A Favor Returned...


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Amy had instinctively covered up with her arms when she was startled but relaxed and went back to wetting her hair after pointing in the direction of her bucket. "Help yourself."

"Thanks, babe," she heard Laurel say over the sound of the shower.

Rather than simply taking the whole bottle with her, Laurel had taken a step into Amy's stall and stood there squeezing a large dollop of shampoo onto her palm. Laurel slightly turned her head and couldn't help but admire her voluptuous friend's full, rounded breasts. She hadn't seen those puppies since the work conference. Laurel smiled; she was amazed all over again at how truly impressive her friend's chest was when it wasn't being hidden behind a baggy sweatshirt.

Amy stayed under the spray of hot water until her hair was saturated. She decided that she needed to stop being silly and playing mind-games with herself and just enjoy the fact that her best friend was back. Amy blinked her eyes against the drops of water and the building fog of steam from the hot water and could have sworn Laurel had been looking at her boobs. Just the thought of that gave her goose bumps and she felt the flesh of her areolas pucker as her nipples hardened.

Smiling, Amy decided to ignore her stiffening little summits and stepped out from under the spray and held out her hand towards Laurel. "Please?"

"Absolutely," Laurel nodded and stepped closer. The soft overhead lighting was shining through the fog of steam and gave the showers an almost mystical feel as Laurel shook the bottle a couple of times causing her boobs to bounce and jiggle with the effort before letting it hover above Amy's open palm and squeezing. "Say when."

Amy looked down into her palm as the shampoo began to drizzle onto it. She didn't intentionally mean to look, but her eyes just automatically refocused through the steam along the same line of sight as her hand. The cute little heart-shaped landing strip of dark red hair above Laurel's sex was just right there in front of her. Amy willed herself to look away, but couldn't. She squinted a little and could just make out the lighter pink edges of Laurel's inner lips peeking out from her folds.

"Uh, Ames?"

"What?" Amy's head snapped up to look at Laurel's face.

"I know you have long hair, but seriously?"

Amy looked back down at the large pool of shampoo that was covering her entire palm and starting to spill over. She laughed. "Yikes."

"You're such a goof," Laurel chuckled as she returned the shampoo bottle to Amy's bucket and went back to her own stall.

Amy let some of the excess shampoo drip off of her hand and into the shower drain and began lathering up her hair with the rest of it. She closed her eyes as she massaged her scalp. Well, that was embarrassing; Amy cringed. She tried to shrug it off as she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. She paused and moved her head out from under the spray when she thought she heard something. There it was again. She smiled. Laurel was softly singing.

Amy quickly squeezed out some conditioner and worked it into her hair. While she let it work its magic on her unruly brunette mane, she grabbed her poofy shower sponge and lathered it up with body wash. Gently working the slightly scratchy sponge over her body, she kept her head out from under the spray so she could listen to Laurel's throaty voice. She closed her eyes and listened until she noticed that she was spending extra time washing her breasts, running the rough texture of the sponge back and forth across her erect nipples. Okay, enough already. Laurel was right - she was acting like a total goof. Finished, she rinsed the sponge and tossed it into her bucket and then let the water wash away the lather of soap suds that were clinging to her legs.

She closed her eyes and stepped back under the showerhead to rinse the conditioner out of her hair and before she could stop it, an image from the conference of Laurel leaning in to whisper in her ear in that bathroom stall popped into her head. She opened her eyes and blinked rapidly...what the heck? She shook her head and went to finish rinsing off. Closing her eyes against the spray of water, her mind went right back to that image and she vividly remembered when Laurel had leaned in closer and how it had felt when the woman's hard nipples were poking into her breasts.

Amy shivered and stepped out from under the hot spray of the shower. She leaned against the cool, slick tile of the wall. Really? Amy chastised herself. That's all the self-control you have? Laurel was still humming and splashing in her own stall. Amy just stood and listened to her friend's melodic voice. It reminded her of how Laurel had hummed to her when she was standing behind her in the hotel room. Before Amy realized what she was doing she had taken a small step towards the opening of her stall. She paused and then took another step and stopped. And exactly what did she think she was doing? Going over to Laurel's shower stall to...do what? Talk?

Amy didn't have a clue, but for some reason she took another tentative step and stopped.

"Morning," a voice from the other direction caused Amy to jump.

"Oops!" Amy yelped and grabbed her towel off the hook to cover up and then caught herself. Trying to recover, she lamely went through the motions of drying off. "Oh...uh, hey Karen."

"Did you get a good one in this morning?" Karen asked as she turned on the shower on the other side of Amy's stall.

"I did," Amy called out as she ducked back into her stall and turned off the shower which resulted in getting her body wet again. She felt like a little kid who not only got caught with her hand in the cookie jar, but broke it as she went through the process of drying off all over again. "How about you?"

"Nah, I wasn't feeling the machines this morning," Karen explained, "I just hit the elliptical and decided to do some yoga."

"That's good." Amy commented without really listening.

"Yeah," Karen went on with a laugh, "figured I'd better get in here before you girls used all the hot water."

"Of course you did," Amy mumbled to herself as she bent over and starting putting the rest of her stuff back in her shower bucket.

Laurel came around the corner from her shower stall towel drying her hair with one hand and carrying her little bottle of body wash with the other and asked, "Of course I did what?"

"What?" Amy looked up from her bent over position and there was Laurel's glistening naked body standing directly in front of her. Amy's face was practically level with her friend's sex which was just inches in front of her.

"Of course I did - what?"

"Of course..." Amy replied slowly and then looked up, confused. "What?"

"Never mind," Laurel saw where Amy had been looking and smiled. She reached down and gave her mound a quick pat. Laurel winked at the stunned expression on Amy's face and couldn't help but chuckle as she sauntered towards the locker area and called out a good morning to Karen as she passed by.

Amy stood up and took a deep breath with her eyes closed. She wrapped her towel around her body and grabbed her shower bucket.

You have got to get it together, she thought with a shake of her head.


Amy stashed her purse in the bottom drawer of her desk, hit the power button on her computer and began the routine of getting situated for the day. She took a long pull from her refillable water bottle and then leaned back in her chair and sighed. She was so glad it was Friday. This had been one long and unusual week.

On the one hand she was ecstatic Laurel was finally back at work. Amy had quickly discovered that she didn't enjoy her job nearly as much without Laurel around. It was crazy how much she had really missed not being able to talk, email and eat lunch with her best friend every day. She was also really happy that everything going on with Laurel's family was finally getting back to "normal" or at least as normal as life could get when you have a family.

On the other hand, and Amy had to admit to being selfish here, she also couldn't help but be more than a little disappointed. She'd been secretly hoping that everything would just go back to the way it had been before the conference. She had emailed Laurel that first morning after she showed up at the gym and didn't get a response until more than two hours later. Apparently Laurel was really behind schedule on a major project she'd been working on before the conference and quote "her boss was going ape-shit." Laurel promised to try and email when she could, but she was up to her eyeballs updating the new tables in their company's internal computer system.

Amy knew that they both had to focus on work first, but that didn't mean she wasn't a little disheartened. Laurel's friendship meant so much to her and she'd been so looking forward to having Laurel back at work...and now that she was, Amy wasn't even able to talk to her friend very often much less get a chance to see her. Not only did Laurel not have time to email or chat, but she'd been working through her lunch all week in an effort to get caught up on her stupid project. It sucked, but Amy just had to keep reminding herself that it was only temporary.

She took a deep breath and went back to her spreadsheet. Her goal was to concentrate on finishing this billing report for the sales department so she could leave on time today. She had no desire to work over on a Friday. She was looking forward to relaxing this weekend. They didn't have any big plans other than the usual kids' sports practices on Saturday. It was going to feel so nice to try and catch up on some sleep...which made her think about the other issue that had been nagging at her in the back of her mind.

She took another deep breath and purposely tried not to think about the dreams.

Ever since Monday when Laurel had shown up at the company fitness center, Amy had been having the most erotic dreams which was a little unusual for her. She'd have the occasional sexy dream like she supposed most people did, but these were different. She knew they must be really intense dreams because she'd wake up very aroused every single time. The problem was that she could never quite remember what the dreams were about. She had a hunch that it probably wasn't a coincidence that they started when Laurel came back to work and suspected that maybe they involved Laurel to some extent, but she wasn't sure. As hard as she tried, she could not recall any details...or maybe subconsciously she just didn't want to.

Amy's reflections were interrupted when her phone buzzed. She kind of hoped that it might be from Laurel, but she saw it was a text from her husband. She was immediately concerned since Steve rarely ever texted her during the work day. She opened the message. It simply read: last night = WOW!! and the rest of the screen was filled with little pictures of hearts and roses.

Amy smiled and couldn't help but blush as thoughts of last night with Steve began to replay in her mind.

She'd been having another one of those dreams and woke up in the middle of the night with the gusset of her panties soaking wet. She knew she was going to have to do something about it and instead of slipping off to the bathroom to take care of it herself, she turned over and began running her fingernails up and down her husband's muscular arm. Her hands had wandered down to his thigh and she freed him from his boxer briefs. Lying there in the dark as horny as she was, it seemed to make sense that she should take hold of her husband's growing member and stroke it a little. So she did...and ended up with a handful of perfectly hard cock.

Amy scooted down and gave the head of Steve's cock a little kiss. Normally, she didn't mind giving Steve oral, but she felt it was more of an obligation rather than something she truly enjoyed. Last night had been different. Steve had felt really good in her mouth. She had slowly taken more and more of him until she had to fight her gag reflex. Amy was already soaking wet and the act of deep-throating her husband while he was still at least half asleep really had her going.

Steve may not have been fully awake from her efforts, but his cock certainly was and Amy wasn't going to let that go to waste. She quickly slipped off her panties and proceeded to climb on top of him. Trying not to put too much of her weight on him, she sat straight up on her knees and began to rock her hips in a deliberately slow rhythm. Steve's cock sliding in and out of her was exactly what she needed. Amy was pretty sure her husband had probably thought he'd been having some kind of epic sex dream himself until his sleepy eyes finally opened and focused on the vision of his buxom wife groping her breast with one hand and furiously rubbing her clit with the other as she rode him to a quick but very nice orgasm.

When the last of her pleasure had subsided and to Steve's very pleasant surprise, Amy had hopped right back off, crawled between his legs and finished him with her mouth. Sucking on his cock after he had been inside of her was something she'd never done in all the years they'd been married. Amy was pretty sure Steve had never cum quite that much before and shocked him again by swallowing every drop - something else she'd never done before. With a smile Amy had whispered "love you, go back to sleep" and then rolled over and slept the rest of the night without any more dreams.

Amy quickly typed out a reply to her husband, but paused right before hitting the send button.

She knew she had to continue to make the effort to be more sexy and confident. Her thoughts went back to the work conference. Laurel's constant insistence that Amy not only claim but outright own her sexiness echoed in the back of her mind. What was it that Laurel had said? "It's the little things that make a woman feel sexy." She pursed her lips and then got up and quickly walked to the restroom. When she returned to her cubicle, she had a hard time not giggling to herself as she tried to imagine the look on her husband's face when he opened that text. She just hoped he was alone or at least not sitting near his boss.

Later that afternoon, her cell buzzed again and she automatically picked it up without looking at it. She held it casually off to the side as she finished inputting the last few numbers into the column of her spreadsheet. She glanced down at the little screen as she double-clicked the save function and her face lit up when she saw the caller ID. It was a text from Laurel.

L: Hey Ames. Really sorry this week has been so busy.

A: That's okay, not your fault.

L: Got anything planned tonight?

A: Don't think so. I can check with Steve. What's up?

L: How about a girl's night at my house?

Amy's smile got even bigger until her cheeks started to ache. An evening hanging out with Laurel sounded like the perfect way to start the weekend and just put this crazy week behind her.

A: Sounds great. I'll make a quick call and text you back to confirm.

L: Perfect. Talk to you in a bit.


The doorbell rang and Laurel wiped her hands on a dishtowel as she scurried towards the front door, her thick socks slipping comically on the hardwood floors. She did a Risky Business-worthy slide to a stop and opened the door without even checking the peephole. Laurel smiled as Amy posed in the doorway holding up a bottle of their favorite wine.

"Hot damn, there she is!"

"Yes, yes, it is I," Amy cheesed it up by batting her eyes.

"I'm so glad you could make it tonight," Laurel gushed and stepped aside so Amy could enter. "I cannot tell you the last time I watched a chick-flick with like, another chick."

Amy laughed. With a husband and three sons Laurel lived in a house full of testosterone. Even the dog was a male. "Well, I'm here to bring all the chick you can handle."

It was Laurel's turn to laugh as she took possession of the wine and lead the way into the kitchen. "We've got snacks, munchies, sweets and extra-large wine glasses."

"Now that's my idea of a movie night," Amy smiled as she took off her jacket. Looking at Laurel's outfit of fuzzy socks, leggings and a baggy sweatshirt, Amy had second thoughts about her choice of skinny jeans and a V-neck sweater. She should have gone for comfort and dressed more casual.

"You didn't have to get dressed up," Laurel seemed to read her mind as she turned around with two full glasses of wine in her hands. "But you look really cute."

"Thanks," Amy smiled as she took one of the glasses. "I was just thinking I should have just worn my pj's."

"You should have," Laurel smiled back. "We could've had a sleepover!"

"Now that would have been fun."

"Mmmhmm," Laurel agreed through a large sip of wine.

Amy followed her lead and took her own swallow of wine.

"What should we eat first?" Laurel's eyes got big and she let out an evil little laugh as she waved a hand towards the spread on the island. "Pick whatever you want...because we're going to eat all of it!"

"You're joking, right?" Amy was looking in wonder at all of the food.

"I never joke about junk food."

Amy glanced at Laurel's serious expression and then her gaze went back to the island. There were various kinds of cheese and crackers, a mountain of hot wings piled on a plate, some kind of gooey cheese dip in the middle of a platter of tortilla chips, a huge tub of buttered popcorn, a pan of brownies, a plate of home-made chocolate chip cookies and four bowls of various kinds of candy.

Amy just stood there not knowing what to say.

"You know I'm kidding," Laurel chuckled into her glass of wine before taking another sip. "Eat whatever you want. Sick or not, I have no doubt hubs and the boys will demolish any leftovers."

Amy helped herself to a few pieces of popcorn while Laurel dipped a tortilla chip into the cheese dip and crunched it. Laurel was anxious to make sure Amy enjoyed herself. This was the first time her friend had come to her home socially to just hang out. Of course Amy had stopped by numerous times when dropping off the kids or meals during her youngest son's surgery ordeal, but this was different. This was girl's night.

"Speaking of which," Amy tried one of the chips loaded with cheese dip. "How's everybody feeling?"

"Horrible," Laurel shrugged. "The doctor said it's just a really bad cold, so no antibiotics."

"Well, at least it's not the flu."

"Exactly, but don't worry," Laurel reassured her. "I cleaned every surface down here with Clorox wipes right before you came over. Twice."

Amy smiled and then sympathized. "Still, sometimes those 'weather the storm' illnesses are the worst."

"And men are such babies when their sick anyways," Laurel laughed. "But I've got all four of them dosed with nighttime cold medicine and cough syrup, so they're going to be down for the night."

"Well, I hope they feel better soon," Amy offered.

"Yeah, for my sake," Laurel joked and bit into a hot wing.

"I'm sorry you had such a rough first week back," Amy commented and considered having a wing too. "I know it sucked to come back to such a busy crap storm."

"Meh," Laurel waved it off. "Not the first time it's happened and it certainly won't be the last. That's IT, baby."

Amy laughed and drank some more wine. It felt really nice to just relax. It felt even better to be able to see that dazzling smile in person and to look into those sparkling green eyes that crinkled at the corners when Laurel laughed. Amy had really, really missed spending time with her best friend. Now if she could only figure out a way to bring up what she thought they really needed to talk about.

"So..." Laurel looked thoughtful as she beat Amy to the punch with her usual straight to the point attitude. "Tell me how things have been since having our little fun at the conference, Ames. All bullshit aside."
