A Different Way Ch. 05: Lady Em

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In which Lady Em emerges.
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Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/28/2021
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It ought to be a truth universally acknowledged that a single lady in possession of a competence financially, is not necessarily in search of a husband; if only it were.

My sister, Ella, Lady March, seemed to feel almost affronted that her younger sister was still a spinster at the advanced age of twenty-two. So when I was summoned for a weekend at Justice Hall (the March family country house), I felt, as I told Kasia, three conflicting feelings: annoyance that I should miss a weekend of fun at the Club; pleasure at seeing Ella; and irritation at what I was sure she had in mind for me. It was no accident that they were having a grand ball on Saturday night and people to stay.

"If there are not several eligible young men there, Kasia, I shall eat my hat!"

"I should not be surprised, Lady Em, you are a pretty little thing. You know men are not all bad, I enjoy them!"

I looked at her.

"My darling Kasia, you are omnivorous!"

"The world is full of variety, why not try what is on offer?"

"I rather fancy being in control of my own direction in life, Kasia. I can't imagine a husband would approve of my nocturnal activities in the Club."

"My lady has a good point. We shall see what the week-end brings."

Justice Hall was a former Abbey which the family had acquired at the time of the Reformation. Edmund, Ella's husband, had renovated it with money made in the American colonies, where the family had been able to hold on to its property through a cadet branch who had sided with the revolutionaries, and the ball was a celebration of those ties. Ella said it would be interesting to meet some "colonists", as she called them. So it proved.

Kasia and I arrived late Friday afternoon after a long journey by coach. That gave me time to rest before meetings our American visitors at supper.

Ella, who clearly had matchmaking on her mind, came over the moment I entered the drawing room.

"Em, come and meet Aunt Serrada, she's the widow of Edmund's uncle who managed to help keep the American properties in the family."

I thought that was an interesting name. Its owner was even more intriguing.

Aunt Serrada was a little taller than me, her bosom was the size of Kasia's and clearly pushed out and up by some specially designed underwiring designed to emphasise her shape. Her American accent was pronounced, and she jumped straight into conversation as though we had known each other forever. This was, I discovered, an American trait.

"Well, ain't you the cutest little thing. I like your sister Ella, she's like me, one of those gals who knows her own mind; she's good for Edmund. Now, let me introduce you to a friend of mine who helps manage the Maryland estates, Eric, you come over here now, this is Emily."

Imagine my surprise when, as Eric approached I recognised "him" to be none other than "Erica" from the Club. I do not know which of us was the more surprised, but we hid it well.

"Milady," Erica said, with a courtly bow, "delighted to meet you."

"Oh, and you too," I said, trying to hide my stammer, "I hope you are enjoying London?"

"It has its highlights," Erica responded.

"Eric is here to help with some of our legal stuff, Lady Emily, he's a bright boy."

Eric blushed becomingly, a habit he seemed to share with me.

"Jane, come here and meet Lady Emily," Serrada said to a rather pretty woman, "Jane's my companion, a good girl who keeps me company."

Well, Serrada had good taste in companions. Jane was an attractive woman in her late thirties who had been with the family for years, first as a governess and then, as the children grew up, as a companion.

"Lady Emily, delighted to meet you. I hope that when we are in town next weekend, we might have the pleasure?"

Was that, I wondered, a coded message? In case it was, I replied ambiguously:

"Oh weekends in London can be a pleasure indeed. I am sure that a handsome young gentleman like Eric would find plenty of opportunities."

I could see from the way Serrada was looking at me that she was intrigued. What I could not tell was whether she knew what Eric did when in her Erica persona?

We had a pleasant enough chat, and it was clear that Serrada was one of those women who could carry on three separate conversations at the same time, which could be baffling, but kept one alert. She knew so much about the management of the estates in the colonies (or former colonies as one ought to say) that it seemed pretty clear that whatever her late husband had done, she was the power behind the throne. What was less easy was to discern the relationship with Eric.

Eventually, after supper, I managed to get a moment alone with Eric.

"Lady Em," he blushed becomingly, "I didn't know you were Lady March's sister until you arrived. Apologies if I embarrassed you."

"You look even sweeter when you blush," I told him, "and there was no embarrassment. I am, I will confess, intrigued by your relationship with Serrada."

"Ah, Lady Em, well that is a story for the Club perhaps, and not here, but I might say she has a firm hand."

I smiled back.

"I think I see," I said, dimly discerning that that what the French called "la vice anglaise" seemed to have crossed the Atlantic; nice that the colonialists held on to some of the old traditions.

"Well maybe next weekend?"

"If you are in town, that would be good."

"We shall be."

I was then swallowed up by Ella, who was intent on finding out whether I was attracted to Eric or any of the young men at the supper.

"Em, you need to get married. You can't live off what Papa left you. I was hoping one of these Yankees might suit you."

I looked up at her.

"No, my darling sister, you were thinking that maybe a little thing like me would be acceptable to a colonial because of my title and London home."

"Oh Em, you do put things so brutally sometimes. I gather that Lady M has rather taken you up?"

"Yes, we are good friends."

"Just take care is all I will say, Em, there are rumours about her."

"Are there, what sort?"

"That she consorts with women as well as men."

"What if I were to say that is one of the reasons I like her?"

Ella looked thunderstruck.

"What! Em! You, you aren't?

"Aren't what?"

"One of those?"

"Those what?" I asked, innocently, determined to milk her embarrassment.

"You don't mean to tell me that you prefer women to men?"

"I do. To be fair, I have never been with a man, so I can't compare."

"But you have been with a woman?"

At that point Edmund hove into view and our chat turned to other matters.

As bedtime came, I bade Ella and Edmund goodnight and headed for my room. Kasia had doubtless dined with the other servants, and I was not sure if she would be waiting to undress me or not. Even as I was having such thoughts, I opened my door and saw her - well to be precise, her naked back.

As my eyes adjusted, I took in the scene. Kasia was straddling a man, I could see that as she bent forward, presumably allowing him access to her breasts, she was pushing herself down on him and moaning. I watched for a few moments and then, I quietly closed the door.

Had she wanted me to find her like that?

The thoughts that went through my mind as I wandered slowly down the corridor were far from coherent. I had never seen a woman with a man. I had known that Kasia liked the mollyboys; could it have been Erica/Eric I had seen her with? If I was honest, I had to confess that I loved seeing her naked like that. But the idea of being like that myself did nothing at all for me.

As I was wandering, wondering what to do, I bumped into Jane, Serrada's companion, who was heading to her bedroom. She seemed unhappy.

"What's up?"

"I was hoping Serrada would be free, but she isn't!"

As though realising what she had said, Jane blushed and stammered an explanation:

"I, I wanted a chat before bedtime!"

I laughed.

"So you are her bed mate too?"

Jane looked as though she wished the earth would swallow her up.

"Well, well, oh dear!"

"So what are you going to do tonight instead, Jane?"

"Go to bed alone, I suspect, my lady."

I looked her in the eyes.

"As my bed mate is otherwise occupied, why don't we go to your room Jane. I am sure you'd prefer that."

Blushing, she stammered that she was sure she did not know what I meant.

I may have been shorter than her, but height is not everything.

"You do, and I do. Your room. Now!"

"Yes, my lady." That was all she said.

Once we were in the room, Jane's manner changed. She turned, eyes downcast:

"You know, don't you?"

She was biting her lower lip, her cheeks a fetching shade of russet.

"What, that you want me to take you?"

She gasped.

"That you want me to tell you to strip for me?"

She nodded and began to disrobe.

"That you want me to examine your defenceless and vulnerable naked body?"

"Oh God!" She whimpered.

"That you want me to use you in any way I might decide?"

As she unlaced her corset and slipped her drawers down, I could smell her arousal.

"That you are going to want me to use you like the lowest whore?"

'Oh God! Yes, yes Miss, please, please use me!"

There was such a plaintive note in her voice that I felt myself shiver.

"Cup those small tits for me Jane."

Blushing in the candlelight, she cupped them. I could see that her dark pink nipples were long, puckered and erect for me.

"So much smaller than Serrada's, aren't they? No wonder she preferred another tonight?"

I had struck a seam of gold. She groaned.

"Yes, yes Miss, my tiny tits are no match for those of her maid, Morrigan."

"I am sure they are not, Jane. Open your legs and put a hand to your pussy."

She obeyed with alacrity, dragging a finger along between her swollen lips.

"Taste it, slut!"

"Yesssss, Misss," she said, the sibilants slurring silently as she pulled her hand away, reluctantly, and then sucked her finger, eagerly. She seemed lost in the moment, her mouth sucking until there was nothing but the taste of the finger left; but still her lips pulled on it.

I pushed my own hand into her bush, parting it until my index finger touched her puffy lips, dipping into the gooey wetness, parting her lips and teasing her entrance before moving slowly upwards until I flicked her clit. At that point her legs buckled.

"Oh, oh fuck, fuck, Miss!"

I smiled, my eyes locking onto hers, seeing deep in there what she wanted.

"Get on the bed, open your legs, rub that pussy and play with your tits you whore!"

She scrambled fast before coming to rest, one hand rubbing urgently between her thighs, the other mauling her tits.

"Such a slut, Jane, no decent woman would do that would she?"

"No, no, no Miss, I am a slut, such a dirty slut!"

The more I told her what a bad girl she was, the louder her whimpers and the harder her rubbing and mauling became. Quite lost in the private world to which her lusts had taken her, all I had to do was push a little more.

"And do dirty girls like you get to decide whether they can cum, Jane, or do you have to ask for permission?"

At that she gave a low moan, almost keening in its intensity.

"Oh God, God, you know! No, Miss, no, I have to ask Miss."

You do, I smiled, pushing my finger onto her lips so she could taste herself as she rubbed faster and harder.

"Beg to cum, slut!"

"Oh, oh, oh Miss, please, please may I cum, please can your dirty whore cum?"

I was tempted to hold back, but instinct told me otherwise.

"Cum for Lady Em!"

And she did. Gosh she did. Her entire body convulsed before she fell back, still clutching herself and moaning, I watched as, slowly, the tide of passion flowed then ebbed, then flowed before ebbing at last.

As Jane returned to the real world, she looked at me.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"Never you mind. Are you and Serrada going to be in London next week?"

"Yes, yes Miss."

"Well Erica knows the Club of which I am part owner. I suspect if you liked this, it is a place you may enjoy."

"Erica is not a girl, you know Miss?"

"She's a Mollyboy, and some ladies like that. Indeed my own bed mate seemed to be sampling her earlier."

"And who is that Miss?"

"That's for me to know. Now, my dear, kiss me, then bed."

Jane gave me a big, slow kiss.

As I left her to clear up the mess she had made, I reflected on her question. Where had all that come from? It was as though by watching Kasia and the others I had picked up not only the mechanics of what to do, but something more. Was it just about power? It certainly made me feel powerful, but then I had not wanted to use that power to pleasure myself, but to help Jane get what she wanted. What was that about? Best, I thought, let these things flow; they would find their level.

The question now was where to spend the night. I went back to my own room. The bed was vacant, the bed linen disordered, and in one place, stained and wet. Quite where Kasia was I was not sure, but I was sure I needed my sleep, and so, placing a towel over the wetness, I stripped and then covered myself, slipping easily into a deep, and contented, sleep.

"Lady Emily!"

I heard my name, and gradually came to consciousness.

"Mistress, can I help you dress?"

It was Kasia, looking as though butter would not melt in her mouth.

"Yes, yes, that would be good. You know I saw you and Erica?"

She giggled.

"I thought it might have been you. You could have watched. I'd like to introduce you to the delights of the other sex."

"I can't say I didn't like your naked back and backside," I replied, adding, "But I can't say I liked the idea of doing what you were doing."

"Oh ho, is my lady then a sapphist, wanting only the taste of cunt and the nipples to suck?"

I smiled. I knew her. She was encouraging me to go where she wanted me to go, but I was not, yet, ready to tell her that I was not going there; there was, it seemed, a strong element of the tease in me.

"I am certainly a sapphist, my maid; but that you know. Of the other, we shall speak anther time. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I long to show you."

Her smile was enigmatic, but I knew her well enough to know what she wanted to show me.

"Has my maid been a slut and had her hole filled and used?'

"Oh, ho! Oh yes, Lady Em, your maid has been a slutty girl and has been fucked hard. Shall she show you the evidence?"

"Is my maid such a slut that she wants to show her Mistress the evidence of her whoring?"

To my delight, Kasia blushed. Nodding, she said:

"She should, I should, I have been such a bad girl, fucking on your bed."

"You have," I teased her. "Now, take your drawers off and show me."

Kasia slipped her drawers off and then, raising her skirt, sat on the bed, her legs open.

"Look, Lady Em."

I knelt. She peeled her lips back, and I could see the evidence. Her entrance was reddened, and she was leaking white liquid, still.

Kasia looked at me with mischief in her eyes.

"Is Em going to taste it?"

"No," I smiled, you are!"

I watched as she dipped her finger into the mess, took it out, and slowly sucked it clean.

"After all," I smiled, "you are the maid, and it is your job to clean up."

"But I had hoped...."

"I know what you had hoped," I said, emphasising the word "had," but I am not in a mood to satisfy those hopes - you bad girl!"

Then it came to me.

"Did Kasia cum last night?"

She went a deep red colour.

"It is not often so with men; they spend their seed and need to sleep."

"Are you going to cum for me now?"


"But nothing. You will rub some of that man cum on your clit and play with it - and those big bouncy tits, until you cum for me. But you will not cum until I allow it - if I allow it at all!"

I could see from the look in her eyes, and hear from the intake of breath, that this was what she had really wanted. Wanting me to taste what was in her had been, if you like, a surface fantasy, but under that, and much stronger, was the need to bring herself to orgasm for me. First Jane, now Kasia. What, I wondered, had I uncovered? Well, looking at her, I could see what she had uncovered.

Kasia had lowered her dress to get those big breasts out. Compared to Jane's it was, well it was like comparing tow balloons with two tennis balls. I could feel myself wet between the thighs, a reminder that I was still in my nightdress.

I watched as Kasia played with herself, longing to do the same, but holding back. It seemed, somehow, the right thing to do.

She smeared some of the mess from her pussy on her lips and licked them, one hand rubbing furiously, the other playing with her nipples.

"Oh, oh Lady Emily, your maid is a shameless slut who lets men fuck her. She is your slut. Yes, yes, oh fuck, fuck!"

As she rubbed herself, I walked to her and cupped those wonderful big breasts. I played with her nipples, pulling, and tweaking them. She gasped, she moaned - and she rubbed furiously.

"You slut she needs to cum, please may she cum?"

As with Jane, I knew there would be a time when I would say no to that; but this was not that time.

"Cum like the slut you are, cum for your Lady!"

"Yes, yes, you are MY lady, oh my!"

And on a long note of an endless "my," Kasia exploded, shaking, moaning, and clenching as she came, and came.

As she returned from her ecstasy, I smiled.

"I am your Lady - you will not forget that - slut!"

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PixiehoffPixiehoff3 months agoAuthor

Thank you so much, baby xxxxx

SweetBaybeeGirlSweetBaybeeGirl3 months ago

I love that the Club entertains and encourages Molly Boys. They can be so sweet and cute. Lady Em is learning quickly about the needs and desires of others. I just love your story, the characters and the complexities!


PixiehoffPixiehoff6 months agoAuthor

Thank you my darlings xxxxx

GayKatGayKat6 months ago

Hallo Pixie!


Erica/Eric?... Aww fuck, mollyboys are back!


For the Author 5-Stars..


The Black Queen and Gay Kat


PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you so much, Wag xx

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