A Learning Experience Ch. 04


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"I could never leave here," I continued, "without making sure that you know that Andy loves you, and I know he doesn't have any feelings like that for me... I only hope you can believe that!"

Once again Cindy was slowly shaking her head with a smile on her face as she said, "Oh honey, you are a treasure!"

Then she seemed to brighten as she continued, "One day I'm sure you'll begin to understand, but thanks for caring about us. I know Andy loves me sweetie, he has a very big heart, and there's a lot of room in there for everyone, so for now don't worry about it, ok?"

Suddenly I had another question, "Cindy, I'm a little confused about something you said earlier though... about 'if I was a top'?"

"Well honey," she said, "don't worry too much about that right now, either. Within S&M there are dominants, or tops like me... submissives, or bottoms like Mel, and very rarely we find what are known as 'switches'. A 'switch' is someone who can enjoy both sides, top and bottom, depending on their partner. And just because they are rare, it doesn't mean they are necessarily better, in fact many switches will tell you its more of a curse that a benefit, but it does give them a lot of flexibility in the lifestyle."

After a long drag on her cigarette, Cindy then continued, "I don't know if you remember the conversation we had when you first told us you wanted to really be a woman? We needed to go through that little 'interrogation' to find out if you were a cross-dresser, which are usually submissive. Now you had a serious need to be a woman, at which point I felt you had a dominant streak in you... based on the look you shot back at me after I demonstrated what would happen if you 'lied' to us."

I thought back to that day, and the feelings I had after Cindy had pinched my privates! Yes, no doubt I did give off some dominant feelings that day.

"I see," I said, "so there was a reason why you did that after all, I was really angry, but I thought it best to not show it until I knew a little more about where it was all going."

"I know," Cindy explained, "but you see Jack, if I had seen a submissive response that interrogation would have continued, because it would be something you might enjoy. But when I saw the dominant response and then after you explained all of your problems and terrible pains that you had been through... I just melted... I haven't felt like that about anyone for a very long time Jack, and I've grown very fond of you..."

I thought I noticed a tear run down her cheek, but she was quick with her kidskin gloved hand, and put out her cigarette, before saying, "So don't you worry honey, I'd never let any real harm come to you, you can be absolutely sure of it, ok?"

"Ok Cindy," I replied, "but this S&M stuff is just all really new to me, so please keep that in mind, it all seems so 'otherworldly' to me right now."

"Oh sweetie," she tried to sooth me, "you'd be surprised at the people involved in S&M right now, it's a VERY active lifestyle, and eventually, once you are able to join the Sisterhood, we'll introduce you to many of the major players in our area, and I'm sure it will be a lot of fun for you and Mel in the future."

The sound of the garage door brought Cindy to her feet, as she said, "I better get back to our rooms and wait for Mel... remember, you need to keep Andy in here for while longer yet, ok?"

"Alright Mistress!" I responded brightly, as she smiled and then turned on her very high heel and ran from the room.

Excited just didn't begin to describe me at that moment. I was quite sure that every single nerve ending in my body was firing full blast! So much information to take in, and she'd said that she had only discussed a small part of their S&M 'world' with me tonight. And Mel wants me to be her mistress? I'm not really sure what that even means, yet I feel it must mean something very special for Mel to consider me for this, but I have so much more to learn... and about so very much!

I met Andy and Mel as they came into the hallway next to the kitchen, with Mel being soaked, Andy quickly turned when he saw me and said, "Jack, see if you can find some towels for Mel, she's really wet!"

I didn't need another word said as I bounded up the stairs, into the bathroom gathering every large towel in sight, then sprinted back down to Mel.

"Oh my God, I hope you didn't catch a cold because of all of this!" I exclaimed while pulling her jacket off and surrounding her with dry towels. Mel was already shaking due to the ice-cold rainwater.

"I'm alright really, thank you baby!" she replied, "Let me take these things up to Cindy so we can get this show on the road!"

"Ok sweetie, just tell Cindy you need to dry out before anything else happens, your health is too important to play around with, ok?" I declared.

Yes... now you guys relax," Mel said, "and we'll be back to give you a real show!"

Mel flew up the stairs to Cindy's room, and I told Andy that I had some good tunes cranked up in the game room. After Andy and I had gotten comfortable in there, Cindy entered in a robe that covered her dominatrix costume and left us some drinks she made for Mel and herself, and for us too, she said they would help warm us up, then said to drink up and to try not to get too bored until they were able to get back to us. In the meantime, I packed up a bong with a little of my Malawi Gold and we were pretty well set it seemed, and it was looking like it should be one hell of an interesting night.

As time went by, Andy and I got more and more 'lit', the music was cranked up pretty good, we had knocked back the drinks and were also feeling pretty good. Well, hell, why not? It had been a heckuva day, its not every day you get told that you need to change your sex, jeez! But it did suddenly seem awfully funny! As a matter of fact, just about everything was a real hoot! Neither one of us could find a way to stop laughing, and it didn't really matter what was said, whatever it was, was hysterical!

Finally I just didn't feel like getting up anymore and Andy and I were left sitting across from each other, with one or the other exploding into laughter, and therefore causing the other one to start giggling too. I noticed Mel come into the room, but I didn't laugh, because she was absolutely jaw dropping, I'd never seen anything like it... well, actually I'd just seen something exactly like it, just not quite the same material.

She had on a black patent leather corset, with cups that just barely covered her tits. A black patent mini-skirt barely covered her magnificent ass, and this was combined with a 2-inch patent leather belt that had a 2 or 3 leather cords coiled up and hanging from it. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore a leather dog collar, with a set of D rings at the cardinal points. Black fishnet pantyhose and thigh-high patent leather boots with 6-inch heels that seemed to make her look like a goddess in the clouds she was so tall! But other than the kind of material, she was a bookend for Cindy's outfit.

For whatever reason, Andy had returned to his unending laughter, although what he found funny with Mel was totally beyond me. Or was it... before I knew what was happening, I was laughing too, wot the fuck was going on here? After a while things finally calmed down, and the laughter faded.

"I am searching for the Lady Joscelyn," Mel said in a strange monotone, "I was told that you know where she has been taken, is this true?"

As I tried to make any sense out of this, I now heard the definite sounds of snoring coming from Andy, as he had fallen asleep. I looked back to Mel... The 'lady' title sounded like the little romance play-acting I tried in our room earlier, so I decided to go ahead and play along.

"She has been abducted, and is being held far from this keep", I boasted, "Unless you submit, and pay her ransom, you may only console yourself with the knowledge that no one will ever look upon her face again!"

For some reason even now I was still having trouble stifling my giggling, it was becoming really annoying. But Mel was pretty good at this acting stuff.

"You foul cur!" Mel exclaimed, "Tell us where she is, or face the cruelest tortures ever devised for man!"

"Ha! You'll never discover where she is Amazon, do you're worst!" I replied loudly.

Coming into scene now was an equally incredible looking Cindy, and my God, dressed so similarly, these two were just KILLER hot!

"Well? Is he going to be smart and tell us what we wish to know?" Cindy asked.

"No! He's being obstinate, the fool!" Mel spat out.

Looking over at Andy, Cindy leaned towards me and whispered, "Its too bad Andy has checked out, what did you guys have after dinner to knock him out like that?"

"We just had a little of the Malawi Gold," I said, "Don't see how that caused all of the giggles we ended up getting, and that I'm still getting!"

"Yeah, like... this?" she asked, reaching down and tickling my sides.

I immediately collapsed into a heap on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

"That would be the stuff I put in your drink," she laughed, "it just increases your skin's sensitivity for a couple hours. Feels good doesn't it? Also helps keep ya hard!"

"W-w-what?" I whined, then had to laugh again, "Why would you do that?"

"Well I did warn you," Mel was grinning broadly now, "that you would be subjected to the most terrible tortures known to man!"

"Ok, lets have some fun, and get our Joscelyn back shall we?" Cindy exclaimed.

Now they lifted me back up onto the couch, and started undressing me. It was useless to resist, every time I tried to get away from their efforts, all they had to do was tickle me, and I instantly became jelly. Also my cock was as hard as I've ever seen it, and it would not go down for any reason, as if it didn't have two perfectly gorgeous reasons to stay hard undressing me at the moment. Cindy was as incredible to look at as Mel, her thigh-high boots made of calf's leather made it somewhat difficult for her to bend at her knees. I could not take my eyes off of either one of them, and was constantly looking from one to the other, and shaking my head in between.

Once I no longer had a stitch of clothes on, I started getting really worried, as they began laying out various items on top of the pool table. None of them looked like something I wanted to see put on me. Mel came over to me holding something pink, and as she got to within arms length I saw it was a collar. As I lifted my hands to protest, Cindy easily brought me down to a lump of jelly again with a well-placed rib tickle. The collar went on with a snitch of its lock. I was getting so tired now, with the constant laughter, my constantly hard cock, and a hard day before all this. I couldn't really defend myself, so I just let things happen, I knew Mel loved me, she wanted to play with this bondage stuff, but I was sure she wouldn't let any real harm come to me. The only real complaint I had was my aching cock, which desperately needed release.

Next were wrist cuffs, pink as well of course, these were brought behind me and snapped together, followed by one of Mel's thin leather cords, tied to the wrist cuff D rings, and then snaked through the D ring on the back of my collar, as she pulled down, my wrists and hands were instantly brought up into the middle of my back, and left completely useless.

"Alright tough guy", Cindy commanded, "On your feet, you'll wish you'd talked!"

I figured it was better than crawling, so I took her advice and stood up as well as I could given my current situation. Andy was still out like a light, snoring along.

"Wait a sec", Cindy said, "I've been wanting to try this for a while now..."

With her super high heels, Cindy was actually close to my height, and leaned in and kissed me fiercely, forcing her tongue through my teeth, I let her in and we battled for dominance back and forth for a few minutes. Finally she seemed sated and pulled back.

"Whoa! I see what you mean Mel," she laughed, "Her mouth is HOT!"

"Ok, ok, that's enough 'testing'" Mel exclaimed, "C'mon hot lips, you got a date upstairs with some depilatory cream!"

Grabbing my hard on, Mel led me upstairs to our bedroom with Cindy giving me a hard slap on my exposed butt, while bringing up the rear. I reacted with an alarmed yelp, but I had no idea yet even what depilatory cream was! Once in our bedroom, I noticed a lot more stuff all over the room, they must have bought out most of the mall if what I saw was any indicator! We walked right past all of it and into the bathroom, where several bottles and vials were all set up and waiting on the tub.

"Ok, get in the tub," Mel commanded, "Here... wait a sec..."

She quickly untied the knot keeping my wrists up, and unsnapped the wrist cuffs.

"Now it should be easier for ya," she said as she winked at me, "That's it... perfect!"

Now she took a large plastic bottle and shook it up really well, then started spraying it's foam all over me, my legs and feet, my torso and chest, arms and hands as well. When she was done, she looked at her watch and seemed to be timing something.

"So how long do you usually wait?" Cindy asked, "10 minutes like the bottle says?"

"Naw! That never works well", Mel countered, "At least 20, it'll start stinging a little bit babe, now don't you worry, that means its workin'!"

After a few minutes I began to feel uncomfortable, and by the time Mel yelled 'time', I was hopping around the tub, I think she forgot Cindy's little helper in our drinks that made my skin super sensitive, and amplified the cream's effect! But once she started flushing it off of me and down the drain with my hair, it felt just incredible. Unlike any feeling I ever had in fact. I had shaved my leg and body hair before, but even that didn't hold a candle to the feeling I had at this moment.

In the meantime, Cindy had been filling two small plastic bags that looked like IV bags. They had little plastic tubes running from them, and she mounted them on an IV pole, next to the toilet. As I was relaxing to this strange new feeling of hairlessness, my cuffs were re-snapped behind me, and pulled back up to my collar.

"Ok bad boy", Cindy said, "come over here and we'll get you cleaned out."

"That's it", she began, "Now straddle the toilet... good..."

"What's..." I started to ask a question, but was cut off of course.

"Hey!" Cindy yelled, "No comments, or does the prisoner need to be gagged?"

I swallowed hard and remembered to say, "No Mistress!" As I stood over the toilet and awaited my fate, Mel seemed to be really getting off on this stuff too, and I'd have to remember that... if I lived that long.

I felt Cindy's warm breath close to my ear, "Sorry hun, got carried away," she whispered, "I'll never force you past your limits – and what was agreed."

The next thing I felt was Cindy's finger, near my anus, it was very cold and must have had some lubricant on it. This was confirmed when she pushed inside my ass and began circling around, getting the lube all around my hole. But the next sensation was much sharper, it was hard too, and would not be denied entry.

"This is just gonna clean you out real good sweetie", Mel said, "Now I'm opening the valve and you'll feel some pressure, don't worry about it, but when you start getting cramps, let me know, and we'll take out the tube, and you'll just go pooh, ok?"

I felt a warm rush in my butt that eventually built into a hard pressing feeling and then I began to feel terrible cramps starting in my bowels.

"Ahh!" I cried, "Jeez, that's hurting!"

"Ok, then", Mel replied, "I'm taking it out now, so just sit on the toilet, and go!"

The pain didn't stop immediately, but after a couple minutes, I was able to push normally and emptied my bowels completely, glad it was over with. Little did I know!

"Good!" Cindy said, "Just one more should take care of you, I would think"

I looked at Cindy with a 'you're kidding' expression on my face, but thought better of actually saying anything!

"Oh c'mon," Cindy chided, "Big strong girl like you needs at least two enemas to get completely clean don't ya think?"

"C'mon baby," Mel added, "You'll like it when we're done, I promise!"

So I sighed as large a sigh as I thought I could get away with, which got plenty of giggles from my torturers. And once again I found myself poised above the toilet seat as if waiting for my execution. It seemed like the cramps were even worse, but then I knew what to expect now. Not even my tears got me a shorter wait time before she would release the tube and let me empty my bowels. Once that was all done, I was made to stand up again. Cindy now slapped her hand on the edge of the tub.

"Ok, one more hairy detail," Cindy complained, "Sit here on the end of the tub, and spread your legs nice and wide!"

Bringing out a little pink razor, and a can of shaving cream, Mel carefully shaved almost all of my pubic hair from around my penis, and then used a scissors to trim anything left over. Considering my cock was still rock hard, I was glad she was slow and careful about it. From behind me I felt the cuffs fall away from the collar again, then Mel unsnapped the cuffs from each other and took them off. While Cindy had been dealing with my enemas and shave, Mel had been filling up the tub with hot water and various bath salts and oils.

"Ok, get into the tub sweetie," Mel said, "You need to have a nice soak for awhile."

I carefully stepped into the tub and gently descended into the aromatic water. My skin seemed absolutely ready to soak up every last drop, and Mel began slowly washing my back with a thick washcloth and moisturizing soap. Ah! So this was what heaven felt like, I leaned back against Mel's thigh, and kissed it once, and then closed my eyes. For some reason, I could swear I heard a drill going in the bedroom, but Mel had started up the shower on hot to get a little extra steam into the bathroom, and I could no longer hear it, so I just put it down to being tired.

After some period of time, I wasn't exactly sure how long it was, Mel woke me from my little nap with a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"Wakey, wakey, m'girl," Mel was saying, "Time to dry off that pretty bod of yours"

"Mmm-mm, sounds nice," I said as I stretched myself.

I stood up and let all the water drain off of me, Mel pulled the plug and let the water out, and then she handed me a large bath towel, and started patting me down with another one that she already had in her hands.

"Remember Joscelyn," she said, "You always have to 'pat' yourself dry now, your skin will need to be much softer now, so no more scrubbing yourself dry, got it?"

"Ok sweetheart," I replied and followed her lead in drying myself.

Once she felt I was dry enough, she then quickly started rubbing skin softener all over me, and once again, just as I was getting totally relaxed, Cindy was back, and my cuffs were re-snapped behind me, and pulled back up to my collar. All I really knew was that if my cock didn't cum sometime soon, I was going to go bananas! I'd never been this horny for this long before, and it wasn't going to take much to make me explode.

Now the girls helped me out of the tub and brought me back into the bedroom, after walking me to the bed, they turned me around, and then pushed me down. From behind me I felt the cuffs fall away from the collar again, then Mel unsnapped the cuffs from each other. Almost at the same instant, Cindy had my left wrist pulled over to the upper right corner of the bed, and she then snapped it to an eye hook that she apparently had installed there (that must have been the drill I heard, they must have done a lot of work for all this, the least I could do is play along I suppose). At the same time, Mel had my right wrist pulled over to the upper left corner of the bed, and snapped it to the hook attached there. Grabbing two more of the pink cuffs, and a couple pieces of cord from Mel's belt, Cindy locked the cuffs around my ankles, and then tied each to a corner of the bed, effectively 'spread eagling' me. Both girls stepped back to admire they're 'work'. I would have said something clever, but I remembered Cindy's warning from my last attempt and thought better of it. Instead I started yanking on my bonds a little so they would feel like I was appreciating it. Unfortunately this only made my cock get even harder it seemed.