A Jedi's Training Ch. 16


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"Did he ever explain why he asked to leave?"

"He said he was doing it for us – he's been to worlds all over the galaxy, looking for records of old Jedi teachings... trying to find some code where the Jedi say it's all right to be in love with somebody." Mira looked longingly over the hills, as if expecting him to come walking over at any time. "I asked him to come back, but he said he's still looking. It takes a lot of resolve to do what he's doing. If our places were reversed, I'd be back in his arms without hesitation."

"He really does love you, Mira," Eryn said, placing a hand on Mira's shoulder reassuringly.

"I know he does, and I love him too," Mira told her. "But as a Jedi, a love like this is both a blessing and a curse. It can bring you a lot of happiness, but also a lot of grief."

Mira brushed her hair from her face, placing her hands on Eryn's shoulders and locking eyes with her student.

"Make sure you think long and hard about what you're doing, Eryn," she told the young woman. "Make sure that if you really decide to give you heart to this man you're seeing, know that you can trust him with your life. And even then, even if you know he would give up this entire universe for you, make sure you're ready for all the consequences – things like this, and the pain that inevitably follows. And be sure you're ready for the Dark Side to come calling, because it will. It will tempt you, tease you, trying to lure you into casting off the Jedi Order with promises of a better life, a life where you and your loved one can have anything you want. But you can't walk down that path, Eryn, you understand?"

Eryn nodded, swallowing hard as the words of Mira's warning echoed through her mind.

"We were younger, more naïve," Mira said, looking away. "He'd been a gambler and a scoundrel all his life, and I'd been a bounty hunter. There were days, after he left, that I stood before the Jedi Council, not even listening to their orders, just wishing I could scream at them, strike them, curse them for the misery and emptiness I felt inside. Fortunately for me, I managed to keep myself from falling apart – barely. That's why I took on these training missions – teaching students helped me re-connect with the Light Side, and kept my mind off of Atton. The love he and I shared was, and is, the most amazing experience of my life – but even now, after all these years, seeing him again makes me desperate inside. It unravels my discipline. Would I do it all over again? Probably. But that doesn't stop this numbness that I feel right now, you know?"

Mira looked at Eryn again and saw the look of concern on the young woman's face.

"I'm sorry for burdening you with all of that," Mira said, smiling. "I just want you to know what might lie ahead for you. But, I don't know everything. The future is always messier to understand than the past – it might be that you'll have no problems whatsoever. I just wanted you to be prepared, so that you'll choose the right path should the time come. And don't worry about me – I'll be fine. It's those first nights alone that are the toughest. Everything after that doesn't seem so bad."

Unexpectedly, Eryn pulled Mira into a hug, which Mira gladly welcomed. She suddenly realized the strength of the bond that had formed between her and her new student, and was glad that it had happened.

"Thank you Mira," Eryn whispered. "I'll remember what you've said. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," Mira said with a smile as they separated. "Now... I suppose we should get this camp torn down so we can get home to those hot showers, huh? And something else hot for you, I'm guessing."

"Yeah, at least I hope it's hot," Eryn said, somewhat absently as the memory of her night's experiences came back to her. "If not, the shower definitely will be."

As she continued with the process of tearing down camp, Eryn weighed the night's events with the words of warning Mira had just imparted to her. She wanted desperately to trust Jacen, to be able to put her life in his hands and know without a doubt that he would always do what was best for her, but the animalistic fury she had felt from him caused doubts to form in her mind. What if all she was to him, despite signs to the contrary, was an easy way to get off when he wanted to? She tried to tell herself she was just being silly, but there was something about their meeting in the Force that did not sit well with her.

The camp broke down quickly, consisting mainly of the two women's gear and their tents. While Eryn loaded their equipment into the shuttle, Mira made a quick trip back to the settlers they had helped earlier, to make sure that their perimeter fences were functioning normally. When she returned, Eryn had the shuttle secured and ready for departure. They buckled in with Mira at the main controls, and the shuttle lifted them free of gravity with a lurch. Mira flew low over the landscape, until the ruins of the Jedi enclave came into view. As Mira slowed the shuttle, Eryn looked out the cockpit and saw a lone figure, draped in a black cloak, looking up at the sky.

"Is that him?" Eryn asked, squinting but unable to make out the man's face.

"Yes, it's him," Mira replied, a calm certainty in her voice. "Take the controls for me will you? Just hold the course steady."

Eryn took the controls and Mira turned, looking out the cockpit down at Atton. She raised one hand and pressed it against the canopy.

"Come home soon," she whispered.

As the shuttle flew past the enclave, Atton raised his hand to the sky, reaching out to Mira. He couldn't see her from the ground, but through the Force, he knew she was reaching with her hand and he made sure to reach back.

"I'll try not to keep you waiting, love," he replied.

Eryn couldn't hear the words being spoken by the two lovers, but she could feel their effect – the warmth and affection that could not be masked – spreading through the Force. Mira turned and leaned back in her seat, taking a deep breath before placing her hand on her controls.

"I can take it from here," she told Eryn.

"Are you sure? I can fly for awhile, if you need some time."

Mira smiled, shaking her head.

"It's all right. Flying will give me something else to think about. You should get some rest – you've had a long week."

Eryn relinquished the controls, settling back into her chair and feeling the soft padding mold around her body. Immediately she felt a sense of heaviness overtake her eyelids, and she yawned.

"You're right," she told Mira. "I'm exhausted... just wake me up when you need me..."

Mira chuckled softly, but Eryn barely heard it.

When Jacen and Liana awoke, the sun was streaming brightly through their window. Her body was cradled gently against his, and a thin sheen of sweat coated both of them as a result of the gradual warming of the room.

"Hey sleepy," Jacen said as Liana's eyes fluttered open.

The blonde girl breathed in a deep breath and stretched, pressing her back against his chest.

"G'morning," she replied, rubbing her eyes.

"I think it's more like afternoon, really," Jacen said. "I don't see a chronometer in here, but the sun feels like it's been up for awhile."

"I guess we should get our sexy butts out of bed then, huh?" Liana said, wiggling her rear end softly against his penis.

"OUR sexy butts?" he asked, pressing his morning, or more appropriately, afternoon erection against her. "I'm pretty darn sexy, but I dunno about you."

"Hey, I'm sexy enough that you're hard!" she said, rolling away from him and standing up.

"It's just a guy thing," he protested, sitting up and sliding to the floor. "Happens when we sleep."

"Yeah, whatever," she replied, giving his manhood a quick stroke with the Force. "I still think it likes me."

"Well, I'm not doubting that," he laughed, as he watched her look herself over in a nearby mirror.

"My word I'm a mess," she exclaimed, as she caught sight of the dried streaks of fluid that traced across her thighs. "I'm going to jump in the shower – want to come with me?"

"You probably want some privacy," he said, looking around the room for some sort of clothing. "I'll just wait until you're done."

"Let me rephrase," she said, walking up to him and taking his hand. "I'm going to take a shower – you're going to come with me. You made this mess, so you should help clean it up. And no, you don't have a choice."

"I guess it's settled then," he said, as she pulled him into the hallway.

As they walked into the hallway, they could hear Star and Cora giggling and laughing toward the front of the apartment.

"Sounds like they're awake," Liana whispered, as the two of them slipped into the bathroom and closed the door.

While Liana splashed water on her face at the sink, Jacen popped open the glass door of the shower stall and leaned forward, reaching for the control dial.

"Do they have a sonic setting?" Liana's voice suddenly asked over his shoulder, as her wet hands gently cupped and grazed his buttocks. "I love the sonic back at the Academy."

Jacen shivered as the cold water on her hands sent chills through his not-quite-awake body. He glanced over the controls, then pushed a few of the buttons. The shower emitter generated a high pitched whine, which quickly faded into a barely audible hum.

"There we go," he said, stepping out of the way.

They both turned sideways in the entryway to the shower stall as Liana slid past him into the shower, her soft, bare skin and ample breasts rubbing up against his body as she winked and beckoned for him to join her. She pulled him close and slid her arms around his neck as he approached, and she turned him so his back was to the emitter.

"Oh wow, that feels good," he groaned, as the sonic blast worked over his tired and tense muscles.

"Isn't it?" she said, sliding her hands up and down his body as he enjoyed the treatment. "I like to just start off with it, then fire up the hot water."

"Shall I?" he asked, after he had gotten his fill of the sonic shower.

"Please do," she replied, kissing his neck softly.

The flow of water started with a hiss, and she squealed in delight as the shower drenched their bodies, plastering her long hair to her shoulder and back. He held onto her waist and pulled her close so they both stood directly underneath the spray. After spending a few moments letting the water cover their bodies, she reached over to the dispenser on the wall and dispensed a large blob of body wash into the palm of her hand. She slowly rubbed her hands together, working the wash into a foamy lather. She gradually worked the lather over his chest and shoulders, his back, and his stomach. Then she kneeled down and ran her hands up and down both of his legs, finally reaching up to his genitals. His manhood immediately jumped and began to grow hard, much to her pleasure, as she ran her slick, soapy hands up and down the shaft. He groaned softly and tipped his head back, parting his legs slightly as she ran one hand over his scrotum, gently massaging his testicles. Soon any pretense of washing was lost, and she began to tease and manipulate his cock, sliding her hands easily up and down his shaft. She looked up at him and smiled, seeing the pleasure she was giving him. Finally, she pushed him back a few steps, allowing the spray of the water to wash the soap away from his skin. She looked up at him again and licked her lips, grasping him firmly in her hand.

Jacen looked down at Liana and saw the lust in her eyes as she held his penis, realizing that she was moments away from taking him into her mouth. Part of him was screaming for him to let her do it – he was, after all, a young adult human male, complete with raging hormones. But another part of him realized that Eryn would be returning home that day. He had already done what was necessary to bring Liana back from the edge, and now it was time to return to the way things had been before.

"Liana, wait," he said, just as she parted her moist lips.

"What is it?"

He pulled her up to her feet, holding her hands in his.

"Liana, look, last night... it was amazing. But I can't let you do this anymore. I..."

"There's someone in your life," Liana stated, almost matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Jacen asked, surprised.

"I saw it, in your thoughts... when you were in my head." She smiled at him understandingly. "I know you probably put a lot on the line to help me, Jacen, and I really am grateful for it. And I loved having sex with you, every time that we did it. But I wouldn't be a very grateful friend if I seduced you into cheating on this special girl of yours, would I?"

"So you're not... upset?" he asked.

"No, no of course not! Jacen, you saved me from who knows what, and I owe you everything for it. Last night was a way for me to thank you, like I said. If you want me to thank you now by giving you a little oral, I would be more than happy to do it for you. But I'm not going to make you do anything that will hurt this relationship you're in. I know it means a lot to you. Although I will admit, I got a nice amount of benefit out of your thank you gift last night."

They both laughed, their laughter echoing loudly in the shower stall.

"I guess it's my turn to take care of you, then?" Jacen asked, lathering up a handful of body wash.

Liana stepped into the spray of the shower, with her arms outspread and her legs parted.

"I'm all yours," she replied coyly.

"Turn around," he said, twirling one finger in the air.

She turned, facing her back to him, while the shower pattered down on her breasts. She closed her eyes and relaxed, feeling the beads of water splatter against her nipples, running down her skin. She felt his hands on her back, spreading wash all over her skin. His hands lingered a few moments when they reached her buttocks, gently caressing the fleshy mounds with a touch so soft that it sent tingles through her body.

"Oh wow," she muttered under her breath, feeling the chills reach her breasts as her nipples began to hardened. "Stop, Liana."

Slowly his hands worked around her waist, reaching around to her front side and pulling her back so the shower did not wash away the lather. He gently worked his way up her stomach while her soapy back slipped and slid against his chest. He felt her breaths become shorter and quicker as his hands worked their way upward. She jumped in his arms when he reached her breasts, fingertips gently grazing the bottoms. He extended his fingers and cupped her breasts in his hands, spreading lather all over her sensitive globes. She leaned to the side and braced herself against the wall as his hands worked masterfully over her breasts, the slickness of the body wash magnifying the sensations of pleasure that shot through her as he carefully touched every exposed surface. Finally his hands left her breasts, working their way back down. As she did, he washed each of her legs before finally reaching her sex. She was breathing hard by the time he got there.

"How do you usually do this," he asked her, a bit uncertainly.

"Just... just spread me open," she gasped, reaching between her legs with two fingers and parting her lips for him. "And ... well, do it."

She had braced herself for some level of stimulation when his fingers slipped inside of her, but never in her wildest dreams had she anticipated the orgasm that immediately took hold of her.

"Oh!" she cried, as his fingers slid inward. "Ohhhhhhh Jacen!"

She threw her head back and moaned as her hips jerked beyond her control. She felt his fingers resting inside of her as her walls clenched and squeezed. Finally, after the spasms subsided, she felt him slide out and walk her back into the spray of the shower.

"All done," he whispered from behind, an audible smile in his voice.

"Why... why did you do that?" she asked. "You didn't have to."

"I didn't do anything," he said innocently. "Just cleaning you up."

She whirled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning off the water.

"You really are a great guy, Jacen."

"I try," he said, smiling.

He popped open the shower door and stepped out, extending a hand to her as she followed him. They each grabbed a towel from the wall.

"I hope Star and Cora don't mind us using these," Liana said, as she toweled off her hair and wrapped the towel around her body.

"If they do, I can just wash and dry them," Jacen told her, tying his towel around his waist. "No big deal."

"Hey, did I happen to have any clothes when you found me?" she asked.

"I think we may need to ask Star and Cora about that one," he replied, as they stepped out of the bathroom. "Let's just say that you were well-attired for sex at the time."

The two walked out to the front of the apartment, searching for their hostesses. As luck would have it, they found Cora lying on her back on the couch, legs spread, with Star kneeling in between. Both women were completely occupied and didn't notice the two students enter. Cora had her fingers buried in Star's hair, while Star was sucking and slurping loudly between Cora's legs.

"I suppose it would be rude to interrupt," Jacen whispered.

"Well...," Liana said, thinking for a moment. "Not necessarily."

She quickly loosened her towel which fell to the floor in a clump around her legs. She quietly walked up behind the couple on the couch and leaned over the end nearest to Star's feet. Star moaned as Liana grasped her by the hips, pulling the brunette's wet sex into her waiting lips.

"Oh my!" Star gasped, feeling Liana's soft hands on her body and her equally soft tongue probing her pussy. "Ohhhhh..."

"Looks like the kids are here to play," Cora commented, looking up at the two students. "Won't you join us, Jacen? We could use a nice hard cock."

"Sorry ladies," Jacen declined. "Eryn's coming home soon, so I should probably get back."

"That's awfully sweet of you," Cora said, over the sound of Star's increasingly frantic moaning as Liana subjected the brunette to a steady tongue lashing. "Your clothes are in our bedroom still. Don't worry, we'll take good care of Liana."

"Oh I know, she's in good hands!" he called, as he hurried down the hall to dress before he got too tempted to join the fun.

He found his clothes piled up neatly in Star's bedroom, about where he had left them the night before. The window was propped open and a breeze was flowing steadily through the room, but even so his heightened senses caught a trace of sex in the air, evidence of the abundant activity from the previous night. He dressed quickly, tossing his towel into a nearby pile of linens.

When he passed back through the front room on his way to the door, he saw that the three women had already changed positions. Now Star was on her back with Cora feasting and licking away between her legs. Liana had her soft thighs around Star's head as she spread herself open with her hands and lowered her dripping sex onto the brunette's soft, moist lips. Star moaned passionately into Liana's pussy as she herself kicked and thrashed, clearly feeling the effects of Cora's attention. Smiling, Jacen walked up to Liana, whose eyes were closed with her head tossed slightly back as she gently ground herself up against Star's face. He slipped one hand into Liana's hair and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on her lips, to which she immediately responded, tugging at his tunic collar and shoving her tongue authoritatively into his lips.

"Welcome back," he said breathlessly, when she finally pulled away from him.

Her only response was a quick smile, before her face contorted to an expression of pure pleasure as her body started to tremble. Chuckling quietly to himself, Jacen left the three women to their pleasures and quickly slipped out the front door. He made his way back to the student apartments, passing through the main halls of the Jedi Temple. He nodded hello to students he recognized, and as he passed one of the shuttle bays he saw that a few of the shuttles from training missions had already returned. Based on computer projections being displayed nearby, however, it did not appear that Eryn was due back for another hour or two. Jacen took the time to tidy up the apartment a bit, although not that much had actually taken place since Eryn's departure. He also took the opportunity to change his clothes, making sure that he was presentable for her arrival.