A Jedi's Training Ch. 16


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"Let me," he said, licking her juices off her fingertips with slow, tantalizing movements of his tongue that sent tingles racing from her hands to the rest of her body.

He returned her hands to her, placing them palms down on her stomach. She closed her eyes and rested her head back against the grass, trying to anticipate what he would do next. She whimpered softly when she felt his fingertips lightly caressing her swollen outer labia, running up and down her slit, careful to keep her pussy lips unparted.

"Some blossoms require the right touch," she heard his voice say inside her mind. "A gentle, tender caress..."

He carefully spread her outer lips, sliding one finger within to caress the next layer.

"... can make the most beautiful flower bloom..."

Slowly his fingers penetrated further, now pulling aside her inner lips, exposing her wet, pulsating entrance to his view.

"And at the center," he continued, leaning in so close that she could feel his cool breath against her sex, "is a nectar of the sweetest variety."

She cried out loudly as his tongue made contact with her vulva, lapping away the wetness that had collected in sticky beads on her flesh. He licked her slowly and deliberately, tracing up and down her opening and occasionally flicking the tip of his tongue across her now-exposed clitoris. She moaned more and more loudly as his motions grew faster, until finally he slipped his tongue into her waiting tunnel. She gasped and whimpered, instinctively reaching up to grab her breasts and squeeze her nipples as she thrust her pussy up to his face, feeling his cheeks and chin pressing against her flesh. He hooked his arms under her thighs and pulled her crotch flush against his face, burying his tongue into her. The soft, warm wriggling inside of her pushed her straight to the edge, but as he continued to devour her pussy she found herself constantly hovering on the verge of her orgasm, unable to throw herself over the precipice into ecstasy.

"Aden, oh Aden!" she gasped, gyrating, grinding, shoving herself into his face, desperately trying to overcome her sudden barrier. "Aden..."

She growled deeply in her throat, a frustrated, desperate growl as her hands scrambled down and caught his face, tugging and pulling him away from her.

"Aden I can't," she whimpered, seemingly moments from tears. "I just can't ... I need you to fuck me. Fuck me so I can come, please!"

"Gladly, Eryn," he said throatily, clambering up out of the water and crawling up her body until he was kneeling between her parted legs.

She looked down her naked body at him, and her eyes widened when she saw his erection. It looked large, much larger than it had felt when she had taken him in her hand earlier. Had he gotten bigger?

"Oh yeah, right there," she sighed, as he pressed the tip of his cock against her pussy. "C'mon baby..."

Her excitement forged onward as she felt the satisfying stretch, the girth of his member slowly spreading her tight entrance. She was teetering right on the edge, waiting for herself to let go...

"Aahhh!" she cried suddenly, feeling herself reaching her limit. "It... it's too big, it hurts!"

"Shhhhh," he shushed her gently, soothingly, caressing her face with one hand.

He leaned forward, his lips glancing across hers with the feathery lightness of a flower petal slowly drifting to the ground. As he kissed her, she felt the discomfort fade, making way for a resurgence of pleasure. It was as if his kiss had made her stretch wider for him, taking him in... or had he gotten smaller? She tried to think, to somehow get an idea of his thickness as he filled her up, but the only sensation registering from her sex was pleasure, brilliant electric jolts of pleasure surging through her body, amassing in her pelvis, her pussy, and her stomach, a maelstrom waiting to be unleashed. He continued to kiss her gently, the coolness of his breath sending shivers down her skin and raising goosebumps across her arms and breasts. She shuddered as she breathed him in, feeling him cool her even as his penetrating rod fanned the fire that burned between her legs.

"Cold?" he whispered against her lips, feeling her hardened, pebbly nipples grating against his chest as their bodies rubbed together.

"Yes," she sighed, as lingering droplets of water clinging to his body dripped onto her skin. "But so... oh so hot! Oh Aden, fuck me!"

He closed his eyes and lowered his forehead to hers as she felt him sink into her, the hilt of his penis pressing firmly against her splayed-open pussy lips, struggling to delve deeper despite the insurmountable barrier. She moaned and closed her eyes as well, waiting for the swirling bright colors to cloud her mind and finally set loose her orgasm. She could feel her entire body tense, lingering on the brink of ecstasy, just waiting for something. She bucked and gyrated her hips against him, hoping desperately to find that last trigger that was holding in the storm of sexual release that she so urgently wanted.

"Why can't I?" she cried in her mind. "Please, gods, just give me this release! Stop fucking torturing me!"

"Relax," she heard him whisper, as she felt his hands grazing the sides of her ass cheeks, steadying the frenzied bucking of her hips. "Let me."

She spread her legs and let him have his way, impatiently and frustratedly waiting for that tingle, the tightening that signaled the point of no return. Suddenly, she was struck with a sensation of familiarity as she felt him withdraw his cock to the very tip and slowly slide it back into her moist depths.

"Oh!" she gasped, feeling the pleasure sending ripples through her body, stronger than the ones she had been experiencing. "Oh, do that again!"

He repeated the motion, again and again, as she frantically groped her way to his buttocks, clawing at them with her fingertips as she plunged him into her at an increasingly frantic pace. She moaned and grunted with each thrust, and suddenly a name slipped past her slack, slightly chapped lips:


She repeated it, over and over again, feeling her passion building exponentially with each thrust of his member.

"Jacen... Jacen! Ohhhh, Jacen!"

Finally she felt her pussy start to clamp down, tightening around the penis within her. In that moment, she knew and recognized the sensation of familiarity she had experienced earlier – it was Jacen, Jacen's cock buried inside of her. It was his cock stroking her, caressing her vaginal walls in all the right places, stretching her open just right. As her toes curled and her legs and hips began to tremble uncontrollably, as she started to gasp frantically for breath and her pussy surged with renewed wetness, she opened her eyes wide and stared at him – at Jacen – as he hovered above her, burying his cock inside of her over and over.

"Ohhhh! Yes!" she cried, grabbing his face and attacking his lips fiercely with hers. "Mmmmph! Mmmmmmmmmmmph!"

She screamed into his mouth as her pent-up frustration and excitement finally exploded into orgasm, her insides twisting and clenching in ecstasy as her juices spilled over his cock. Even as her fingers dug into his skin and her legs clamped tightly around his waist, he didn't miss a beat, grunting as he pumped in and out of her convulsing pussy.

"I'm going to come," he murmured against her lips, as she continued to thrash and attack him with her mouth.

"Yes... give it to me!" she whimpered, breaking their kiss and thrashing her head side to side, begging for him to come. "Fill me, fill me with your hot come!"

She continued to buck and thrust her hips as her body slipped out of her control, giving in to pleasure and desire as her orgasm ripped through her. As her mind clouded over, she heard him moaning, growling deep in the back of his throat as he slammed himself into her, jerking her limp body against the grass. She grunted over and over, yelling out in ecstasy as his pelvis smashed against hers until finally he gave one last loud groan, just before her wet tunnel flooded with hot, sticky fluid. She exhaled sharply as the weight of his body pressed down on her. Her sweat caused her skin to stick to his as he relaxed on top of her, smashing her breasts and belly against him. His lips gently grazed her ear and cheek as she rested her head back against the grass with her eyes closed, panting for breath and waiting for her racing heart to slow.

"Oh Jacen," she whispered absently, running her fingers through his hair. "That was..."

Before she could finish her thought, she gasped as she felt the texture of his hair changing under her touch. Inside the wet depths of her vagina, his slowly deflating member suddenly swelled, thickening but not hardening. He groaned lazily as he pushed himself up from her, peeling his damp chest from hers. As he rose, he drew back his hips and his penis slipped from her, and she quickly drew her thighs shut to contain the rush of warm, thick come that poured from within her. She looked up at him and saw his face, and was suddenly torn with guilt.

"Oh gods, Aden!" she gasped, squirming and pushing herself up from the grass, hugging her knees to her chest. "I'm so sorry, I don't know why I called you Jacen, I ..."

She was interrupted by his laughter. He chuckled quietly as he slipped back into the pool, submerging himself entirely underwater briefly before easing himself toward the center of the pool, swimming relaxedly around and collecting Eryn's various pieces of discarded clothing.

"What's so funny?" she asked, watching him from the banks.

"You don't have to apologize to me," he said gently, as he snatched her panties up by his fingertips. "I knew you were looking for a little revenge fuck the minute I saw you."

"I was not!" she retorted, blushing deep red. "Aden, I really..."

He laughed again, tapping the side of his head as he slung her camisole over his forearm.

"It's all right, Eryn, you don't have to deny it. I can sense your thoughts."

"I really did want you," she said quietly, looking down at her bare thighs in shame.

"I know, I could sense that too," he said reassuringly, returning to the banks of the pool with her undergarments. "But more than anything else, I could sense your pain and your sadness. I felt it the minute you entered the building."

"So you can read minds?" she asked, watching him twist her camisole in his hands, wringing out the excess water.

"Sort of," he replied. "I can sense emotions, at least the ones that people feel very strongly, through what you call the Force. It's also how I was able to mimic your lover's appearance. You feel very strongly for him, don't you?"

"I... I don't know anymore," she said, turning her gaze away from his. "He hurt me."

"But nonetheless, it was the feel of his body, the sight of his face, the sound of his name, not mine, that brought you to your release. Your feelings betray you."

"So what do you want me to do?" she asked, frustrated. "Just go back to him and pretend like nothing happened?"

"I don't know, Eryn," he said, as he handed her tank top to her, still damp but no longer soaked with water. "I'm just the guy who takes care of the plants."

"And fucks pretty girls?" she asked, smiling innocently at him before pulling her top over her head.

He laughed again, turning his attention to her panties.

"I don't do this much, actually."

"Oh now that's a lie," she said, standing up and looking at him sternly with her hands on her hips. "I bet you get the girls all the time, with that empathic ability you have."

"I honestly don't," he said, wading over to the shallows and propping his arms against the banks, looking up at her as she looked down at him. "I won't try to claim this was my first time doing it, but I certainly try not to abuse my abilities. But every once in awhile, like tonight, someone comes in here who is so engulfed by pain and sorrow that I just can't resist."

"So you're just being helpful, cheering up the sad ones," she said with a doubtful smile.

"Exactly!" he replied, climbing out of the water and standing in front of her.

"How do I look?" she asked, still wearing only her camisole.

"Delicious," he said, leaning forward to bite one of her perky nipples through the thin fabric.

His hands cupped her breast loosely as he tugged and twisted her soft nub in his teeth, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.

"Oohhhh..." she sighed, feeling his mouth squeeze the damp fabric against her tender breasts.

"Why don't we have a look at the other side," he whispered, placing his hands on her hips and slowly turning her to face away from him. "Hmmmm, very nice."

She felt his hands roam over her ass cheeks, squeezing the rounded globes before giving them a soft smack with his palms. She hissed through clenched teeth as he pressed his fingers into the flesh, still stinging gently from his slap.

"Oh Aden, don't get me started again," she gasped.

He let his hands slide up the front of her body, cupping her small, firm breasts as he pressed up behind her, his semi-erect cock pressing into the cleft of her buttocks.

"Aden, I have to go soon," she protested weakly, thrusting her breasts up into his massaging hands. "Please..."

"Oh, I won't keep you," he reassured her, letting his erection slip between her legs to rub lengthwise against her pussy.

"Then what are you doing?" she gasped, spreading her legs, feeling his throbbing tip part her pussy lips. "You're getting me so... ohhh... oh Aden this is so bad, I shouldn't be..."

Abruptly, he stepped away from her, causing her to break out of her lusty trance.

"Aden?" she asked, turning to find him standing before her, with her panties in his hands.

"Your arousal is no longer for me to enjoy, Eryn," he said, lowering himself to his knees before her and holding forward her panties, his fingers spreading the elastic waistband open. "There is someone else in this world for that."

She slowly stepped forward, allowing him to slide her panties back over her ankles. As he pulled the wet garment up her legs, he kissed his way up her thighs, pausing to tease her clitoris and her outer lips with his long, wet tongue. Her shapely legs trembled in his grasp as he slowly licked and kissed his way up through her short, brown pubic hairs, until finally he pulled her panties up to position, letting the waistband hug her hips snugly.

"Are you saying I should go back to Jacen?" she asked breathily, looking down at Aden, admiring his naked body.

"That's a decision for you to make, Eryn. But you've already given your body, your sex, to me once tonight. I sense that it's not something you've been brought up to do on a whim, and I won't let you do it again. Not with me."

"Even if I want it?" she asked, feeling the renewed wetness in her vagina slowly creeping into the fabric of her underwear.

"You don't," he said with a smile. "Trust me. I know. You're letting your lust speak for you, but in your heart... you don't want it."

He stood again, gently placing a kiss on her lips.

"And don't worry," he said, his feet slowly merging with the grass on the ground, his legs beginning to disassemble back into vines and roots. "You were amazing."

She watched in awe as her new lover vanished, dissipating into the plant life in the room. After he was gone, she stood by herself at the water's edge, gazing at her reflection in the pool. The bioluminescent glow of the plants in the water painted her body in dazzling hues of red and blue. She crossed her arms and squeezed herself gently, feeling the goosebumps running up and down her bare skin. The temperature in the room had dropped, simulating the nighttime environment. Her nipples stood hard against the damp material of her top, a result of both the chilliness of the room and the lingering arousal that coursed through her body. Aden had given her just enough to leave her satisfied yet wanting more, especially after having gone a week without feeling a man inside of her. She closed her eyes while she dipped her feet back into the warm water of the pool, thinking that if she'd been with Jacen, she would be gently stroking and suckling renewed hardness into his penis, getting him ready for another round of passionate love-making.

"Jacen," she whispered again, letting his name linger on her lips.

Eryn felt herself torn apart by the conflict. On the one hand, she wanted him badly. She could feel it throughout herself, the screaming desire to feel him inside of her and to feel his kisses burn across her skin. On the other hand, the very thought of him made her emotions churn with anger. She could not think of him without picturing him with Liana, fondling her ample breasts and sucking on the supple, pink nipples that Eryn assumed she possessed. Each thought of him brought to Eryn's mind images of his cock vanishing into the blonde's swollen, wet pussy lips. How could she possibly want that inside of her now, after it had been inside of Liana countless times? Sighing, Eryn realized she was now no different – she had wantonly given herself to another, a practical stranger. She had let him spread her open, touch her, and fill her with his penis. Could she really still be angry with him?

"No," the logical part of her, the part that the Jedi were training her to rely on, seemed to say. "What's done is done. He hurt you, and you've done something to hurt him back. Let that be the end of it."

But she couldn't deny the pain she felt in her heart, the part of her that kept screaming, "Yes, be mad at him!"

"What am I going to do with myself?" she groaned into her hands, after splashing water from the pool onto her face.

She remembered Mira's warnings, and she knew that she would have to tread carefully. The anger and hurt she felt was justified, but it was a sure doorway to the Dark Side. Yet, despite her best efforts, she couldn't ignore the pain or the anguish, even in the quiet solitude of the natural beauty that surrounded her. Nor could she ward off the lust, which managed to work its way into her mind every time she tried to calm her emotional turmoil. Finally, frustrated both sexually and emotionally, she slipped into her pants and robes, feeling the dampness from her undergarments seeping into the soft fabric of her clothes. Fortunately, she mused, it was dark outside and she wouldn't have to worry about anyone on the streets glimpsing the wet imprints of her ass or breasts as she walked. As she exited the arboretum, she heard a beep from her communicator, which was still attached to her belt. She activated the display, which indicated that she had missed several of Jacen's attempts to contact her.

"Ugh!" she growled, tempted to throw the communicator on the ground and watch it fly apart.

Resisting the urge to act out, breathing deeply, she silenced the alert on the device and reattached it to her belt. She stepped out onto the busy streets, walking in no particular direction. She barely paid attention to where she was going, as her mind drifted between her anger toward Jacen and thoughts of sex. After walking around aimlessly for some time, she was distracted by the sound of a man's voice calling out.

"Hey!" the man shouted, "You!"

She stopped and turned, spotting a Republic trooper approaching her from the other side of the street. He gestured her toward a side alley, away from the heavy foot traffic on the main street.

"You shouldn't be walking around dressed like that," he said to her sternly, as she approached him in the alley.

She looked down at herself, realizing that her robes had fallen open near her shoulders, exposing her low-cut camisole and the unmistakable outline of her breasts against the form-fitting garment.

"This is Coruscant, miss," the trooper continued. "Our dress codes are lax because of all the different species that cross through, but you can be damn sure that there are all sorts of seedy types out here waiting to get their hands on an attractive young woman like yourself."