A Game of Inches Ch. 05


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I was going to skip my visit to the gym, but I didn't want to go without a chance to see what Danielle was wearing that day. And she was expecting me. I'd hate to disappoint her...like the way I disappointed my wife last night. I still couldn't get over the fact that I wasn't able to get her off. I held my gym bag over my puny bulge as I left the office. Emily smiled and winked as I passed. I dearly wanted to bend her over that desk and ream her good. But no, I had to behave.

And it wasn't just that I couldn't satisfy Carol, but that for some reason she felt it was okay to flat out tell me that I wasn't up to getting the job done. That she felt it was perfectly acceptable to finish herself off right in front of me, only added insult to injury. I, of all people, didn't have some crazy ego, or anything like that, but she'd never emasculated me that way before. She'd rather have her own fingers than my dick. It made me sick to think about it.

Once in the locker room, I found a quiet corner to change into my workout clothes. Someplace I could turn my back to everyone so no one would see what I was packing, or wasn't packing. I didn't think the guys would say anything, but I knew what they'd be thinking. I did all I could to arrange my shorts so my diminished erection wouldn't show, but gave up and went out into the gym, not caring if anyone noticed.

I took a seat on the first machine I saw...something for the lats or delts...I didn't care. It was only a matter of moments before Danielle noticed me and came in my direction. It was like a scene in a movie. There was dramatic music in the background, she was moving in slow motion, her hair blowing in a non-existent wind. Not fair at all.

But worst of all was the sapphire blue, skintight leotard she had on. It lifted her breasts and put on a display of cleavage like I'd never seen her exhibit before. Her nipples visibly stiffened as she approached. The blue lycra shone in the bright lights of the gym with an otherworldly sheen. Did it actually sparkle, or was that just my imagination?

Her slim waist was accentuated by the cut of her outfit. Her leotard was more lingerie than it was workout gear. Especially the way it gathered at her crotch, barely covering the treats hidden there. I swallowed hard as she arrived next to me and placed a friendly hand on my knee.

"Oh, good, you're here," she said, her voice low and whispery, a flirty twinkle in her eye. "This day has been unbearable." Her hand moved up and she squeezed my thigh suggestively. I was well aware that she was responding to the magic of the coin and that it wasn't really me that made her act like that, but it didn't matter at that moment. "Is that a roll of nickels in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Oh, ah..." I didn't think she'd be able to notice my awkward condition while I was sitting. But she could have at least asked if it was a roll of quarters! "Sorry, it's just that...I don't know how to explain it...but..."

"No need to explain," she purred, looking me in the eye and letting her tongue drift over her lips. "I'll take it as a compliment." She bent over in front of me and adjusted the weight on the machine. I had a front-row seat to the best ass I'd ever seen in real life. If I couldn't help getting hard over Phyllis, there was no hope for me now. A wet spot began growing in my shorts and there was nothing I could do about it.

Danielle returned her attention to me. "Now, back straight, chin up, and...oh, what's happening here?" She was brazenly looking right at my dick. "Looks like you've sprung a leak. We can't have clients cumming all over the equipment like this, it's against health codes," she said with a cheeky lilt to her voice. "I'm going to go to the supply room." She looked around to see where her manager was. "Give it two minutes then follow me." She put her hand seductively on my chest. "We'll see if we can get you all taken care of."

She pursed her lips as if giving me a kiss, turned, and strode toward a door that I had never noticed before. This was it. A clear invitation for...something. It was another one of my fantasies coming true...for real. My insides knotted with longing desire. It was the last day, so why did I come here? Stupid. I knew something like this was bound to happen. Maybe that's why I came.

I'd only fucked the two girls. Danielle would make three. I'd still be safe - I had four before things would get ugly. If I only fucked three, I would still be okay. No reason not to. I'd come this far. And she was right there. I watched her look back at me as she disappeared through that innocuous, unmarked door. But my dick...my dwindled, withered dick. Would she laugh at me? Would I be able to satisfy her with what I had left? Or would I be humiliated like I was last night with my wife?

Someone cleared their throat nearby. A guy waiting for the machine I was sitting on. I got up in a kind of half-crouch, trying to conceal my arousal. He didn't seem to notice anything. I was thinking about making Sonya my number three girl, but now that my wife had basically become her, plus all the other complications involved, maybe it would be better for everyone if I switched my last go to Danielle. Sure, it would mean another inch off my cock, but just until tomorrow, then after that it would be back to normal. No one would ever be the wiser, and I'd only have to deal with a four-inch dick for a few hours.

And, the magic was obviously working. Danielle wanted me, wanted my cock. It wouldn't matter that I was smaller than I usually was. The coin would make up for that. I would make her happy no matter what I did. Right? As I headed for the door I was counting on the coin to do what I clearly couldn't.

I glanced around to make sure no one was looking and slipped through the door. I immediately picked up Danielle's unique scent. A mix of her intoxicating perfume, and the smell of her body. I turned to see that she already had the top of her leotard pulled down to expose two perfect breasts, sporting very hard nipples. She smiled at me like a beast at its prey, and pulled the satiny crotch of her workout attire to the side, revealing a very naked pussy. Her lips were swollen and prominently presented to me for my approval. There was a small, neatly trimmed landing strip at the top, along with a fringe of dark stubble that made her pink pussy meat stand out all the more. My mouth watered and I instantly knew I was making the right decision.

"Take it out," she demanded, her fingers parting her lips and opening up her slick hole for me.

I dropped my shorts and boxers without hesitation. She smiled and growled. This would be the moment of truth.

"Oh, fuck," she breathed, her eyes widening at the sight of my lacking member. Danielle smiled. "It reminds me of my first boyfriend's cock...when I was eleven. He was a year younger than me, but we learned a lot together that summer.

I wasn't thrilled at being told that I have the dick of a ten-year-old boy, but she seemed more than happy with the prospect and came to kneel in front of me.

"Do you want me to suck it?" she asked, looking up at me all sweet and innocent. This girl wanted to play games, and who was I to deny her that?

"Yes," I said firmly and thrust myself toward her gorgeous face. Gloria and Emily were beautiful, but Danielle had them both beat in that department. "Suck my cock," I demanded, sounding more confident than I felt.

She leaned in and licked the pre-cum leaking from my tip. She closed her eyes and made an "Mmmm," sound that sent excited tingles up my spine. I was finally able to relax, the magic had my back. I could settle in and enjoy this, really get into it.

Danielle went to work. Her warm, supple mouth slid effortlessly up and down my shaft. I guess one advantage to a small dick was that I could get deepthroated without any problem. She easily took my whole cock down without any hesitation. I suspected my normal length wouldn't have slowed her down much either as I watched her go at me with a passion that felt somehow misplaced.

If Carol had these kinds of skills, I'd never have to stray. I wouldn't have even considered the old man's offer of the coin. Maybe that's why he targeted me. All that mattered now was that I finally knew what it was like to be with a woman who not only wanted it, but loved sex. The sounds she made between her slurping noises were incredible. It had been barely a minute, and I was already about to blow.

What was going on with me? I have always been able to last longer than this. I was never a premature ejaculator. It seemed like the smaller I got, the quicker I came. Was that part of the curse? Along with my increasing level of horniness? It would make sense...another cruel trick of the gods. Even so, it was still an orgasm for me.

Danielle suddenly stopped. Considered my cock for a moment. Then stood up with a smile. "I don't want you to cum in my mouth," she said, her voice all sultry and full of sexiness. She got up on the table behind her, and opened her legs. The crotch of her leotard was still off-kilter, but she grabbed it and once again pulled it aside, giving him a graphic view of her swollen pussy lips, which she held open for me. "I want you to cum in here," she invited.

I wasn't about to turn that down. To creampie this exquisite creature would be my last freebie with the coin. No way I could pass that up. I stepped forward, located her hole with the tip of my dick, and delivered myself, what there was of me, inside of her. It felt as good as humanly possible.

I went for one of her nipples...not for her pleasure, but for my own. I'd been wanting one of those hard, little points against my tongue ever since I first joined the gym, and now she was there for the taking. It was better than I ever imagined. I suckled like a newborn babe as her fingers combed frantically through my hair. Hey, at least the curse hadn't made me bald!

Six pumps in and I was already on the verge of cumming. I wanted to make this last, but it seemed I was helpless in this regard. I decided to just give in and enjoy it as much as possible.

"Oh, fuck, I'm going to cum," I whined and picked up the pace.

"Do it," she pleaded. "I want your cum inside me!" I never had a woman say that to me before. I went at her with everything I had. She responded instantly to my efforts. "Make me cum...fuck my pussy and make me cum!"

By now I knew not to worry about anyone overhearing our lovemaking. We were in our own bubble of privacy. She could scream her head off and no one would know, or care, what we were doing in here. I sucked harder and banged faster. I hated that it had to be over so fast, but it was going to be one hell of a happy ending!

"I'm almost there!" she cried out. "Don't stop - give it to me! Give me that cock!"

I tried not to draw a connection to what she was saying with the same things my wife had said last night. It was just a stupid coincidence. From the way she was going wild on my dick, I was making it happen this time.

"Oh, fuck, I'm cumming! Let me have that beautiful dick, fill me up! Aaaaahhh!" And just like that, she was alive with an orgasm unlike any I had seen before. Her legs kicked, she grabbed me in her arms, and she threw her head back in ecstasy. It would have seemed like overacting if I didn't know what the source of her pleasure really was. It's too bad the magic didn't work on Carol, she deserved this kind of orgasm, at least once. But, her excitement was too much of a distraction for me to dwell on thoughts of my wife. I could finally give in.

"Shit, yes!" I cried and let loose. "Oh fuck, yes," I breathed, pressing as far into her as I could get (which wasn't very far). Her hips were still humping me, even after I stopped giving it to her.

"Oh, I never want it to end," she cooed, slowing to a grinding stop. "That was amazing." She planted a series of grateful kisses on my face and lips. I won't lie, it felt good, even if it wasn't really me who made her feel like that, just to see how fulfilled she was made it all worthwhile. And my reputation as a great lover was intact, even if not entirely deserved. I pulled out and glanced around for a towel or something.

She looked at me with a pout that just about broke my heart. "You're still hard," she observed. "Can I have a little more?"

I was surprised by that. I expected to go all floppy as soon as I was done like I had last night. But, sure enough, my dick was hard and pulsing like a thoroughbred stallion at the starting gate. I nodded, unable to deny her. "Sure, babe, take all you can get." There wasn't much there for her, but she lit up like it was Christmas morning and I was her own personal Santa.

She spun me around, got me up on the table and mounted me. I knew she was in shape, but I would have never guessed she was that strong! She was riding me like I was a bull at the rodeo. I could barely keep up. I held onto her hips and let her have her way with me. It seemed like only a matter of seconds before she was going off again.

Why was it that when guys cum fast it's a failure, but when women cum almost instantly it's the hottest thing ever? Double standards rarely go our way when it comes to sex. As she came, so did I, adding to my previous creampie. I had to hope birth control was built into the magic, not that it would have stopped me if it didn't.

She sighed and leaned down for a kiss...with tongue. It was sensual beyond all reason, maybe because my dick was still buried in her pussy. She offered me a tit, and I obliged her with a lick and a kiss on her proffered nipple. This was met with a shiver and a delighted giggle.

"The best sex I've ever had in my life, and it was in a lousy supply closet at work," she marveled as she slipped the crotch of her shiny, blue leotard back into place with all my cum still inside of her, and put her magnificent boobs away. She slid off the table and headed for the door. "Thanks for...everything. See you out there, stud," she said with a wink on her way out.

I sat there in stunned silence. My dick was still as hard as ever. I gave in to the urge and started beating off as I replayed everything that just happened in my mind. Even doing it myself, I ended up blowing my load too fast. I couldn't complain though, it still felt great. I mopped up my mess and went back out to the main gym.

I didn't see Danielle anywhere. Probably in the women's locker room dealing with all the jizz I'd spilled in her pussy. Even that excited me. I had to get out of there. If I saw her again, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist. Would that count as my fourth, or would I still be on the same dime? No point in risking it. That was my last freebie, my next encounter with anyone other than my wife would be a disaster. I hurried to the locker room, changed, and was out of there before I could screw things up forever.

~ ~ ~

I pulled into the driveway and was surprised to see that Sonya's rental car and Carol's car were both gone. I was glad to have the house to myself. I just needed a safe place to hide for the next few hours and revel in all the insane sex I'd had over the course of my little adventure. And I'd left every one of them satisfied. That was a good feeling.

Once inside, I took the coin out of my pocket. Just as shiny as the day I had accepted it. Was it a blessing or a curse? I grabbed my package through my pants. I didn't have to see it, I knew it was even smaller than it was less than an hour ago.

Who knew three inches could make such a big difference? I'd have just about four left now, maybe a little under. At least that was the end of it. I'd only have to put up with being hung like a mosquito for one last night. It wasn't like I needed to impress anyone before tomorrow. All I had to do was make sure Carol didn't see it, and I would be in the clear. Good riddance to this beautiful, evil coin.

I wanted to chuck it outside, but I put it away in my pocket and trudged to my bedroom. It was early but I crawled into bed anyway. The sooner I went to sleep, the sooner this wonderful ordeal would be over and my life could get back to normal. I left my boxers on, not daring to look at my own dwindled dick. Even I didn't want that image stuck in my head.

I couldn't tell how long it was before I was awoken. It was dark out. Carol was slipping into bed, trying not to disturb me. I didn't think much of it until she snuggled up against me. She was naked. Strange, especially after my abject failure last night.

"Where were you?" I muttered, not really caring.

"A bachelorette party," she said quietly, and giggled. She was doing her Sonya voice, trying to sound all seductive and sexy. "There were male strippers." With that, her hand made its way to my balls. I hadn't really paid attention, but I assumed those had been compromised as well.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a little too harshly.

"There were male dancers at the party. Hot ones. And now I'm all horny." She nibbled my ear. Sure, I was hard as soon as she touched my sack, but did I really want to go down that road again?

"Honey...maybe tomorrow night," I tried to beg off.

I couldn't see much in the darkness, but I could tell she was still in Sonya mode. The hair, the voice, the attitude. Maybe she was more into it than I was. I tried not to be so negative - it really was a dream come true, but I knew it was no use at this point.

"I don't know what happened before. It was probably my fault. Let's try again." She rubbed her chest against my arm. Her tits felt so soft and enticing. I knew it would be much the same, but I still wouldn't mind getting off in a nice pussy. Yeah, she would end up disappointed and unsatisfied like last night, but she'd forgive me, especially when I got my cock back. Maybe going into it knowing not to expect anything would make it easier for me to deal with.

Before I could fully come to a decision, her mouth was on mine. The strong taste of alcohol was there, along with...was that cigarettes? I'd never known her to smoke before, or get drunk for that matter. But I suppose being under the influence of her sister, maybe she was trying out new things. Whatever it was, I had a naked woman on top of me that was primed and ready to fuck. Even if it was only my wife, it was always nice to be wanted.

"C'mon, put it in, baby."

"I am in," I told her. The humiliation had begun.

"Oh, yeah," she murmured and wiggled her bottom. "There you are." Even though I had just fucked Danielle earlier that day, I was already feeling that familiar tingle in my nutsack. I was in her for two seconds, and I was almost done!

"Take it easy," I warned and held her hips tight, trying to minimize her movement.

"No way," she shot back. "I need to get fucked good!"

Between the booze and her make-over, she wasn't at all herself. I just had to enjoy it while I could. Who knew if it would last after the magic was gone. She began riding my tiny dick and acting as if she liked it. Wow, those strippers must have really put on a hell of a show. All I could imagine was buff guys, oiled up with huge schlongs, waving their cocks in the housewives' faces and getting them all worked up. Did Carol give in to peer pressure and suck one of them? I'd seen those kinds of videos before. The prospect excited me, but at the same time was somehow upsetting. Where did that possessiveness come from?

Had my wife gotten so far lost in the fantasy of being her sister that she would take another man's dick in her mouth? Did she make him jizz? Were the alcohol and cigarettes covering up her cum breath? Before I could go much further with that, I was brought back to the present by a guttural cry. It was Carol, and she was going wild. What was happening?

Yes, I was as hard as ever, but she was humping me like I was some kind of sex god. Despite the fact that I was an inch shorter than last night, she was acting like it was the best dick she'd ever had. As soon as I noticed how much she was getting off on this, I was instantly ready to nut. I wanted to cry but had to save all my concentration for holding back, knowing that as soon as I blew my wad I'd instantly go limp. The magic didn't work with her. Without it I wouldn't stay hard like I had with Danielle earlier.