and quickly slipped her hand up to its base. Gently but firmly, her hand slid over its rigid core and its silky skin covering, stopping just before she reached its shrouded head.

Not entirely certain what to do next, she squeezed him, began to pump his shaft lightly while she considered her options.

As she pumped, the man's foreskin slipped up and down over his head. Intrigued, she lengthened her stroke, exposing and then almost covering his swollen crown with each beat.


Tammy's face had a gentle smile on it as she watched Rachel's explorations. Her fingers glided over the sensitive skin of William's inner thighs.

Rachel pulled at the man's velvety foreskin with her fingers, giggled a little at seeing how far it stretched. She bent towards it, seized it lightly with her teeth; tugging just a little, she felt her breasts sway beneath her as she moved. She let go when she heard William's half-gasp, half moan. Turning her head, she looked up at his face to see closed eyes over a broad smile. Her hands began to stroke his shaft harder, soft skin flowing under her hand over his solid core.

William's eyes popped open; Rachel could see the pleasure in them. Turning away, she bent forward, taking its bulbous head between her lips.

William smiled. His hands came up, stroked her hair and Rachel, lifting her head to look up at him, smiled back. She was surprised to feel a growing contentment within her.

Lips over her teeth, Rachel began to bob up and down on his manhood, sucking and licking. William's abdomen muscles rippled as he twitched in pleasure.

She began tickling behind his sack with her fingers, probing his taint for the prostate she knew lay buried deep below her stiff fingers.

William rolled out from under her, pulled her head to his and kissed her - a long, deep, lingering kiss. Rachel's eyes looked into his and her heart seemed to fly.

"I love that, Rachel, but I want you  now." He lay back and, waving his hand at his glistening member, motioned for the young woman to climb onto him.

Obediently, she swung a leg over his stomach, reached down with one hand, aimed his head at her entrance and slowly began to lower herself into a cowgirl position.

William's cock parted her inner lips, moved past them into her depths. She gasped as it stretched her inner walls, felt herself sliding down over his length until she was fully seated on him.

His strong, wide hands slid over her knees and up the soft skin of her thighs as she began to roll her hips, swirling her inner walls over the cock buried balls-deep within her. His fingers continued up to her mound, his thumbs pressing and shifting it. Deep within her, Rachel could feel her own arousal growing, felt her clit responding, glowing with animal heat.

Over her stomach and upwards, William's hands slid until they reached her gently swaying breasts, capturing them in a cage of long, loving fingers. William lifted them, held them firmly. His thumbs ran gently over her eager nipples each time her body moved on his cock; Rachel huffed and growled at the slowly-growing ball of fire in her pussy.


On the other bed, Tim was torn. He desperately wanted to roll Jade onto her back and bury himself in her soft wetness, pound her into the mattress, make them both scream with pleasure. Equally desperately, he wanted to continue to watch Sarah in the flickering light as her slim fingers brought herself closer and closer to orgasm for him.
