A Day at the Beach


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The kiss and the hug quickly became passionate. Slowly he began to undress the beautiful young woman before him. As he took off each item of clothing, he caressed her, and kissed her skin. He stepped behind her to kiss her neck and shoulders. When she stood before him completely naked, he stepped back in front of her and smiled.

Sarah suddenly felt shy. "I'm sorry I'm not more pretty."

"Sarah, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I already told you that I don't want to hear you talk about the woman I love like that ever again. You are beautiful in my eyes and in my heart, and that will never change."

She shrugged her shoulders in a fit of shyness, but her smile told him that she felt loved, and that she believed him.

Michael then lifted his hands slightly and said, "Your turn to undress me, my love."

She stepped in to kiss him again, and then lovingly lifted his shirt above his head. Because this was really her first time, she didn't quite know what to do. She decided to follow what she remembered him doing. Some of it worked well, some not quite so well. But for her, the most surprising moment was when she pulled down his briefs and encountered his penis for the first time. She was a nurse, but studying about such things was not the same as seeing it in person. And since she really didn't get a chance to see and feel the first one when she was a teenager, she suddenly showed a fascination with Michael's. She touched it and saw how it reacted. She giggled, but Michael wasn't hurt. He knew she wasn't laughing at him, but that she was excited about this new object of his love for her.

She still wasn't sure what it was like, but she had heard talk, and she had briefly seen a couple of videos. Of course, she was so shy, and they embarrassed her so she didn't watch much. She knew about the idea of oral sex, but it was completely foreign to her. And yet, as she kneeled before Michael, she felt a huge desire to take him into her mouth. An instinct to please him flooded her heart, and while she struggled a little with what to do, Michael loved what she was doing.

"My love, if you keep that up, I'm going to cum."

She pulled her mouth off of him, but kept hold of him and rubbed him on her cheek. "Please cum. Fill my mouth with your cum. I love you. I want you to cum. I want to taste and savor you." And she swallowed his cock again. Hearing her words, it was only seconds before his first shot hit the back of her throat. She instinctively knew to pull back until only the head of his cock was in her mouth. The reminder of his cum fell on her tongue where she did in fact savor his essence.

She looked up at him with a look he couldn't quite get. He thought it was a good look, but then again, it had been so long for him, he wasn't sure. "Are you okay, honey?"

She closed her eyes, and swallowed. "Yes, darling. That was perfect. New and unexpected, but perfect. Did I do okay?"

Michael didn't quite know what to say. He realized this was all new to her, and he wasn't sure how she would react. "Wow, honey, I don't really know what to say. You did so much better than okay." He pulled her up to her feet, and gave her a very passionate kiss, tasting himself in the process. "What you did was full of love and that made it perfect. I really do love you."

Sarah giggled in a way that Michael knew she felt the love he had for her. "Well, if that's the reaction, I think you can count on receiving those pretty often."

He picked her up, carried her over to bed, and lay her down. "Your turn."

Her shyness kicked up again. "Are you sure? You don't have to."

"Yes, I'm sure, and yes, I do have to. I love you and it's just one of the ways I'm going to show you. It's my turn to taste and savor you."

He gave her another kiss, then began kissing gently around her face. His hands began to caress around her body, rubbing up her side and across her belly. He knew that she really was still a virgin, and he remembered his own awkward experiences surrounding that. He wanted to make sure that even if there was some pain involved, she would be relaxed enough to enjoy this experience.

When he caressed her breast for the first time, she drew in a deep breath. He briefly pinched a nipple, drawing a moan from her lips. He began to kiss down to her shoulder and neck. He let his hands lead the way, following close behind with kisses. He rolled one nipple again between his thumb and finger, and almost immediately nipped at the other, bringing out a deeper moan. He slid his hand down her side to her hip while leaving kisses and love bites down the other side of her rib cage. When he got to her hip, he brought his hand into her belly button, again following with kisses and little nibbles. When his mouth reached her belly button he plunged his tongue in, eliciting an "Oh, God."

After a couple of seconds, he moved hands and kisses back to her hips, working down the tops of her legs, finally reaching her feet, lightly nipping at her toes, then switching to the other foot to work his way back up.

When he made it back up to her thigh, every nip caused her body to twitch. He could tell her orgasm was eminent. He gently pushed her legs apart, and took his place between them. At first she had been watching him work down her body, but as he got closer to her pussy, she laid her head back and closed her eyes. The sounds she was making let him know she was right on the edge. He debated about whether to prolong her pleasure or to just give her a good release. He quickly decided to give the quick release this time, and show her later what other joys she could have.

He leaned forward and ran his tongue up her slit coming to rest on her clit, and giving it a quick suck. Sarah's orgasm burst with an intensity he had not seen in a long time. Her body began twitching. She didn't say anything, but she had a throaty moaning growl, that he'd never heard anybody make before. He worked two fingers between her lips trying to loosen her pussy for what was to come. After a few seconds her body tensed and lifted off the bed a couple of inches. He could tell see was holding her breath as her muscles contracted through her orgasm. It was several seconds later before her body relaxed and dropped to the mattress again.

Michael continued to pump his fingers in and out of her body, as he sucked and nipped at her clit causing another strong contraction. This time when she relaxed, she began pushing his head away. "Enough, I need a break."

Michael crawled up on the bed beside her, and smiled in a way that she knew he was teasing her, "So, did I do okay?"

"Oh, my God, are you kidding? Wow. I've never felt anything like that before. What did you do to me?"

"Just showing you how you deserve to be loved."

Michael continued to caress her body. He knew she needed a little bit of a break after so intense an orgasm, but he didn't want her to relax too much before the actual intercourse.

"Are you ready for this, Sarah?"

Sarah kissed Michael really deeply for a couple of minutes before speaking again, "It scares me Michael, but I trust you. I know you won't try to hurt me."

Michael climbed between her legs caressing the side of her face, and looking into her eyes. "I love you." He lined the tip of his cock with her opening and began slowly pressing in.

Sarah began moaning again, and she closed her eyes as her head rolled backwards. Michael was in a couple of inches. He backed out slightly, and then began again. He began a gently pumping action, sliding in a little deeper with each thrust. When he was fully inside her, he paused.

"Sarah, honey, how are you doing?"

She smiled and sighed. After a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes and looked deeply into his. "I am so in love with you right now. You feel so wonderful inside me. Make love to me now."

When he was sure she was doing okay, Michael began to seriously pump in and out of his love. He half expected her to close her eyes again, but not this time. Sarah was intent on keeping eye contact with Michael. The two lovers were sharing a bond that would become the favorite part of their love making in years to come.

Even though Michael had already cum once, with the connection he and Sarah had, and with how tight she was, he knew he wasn't going to last long. With a couple more thrusts, he pushed as deep as he could and began to fill his love with his cum. With the first shot into her womb, Sarah went over the edge, and began cumming again, although not as intensely as when Michael was sucking on her clit.

When Michael finished cumming, he tried to roll off to Sarah's right side, but she wouldn't let him. "Please stay on top of me for a bit."

"I don't want to squish you."

"You can't imagine how comforted and loved I feel having your weight on top of me. I could stay like this forever."

Michael chuckled. "Whatever you want, my love. But as soon as I get too heavy, let me know, okay?"

Sarah smiled and said in a shy whisper, "Okay."

They stayed like that for another 10 minutes, with Sarah's arms wrapped around Michael holding him squarely on top of her. "Uh, Sarah?"

"Yes, darling?"

"I don't really want to say this, but you need to let go of me."

She looked puzzled and maybe even a little scared. "Why?"

"Well, to be honest, I need to pee really badly."

Sarah burst out in laughter. Michael broke into a big smile. "I love that laugh. That was so worth it."

Sarah eyes turned to love focusing on Michael. He started to squirm. "I really have to pee."

He jumped from the bed, and dashed into the bathroom. Sarah fairly quickly followed. "Not so fast, I want to watch."


"Well, quite simply, this is all new to me. Yours is the first penis I've ever really seen, and know that I've claimed it as mine, I want to know everything about it."

"Sarah, that's a little weird," he paused and thought, "but also strangely romantic."

He finished what he was doing, stepped back from the toilet, and Sarah slid in to sit down. "My turn."

"Should I return the favor of looking?"

Sarah giggled and parted her legs slightly while she peed. "If you want."

"How about I wait patiently for you to finish, and then take you back to bed to cuddle you for the rest of the night?"

"I think I like that better."

She finished and stood up. Michael took her in his arms, and carried her back into the bedroom. Sarah sighed as they settled into the classic spoon position. She whispered, "This is really nice. Now I get why everybody likes it so much."

Michael's forehead wrinkled as she spoke. "Sarah, have you never spooned before?"

"Well, Izzy and I spoon all the time. I mean, it's a pretty natural, nurturing position, right? But I've never been in this spot. I've never been the cuddled -- always the cuddler."

Michael's eyes teared up as he thought about how much Sarah had missed in her teenage and adult life. Still in her early 20s, but basically a toddler in the concepts of love. "Sarah, I promise to hold and cuddle you anytime and every time you need it."

She hugged onto his arm a little tighter. "I'm so unbelievably happy right now."

Thirty minutes later, both were still awake, deep in their thoughts.

"Sarah, can we talk?"

Sarah clenched a little in fear. Her voice cracked as she said "Okay."

"I don't know how to say this, but what are we doing?"

Sarah wanted to be strong, but she couldn't help it. All of her fear and shyness came flooding back. She didn't whimper, she didn't sob, she burst into tears.

Michael panicked. He didn't know what he did or why what he said was so wrong. "Oh, Sarah, what's wrong? Please don't cry."

"You... sob... don't... sob... want... sob... me... sob... nobody... sob.. wants... sob... me... sob... I'm... sob... so... sob... stupid... sob... thinking... sob... it... sob... could... sob... ever... sob... be... sob... different...

Michael was really in a panic now. He really did love this girl, but he was confused. "Sarah, I'm sorry. Please calm down."

More incoherent mumbling with her tears.

"Sarah, listening to me. I love you -- more than anything." He paused and thought -- in for a penny, in for a pound -- "I think I love you as much as I love my daughters."

Sarah relaxed a little, "Wwwhat? Are you... serious?"

Michael took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm serious. I fallen in love with you a matter of days, and I'm pretty sure my love for you and Izzy, is completely equal to what I feel for Katie, Sam, and Ella."

An almost inaudible whisper, "Wow!"

"Yeah, wow. And it scares the shit of me."

"Why?" She squirmed around to look at him, finally getting her tears under control.

Another huge deep breath. "To put it in the simplest terms, I'm 38 years old. You're only 24. You deserve to be with somebody your own age."

Sarah pulled back and sat up, looking Michael directly in the eye. Her fear and shyness abruptly disappeared. A bit of anger raced up her spine. "Michael, don't even presume to tell me what I deserve. I decide what I deserve." Her voice started to rise. "You know good and well what happened when I was with somebody my age. Did I deserve that? No. I may have gotten the most wonderful gift in the world, but the cost was high. And to be honest, I don't have the strength to pay that price again. And that scares the shit out of me, because what would become of my beautiful Izzy?" She wavered, but also lost a bit of her anger.

"What I deserve is love, from a man who loves me unconditionally, with all the flaws and baggage that I carry, and who will let me love him unconditionally, with all the flaws and baggage that he carries. It doesn't matter what his age is, or what my age is -- it only matters that we love each other."

"But, Sarah..."

"No buts, Michael." They both fell silent for a second. "Michael, I'm sorry I fell apart. I went through a lot of counseling, and worked really hard to improve my self-esteem. And yet, all of a sudden, something triggered, and I was back on that front porch getting that door slammed in my face."

"Oh, Sarah, I'm so sorry. I really am. I wasn't trying to reject you, but the age thing is a similar fear for me. I've been afraid to try any new relationships because who wants to be with a middle-aged man with three daughters?"

"I do."

"Well, I understand that, and I really want to be with you, too. But in the back of my mind, a voice is saying, 'she's young and beautiful, and you're old, and someday soon your body will start falling apart, and she's going to resent having to nurse you in your old age."

She giggled again. "Well, I am a nurse, so you are covered there."

"Sarah, I'm trying to talk to you seriously about my fears."

"Sorry. I wasn't laughing at your fears. I was just trying to lighten the moment a little." She took his hands in hers. "Seriously, Michael, I love you, and it's quick, much quicker that I expected, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"My turn to say, wow! And despite my fears, I want that, too."

They fell into each other's arms, and flopped back onto the bed, quietly holding each other.

Thirty minutes later, both were still awake basking in their love. Sarah noticed that Michael was hard again, so she pushed him on his back, straddled his legs and slid her very wet pussy over his cock. She began a gentle movement.

"Michael, there is one other thing we might need to talk about."

"You mean explaining this to the girls?"

"No, I think that will be pretty easy. I mean, when Izzy called you daddy, and then Ella called me mommy, my heart soared. Seriously, we'll have a bigger problem with the girls if they find out we're not going to be together."

"So what else is there?"

She started moving back and forth faster. "Oh, Michael, I'm almost there. Cum with me. Let me feel you cum in me. It feels so good. Oh, God, I love this and I love you. Please, Michael, make me yours forever."

Michael couldn't speak, but her words were quickly bringing him to the edge.

"Finish me, Michael, cum in me, make me cum, and then we'll finish talking. Cum, my beloved, make me yours. Oh, God, I'm cummmminnnnngggggg."

That was it. Her muscles started milking his cock. He couldn't hold back anymore. He slammed his cock as deep as he could and flooded her womb with his cum.

Sarah fell forward on his chest, trying to catch her breath. After a couple of minutes, Michael asked, "Okay, so, what do we need to talk about?"

"Well... just remember that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"We settled that. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, too."

"And we're going to love all of our children, no matter what."

"No matter what. Now, Sarah, quit stalling."

"Promise you'll be happy."

"I'm very happy. Quit stalling."

"Okay..." she giggled, "I'm not on the pill... and I'm very fertile right now. And I have this habit of getting pregnant every time I have sex." She kissed his very surprised face.


Sarah did, in fact, get pregnant that night... or the next... or sometime over the next couple of days. As many times as they made love that week, it was a little difficult knowing exactly which time was the magic moment. And she and Michael were very happy about it.

Sarah and Izzy moved in with Michael and his girls immediately. And the girls were very happy about that.

Sarah said she didn't really care about it, but Michael insisted she have a real wedding. She suspected he really wanted to have an excuse to dress up their girls. It took a few extra weeks, but it was a beautiful wedding. Sarah was so thrilled to have a husband that wanted to devote so much to her. She promised to devote as much to him.

Sarah had one worry that popped up the next April. The birth of their son, Benjamin, was a joyous event, but his mom knew that his four older sisters would spoil him far too much. It didn't help that the family next door also had five girls that quickly became close friends. Ben would grow up surrounded by women.


Sarah was happy. It was the first of June. Ben was seven weeks old, and sleeping peacefully after nursing from his mother. Michael was sitting on the couch with Izzy in his lap, helping her to read. Katie, Sam, and Ella were scattered in chairs and on the floor reading other books.

Sarah looked at her family and smiled, "Hey, guys, what do you say we pack up a lunch and go for a day at the beach?"


Thanks for reading. As always, my stories are my visions, written for my enjoyment, but I hope others enjoy them as well. Please remember to vote.

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shadrachtshadracht4 days ago

Lovely story about great people, great families, who had suffered and found each other. The dialogue got a little off for me after they got together in the hotel, but it wasn't enough to make me score it any worse, because at the end, it was a happy tale that made me smile. 5*

GrandEagle53GrandEagle536 days ago

Absolutely fabulous.

Phxray54Phxray544 months ago

2nd read. Just as good as the first! 5 stars again. How’d that happen? :)

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wonderful story. Full or all the right elements! Keep on writing

robbo069robbo06911 months ago

Great story, I loved reading it, sometimes people find love in the strangest ways and this is one of them

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