A Favor Returned...


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"You know...," Amy could feel her cheeks warm with her usual blush which caused them both to laugh. After composing themselves, the brunette continued. "I've actually thought a lot about it."

"You ain't the only one," Laurel flashed her that devilish smile with a wink and fanned herself with one of the paper plates which caused them both to crack up again. Laurel finally cleared her throat and took another drink. "Sorry, please continue."

"Well, to be honest," Amy began and paused, searching for the right words. She actually felt much more comfortable talking about sex than she ever had before. Then again, maybe it was the wine. "I've actually felt great. In fact I'm really glad you brought it up...things have just been so good with Steve, and I...I don't know...I just feel really good."

"Yeah," Laurel began chuckling again, "but do you feel good?"

"Shut up," Amy laughed with her. "I just don't know how else to describe it."

"Seriously," Laurel reached across the island and squeezed her hand. "Are you okay with what all that happened?"

"I am," Amy nodded and squeezed her hand back. "I really am."

"So we're good? You're not weirded out being around me or anything?"

"Of course not," Amy scoffed. "I'm totally fine with it. Are you?"

"Girl, I was fine with it before, during and after," Laurel cracked and they both laughed. Laurel poured them some more wine.

"I'm really glad you feel that way," Amy nodded as she spoke and accepted the refill. "I obviously can't speak for you, but I'm in a much better place than I have been in a long time. I mean, seriously, I think that whole experience was just what I needed."

"And you think it helped?" Laurel raised both eyebrows.

Amy enthusiastically nodded with a huge smile on her face.

"On the home front?" Laurel asked and wiggled her eyebrows. "On your own front?"

"And all the fronts in between," Amy quipped and they both started up with the giggles again.

"I am so happy to hear that," Laurel smiled and ate some popcorn.

"I guess I never did get a chance to say thank you," Amy swallowed and squeezed Laurel's hand again, "for everything."

"Now don't get all mushy on me," Laurel laughed with a wink. She let go of Amy's hand and stepped over to the fridge for another bottle of wine. She turned back towards the island and suddenly leaned over to plant a warm kiss on Amy's cheek. "But you're welcome and you know I'd do anything for you."

"Thanks," Amy smiled back and her cheek almost felt like it was burning where Laurel's lips had touched it. "I hope you know that goes for me too."

"Cool," Laurel smiled and held up her glass. Amy bumped her wine glass against Laurel's with a soft clink and they both said "Cheers" at the same time and began laughing again. They chatted and munched for a few more minutes before making small plates of various snacks and goodies. With their glasses freshly refilled, the two women carried their plates into the family room. There was a huge L shaped couch and a couple of recliners that faced a large screen TV sitting on top of a cabinet.

"I've heard this is really good," Laurel announced after setting her food and wine on the coffee table. She loaded the DVD into the player. "But kinda scary in a thrillery way."

"Yikes," Amy replied as she stood there with her food and wine trying to figure out where to sit.

"Oh, no you don't," Laurel shook her head with a grin as she walked past Amy and plopped down on the couch. "You're sitting right next to me so we can cuddle under the blankets during the scary parts."

"Thank goodness," Amy laughed and made her way around the coffee table to sit down on the couch.

They squirmed around and took turns holding each other's glasses and plates as they adjusted the throw over their laps. Finally settled in and comfortable sitting side by side on the big couch, Laurel pressed a button on the science fiction looking universal remote and the movie started. She then aimed the remote at the lights, pushed a different button and the room went dark so that it felt like they were sitting in a movie theater.

They continued eating their snacks and giggling while the previews played. Laurel adjusted the volume so it wasn't too loud and by the time the movie actually started both women had abandoned their plates on the coffee table and finished off their third large glass of wine respectively. They wiggled around some more to get situated and ended up with their thighs touching under the throw as they focused on the big screen. Amy was so happy that everything just seemed to be normal between them.

The couch was very plush and comfortable and after about fifteen minutes, Laurel drew her legs up on the opposite side of Amy to get more comfortable. She adjusted the blanket and ended up in a leaning position so she gradually relaxed and let her head slouch over until it was resting against Amy's shoulder. Amy smiled and leaned her head over to gently touch it against Laurel's before turning her attention back to the TV.

The movie was just starting to get interesting when Laurel hit the pause button to get them refills of wine and also brought one of the bowls of candy back with her. While she was gone, Amy had taken off her pullover sweater to be more comfortable in just her t-shirt. Laurel smiled as Amy popped a few M&Ms in her mouth and sat back down. Laurel waited for her guest to get comfy before going right back to her same position with her feet up and leaning her head on Amy's shoulder.

This lasted for another ten minutes before Amy's arm started to go numb so she gently eased it out from between them and put it up to stretch along the back of the couch. Laurel had moved her head off of Amy's shoulder and out of the way without taking her eyes off the TV screen. Once Amy had changed positions Laurel wiggled closer to her best friend and without a second's hesitation laid her head back down, only this time it was resting against Amy's breast. Laurel was focused on the movie so she didn't see the big smile on Amy's face.

After sitting in this new position for a few minutes and watching the movie, Laurel ever so slightly picked her head up and then set it back down. Another minute passed and she did it again...and then she did it again. Amy didn't mind the cherished contact one bit, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to give Laurel a hard time.

"Can you pause it, please?" Amy asked and threw off her half of the thin blanket and gave Laurel a chance to move before starting the process of getting up from the deep couch.

"Sure," Laurel sat up as well. "What's wrong?"

"You," Amy chuckled as she stood up, "you wiggle-worm."

"Me?" Laurel looked up innocently. "Well, you didn't have to get up, I would have moved."

"Actually I did have to get up," Amy smiled and crossed her legs. "I need to pee really bad."

"Ah," Laurel laughed and stood up as well. "Down the hall on the right."

"Thanks," Amy nodded and started towards the facilities.

"And I wouldn't have been a wiggle-worm if your bra hadn't been stabbing me in the head!" Laurel called after her.

"Sorry," Amy replied over her shoulder. "But some of us need an underwire, thank you very much!"

Next it was Laurel's turn to use the bathroom. She came back to the family room with a bundle under her arm and made it a point to sit upright next to Amy on the couch with a full space between them. Amy just sat and watched her from under the blanket that she had pulled up to her neck as Laurel picked up the remote. Laurel started to spread out the extra blanket she had brought back with her, presumably so they wouldn't have to share anymore. She looked at Amy and gave her a little 'hmph'.

"What do you think you're doing" Amy asked.

"Trying to watch a movie," Laurel replied coolly and playfully gave another 'hmph' for good measure.

Amy brought her hand out from under the blanket and held up her bra. The blanket had fallen down to her lap and Laurel could clearly see that yes, the curvaceous brunette had most definitely taken her bra off. Amy tossed her bra on a nearby cushion and put her arm back up along the back of the couch. "Now quit being a brat and get over here."

Laurel pursed her lips and then with a grin scrambled over to snuggle with her best friend. They went through the process of wiggling and adjusting all over again until they were situated with Laurel leaning against Amy, her head resting against a large breast and the blanket snugly around them. Laurel hit the play button on the remote and they resumed watching the movie.

"This is so much more comfortable," Laurel sighed as she squeezed in a little closer to Amy, very aware of the weight and volume of the boob she was resting her head on. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Amy whispered.

Laurel reached up and ever so softly poked a finger at Amy's erect nipple. "You aren't cold?"

"No," Amy replied hoarsely and then cleared her throat. "I'm good."

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"Not at all," Amy replied and brought her arm down off the back of the couch to give Laurel a little hug around her shoulders.


They quieted down and let their attention go back to the DVD. Amy hadn't been able to really follow the plot too closely with the distraction of Laurel's head lying on her breast, so she wasn't too sure what was going on. She admitted she was a little lost to Laurel who offered to go to the menu and go back a few scenes. Amy shrugged and told her it was her decision so that's what Laurel did. It really didn't matter to Amy. She was thoroughly enjoying being in Laurel's company and was also secretly thrilled with the modest physical contact.

The brunette wasn't comfortable putting her arm in the same position on the back of the couch, so she settled for laying it along Laurel's back with her hand coming to rest on Laurel's hip. She turned her attention back to the movie as the last few wiggles were worked out of their systems. As the movie progressed, they both seemed to relax even further. In the process of letting the muscles of her arm relax, Amy's hand kind of went limp until eventually she realized it had slipped down a bit. Out of the corner of her eye she could see that her hand wasn't touching Laurel's hip anymore. She was loosely palming the outside of Laurel's butt cheek.

Amy slowly moved her hand back up to Laurel's hip, hoping her friend hadn't noticed. Laurel didn't say anything. Amy subtly adjusted her position and watched the movie. A few minutes later as she began to relax again, gravity came in to play and Amy was aware that without trying to her hand slowly slipped down to ever so gently stroke the outside of her friend's shapely butt. She wasn't really sure why she did it, but she let her hand rest on Laurel's ass for a few moments before moving it again.

She mentally chastised herself. What the heck did she think she was doing? Laurel was probably being polite by not saying anything, but how long was that going to last? She brought her hand up to absently mindedly stroke Laurel's arm a few times and then tried to find a somewhere else to put it. Laurel reached up and took Amy's hand and pulled it back down and hugged it to her waist. Amy had to stretch for her arm to reach that far which ended up pulling her even closer to Laurel and firmly pressing her boob into the red-head's face.

Laurel picked her head up to adjust to this movement which put the side of her face even lower on Amy's breast...which was very close to Amy's nipple. Amy froze and waited for Laurel to move, but she didn't. She struggled to concentrate on the movie. She was more than cognizant of just how close Laurel's face was to her nipple as she tried to maintain this improvised hug. Amy failed to be able to hold that stretched position for too long, so she adjusted her body again and ended right back up in the same position with her hand loosely resting on Laurel's hip.

She took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

The longer they sat there, the more Amy could almost feel Laurel's breath on her now erect nipple through the thin t-shirt material. She tried to keep her hand on Laurel's hip, but her arm grew tired and once more gravity caused her hand to slide only this time Laurel had shifted her legs just as it happened. Amy was now sitting there with Laurel's head on her boob while she blatantly cupped one of Laurel's butt cheeks. Amy very subtly squeezed her thighs together and just knew that her panties were starting to get wet.

Amy was just about to move her hand away when Laurel slightly shifted her legs again and Amy could swear it felt like Laurel pushed her butt backwards as if she were pressing it into Amy's hand. Well, this was getting Interesting. Amy decided to change tactics and moved her arm so that her hand was gently rubbing Laurel's back and upper arm. Maybe if she kept her arm busy it wouldn't grow so tired and she could stop playing with Laurel's ass...not that she didn't want to play with Laurel's ass.

Why do I keep going there? Amy asked herself as she brought her hand up to rub Laurel's arm. She felt her fingertips brush against the side of Laurel's breast as she did. Amy cringed as she brought her hand back down and without realizing what she was doing, it came to rest on Laurel's hip again while she collected her thoughts. She wasn't even sure if gravity had anything to do with it this time as her hand slid slowly down to cup Laurel's butt cheek again.

There. There it was again - she definitely felt Laurel push back against her hand that time. Amy considered her options and if she should just stop. The only problem was that it felt good. Really good. I'm just being affectionate, Amy reasoned with herself. Her hand came back up to rub Laurel's arm and she purposely brushed her fingers along the outside of Laurel's breast again. She then deliberately ran her hand down to the outside of Laurel's thigh and then back up to her hip and then down to gently cup her friend's ass.

She waited a few moments to see if Laurel would respond in any way...nothing, no reaction. So she repeated the process in the same order, gently rubbing her hand up and down Laurel's body. Up to rub her arm, over so her fingers would brush against the outside of Laurel's breast, then slowly down to the outside of her friend's thigh until her hand ended up back where it started with a handful of Laurel's ass. Once again, Amy paused for a few moments and then did it again.

She kept this up for a while, stopping every so often to let her arm rest. After a few more circuits of running her hand up and down Laurel's body, Amy became just a little bolder and practically let her whole hand caress up and over the outside of Laurel's breast. On the other end of her little massage routine when she rubbed her way back down to Laurel's hip and eventually her ass, Amy firmly grabbed it and gave it a nice squeeze. Laurel didn't say a word, just let out this little contented sigh.

So Amy continued to let her hands wander over her best friend's body. Pretty soon the inevitable happened and both women started to become aroused. They hadn't spoken a word to each other and didn't notice that the DVD had ended. Their breathing had grown heavier as Amy continued to rub and massage Laurel's body. In return, Laurel began to move her head slightly as her body responded to being touched. That evolved into softly rubbing her face back and forth against Amy's tit.

As Laurel's body shifted, the movement of Amy's hand was causing the red-head's sweatshirt to work its way up higher and higher until her lower back and side were exposed. Amy stopped for a moment when she felt the bare skin of Laurel's lower back, savoring the feel of the warm flesh against her palm. She gently ran her fingertips back and forth a few times until she felt goose bumps. Encouraged by this, Amy skipped the thigh-rubbing as her hand moved straight down to firmly cup and squeeze Laurel's ass.

"That feels really good," Laurel's whisper sounded almost like a purr as she stretched a little, rubbing her face even harder against Amy's breast until her nose grazed the hardened nipple.

The sound of Amy's moan of excitement was lost as the sudden blare of a ringtone erupted.

"I'll get it," Laurel gasped breathlessly and stretched forward to grab the ringing cellphone off of the coffee table and handed it to Amy. Laurel swiveled around and put her feet on the floor and disentangled herself from the throw as Amy answered. She said hello and then listened, asked a few questions and then listened some more.

"I think Steve might be getting sick, too," Amy whispered in explanation to Laurel as she covered the speaker of her phone. She scooted up to sit on the edge of the couch and replied back into her phone, "Okay, hon, I'll be home in about twenty minutes."

Laurel pursed her lips in sympathy as she stood up and quickly pulled her shirt down. "I really hope he doesn't have the same thing Jeff and the boys have."

"From what he said, it sounds like he might."

"Oh, no," Laurel scrunched up her face in sympathy.

"I hate to leave early," Amy apologized and grabbed her sweater, "but he sounds kind of pitiful."

"Oh, no worries," Laurel waved it off with a good natured smile. "We'll finish the movie some other night."

"Promise?" Amy asked hopefully as they walked together down the hall towards the front door.

"Absolutely," Laurel reassured her and put her arm around Amy's shoulders. "I have to know how that stupid thing ends."

"I know, me too," Amy agreed. They gave each other a hug and then Amy opened the front door. "Thanks for having me over."

"Girl, please," Laurel smacked her lips and smiled. "Thanks for coming over and keeping me company."

"No problem, I really enjoyed it," Amy nodded and took one step out on to the porch and hesitated for a second as if to say something else. Instead she looked back at Laurel standing in the doorway and smiled. "Well...good night."

"Night, Ames." Laurel replied with a little wave and watched her friend leave. She remained in the doorway and continued to watch as Amy got in her car and drove away before closing the door.


Amy kicked the sheet and blanket off with a sigh and rolled over once more to try and find a comfortable spot where Steve's Nyquil induced snoring wasn't rattling her teeth. She tried to close her eyes and just relax, but then her husband started coughing again. She flipped her pillow over and punched it a few times as if that might help her fall asleep. Her eyes stared at the ceiling of their bedroom as she struggled to stop all of the thoughts that were racing through her mind...especially one thought in particular.

She kept coming back to the same basic idea over and over again, considering her options and the possibilities of carrying the idea out...but then she would dismiss it altogether. She sighed as her brain started the whole debate over again. It was silly to think it could actually happen anyways. But could it? Amy lay there for a few more minutes before finally giving up and quietly slipping out of bed. She checked on the kids who were sleeping soundly and then silently trudged down the steps and headed towards the kitchen.

Amy should've known sleeping was a lost cause in her current condition. On the drive home from Laurel's house she could not stop thinking about the warm feel of Laurel's skin or the way her best friend's ass had felt so perfect in the palm of her hand. How could she not think about tonight without letting her mind peek in that special box of memories of what had happened at the work conference? All of those thoughts had driven her crazy with lust.
