A Different Thing Entirely Ch. 02


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One look at him and Kay knew what was going to happen, he actually frightened her. The sex had been on the rough side, and she had not resisted, not one bit.

Furious, for revenge, Dean had even taken her vaginally first, then anally, something he never did with his own wife, or anyone else for that matter.

Other than the fact that Kay had not resisted at all, it was very close to a rape. After doing that to Kay, Dean had simply driven away, no idea at all where he was going.

Escape the pain, it was all he could think of.

Now he felt shame over doing that to Kay, and a policemen was walking towards his vehicle.

Dean braced himself for being arrested.


"Do you know how fast you were going?" The policeman asked.

"I...no, I don't." Dean told him. His mind had been wandering, he was paying no attention at all to his speed.

He had been remembering the time his Father had shown up for his graduation, and he had even sat with his Mother.

Glancing over, he could see they were talking, and his Mother was smiling.

Later his Father came by the house, and he was still there after everyone else had left.

In bed that night, Dean had held his breath and listened carefully, it was quite clear what was happening in the other bedroom.

His parents had both had a few drinks, and now?

They were making love!

Dean drifted off to sleep, nearly giddy with happiness for the first time in a very long time.

His Mother and Father, back together?

But the next morning when he woke up, his Father was gone.

Things went right back to the way they had been before.


"I got you at 84 on radar, the limit out here is 65." The policeman accused.

"I'm sorry, my head was somewhere else." Dean answered.

"Well, hold it down, I am going to cite you for the 19 over, one more and the fine doubles, got it?" He handed Dean a slip of paper.

Glancing at the ticket, he saw it was for $450.00.

Dean sighed, started the truck and drove off. He carefully set his speed at 65 and held it there.

For some reason his mind was now completely blank, it was like he was driving on auto pilot. He had no idea at all where he was going.

He stopped several times for fuel, then just got back on the freeway. At one point he pulled into a wayside, slept in the rig. The Sun was low in the sky when he woke up. He drove on, all night long, his mind close to blank.

How long later it was, Dean wasn't sure. He saw the fuel gauge was reading nearly empty, so he pulled off at the next exit and filled the truck. He used the opportunity to clean out the cab, there were a couple of fast food bags, empty soda bottles, a half eaten bag of chips.

Dean had no memory of where those came from but he could still taste the the mild bitterness of taco flavor.

He paid cash for the fuel, then parked and went into a nearby cafe that was part of the complex.

A woman in her 50's handed him a menu, Dean didn't even look at it. He asked for some Bacon, Eggs, some hash browns.

"Kind of late for breakfast, ain't it, honey?" The woman said.

"Yea." Was all Dean said. The waitress jotted his order down, went and turned it in.

Dean looked at his watch, it was a quarter past 10 in the evening.

The next thing he knew was the waitress setting down his meal and waking him up.

"You OK, honey?" She asked him.

"Yes, fine. Just tired."

"There is a motel right down the street, it's nice and clean. I know, because I own it. Maybe you should get a hot bath, some rest." She smiled at him.

"Good idea." Dean nodded.


It was nearly noon when Dean woke up. It was rare when he slept that late, the last time flashed into his mind.

Laura had gone off with Kay, he was sure something had happened that afternoon with Jack. That much was clear, her vagina had felt softer than normal, slick.

Like someone had been there earlier?

Dean forced the thought out of his mind, he showered and walked over to the little cafe for breakfast.

The same older woman was in the back, she came out and got him a steaming cup of coffee.

"You clean up good, honey." She grinned at him

"What do you do, live here?" He asked her.

"Actually, I do, in the back. I own this place, too." She grinned.

"You must be Maggie?" Dean had seen the sign outside.

"Yep, that's me. So, what would you like for breakfast?" She asked.

"My life back, but I will settle for some ham and eggs." Dean had no idea why he said that.

"The ham and eggs I can do, the other part? Sometimes you just need to get up and do your best to fix things. Running away doesn't help anything."

Dean looked up at her in surprise. How in the hell could she know that? She just grinned and went into the kitchen.

There was another much younger woman there, she brought out his breakfast. Dean sat and ate in silence. As he was finishing, Maggie came out and sat down, just like that.

"Woman, huh?" She asked bluntly, with a serious face.

"Yea, how did you know?"

"I see a lot of men come by, after awhile a person just knows. You have it written all over your face."

"Swell." Dean muttered.

"One thing I do know about, honey, is women. You will never understand us but if you sit down and talk, and listen, it might surprise you what you find out."

"She...she cheated, I can't handle that." Dean managed.

"Yea, maybe. How much do you know? Do you know why, did you try and find out what is really going on?"

With that, Dean began to let it all pour out of him, Maggie sat and listened.

A couple of times the other woman took an order, Maggie told her to go cook it and went back to listening.

"So? You love your wife but you are running away? Why? If you had an incident as a couple, that was both of you, that isn't cheating and it sounds like you were smack dab in the middle of it. Sure, maybe you shouldn't have, but still?"

"That wasn't it, it was when she..she...?"

"You say you don't know what happened?"

"No, but..."

"Like I said, with women you need to sit and listen, then talk. You will be amazed at what they will tell you if you do. But one thing is good."

"What's that?" Dean asked.

"You smell a hell of a lot better!" She laughed and got up, went back into the kitchen.

Dean paid for his food, left a nice tip. Maggie smiled and waved to him from the kitchen. He waved back, suddenly feeling better.

For some reason the older woman's comments had struck home. Dean knew what he wanted, he wanted everything to be normal. His Father loved his Mother, this he knew for sure, but he had left and denied himself any chance at making amends.

He knew that his Mother had made a one time mistake, then she had confessed, torn by guilt. His Father could not handle that, and it had torn the family apart.

Dean swore to himself that would never happen to him, ever.

But, it had.


Back on the freeway, he headed home with no hesitation. He slipped the speed up to a steady 10 MPH over the limit.

Dean also had a pretty good idea of what he was heading back to. Belting Jack with a beer bottle probably meant he would need to deal with assault charges, then going over and practically raping Kay?

Although that had not been rape, Kay had reacted very willingly. Answering his knock, she had smiled and let him in. Then she had slipped into his arms. The rest after that was a blur, he had taken his anger on everything out on her, yet she had not protested, not one bit.

Dean had found himself wracked by guilt, he had just made the situation worse.

Then all he could think of to do was get away from everything.


"Talk? Listen?" That was what the older woman he barely knew had told him.

It was time to face the music, Dean suddenly felt better. How an older woman could see right through him, change his thoughts from running away to trying to fix things, he had no clue.

But she had, simple as that.


Dean was reaching into the rear of his vehicle for his things when he saw Laura coming at a dead run. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Oh! God! You are all right? I have been so frightened!" She grabbed him and hugged him.

It was not the reaction he expected. He expected her to be angry. Finally she let go, looked up at him.

"We have to talk, honey." She said simply.

Dean just nodded.

Inside, Dean sat down in his usual chair, Laura sat across from him, her hands in her lap.

There were several long and uncomfortable minutes.

"Where have you been? It's been almost 5 days." She asked.

"Driving, thinking I guess."

"Jack is pretty mad at you."

"I figured that and I don't care."

"Honey, I was telling you the truth, nothing happened." Laura said.

"You told me you had one drink, but I know it was way more. Then Jack told me I should try both you and Kay at once, and how hot you were? What was I supposed to think?"

"It was just one at Kay's, I didn't...Oh. We did have some drinks earlier."

"You didn't have sex again with Jack?" Dean asked.

"No! I didn't! All I did was put on that silly bathing suit Kay bought, we didn't do anything at all."

"Laura, I felt you, you were way too...slick?"

"Oh, my God? Is that it? Kay gave me some stuff, it is supposed to be warm and make it..sex..last longer. I just wanted to see what it was like."

"You should have told me."

"Yes, I know that now."

"This is all pretty silly, Honey. What we did was wrong but, we both did it. When I saw you and...Kay, I thought it was what you wanted. I would never have...oh God! Can't we just get past it, please? It's you I love!!" Laura was trying not to cry.

"I guess we can try." Dean realized he believed her now.

Laura came over and hugged him.

"I will fix us something to eat, OK?" She said.

"OK." He answered.

Laura made some sandwiches, they sat and ate quietly.

"So just how mad is Jack?" Dean asked her at one point. He was trying to think of a way to tell Laura what he had done with Kay, instead that comment came out.

"Pretty mad, you broke his nose." She told him.

"Well, I guess I will have to talk to him, apologize and get that sorted out." Dean said.

"Maybe, I don't know. Jack is pretty mad." Laura told him.

"And how is Kay?" He asked.

"Fine, I guess. Why?" Laura looked up at him.

"You...you don't know?"

"Don't know what, honey?"

Dean felt a little chill, he didn't answer.

"What about Kay, Honey?" Laura asked.

"I...I was mad, I thought you and Jack? I went over there." Dean managed with hesitation.

"And did what?" Laura demanded.

Dean blurted out what he had done, he didn't hold anything back. Laura sat and stared at him, then she got up without a word and went into the bedroom.

Dean started the follow her in there, but someone knocked on the door.

Opening it, there stood Jack.

"Jack, I'm sorr......." Was as far as he got, Jack's punch connected squarely with his nose.

Dean didn't remember hitting the floor.


The room was white, everything was white. Someone said something, it didn't register.

"What?" Dean asked looking around.

There sat Laura next to the bed.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"Hospital. We were scared there for awhile, honey. How do you feel?"

Dean reached up and felt his face, something covered most of it.

"Your nose is broken, you have a mild concussion from when your head hit the floor." She said.

"Jack. He hit me."

"Yes, he did."

"I guess I had it coming?" Dean said after a moment.

"Yes, you did, asshole." Dean turned his head, saw Jack sitting in a chair on the other side. Kay was right beside him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dean demanded.

"Just making sure I didn't kill you, I guess. You really are a damn fool, you know that?"

Dean blinked, looked at Jack. He wore some kind of white bandage on his face.

"Hey, look. I am sorry. Things got all out of hand, I thought that....?"

"Yea, we pretty much know what you thought. We didn't do anything but look at Laura, although I would have loved to and fuck you if you don't like it. You fucking sunday punched me, for God's sake." Jack said.

"You fucking sunday punched me too."

"Yea. It felt good." Jack laughed.

"It's not funny."

"It wasn't very fucking funny for me, either."

"You guys look like twins!" Kay piped up with.

Dean and Jack looked at her, then at each other. Dean started laughing but stopped, that hurt like hell.

"OK. So what are we going to do?" He asked, looking over at Laura.

"Well, we need to go finish league day after tomorrow since we are now two points behind. You didn't show up so we had to use your average less 10 points."

"You guys went bowling while I was gone?"

"Yes, we did. You better show up and hold us up, this is the playoffs." Jack stood up. He walked over to Dean, held out his hand.

"None of this shit happened, OK?" He said as they shook hands.

"OK." Dean said, although he wasn't 100% sure of that.

Jack and Kay left, Dean looked over at Laura.

"I love you, honey." She told him.

"I love you too, but I don't understand? Jack didn't say a word about what I did to Kay...?"

"She hasn't told him, honey. Maybe it's best she never does."

"Oh, fuck." Dean muttered.


(I did it again, didn't I? Yeah, I know. Finish the fucking story!...*LOL**)

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I wonder why swinging and sharing rarely work out... *reads a story like this* Ah, I see. Makes sense.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKat4 months ago

Terrible … the only way Dean & Laura have a path to reconciliation is to terminate their friendship with Jack & Kay. Yes, it was a mutual bad decision, but after it happened, there is no remaining friends going forward. That’s over … to write it otherwise gets a 1*

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman5 months ago

Oka but ths is a rehash f part 1 except the conclusion

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is a case of "fuck around and find out".

You can actually graph it. See the you tube video.

Fucking your married couple best friends is a "find out" level 10 on the graph. Which correlates to a "fuck around" level 10.

So...if you want to completely ruin your marriage and your relationships with your best friends? The go ahead and fuck around and have sex with them without ever really discussing it. Then you'll find out that life sucks after that.

Fuck around at a level 10? You'll find out with level 10 results...trips to the hospital...broken faces, and ruined relationships along with 2 divorces.

People like these characters are fucking idiots. White trash.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

If i was this MC? I wouldn't believe any of them. Not his wife. Nor his "friends".

This whole things seems like a set up.

He should have kept driving once he left.

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