A Grand Cocking Adventure


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"I'm going on an adventure to see the world!" Shira exclaimed with a broad smile on her face.

The other soldier barked out a laugh, "Girlie, just go back to the brothel you work for. It'll be safer."

Shira crossed her arms and harrumphed, "You can't tell me what to do."

"Actually we can. We're guarding Caffus against bandits." The first guard snorted, tapping his spear on the ground.

"Come on! I need to buy supplies. What can I do to prove I'm not a bandit? I have money! I just want to come into Caffus." Shira asked, looking between them desperately.

The guards looked at each other and then looked at her. Their eyes drifted down from her face to her breasts. One of them looked behind them and then jerked his head towards the little guardhouse in the side of the wooden gate.

"Come on girl. We'll need to interrogate you to make sure you're being truthful." He said with a smile.

"Okay! Sure!" Shira nodded and followed them into the guardhouse. It was a tight little space with two small chairs for the guards to rest.

The guards leaned their spears and shields against the wall and turned to her. "Sit."

She took a seat in one of the small chairs and the guards looked down at her. She clasped her hands over her thick cock and looked back at them, "What do you want to know?"

"How well you can suck." One of them smiled.

They unbuttoned their pants and long cocks sprang out right in front of her nose. She immediately brightened up, "That's it? You just want some blowjobs to let me in? You got it!"

She grabbed both dicks and immediately wrapped her lips around one of them. The guards laughed and one of them said, "Wow! I said you worked in a brothel as a joke. Oohhh fuck your mouth is good!"

Her hands squeezed and stroked their dicks. She slurped off the first cock and put her lips on the other. Both were hot and heady with a heavy masculine musk. It filled her nostrils and made her head swim. She sucked further down until she pressed into his pubes.

The guard groaned in pleasure and his head lolled back, "Ohh fuck, I have not had my dick sucked like this in too long."

"You should really visit your mother more often." The other guard laughed and then gave a deep moan when she went back to sucking on him.

"Hey, fuck you." The first smacked him.

Shira traded back and forth between them, blowing each of them quite heatedly. Her dick was hard and her balls were bulging on her lap. She sucked faster and squeezed their balls rhythmically.

"Damn, slut! You're going to get me!" The first guard moaned. She sucked him down as far as she could and he burst a thick load in her throat. It didn't take much effort to drink his entire load. She didn't move quick enough though and her hand got the other guard off. Sticky ropes of cum shot across her face and splattered her ginger curls.

"Oooof. Damn that was good." The second guard sighed, "I think we don't have to worry about her causing any trouble."

The first nodded as he put his dick away, "Yeah, she'll be fine. Just be sure to stop by and say hi when you leave for your 'adventure', yeah?"

"Sure!" Shira hopped up and her dick bounced against one of them. She turned and hurried out of the guardhouse, still eager to go shopping.

Behind her she heard one of the guards say, "Damn. Still can't believe she's hung bigger than either of us."

"Yeah. What kind of god did she get blessed by?" The other laughed.

The streets of Caffus were thin and not overly busy. The small crowds she did walk past stared and gawked at her. It didn't help that she was splattered in semen and her dick was getting everywhere two steps ahead of her. She smiled and waved to everyone without shame. She could've never lived with herself if she had any shame about her body.

She had been worried at first about how to find what she needed but the streets were named quite obviously. Metalsmiths street. Grocery street. Woodcarvers street. Magic street. So it wasn't hard to find tailors street where she could get a pack and bedroll.

She walked down tailors street and found a leatherworking shop with packs and bags hung up outside. She stepped inside with a jingle from a bell hung on the door.

"Hello?" Shira called out. The little shop had racks and shelves along the walls, all hung with various sheets of leather and different things made from it. A large counter across the back of the shop served as a workbench on which a tall, busty woman was cutting strips of leather. Long, soft canine ears topped hear head and they twitched at Shira's greeting.

She looked up and her eyes widened in surprise. She almsot dropped her tools and said, "Well... hello there, gorgeous. What can I do for you today?" Those wide eyes went from Shira's gigantic bare breasts and thick nipples down to the enormous cock hanging between her luscious thighs.

As she stepped around the counter, Shira could see that the shopkeep was a middle aged woman, worn and scarred by the years but not yet unattractive. She had a strong body and dark eyes beneath long brown bangs. Her body carried the curve and weight of a mature woman but tempered by hard labor.

"I'm in need of a traveling pack and some sacks. I'm going on an adventure!" Shira exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Alright. Well let me show you what I have made." The shopkeep nodded.

"I'm Shira, by the way!" Shira said as she walked over to the rack the woman had indicated.

The woman glanced sideways at her, "Fynn. These are what I've got. These have tooled designs on them. These ones are stitched for weight and strength."

"Oooh! This one is so pretty!" Shira exclaimed, picking up a large leather rucksack with a beautifully stitched rose vine up the side of it.

"You have a good eye. That one is a sturdy minotaur leather. It'll hold up to anything you can throw at it." Fynn nodded in approval, "Doesn't come cheap though."

"Don't worry! I have some money!" Shira said, positively bubbling with excitement. She dug into her shoulder bag and pulled out a purse that jingled heavily with gold.

Fynn shook her head, "No! No, we don't accept coin here."

"What?" Shira cocked her head.

Fynn reached out and curled her fingers around the thick head of Shira's half-erect cock. She rubbed it lovingly and said, "I take physical labor. For this bag, I'll need quite a lot of hard work."

Shira's dick pulsated and grew fully erect, precum starting to pool in Fynn's palm. She giggled, "How can I say no?"

With that, Fynn went to the door and locked it. She came back to the counter and untied the front of her pants. She stripped the hard leather pants and bent over the counter, exposing everything with her spread legs. Shira's dick jerked hard and her mouth fell open. Unlike seemingly everyone else, Shira loved pubic hair. Cock and pussy alike just looked so much more beautiful with fluffy, soft bushes around it. Fynn had that and then some. Her mature, cherry-lipped pussy was surrounded in a thick bush that matched the chocolate hair on her head. It fluffed out and grew up above her pussy in a wide V that matched the curve of her strong thighs. Her arousal was clear, glistening on the bush beautifully.

"Ohhh gods, that is a beautiful pussy. I love your bush." Shira gawked openly, her dick's precum reaching all the way to the floor.

Fynn smiled back at her, "Now that's something you don't hear everyday. Well, if you want that bag then start with your tongue."

"Gladly!" Shira knelt down and grabbed her thighs. She fearlessly shoved her face into that bush and her nostrils were filled with the powerful scent of feminine arousal. She shoved her tongue in deep and made Fynn gasp with delight. Her tail bounced happily and she gripped the counter tightly.

"Ooooh! You're really eager!" Fynn cooed.

Shira couldn't help herself. She devoured that pussy. Her tongue went absolutely haywire at the first taste and she shoved it in as deep as she could. Pussy juices ran down her chin and Fynn moaned passionately. Her tongue wriggled up and down, lapping at the walls of her pussy harder.

The delicious taste of it. The heady musk of a mature woman. Shira was losing herself in it and she rubbed her face against Fynn's ass. Her hand wrapped around her burning cock and she stroked the immense girth of it. On her knees, her cock's weight and length made it almost sink to the floor. She rubbed it harder as she drank down more of Fynn.

"Fuck... You're really going at it." Fynn panted. She tensed and gasped, "I'm gonna cum already."

That told Shira all she needed to know. This woman, this gorgeous, slutty woman, was hungry for dick. If two minutes of hard tonguing was going to get her off, then ten or fifteen of even harder dicking was going to blow her world.

Standing upright, Shira lifted her huge dick and pressed it to Fynn's pussy. Her dripping wet bush tickled a bit and she pushed past it. Thick, hot lips parted for her and she pushed in deep.

As she had said, Fynn came hard. Her pussy gushed and it convulsed around Shira's cockhead. That hardly stopped her though. Shira leaned forward and pressed to Fynn's back, gigantic breasts squishing all across her shoulders.

"Felt like I was going to drown down there." Shira teased, gyrating her cock against Fynn's womb.

"Ohhh fuck me." Fynn panted, "Really! Fuck me, you centaur-cocked goddess."

Shira bucked and slammed her against the counter, "Hope you're ready for it. I can get pretty wild."

"Just what I've been fucking needing." Fynn breathed, the tight walls of her cunt trying to crush Shira.

Holding onto her hips tightly, Shira drew her cock back and shoved it in again. Every little motion seemed to be driving the older woman mad. She moaned and writhed, pushing back against Shira and working her dick with each movement.

"You know, I fucked this wolf girl in the woods before getting here..." Shira groaned, "Thought she was an especially good fuck but... I'm starting to think there's a lot of good pussy I've missed out on."

Fynn sounded like she wanted to respond but the grinding of Shira's massive shaft through her tight pussy was devolving her language into incoherent non-speech.

Shira continued bouncing her hips, knocking Fynn against the counter rhythmically and making little squirts of femcum shoot from her taut pussy. She hugged Fynn from behind and pressed up against her back. Her dick jerked forward and she spread her legs in an attempt to somehow get in deeper as her orgasm rose. The tail squished between them wiggled eagerly and she could feel Fynn cumming yet again. Her cunt wrung Shira tightly and spasmed in all the right ways to milk out her seed.

"Hope you're ready for one fat load... Cuz I'm getting you pregnant!" Shira grunted, and squeezed Fynn tightly in a hug.

The motherly pup howled in pleasure as a deluge of semen filled her. It flowed up into her womb and bathed her eggs in the sweetest, most fertile semen in all the lands. That cum packed in as tightly as it could before it started spurting out of her in thick jets. Shira's lusty balls tensed and loosed all of the load before slowly dropping back to loose emptiness.

"Oh my~" Fynn swooned quietly, "That is so much cum... you're right about getting pregnant... I'm going to have a whole litter."

Her hips wiggled as she explored how enormous the pool of semen inside her was.

Shira stepped back from her, little bunny tail wiggling happily. Her dick slapped wetly on her thighs and the scent of hot, sugary spunk redoubled around them. Fynn's bush was swimming thickly in the sticky spunk. It drooled from pussy and cock alike, painting the wooden floor in gooey white.

"So how's that? Can I have the bag?" Shira asked, squeezing Fynn's butt softly.

"I almost want to ask for another but I'm scared I'll survive." Fynn giggled, turning around and leaning back on the counter. A bead of sweat ran down her face and her dazed eyes took in all of Shira. She smiled and nodded, "Of course, of course. A promise is a promise. You've given me a gift far greater, anyhow."

She put a hand over her swollen belly and smiled down at it. Her fingers slid down further to play through her gooey pubes and to her leaking pussy. Shira scooped up the bag and said, "Hey, I hope you don't expect me to stick around and play daddy or anything. I've got an adventure to go on!"

"Oh of course not. I'm not stupid. Even if I said yes, you'd zip right out the door. Just adventure by here in a few years and poke your nose in on your child. Somehow I trust it isn't the only one you've made." Fynn giggled with a glitter in her eye as she rubbed her slit while it leaked.

Shira smiled and shouldered the bag as she left. Fynn was right. Shira had impregnated dozens and dozens of women. In fact, it would seem like every single one of them that she bothered to cum inside of became pregnant with glee and vigor. Not one of them demanded Shira stick around and not a single one seemed uphappy with the occurrence. It was as though Shira impregnated them with joy.

Back out on tailors street and she was the center of attention again. The smell of her delectable semen alone was enough to turn heads. She was painted from the thighs down in the stuff and her body still cut a gorgeous swathe. She still had all of her savings and she had some more stuff to purchase. Her face brightened into a wide smile when she said to herself, "I wonder how many other shops trade in labor too?"

The next shops did not, in fact, request physical labor for payment. Shira considered trying to flirt with the guy selling the traveling gear but she decided against it. He looked kinda grumpy so she just pulled our her purse and counted out some coins.

With a pack loaded with adventuring gear, Shira set off down the road. Her eyes sparkled with delight and she couldn't wait to see what the world held!

CHAPTER 3 - First Adventures

Shira's first day in Caffus had been spent shopping, exploring, and talking with many different inhabitants. She also ended up fucking a dozen of them during that time. Quite a few handsome men wanted a piece of her ass and they got it with relish.

In all of her frolicking and chatting, she learned that a little dwarven ruin outside of the town was strangely noisy. The ruin had been an ancient dwarven mine and smithy, but it had been abandoned centuries ago. Since then, there had been repeated attempts to move into or take control of the mines. The place had proven too dangerous to be worthwhile though, as the dwarves had left both traps and unsafe passages that had endured through the years.

It didn't take her long to decide that she wanted to go see these ruins. She might not be that good at magic, but her feet were very quick and she was far too curious to just leave it alone. So she set off early her second day and headed out of Caffus, going straight towards the dwarven ruin. It took her half the day but she found the large stone arch hidden back among the overgrown trees and bushes.

"Whoa! This is so cool!" Shira exclaimed, running her hand up the worn dwarven stonework. Even after all these years, there was hardly a pockmark or crack in the deep gray stone. It was carved to near perfection from the ground up to the peak of the arch. The stone was angular and sharp-cut, and the precise carving led far into the hill. No lamps or lights adorned the walls but Shira had prepared for this. She pulled out a small crystal-tipped wand from her satchel and it began to glow. A cone of soft white light spread out in front of her and she headed down into the old hall.

The soft rustling of leaves died away as the cold embrace of the dwarven structure closed in around her. She pointed the wand around and lit up the corners of the hall. It was like the dwarves had an unnatural instinct for straight lines and perfect corners.


"What was that?" Shira jerked her head around and strained her floppy ears to hear further.

The sound came again. A soft plop of something soft on the stone floor. It was coming from in front of her and she raised her light higher. Nothing came into view, even as the sound repeated itself.

"Is anyone there?" Shira called into the dark. Her dick twitched as a cold chill went up her spine.

The sound was even closer now yet she still couldn't see anything. She felt a pang of fear run up her chest and she looked back at the tiny bright dot in the distance that was the entrance. Soon she wouldn't be able to see it and this thing might get her.


She nearly jumped out of her skin as something brightly colored passed in front of her light. It was delightfully pink and it dropped at her feet with that plopping sound. A soft, muffled giggle seemed to emanate from it.

"A slime? How adorable!" Shira squealed, dropping to her knees to look into the creature's beady little black eyes. It was about the size of a large dog and it seemed to move by tensing up all of its mass and springing it in a single direction to propel its heavy near-liquid form.

She remembered some things she read about slimes. Like how some were poisonous or acidic. Those ones all had angry or dangerous colors to them though. Surely a lovely pink was safe. She reached out and touched it.

The slime was luke warm and it jiggled softly under her touch. It giggled again when touched and its little beady black eyes rolled up its form to stare up at her.

"Oh of course you're adorable!" She petted it and it shuddered softly. It tensed up and suddenly lunged at her. She yelped in surprise, "Whoa! Hey! What?"

The slime's impact shoved her over on her back and the pink goo was splattered all over her middle. It oozed over her cock and balls, squishing around her hips and seeming to squeeze at her big butt.

"Hey! What're you doing there?" Shira asked, staring at the pink slime as it spread between her legs and completely engulfed her from the belly button to the knees. It was stretched upward over her entire erection and she could feel its sneaking tendrils poking at her pussy lips and sliding along her bum to rub at her asshole.

The slime seemed to sense the virility and deliciousness of her semen and started to jiggle all around her. Tendrils pushed into her ass and sank deep into her pussy. She moaned loudly and her dick spasmed powerfully. A long, thin line of slime slid up her cock and started to massage it from the inside with little shaking beads of goo.

"Oh my goodness!" Shira wailed, her eyes going wide as her entire middle tried to clench up from the sudden ecstasy. The slime seemed to know exactly how to touch her. The long thick tentacle up her ass seemed to push a lovely ribbed shape back and forth while a thick ball buzzed against her prostate. The slime in her pussy thickened until it had her cunt tight and singing.

Among all this, thick bands of slime stroked up and down her dick. They moved opposite the nodes inside her urethra and sent shudders of bliss through her entire enormous rod.

"This feels so good!" Shira thrust into the air, her dick spasming powerfully inside the slime's embrace.

A powerful eruption of jizz blasted the slime from her urethra. It was nearly blown clear off her cock but it ultimately balooned outward and contained her semen. Thick white goo filled the pink slime and made it inflate further and further. The slime jiggled, spreading her cum around within it. It grew in mass all around her, pink goo growing down her legs and up her chest. The slime in her pussy jiggled and the tendrils up her ass worked her prostate harder. Fresh waves of cum erupted from her dick and continued shifting the slime's color paler.

"Cumming so much! I'm cumming so damn much!" Shira wailed, arching her back and jerking her head side to side. Her cock gave its all and the slime was finally painted fully white. When she finished cumming, it had grown to encompass her legs and was struggling to squeeze over her massive tits. It was moving slower and it was still trying to milk her cock.