A Game of Inches Ch. 05


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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she chanted, her fingers clawing my chest. This was a nice change. She was probably just faking it to save my ego, but it was working. I suspected her sister had given her this advice. It was all Sonya's doing, I was sure of it. But I was more than ready to take whatever I could get.

"Yes! I'm going to cum! Fuck me, I'm cumming! Fuck my horny cunt! Yes!" she wailed, throwing her head back and grinding down onto me as hard as she could.

It was too much, and before I knew it I was emptying everything I had left into her pussy. It was glorious. Not the way I would have ever described sex with my wife in all the years we'd been together - even back when the sex was good. This was on another level. Another dimension.

She collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily. She had put on quite the performance, and I had to appreciate it. I hugged her and realized how lucky I'd been all along. I was a total shit for cheating on her like I had. Sure, she'd never find out, but I knew, and that was enough. I owed her better than that. Things would be different from now on. The grass may be greener on the other side, but I just needed to tend my own lawn better, that's all.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I know I did so with my wife held tightly in my arms.

~ ~ ~

A loud scream woke me up.

It was light. I'd made it...the four days were done. I was free!

I blinked and saw Sonya standing in our bedroom. I blinked again, and she was in a little black cocktail dress, looking as sexy as ever, but what was going on? I realized I was naked, the blankets pushed off the bed, and Carol next to me, also naked. What the fuck? Normally I'd be thrilled with the idea of Sonya seeing me nude, but after my revelation last night it felt wrong.

"What the actual fuck!" she spouted, and grabbed Carol's ankle, pulling at her. "Get off of my husband, you slut!"

Huh? What the fuck was this? It took me a second to put it together. That wasn't Sonya in the cocktail dress, but my wife in Sonya mode. And it wasn't my wife naked in bed with me, it was her sister. Shit, yes! I finally got to fuck the real Sonya! And it was fantastic. Then I heard the laughter.

It was Carol. Her hands were covering her mouth, and she was staring at my junk. Sonya looked and joined the laughter. Both of them seemed to have forgotten what was happening here. That's when it hit me. I had failed.

If that wasn't my wife last night, then I'd fucked four women in four days. I looked down at my three inches of morning wood. It was beyond pathetic. If I hadn't been so horrified, I would have laughed too.

"What the fuck is that?" Sonya, the real Sonya, blurted out next to me.

"What happened? Is that supposed to be a dick? Why do you have a baby penis all of the sudden?" Carol was so full of wonder at my diminished cock that she didn't even seem to care that I was naked in bed with her sister. Normally that would have been a good thing, but I was too panicked to think about that.

It wasn't Carol last night, it was Sonya. She had tricked me! Snuck into my bed and fucked me and let me think it was my wife. This didn't count. So that's why I was able to satisfy her. It was just the coin after all. It all made sense now. I should have known! And now I was permanently fucked! Not fair! There had to be a way out of this!

The girls laughed even harder when I jumped up and quickly tried to dress, my teenie weenie bouncing around like it was my little finger - or, not even that much. It was worse than I ever imagined. Then it got even worse. I looked up and saw Sonya on the bed. She hadn't bothered covering up, so her tits were on full display, and her legs were splayed enough for me to see her bald slit. That's when I began to shudder, and my dick started squirting.

Roars of laughter erupted from the women as I helplessly came all over the place. It was beyond embarrassing. Premature ejaculation was one thing, but this was ridiculous! Was this my life from now on? It couldn't be. I had to find Paul - there had to be some way to get out of this!

I pulled on my clothes and ran from the house - leaving the laughing women behind - jumped in my car, and sped off. Back to the coffee shop - I needed answers!

~ ~ ~

I finished my third latte and squirmed in my seat. I had to piss but didn't want to risk Paul coming in while I was in the toilet. I also didn't want to have to confront my meager excuse for a penis in the men's room. The smiles and flirtatious looks I was getting from women while I sat there trying to mind my own business were maddening. Knowing I could probably have any one of them, but also knowing that I had almost nothing to offer them, was pure torture.

That's when I spotted Paul, just outside the shop. He was chatting up a blonde less than half his age - or at least less than half of his real age. He now looked like he could be in his early thirties, but he was so much older than that. She took his phone, typed something into it, gave it back with a sexy wink, and went on her way. Paul watched her ass as she went before coming into the shop.

He looked around and brightened when he spotted me sitting there. His expression turned grave when he noticed that I was none too happy.

"Why the dark clouds?" he asked, doing his best to suppress his chipper attitude as he sat down.

I made an effort not to grind my teeth and tossed the coin onto the table between us. It was no longer shiny and new, but dark and tarnished.

"Take this fuckin' thing back," I snarled, forcing myself to keep my voice as low as I could.

"What's the problem? Your time is up and you got your girls, didn't you?"

"Oh, I got 'em alright...all four of them!"

"No, please tell me you didn't. Four in four days? Oh, Marc..." he shook his head and had the decency to at least look sad. Was he laughing inside, along with all the rest of them?

"I want my dick back," I growled, clenching my fists.

"You're talking to the wrong person. I don't have any control over that. I'm just a regular joe like you. A mortal plaything." He held his hands up in a show of innocence, but I wasn't so sure he wasn't somehow in on it all. "So it's done. The clock ran out and you went for all four. And now you're four inches now?" he said, being generous.

"Try three," I snapped. "Maybe less, I don't know." It's not like I got out a ruler to measure my greatest shame. "But it wasn't me, I swear. I got tricked on the last one. It was supposed to be my wife, but her sister pretended to be her and fucked me under false pretenses. That shouldn't count - I want my cock back," I insisted, resisting the urge to stand up and throttle the man.

"Again, my boy, I'm not the one in charge here. No use making your appeal to me. You'd have to take your case to Mount Olympus."

"And how the fuck am I supposed to do that?"

Paul shrugged and reached for the coin. I snatched it before he could touch it. The token was still mine.

"Three inches," he whispered and fixed me with a pitying look. I suspected I was going to have to get used to getting a lot of those kinds of looks from now on. "Tough break, kid." If felt weird being called kid by a guy who looked younger than me, but was old enough to be my father, or maybe even my grandfather for all I knew.

"What am I supposed to do now? There must be some way to reverse it. Some way to cancel it all out, right?" The desperation in my voice drew a few concerned looks from those around us, but I didn't care.

"It's not impossible, but if there is a way, I don't know what it is. I accepted the challenge forty-six years ago, slept with my three ladies, and ended it there. It was a fight not to give in that one last time, I won't say it wasn't, but I stayed strong." He couldn't keep the contempt out of his voice - he didn't believe I was tricked. He knew how much I wanted to sleep with my sister-in-law, and he wasn't going to buy some convoluted story about my wife looking like her twin all of the sudden. And besides, he said it wasn't up to him anyway.

"After my four days were up, the coin still held some of its magic. Women were drawn to me, they found me handsome despite my flaws," he touched his slightly oversized nose, "and I was able to charm my way into just about any pair of panties I set my sights on. I guess that was my reward for passing the test. Then I got the...I don't know what to call it...the need to pass it on to another. And you were the lucky fellow. But, I suppose, you don't feel so lucky now, eh?"

"There's an understatement." I wondered how he'd do with the ladies if I broke that stupid nose of his for him. "So, what happens now? Is the coin still magic?"

"I'm not sure." He glanced around the shop. "I suppose it is or there wouldn't be so many women checking you out right now."

"Well, that's something, at least," I conceded, trying to salvage a sliver of hope out of this shitty situation.

"However..." Paul couldn't hide his pained expression. "If it works as it did for me, the coin just gives you a leg up, so to speak. An edge with the ladies, but you still have to close the deal yourself. All that part is still on you. And even if you get them into the sack, it's not going to make up for the fact that you're now in possession of a micro-dick."

"So you're saying I can get just about any woman I want, but then I'll just be laughed at and humiliated when I do?"

"I...I..." Paul was at a loss. "Maybe there's a woman out there with a fetish for tiny cocks. Anything is possible. If this experience has taught you anything, it has to be that, right?"

"Oh, fuck you." I slumped in my seat and stared at the coin with a deep hatred. "What am I supposed to tell my wife?"

"I don't know. I guess it's all going to depend on whether or not she believes the richer or poorer part of your vows applies to your prick, because you're definitely in the poor house when it comes to that." He was laughing at me, the smug asshole. Just because he didn't get tricked at the last minute doesn't make him any better than me. Except he's probably packing more than three inches, like just about every other man in the world. I was never going to have sex again. The realization hit me like a runaway train. I might not even be able to jerk off anymore. Did I even have enough left for that? What was the point of living anymore?

"So, my wife is going to leave me, and I'm going to be all alone with nothing for a dick."

Paul looked at his watch like he was going to make an excuse that he had to run. Coward.

"I laid out the rules pretty clearly, I thought. Four women in four days, but there'd be consequences. You brought this on yourself, my boy," he explained patiently, trying to absolve himself.

"I told you I was tricked. It wasn't my fault."

"You were the one who had the sex, right?"

"But I thought it was my wife," I protested.

"And you were able to satisfy her when your dick was only four inches?"

I couldn't speak for a moment. "Yes."

"And the person you thought was your wife was passionate and intense in bed."

I knew where he was going with this and didn't like it. "Yes."

"And this is what your wife is normally like?"

It didn't matter, it still wasn't my fault, I told myself. "No, but the coin..."

"You hadn't noticed before that the coin didn't work on her? In those four days you never tried to make love to her?"

"I did...and it was...a disaster." I had that sinking feeling in my stomach, something that had become very familiar to me as of late.

I had been cheated. I didn't know who exactly to blame, but it certainly wasn't me. Paul may have been right. Try to live my best life. Learn to get better with my mouth, maybe? Pick up some massage techniques, maybe there are ways to use my fingers that I don't know about. Maybe get into better shape, take my workouts up a notch. Of course, I'll have to find a new gym. Danielle is too much of a distraction. And maybe a new job. Emily won't be at the office forever, but will I be able to keep my hands off of her? Perhaps I should just go gay. The thought of sucking dick had crossed my mind while wallowing in the most depraved depths of some of my late-night, porn-feuled masturbation sessions. But no, in the light of day the idea just didn't hold the kind of appeal that a woman, any woman, did. I sighed heavily, knowing the answer wasn't going to just fall into my lap.

The bell on the door tinkled and I automatically looked up. It wasn't Gloria, but something much better. Impossibly better. I'd had the good fortune to have some beautiful women around me in the recent past, but this lady outshined them all...by a long shot. I was hard in a matter of seconds. And that was even before I checked out her body, which was just as stunning as her face. I cringed, knowing that it would only be a matter of seconds before I came in my pants. Just one more humiliation to add to my collection.

She looked around the place, like she was some kind of royalty amongst peasants. Her eyes fell on me and I felt lower than the lowliest peon. My only saving grace was that she didn't know I had a tiny stump of a penis. I scooped the coin off the table and held it tight. A futile gesture, I knew, but something compelled me nonetheless.

She made her way toward me. Shit. Was this just another sadistic twist? What kind of fuckery was I going to have to deal with now? The regal woman sat down at my table where Paul had just been. Boy, would he have loved to see this. I blinked and couldn't believe my eyes.

A beam of sunlight shone through the big front window and fell directly on her. When it did, I could see right through her dress. Yes, she was wearing a dress, almost a gown. I couldn't identify the fabric or designer, but it was beyond perfect. It was form fitting, had a kind of luminescence to it that I'd never seen before, and in the direct sunlight, I could see right through it. She didn't seem the least bit concerned that her large, dark nipples could be seen by all. And was that shadow down below her pubes? Never had I encountered such a bold exhibitionist in my life. How could she just walk around the city like that? Admirable, to say the least.

"Hello, Marc."

Hearing her say my name put me over the edge. I came in my pants just like that. I'd deal with that humiliation later, right now I had other priorities.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Her voice was like shimmering waters flowing down from on high. Crystal clear, musical, almost...ethereal. I'd never felt love for anyone like the love I was feeling for her. It was insane, but I knew I'd do anything for this woman, no matter what she wanted just to be worthy of her attention for a few more seconds.

The girl from behind the counter placed a coffee before her, took a step back, and gave an awkward bow before scurrying away. The woman didn't react, as if this behavior was in the least bit odd. She turned her head and watched the barista go with a faint smile. "Sweet girl," she said, and I was beyond jealous of the small praise she was given. But then something fell into place.

I stared at the woman. Her profile. I knew her...or, at least, I'd seen her before. It couldn't be. I opened my hand and tore my eyes away from her for a moment. Yes, it was true. It was her profile on the coin. It actually made sense all of the sudden. This was the goddess of love. Aphrodite, herself. Impossible.

"W-what...ah, do you...can I...why are..." I couldn't string a thought together to save my life.

"Why am I here?" She sipped her coffee and scowled. She put it back down, touched a finger to the brown liquid and it transformed to a rosy-red. She brought this to her flawless lips, and she smiled. "The fact is, your comical antics have given us all some much-needed amusement as of late." Something got her attention and she turned to look.

A construction worker had his pants down to his knees and a random woman was sucking his cock a few tables away. I couldn't believe it. No one else seemed to be paying them any mind, but they were right there in the middle of the shop. All eyes were on her. "Do you think he'll tell his girlfriend about this?" my table mate asked with a naughty lilt in her tone. I couldn't help but notice that he had a pretty huge cock, but then again everyone looked huge compared to me these days.

"I overheard you complaining to Paul."

"I'm sorry," I interjected, afraid of offending her in the slightest possible way. "I don't want to seem ungrateful, but...but nothing, I'm sorry. I had no right to complain."

"Well..." she began, then got distracted by the man yelling out as he spewed his load all over the lady's face. "Oh, very nice," she commented, licking her lips with a glimmer in her eye. "You may have some cause." She reluctantly turned her attention back to me, and I felt like the luckiest guy on the planet. "A stalker of mine may have gotten involved and messed with you a little bit."

"A stalker?" I barely cared what she was saying, as long as she kept talking that was enough for me.

"Hermes. He has a thing for me, but I won't give him any." At this, she pinched one of her nipples through her dress, and I came again. It didn't even matter that my pants were, by this time, drenched with semen. I'd never felt anything like this before. I was willing to endure anything for her. "I fear he may have had something to do with your wife taking on the look of her sister. Not only to entice you, but to confuse things. And it seems his little scheme paid off. Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have said little." Her eyes flicked down to my sodden crotch and she had to hold back a giggle. "Would you mind..."

"Mind what?"

"Showing me." She covered her mouth to hide her smile. "I'd like to see what he did to you, you poor thing."

We were out in public, did she just want me to whip it out? But, that guy over there got a hummer and gave some random lady a messy facial, so I guess it didn't matter. All I wanted to do was please her, and if that's what she wanted, I was going to give it to her.

I stood, unzipped, and dropped my pants and boxers in one go. I was as hard as I could be, but you could barely see it through my pubic hair. That was going to have to go, I thought, but then it really would look like a baby penis. The laughing brought me out of my self-loathing funk.

And it wasn't just the goddess who was laughing, but everyone in the shop. One woman was pointing and holding her stomach. Others were roaring and doubling over at my expense. So much for a magical cloak of anonymity. But, as cruel as she was, I felt more love for her than ever. No wonder this Hermes guy was stalking her. I never wanted to be without her. I stood there and endured the ridicule.

"Oh, isn't that adorable," she said, making a pinching motion with her fingers. Just knowing that she was looking at me was enough. I came yet again, a thin squirt of semen shooting out and landing on the floor between us. Gales of laughter erupted all around me. My pathetic dick was apparently the funniest thing anyone here had ever seen. I would have broken down in tears if it wasn't for her. "Okay, sweetie, thanks. That's quite enough."

I pulled up my pants and sat down. The laughter slowly subsided. One man came by our table on his way out and said, "Sorry, man, but if that was my dick, I'd kill myself." He shook my hand and went. I wasn't there yet, but I could see myself ending it all if this was all I had to look forward to.

"Don't pay any attention to him, there's more to life than your cock. I hope this little fiasco has at least taught you that. Oh, I did it again, sorry. When all you do is think with your dick, that's what gets you into trouble. That's why we're here. Instead of thinking about your wife, all you were worried about was dipping your wick in some strange. Am I right?"