A Divorce Party Pt. 02


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Stacy complains, "Ewww. I have cum and saliva all over my face and boobs. Let me clean up!"

I ignore her and press my sex into hers. She loves fast with a side of hard. Tonight, I am going to show her how much I love her. I am going to make her suffer being slow fucked for thirty minutes. My cock is going to slowly slide in and out of her cunt. She will bounce off the walls from the incredible feeling, especially those veins she loves slithering in and out of her deep hole.

Both moms sit on opposite sides of the bed and lightly glide their fingers over the hair on her arms, creating a tingling effect. Occasionally, a finger reaches a nipple, or they lean in for a heart-warming kiss. Stacy has her eyes closed and takes all the pleasure her body can handle. Seeing how much fun she's having doesn't take a genius.

Because of the slow rate, she won't orgasm. It's a steady joy, feeling ten inches of thick prime American meat sliding between her legs and deep into her body. She can do this for hours. Unfortunately, I can't. I have two more women to please.

Stacy is my wife; she gets more. Mom and Patty will adjust to that. Their needs aren't the priority like Stacy's. Or so I thought. In the coming weeks, I will find out how wrong I was. Mom and Patty have many years of going without sex to make up for and want me every night. Within six months, my boss forces me to take a vacation. That's the LAST thing I need, more time with the family!

After my thirty minutes are up, I spank her ass once to wake her up out of her Zen-like state. It's time to turn up the excitement. My hands move to the sides of her ass, where I hang on. My next thrust is much faster and harder. My balls swing under me and slap her stomach. Away we go!

I am now a runaway freight train. I have no brakes. I slam in and pull out as fast as I can. I use my muscles to help pull me to my wife and then push her ass away from me. Stacy's body rocks towards me and then away from me, always the opposite of my cock. Faster, faster, I want more speed.

Patty is a dirty woman. She has her chest on my arms as my arms work hard, pushing and pulling, causing her breasts to bounce around a bunch. Her hand is on my ass which I ignore. I have better things to do, like fuck the hell out of my wife.

Patty knows a lot more than I do, though. Her middle finger works its way into my anus. I really don't care. I've had much bigger in there, and I'm distracted by fucking my wife so well. Stacy is screaming out loud from the pleasure ripping her body apart. I finally notice Patty's hand because it's starting to feel interesting. She's searching. For what?

Patty found the "make me cum now" button by applying pressure to my prostate. Zing! Full size and no warning as I shoot six volleys of baby-making sperm into my wife's hot, steamy pussy. On my third thrust and spit, she orgasms as well. She wasn't prepared; it snuck up on her. She screams while I finish coming, and then she rolls over onto her side, staring at me with a smile on her face. Happy Stacy is back. This means we are back together as well and that pleases me.

I need a break. I lean back on my heels, take a water from Patty, and then mom gently pushes me back so she can orally clean my cock.

Mom looks up at me with her breasts hanging down and swinging slightly, "I will never tire of you or your cock. I am ashamed of myself for the desire that burns in me. Yet, I've never been happier than here with you in my bed."

We stay up until 4:00 AM fucking, cuddling, kissing, and every way else we can think of to express our love. Not once did we hear Wendy and Gordon having their own fun.

After we all took a shower, there was a knock on our door. We just got out of the shower, but it hardly seems necessary to dress for Wendy.

Mom opens the door to Wendy. I am positive Gordon is sleeping.

Wendy mocks anger, "Would have been nice if my man had those two pills. I wore him out hours ago. Is there any chance..."

Three unified voices shout, "No way in hell."

She tried, but I could see that she had hoped. She was wired and didn't get enough, so she had to listen to us. I can't let her suffer.

I take two quick steps and pick up Wendy right off the floor. I'm showing off by holding her away from me. As tears start falling down her face, everyone feels for her. I pull her tight and rub her breasts against her chest by moving her entire body. I hold her still, squeeze harder to show my love to her, and then kiss her on the top of her head.

I apologize to Wendy, "Wendy. I love what you did for me. I loved watching you strip naked. I love that you and Gordon were so nice to me and literally saved my life. For that, I am going to kill you."

I burst into maniacal laughter while the others shout, "What?!"

I put Wendy out at arms-length again then planted her into the wall with her feet easily six inches off the floor.

I give orders, "Attack the right breast, left breast, and eat that pussy! NOW LADIES! I need some sleep. You wore my ass out."

So typical of my life. Nobody follows my orders. Stacy dove and ate pussy. Patty was all by herself on the breasts. She sucked on one and played with the other. She was aggressive in her sucking and nipple play. Mom bailed on my orders.

She drove low and explained, "You're going to glaze a Wendy donut, big boy."

Mom used her super sucker skills to blow me about as perfectly as I've ever received. Wendy is a screaming banshee from multiple sources of pleasure. Later I learned that Stacy worked a few fingers in Wendy's rear end.

I lean forward, kiss her for a few seconds, pull away, and then kiss again. I expected her to turn into Jell-O, but nope. She is screaming, animated, excited, and enjoying herself immensely. Suddenly, she becomes quiet. Mom pulls off; she's about to short-circuit. HARDER!

Patty pinched a nipple, bit a nipple, and Stacy dragged her teeth over her clit. Wendy EXPLODED with a scream that should have woken the building. When done, she's ready to go again. I gently set Wendy down. Stacy and Patty pull an arm behind her, making her defenseless. She presses her breasts out to me and holds as mom releases her tight hold on my cock and arms me at Wendy's face.

I gush on her forehead. I splatter her cheek. I paint her chest with my next two. Mom points a shot at each eye. Another was in her open mouth, and the last was a weak shot that still managed to get her forehead with the improved angle. It was like a cannon, arcing to its destination rather than the rifle shots for the others.

Wendy says one word, "Phone?"

We take photos of my glazed friend, then as she sucks some and as she rubs it into her skin. She lost her mind and was playing with the cum like she was in a sandbox. I pick her up, arms straight out as she continues to eat and rub her tits.

As we step into the shower, I hear a click, and then the water is turned on. Wendy reaches for me to hug her. I do.

While she cries in my arms, she says, "That was the most awesome thing I've ever experienced. Gordon and I need some of those pills."

I laugh, "The pills ran out two hours ago."

All I hear is, "Oh my God!"

We all get into bed while Wendy is at the light switch.

Stacy says, "Goodnight Wendy."

Wendy turns off the lights and then says, "Fuck you. Move over bitches, I need some holding."

Nobody moved. Wendy climbed over us and since I was on my back holding two women, she slept between my legs with my belly as a pillow.


"Why is my bed empty," says a hurt sounding, Gordon.

What the hell do I say?

Patty giggles, "Fine, we'll pinch her nipples, eat her pussy, and then spray her head-to-toe with cum like last night. That will get her going for you."

Gordon laughs, "Fuck no. She ground me down to just two inches last night from hearing all of you. Keep her, clean her, dress her, and I will have breakfast ready in twenty. An extra set of hands would be nice."

Mom rolls out of bed naked still, "I'll help you, Gordon."

In the doorway she gave him a big kiss. He stood there faking dazed as mom walked off grinning. I have clothes in the spare bedroom, so between mom and I, we have enough clothes for everyone, although almost nothing fits. We brought out clothes for mom and Gordon, but they didn't bother until the bacon sizzled, then clothes went on. Gordon looked like a small child in my sweatpants and a hoodie.

Breakfast and the conversation were fun. The pictures were shared, dishes were done, and we left at 2:00 PM to go home. What a weekend.

Chapter 11 -- Revenge Smells, but It's Sweet

Point of view: Stacy


Connie reaches for her phone.

I say, "Connie?"

Connie says with surprise and happiness, "Stacy! It's been a while. I was getting worried about everyone."

I try to hold back my anger, "Well, when an evil bitch hijacks my party, almost kills my husband, and then I suffered from guilt for the way I treated him after you said he slept with you. I just didn't have much desire to see you again."

Connie says, "But..."

I cut the bitch off, "Be quiet." I take a deep breath. "Nobody believes Stan slept with you. They just threw a party to get us back together again because they feared for our lives. We were both depressed and were thinking dark thoughts if you know what I mean."

Connie is silent.

I continue, "One of his friends told a story that made me see the light. Then we had an epic, and I mean truly epic party with some of us from the party, Stan, and some of his friends. It's the type of story we have to tell you about in person, if you know what I mean. Then we'll give you a chance to come clean."

Connie quickly says, "Stacy, I..."

I cut her off, "You know Connie, I don't give a fuck. Friday, we will be back at our regular bar. Stop by, stay away, I don't give a fuck anymore. They wanted me to invite you. I have. Bye."


I look at Stan, "Will she show up?"

I kiss her and then say, "She doesn't have many friends. She will be there. Trust me."

Stan picks me up and walks me to the bedroom where we spend all day making love. I don't give a fuck about Connie anymore.


Friday, 6:00 PM

I walk into the bar and I'm the last one here. Generally, we're out front where the guys can see us. I reserved a large table way in the back where nobody sits. Connie, Wendy, Gina, Jane, Daisey, and mom are already here. Connie isn't as engaged as usual. As I walk up the others are eager to greet me. I fill them in on Stan's health. He's healthy as a horse again.

Connie asks, "You mentioned an epic party?"

The table goes quiet, but I turn dreamy. Together, we all explain the entire party and sex afterword. We show her the pictures of Wendy and she gets the perspective from each of us. During the story, we all have three Margaritas. None of us are smashed, but the sweetness makes you thirsty.

Our waitress brought each of us a tall glass of water with a straw. Connie never questioned the waitress serving her a water where the straw still had some of the wrapper on it's top as per my instructions. We had to tell her the whole story as well. She was all in with us. She also got a great tip.

When Connie fell asleep, Stan and his friends joined us for a drink, and they assisted our friend that fell asleep.


Point of view: Connie

As I wake up, it feels like I took a sleeping pill. I'm groggy, but it's dark out. Thank you for no bright lights, my head hurts a bit. Damn, I must have drunk more than I thought. I must have thrown up in my bed. There's a disgusting, awful, sewage smell. YUCK. I almost can't breathe. I notice that my hands are tied together. I open my eyes and it's dark out. I feel like I'm in bed, yet I can see the stars out and I can hear traffic in the distance. I'm outside and that smell is going to make me sick.

When I move, my legs are also tied together. I have a terrible feeling. I pull my hands to break free, and I do. That was too easy. When I break free, I wobble. I'm not in bed, and this isn't stable. Oooo, I'm on a floating lounger, like they use in a swimming pool!

I say out loud, "Hello?"

On my words, I feel my floating lounger being pulled away from me, but the ropes on my legs are keeping me in place. What the fuck is going on. As the floating lounger is pulled away, my leg is held taunt and off the floating lounger. I'm getting scared as the floating lounger is still being pulled, and it's nearing my ass.

A few seconds later, I slide off the edge of the floating lounger and fall into a pool of water. GROSS! EWWWW! FUCK NO! GROSS! THIS ISN'T WATER! IT'S SEWAGE!

I fell below the waterline, and my legs were suddenly free. I stand up and try to run to shore. The water's only about three feet deep; I'm safe. Everything is gross, smells, and I'm crying. As I get to the shore, a dozen flashlights turn on, lighting me up. Stacy is in front. Fuck me. I cry. I can't talk because I'm covered in... no, I won't even think it.

Stacy's voice is cold as ice, "I have a dozen five-gallon buckets of ice water. I can either hear the truth and dump them on you, or I can tip them over. Would you like to tell me the truth?"

I nod my head yes but won't open my mouth. Too much crap is on me. No way I swallow anything here. No way.

Stacy says, "Well? I'm listening."

I point at the stuff on my face.

Stacy says, "Can someone give her a facial?"

Stan picked up and dropped a five-gallon bucket of clean ice water over my head. All the water buckets were cold, but only three had ice. I wasn't worth buying that much ice. That water was cold, and I'm chilled now. My teeth are almost chattering but I want another water.

My voice falters as I continue crying again, "I got destroyed, embarrassed, and my family gave up on me when I got divorced. I got screwed. I lost everything but my job and you, my five friends. My life sucks. I live paycheck to paycheck. I turned bitter. Each day, I see your happy face and I know you have a stud husband that loves you very much. I didn't plan it. I never had the idea before. It just came out. I was jealous and I'm sorry. Sorry to you, Stan, and everyone else for my behavior."

Stacy looks at me with an emotionless look.

Finally, Stacy orders me, "Strip."

I don't move. I don't want to strip in front of these people.

A grinning Stan says, "If you want a ride home, you are leaving those clothes here and then we will dump the water on you."

In two seconds, I'm naked in front of this man again. One by one, from all sides, buckets of cold water are poured on me as I use my hands to get as clean as possible. My teeth chatter; I'm freezen' to the bone. I'm naked in front of strangers, yet I am happy to get that slime and filth off me. That will give me nightmares for a long time.

Stacy was both cruel and brutal in my punishment. In a way, I understand. I almost broke up her happy marriage just because mine wasn't. My marriage issues weren't her doing. It's not her fault I married a politically connected asshole. Most people get a fair divorce. Because my husband had good friends, the courts screwed me, and good. I lost almost everything, and there isn't much I can do. Even if I appeal, he has friends, and I will lose even more. I was forced to move to a nearby town, so I was in a different county.

After the water has cleaned me, I sit down several feet away, and another bucket washes my feet, making me human again. They have a baby pool filled with water closer to their car. I sit in it, and a soft brush is provided to clean my orifices. Why would they care?

I stepped out of the pool as soon as I finished, and his friends lined up before me. He pulls his shorts and underwear down. His average sized cock is ready and waiting. I look up at him to see lust. I kneel in the clean grass and slide his cock into my mouth. I use every trick I know to make this as pleasurable as possible for him. I noticed that Stan wasn't in line, only his six friends and Wendy were. I'm going to be here a while.

Stan starts his speech, "My friends were good guys. They stood by me and kept me alive in my darkest days. I lived with Gordon and Wendy much longer than I should have. They love me. One isn't married and I have a "Hall Pass" from the other wives. After I told them my story and our plans for tonight, they approved their husbands to be here. They will use condoms with you, for obvious reasons. Then, they promised their wives twenty-four house of "freeuse" at home.

"The husbands will be naked all day at home and at any time their wives can ask to be fucked, eaten, or have breast/nipple pleasure. They can ask friends and family to stop by for pleasure as well. You better be worth it."

It took me forty minutes to drain the six friends and eat Wendy to climax. That is one sexual woman. We need to be friends. After that, I resigned myself to my fate. I could fight them, but I would lose my friends. For me, it's been three long years without sex. My pussy is leaking like never before and my breathing is heavy.

Wendy has me sit up and then proceeds to plant the softest yet most passionate kiss imaginable. Our mouths retracted so that our tongues could be viewed dancing together. First her hand and then my hand, found a breast and pinched nipples. She can pinch hard enough to make me scream out in pain, which I do several times. She looks back as the first man is hard as a rock and pushing her to the side. Oh my, the look on her smiling face is precious.

The men are more similar than I would have expected. They all performed a fast and hard if not a hate fuck on me. IT WAS AWESOME! OH MY! My pussy is on fire from the friction but WOW, that was crazy good. I understand now. The different size cocks are ok, but the non-stop aggressive pounding is indescribable. No man can last that long, six men did. I had a good twenty orgasms.

The last man, Tim, is single. He refused to use a condom and fucked me bareback in doggie. As soon as he finished, I thought I was done. Nope. Wendy comes at me with a strap on. She fucks me fast until I came. Daisy, Patty, Jane, and Gina all took turns as well. Stacy is last. I notice that her cock is longer and broader than anything used so far.

Stacy fucks me twice quickly to add fluids. She pulls all the way out and then pushes hard into my asshole. I scream in pain, surprise, and soon in joy. What the hell? It's tight, ribbed, and it's tearing me up. I feel like it's going to come out my mouth because it's so far in. This is amazing yet is making me sore at the same time. I get it, this whole event was to teach me a lesson I won't soon forget. I will probably be buying drinks for a few weeks as well.

As I sit on all fours with my ass being reamed and my orgasm growing, it occurs to me how much my friends love me. Funny, huh? If they didn't care, I just never see them again. They value my friendship enough that even when I do something heinous, they dispense punishment and then we can go on being friends. I know I deserve this, and now I learned something more important. I will do anything for my friends. Anything.

I snicker to myself. Not that I had much choice, but I think I proved my willingness today.

When everyone was done, and I screamed out my last orgasm. Everyone but Stan and Stacy quickly left. The pool and the two strap-ons were left at the scene. I can only imagine what the people finding those items will think. I know I will never forget it.

Stacy has a towel out for me and says, "Want a ride home babe?"

Her calling me babe made me break down in tears. She has forgiven me.

Stacy laughs when she says, "No hugs until you shower."

She wraps a towel around me, and they drive me home.

I live in a small apartment building, people are always about, coming, or going. As luck would have it, all of them are sitting out on the steps with Tim. They all have a smile on their face. Because of the front door, this area is exceptionally well lit. Both women and men are staring at me lecherously. Tim seems amused.