A Kiss is a Question


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"Greetings Commander Telegin, Leneria," she said. "Leneria, we all wish to congratulate you on your medical degree. We understand what a difficult feat it was to accomplish here in isolation. If and when the day comes when you attend advanced medical school, we look forward to the heights you will undoubtedly achieve."

"I thank you," said Leneria. "Though I must wonder if there is another purpose to your visit."

"You are most perceptive," said Menaea. "We were wishing to inquire about why your sexual unions with Commander Telegin are always in private. Commander, your insight is also welcome."

Angelo was uncertain how to answer, and he could tell by Leneria's blush that she also was at a loss.

"Well," Leneria stammered. "You see, with the Commander there is an intensity about our lovemaking and I find myself possessed with an unexplainable urge to keep our unions... self-contained, for lack of a better term."

"Intensity?" asked Leneria. "By intense, do you mean better? Is the quality of your copulation of a higher quality."

"Oh, undoubtedly," said Leneria. "It exceeds the best sex I have ever experienced and..."

She drifted off and blushed profusely.

"What? Why do you stop?" asked Lietseleh, who was also part of the group. "It seems as though you are withholding information from us. What is it like?"

Leneria gathered herself and finally found the will to muster the words she barely dared to say.

"It is the best... it is the best sex I have experienced since...since..."

Again, Leneria couldn't finish her sentence.

"Since when?" whispered Menaea.

"Since before I transferred my consciousness into this human form."

A great hush had fallen over the room. All eyes were on the two of them.

"How?" asked A'nish, who had joined the conversation. "How does he do this? I have partnered with him many times, and while his technique has improved immensely - and while his energy was unparalleled in his life-threatening session - it has never come close to something along those lines. Commander Telegin, would you care to elaborate?"

Angelo felt like he was painted into a difficult corner. Here he was with creatures who placed a premium on sex, but showed a primal aversion toward emotion. How could he to tell them the reason for the amazing sex he had with Leneria was because of their inherent emotional bond?

He couldn't.

"I think..." stammered Angelo, "that perhaps Leneria and I have simply had more time together."

"But that doesn't make sense," protested Menaea. "You and I were very frequent partners. Though I certainly enjoyed our times together, we hit a plateau of pleasure that was rarely exceeded."

"We must observe you," insisted Lietseleh. "You have undoubtedly discovered some new technique that you are unaware of during the impaired state of sexual pleasure. Yes, we must see it now."

"No, but..." protested Angelo.

"We really couldn't," sputtered Leneria.

There was no room for argument. A large table was soon cleared in the center of the dining lounge and padding magically appeared. They were invited to take the place of honor. Well over two-thirds of the ship, all who weren't on duty or otherwise occupied, gathered 'round.

"I must tell you again," said Leneria, "if you are hoping for another display like the orgy the Commander performed a while ago..."

"No," said Lietseleh. "We wish to observe this miraculous sexual coupling you speak of. Stop dallying and proceed."

"Fine," said Leneria in a bit of a huff.

She turned to Angelo, bringing him into a deep and slippery kiss.

He had planned on telling her to just focus on him and forget everyone else - but he soon realized that if anyone would need to focus it was him. Leneria's focus was one hundred percent entirely on the activity at hand and her attention soon had him entranced as well. The touch of her lips on his - the way her breasts crushed against his chest - that was all it took to make the room of 200-plus naked Aquilans melt away.

It was not the sexual Olympics Angelo had displayed a few weeks prior. It was better. There could be no doubt about that. No porn vid could compare to the raw heat emanating from their union, no sexual actors - no matter how good - could match the primal eroticism they shared with each other (though there were cameras on display, so there would be a vid now).

The crew watched, mesmerized, as Leneria responded with exhilaration to each touch and kiss of Angelo - and he responded in the same fashion same. Their lovemaking played out like a perfectly choreographed erotic ballet. Each move seemed to be countered by another one. Their motions were marked by a marvelous artistic fluidity.

Leneria, in particular, had become especially vocal in their sex and it seemed with a willing audience her volume increased even more. As they pushed each other to greater and greater heights of pleasure the only sounds in the dining lounge were of the two lovers and their passion. Every other person present watched in stunned fascination and wonder as they became witness to a new sort of union - one borne of passion, not pure physical lust.

As for Angelo and Leneria, the rest of the ship barely existed. They eventually found themselves with Leneria on top, riding him with erotic intensity.

She detected the tell-tale sign in his breathing and his movement.

"Are you close, Angelo?" she gasped out in a sultry voice. "Don't hold back. Fill me up, I want to feel you inside of me. Cum for me, Commander."

Moments later, Angelo did just that. He cried out her name and his moans of rapture echoed throughout the silent room.

"Now you," he whispered as the last blast filled her up. He still had enough stamina left after his orgasm to pound into her the few more times he knew it would take to send her skyward.

As vocal as she had been in her lovemaking, Leneria's orgasm was just as silent - but no less intense. She gasped in desperate breaths, her face a contorted mask of pleasure as several waves of pleasure rolled through her body. When she was done, they continued kissing...and smiling.

It was then that they remembered where they were. Still atop Angelo, Leneria turned to Lietseleh and the other women who had initiated the request.

"So," she said, panting. "That's what it is like with the two of us. It is quite lovely, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh yes," agreed Lietseleh. "It was exponentially more intense in some way. Though I must say, qualitatively, I could not detect any different technique in your sexual motions."

"No," agreed A'nish. "I saw very little difference between this and the times I have shared with the Commander."

"It was their focus," said Menaea quietly. "They were entirely focused upon each other. I have never seen such... dedication, I suppose is the word."

"We thank you," said Lietseleh. "It was a generous gift for you to share such an intimate moment."

Angelo and Leneria dismounted from the table and walked hand-in-hand out of the dining lounge. They were not met by applause, but by something more respectful. The Aquilans simply remained silent and acknowledged their passing with silent nods.


137. That was where the number stood - and it appeared it would remain there. Angelo had two weeks remaining aboard ship and his (admittedly juvenile) goal of bedding the entire ship's complement of women - 164 total - had come to a screeching halt.

The resistance had started slowly at first. The partners that Angelo had approached had of course been courteous, but if Leneria had been anywhere in the vicinity - they had insisted that Angelo couple with her - so they could watch. Leneria reported similar behaviors of reluctance.

It wasn't a terrible blow, really - it meant that they could couple several times a day which certainly had its amazing rewards.

Then had come the movie surprise. Though neither of them had much affinity for movie night, they decided to attend one. Much to their surprise, instead of poor quality canned music - the lights went down and stirring classical music began to play.

On the screen, the title appeared and both Angelo and Leneria gasped in surprise. It simply showed their names, and the next scene that appeared was the two of them in their dining lounge session. They watched in stunned silence as that scene ended and it drifted to another session, which had been taped by the ship's cameras.

Marcus was nearby. Angelo slid up behind him.

"What's going on Marcus?"

"Oh, hello Commander," said Marcus. "We found that after watching your pairings with Leneria that they were a great deal more... stimulating. No, that isn't the proper word. Your unions are much more evocative and pleasurable to watch than the professional movies."

"I see," said Angelo.

He went back to Leneria and took her hand, leading her back toward the medical suite - their ad hoc quarters.

"Come on," he whispered. "If I'm going to watch this - I'm going to be watching it first-hand."

A few days after that came the final word.

He passed the voluptuous and ever-tempting Menaea in the corridor. It had been some time since they'd been together.

"Hello, Menaea," he said with a smile.

"Oh, hello Commander," she said.

Even through her red skin, he detected a bit of a blush.

"Menaea," he said, "I always found you to be an amazing lover and I'd love to have at least one more time with you. What do you say?"

"Oh...certainly," stammered Menaea. "Just let me know a good time and we shall arrange a location."

"How about now?" said Angelo. "I'm free. You seem to be free."

"Yes, yes, of course," said Menaea.

It was odd for Angelo to detect the sort of reluctance he was feeling from her. She had always been the most enthusiastic and willing of his partners (except Leneria, of course).

She did, however, go with him into a nearby lounge, and lay down to accept his attentions.

He began at her belly and worked his way up. Even his kisses were meeting with resistance. Her response to his lips on her skin was tepid at best, and when he reached her lips there was a palpable reluctance.

"Alright, Menaea," he said, "what's with the cold fish routine? I'm fine with a 'no', but I find it a bit surprising from you."

"I don't know what you mean by referring to me as an underwater creature," said Menaea, "but... but..."

Menaea became the second Aquilan Angelo had ever seen cry.

"I'm so sorry, Commander. I know it is dreadfully rude of me to show reluctance, but I cannot do this."

"Okay," said a bemused Angelo. "I'm fine with that, truly. The question I would have is 'why'? Why can't you?"

"Commander, a great many of us have been watching you and Leneria with an unexplainable fascination. Your sexual unions are inspirational in regard to intensity and intimacy. I have spoken with several women who have coupled with you over the past few days and they are torn by two conflicting emotions."

"What are those?" asked Angelo.

"The first is disappointment. No matter how competent you are when it comes to sexual congress, they have all felt cheated in a way. Their unions with you have not achieved the level of intensity we know you share with Leneria."

"And the other reason?" asked Angelo softly.

"We feel... disloyal. We do not have a family as you would think of it, but Leneria is our sister and our dear friend. We feel she is entitled to you and you alone, and we are frankly perplexed as to why the two of you are not spending every moment you can together."

"I think that is a good question," said Angelo after some thought. "And I think it is something I intend to rectify. Thank you, Menaea."

He gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek and set off to find Leneria.

When he found her, she reported she had been told much the same thing. She had begun to couple with Jensen, a tall and wiry redhead of Capellan stock. They had been in the middle of a rather frustrating session when he had broken it off and said he felt she should be with the Commander.

From that moment on, they did take full advantage of their time together. If they weren't making love they were talking. If they weren't talking they were simply sitting side by side, some part of their bodies always touching. It was clear they were falling deeply in love - but those words were never spoken.

With one week to go, they had 'the' conversation.

"So," said Angelo. "I leave in a week."

"Yes," said Leneria. "I was... I was wondering if you could perhaps apply for an extension. I feel... we feel you have made great progress in regard to learning about Aquilan technology."

"I can't do that," said Angelo. "The rules outlined by your people are actually very clear about that. No liaison can remain for more than three months. However, that isn't to say you can't come with me."

"But my place is here," she said. "I am to become the ship's physician."

"Well, sure," he said. "But doctor's always do residencies - work with other doctors. We talked about that."

She was struggling with the conversation - becoming more emotional by the moment.

"But I was going to do that on my own. That was to be my decision. Where will you be going after this?"

"Captain," said Angelo. "They haven't told me my ship yet, but it was confirmed I'd be getting a promotion and a ship once I leave the Alshain. Fleet rules are quite permissive in regard to partners these days. We build ships big enough that families are permitted and even welcome."

"Partners? Families? What do you think of me as, Angelo. How exactly would I be accompanying you?"

"Well, we could go as simple as domestic partnership."

"Domestic partners!?"

"I... okay, I'm not sure exactly what's going on here," said Angelo.

"Domestic parners, as I recall," said a blustering Leneria, "would imply some sort of emotional bond."

"Well, yeah," said Angelo. "Come on, let's face it, Leneria - we love each other. I love you, you love me..."


Even in his scuffles at the Academy, he could not recall being hit quite so hard as the slap she gave him. He had to fight to keep his balance and he was certain if he had a mirror he would see a red hand print emblazoned on his cheek.

"How dare you say such a thing!" she cried. "The nerve!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," said Angelo. "That was wrong of me to assume on your part. But I do love you and..."

Smack! She slapped him on the other cheek.

"Son of a bitch, Leneria!" cried Angelo. "Why is this so upsetting?"

"I need you to leave, Commander Telegin."


"Leave, Commander!" she screeched. "Leave and don't ever come back into my sight."

Angelo left the medical suite in more than one kind of pain. He had assumed things were going so well with Leneria. He, too, had concerns about what would happen with them upon his departure, but he never would have imagined such a reaction.

He wandered around and found himself in the quiet sex lounge where several couples were gathered. Not that he would have found any willing partners, but he wasn't in the mood as it was. He simply sat and stared into space - trying to grasp what was so wrong.

"Hello, Commander," said a friendly voice. It was the lovely Menaea, who had wandered into the lounge unaccompanied.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?" asked Angelo.

"What do you mean?" she asked, taking his hand in hers - an unusual sign of friendship, but one which had been gaining popularity since his arrival.

"You've seen it," he said. "You yourself pointed it out. Leneria and I are meant for each other. We love each other... or at least I love her."

He felt Menaea flinch at the word love and turned to face her.

"Are you truly incapable of love?" he asked. "Are Aquilans so cold, so divested of emotions that you find it repulsive. I'm trying to understand, Menaea, but I can't. Why does Leneria refuse to open up to me?"

"Oh, my poor Commander," she said.

In yet another rare display, she raised her hand to his cheek and caressed it in a gesture of comfort.

"We are capable of more emotion than you could possibly imagine, Commander," she said gently. "I think I may have an explanation for you, but you will need to be patient just a bit longer, yes?"

"I'll try," said Angelo. "But I don't have much time. I'm gone soon, you know."

"I know, Angelo," she said. "Stay strong, all will be explained."

She reached in and kissed him tenderly. It was the first kiss, other than from Leneria, that he had ever received from an Aquilan that was not sexual in context.

Angelo devoted himself entirely to his duties over the next couple of days, completing any reports that were due, and registering his own vidlog which showed his own frustrations.

"I thought," he said to the camera, "I thought I had cracked this nut. I thought I was going to be the one who figured them out. Neirna was right. All of my predecessors were right. This is hopeless."

Just then, there was a rap at the door. He opened it to find Menaea, Marcus, and A'nish. They all had goggles around their necks and Menaea held an extra set for him.

"I assume we are going to the Center?" he said.

"We are," said A'nish. "And we must warn you - this was a difficult hurdle to allow you to come."

"To come for what?" he asked.

"You'll see," said Marcus. "But we must ask that you be respectful beyond measure. Every member of the crew had to vote 'yes' before you were allowed, and there were still some with misgivings."

"I'll be respectful," said Angelo. "But I'm still not sure what for."

"It is for your answer," said Menaea. "You are about to see the answer to the mystery of us - and of Leneria."

He followed them in somber silence through what seemed to be an abandoned ship. They arrived at the Center to find every single crew member wearing goggles and gathered around the railing looking into the great gaseous tank.

Also around the perimeter, within the tank, were the energy-based Aquilans. All save for two were at the edges of the tank. At the very center were two Aquilans. The male, he couldn't be sure of, but something in the markings of the female let him know it was the same one he had seen before with Leneria.

"Is that the engineer?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"It is indeed," said Marcus.

A'nish came to his side then, and locked her arm in his. He looked about at all of the other Aquilans, and they were in a similar state. It was an odd site, to see them showing signs of general affection - but there seemed to be nothing erotic in the atmosphere.

A'nish and Menaea narrated the events to follow, always speaking in low and respectful tones.

"The engineer has completed her mission," A'nish said. "She has finished her design for the Alshain II. Therefore, she is ready to take her next step in life. The male is our chief diplomat. He feels that things are progressing well among Aquilis Humanis, and he is ready to hand over the reins to the younger of his skill set."

"Move on to where?" asked Angelo.

Menaea spoke next.

"You asked of love, Commander Telegin. You, like the other liaisons, have expressed great frustration at our unwillingness to show the deeper emotions."

Just then, the male and female in the tank began to glow. Where before, Angelo had felt lust emanating from the tank - now he merely felt joy, rapture, and yes - love.

"We are lusty beings, undoubtedly," said A'nish. "In our natural forms, we are driven by lust. We survive and flourish because of it."

"But," continued Menaea, "we are not incapable of love. We are fearful of it, but not incapable."

"Why are you fearful?" asked Angelo.

"Lust preserves us," said A'nish. "Lust fulfills our desires and infuses us with energy, both real energy and that of thought. However, when the time comes for us to move on - we must shed our skins. The male and the female you see before you are preparing to do just that."
