A Learning Experience Ch. 04


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From the little make-up table, Mel brought over a box and laid it down next to me.

"Here you are baby," Mel said with reverence, "Until you can develop your own, these will be your breasts, they're a size 'C', as we thought you would want to stay kinda middle-of-the-road for now."

As she opened the box, I was shocked to see two female human breasts 'staring' back; they were incredibly life-like, even having freckles and other anomalies. She pulled out a little tube of something and wiped it all over the backs of the breast forms, then she handed one to Cindy, and they applied them to my clean chest. Then Mel took both of them in her hands and adjusted their placement until she felt it was perfect, and kept pushing on them for a few minutes, before letting go to admire her work.

"T-That's... Jeez, that's amazing," I whispered, "They look so real."

"Mmm-mm... yeah, don't they though," Mel agreed, giving me a huge smile, "But you haven't seen nothin' yet babe!"

Mel brought over another box, this one a little smaller, but from the same company, and when she opened it my mouth once again felt like it was permanently unhinged. It was a fake pussy! Of course, I'd heard of fake breasts, but never a fake pussy! How in the world was this supposed to work I wondered.

"Ok, pay attention!" Cindy yelled, "You'll need to know all about this, since it affects your 'plumbing' directly!"

"But only once you have a flaccid cock," Mel added, "not now of course, so we'll do this in a bit, once we've had a little fun. But anyway, your cock gets put into the little tube inside, then we use the same epoxy as we used for your breasts to attach it on top of your male 'equipment'."

"Ok Mel," Cindy said, "I'll go see if I can get sleeping beauty to bed, then I'll be back, have fun Sis! Wow... this is gonna be so cool!"

Mel got on top of me now, and then mounted me while manipulating my 'breasts'.

"Oh my God!" she said almost reverently, "They're warm! They may as well be real."

"I wish I could feel 'em..." I whined.

"When you're Joscelyn, and not a second before", she said and then winked.

Her legs brought her pussy up and down on my rock hard cock, and between that and watching her knead my new breasts in her hands, I was gonna explode any second! Mel closed both of her legs, surrounding my cock, and making it appear as if it was she that was fucking me! Combined with the new sensation of hairlessness I felt as erotic and turned on as at any time in my life!

She then started thrusting into me, which made my cock push into her pussy, but if you were watching from anyplace else in the room, it must have looked exactly like I was being fucked by a "him", or a "her" with a strap-on! Mel was now grunting like crazy with each thrust, and I was moaning with all of the wild feelings I was getting, finally starting to actually feel like my pussy was really being fucked by her cock, instead of the other way round, it was so hot! My mind was in a complete frenzy...

"Oh baby..." I cried, "Fuck me... please! Put your prick in me... Fuck me baby!"

"Oooh, yeah... Joscelyn!" she was calling me by my female name, "I'm fucking you... Can you feel me bitch... Can you feel me inside you? Do you feel me fucking you? Yeeessss, Ooooh! I'm cummmminnnggg!"

That was all I needed to hear and I flew into a mind-blowing orgasm. The feel of the cuffs holding me down, and my body pulling as hard as it could, brought me a secondary orgasm somehow. I'd never felt anything like it, it scared me it was so bizarre and unknown, I felt out of control, and yet tied down I was safe... such wild feelings! Finally Mel collapsed beside me, her arms wrapped around my neck, as if I was her anchor, and her only connection to the earth.

Cindy came back into our bedroom a few minutes later, and I silently mouthed the words, "she feinted", to her, but apparently Mel having a nap wasn't part of the play, or whatever we were doing.

"Oh boy," Cindy laughed, "everyone's fallin' asleep around here, and we still have a lotta work to do... Mel?... Honey? Ya gotta wake up hun!"

"Mmm-mm, yeah?" Mel mumbled as she awoke.

"Honey?" Cindy said, "We can't just leave poor Joscelyn all half done here."

"Hmm?" Mel was still trying to wake up, "Oh no... Oh... how long was I out for? Oh my God... I'm so sorry baby!"

"Its ok sweetheart," I said, "I was sleepin' right along with ya, and my cock is finally back to normal again, and my skin sensitivity is too!"

"Alright," Cindy said, "Now that his water cannon is soft, let's do the vagina!"

Cindy brought the vagina back over, while Mel got out of the bed and woke up a little bit. Then Cindy carefully put my penis into the little tube at the bottom of the device, and at the end of the tube was a small 'pee hole' so that I could go to the bathroom normally, or at least normally for a woman, and that would mean sitting down. Once Cindy was satisfied that it was inserted properly, she took the small tube of epoxy out of the box, and covered all the edges of the device with that epoxy glue. After she felt that it had enough to make a good seal, Cindy then pushed my new pussy onto my lower abdomen, making sure all the edges were sealed tightly.

There was one more thing that had to be done for each of these prosthesis, the vagina, and each of the breasts. Cindy brought over another make-up type box that contained all the special make-up to blend each prosthesis into my skin. Cindy tried to show me how to do this, but I knew I'd need more instruction for when I was on my own.

When Cindy finally felt that no one could tell if there were any seams, she declared, "Now you have returned to us Lady Joscelyn! A woman at last!" Cindy then unclipped the cuffs on my feet, followed by Mel releasing my hands, and then finally unlocking and removing my collar, which Mel showed me had 'Joscelyn' imprinted on it.

"Get up Joscelyn", Cindy said, "We have a little more work to do tonight, but it won't take long. For now, get used to your new body, go... go look at yourself..."

"I... I feel so different", I said, "Well, I mean, different than I expected to feel!"

I felt so top heavy, I suppose the breasts were weighted properly, but it felt as if I could topple over at any second as I stood up. I tentatively reach under and hold my new breasts, and my poor penis, now closed up and reduced to bathroom duty is actually trying to grow hard again, but I would just as soon give it a rest. Then I walked over to the mirror on top of the dresser and got a full view of my female self, and once again that pecker just couldn't help itself. But I looked amazing!

"Ok Joscelyn," Mel seemed to be very much awake again, "Have a seat on the bed."

Once I sat down, Mel pulled the little make-up chair over, and had me put my left foot up on the edge of the chair, between her legs. Then she started shaking a little red bottle as she surveyed my toenails. She began doing some light shaping and sanding of my toenails, for what I assumed to be painting them the bright red in the bottle.

Seconds later, Cindy is sitting next to me, holding my left hand and carefully placing fake nails on each finger, already painted in the same red that Mel was using. And as Mel started actually painting my toes, Cindy had already finished my left hand and was transferring to my other side to place my right hand nails.

"We'll probably get you better ones tomorrow", Mel said, "but you have to start with something, don't you?"

Didn't make much sense to me, why would she want to go back out to buy more? But I've learned better than to argue with a stubborn female... Oops... I guess that would be me from now on!

"Now sweetheart," Cindy continued, "you already have a pretty nice waist size, but for the dresses we want you to try, you may need a couple inches less, so here's the next piece of the puzzle for you – a corset"

She then brought out the most beautiful dark blue corset with silk insets and lace cups. Then after Mel completed my toenails, Cindy holds it out for me and I carefully step into it. Both girls grab onto the corset, one on each side pulling it up and into place under my breasts. I slip my arms into the shoulder straps, and then Cindy straightens it out so that all the stocking holders are hanging down and its tightened just a bit.

"What we'll need now," Cindy says, "is for you to hang on to the footboard with all your strength, ok Joscelyn?"

I shrugged and said 'ok', not really knowing what she had in mind. Once I was positioned at the footboard, and hanging on, as she wanted, both girls pulled the tightening cords really hard. What that felt like is very difficult to describe to a man, or at least to anyone who's never worn a corset before. Basically it was like taking all of your important internal organs, and stuffing them into your back pocket. I would have probably puked, if my stomach still had any size to it. Now that I had reduced my waist by a couple (or 10) inches, we moved on to my stockings.

Mel taught me the right way of opening a package of hose and putting them on. I had managed to figure it out pretty well on my own from those in my mother and sister's supply, but she showed me how to do it much quicker. So I put on the fishnet lace seamed stockings they'd gotten me, and stood up to straighten the seams, which impressed the heck out of Cindy. Then attached each of the corset's suspender loops to the stocking tops. Cindy tossed me my dark blue panties, but it seemed a shame to cover up my beautiful fake pussy. Once I had those on it seemed like we were making real progress. Cindy sat down at the make-up table and pointed to the chair on the other side of her.

"Joscelyn?" Cindy directed, "Come over next to me... yep over here."

"We know you're tired, so we won't be doing a lot tonight," she said, "but wanted you to have a feeling for what you can really look like. Mel and I have been thinking about you for a long time and I think we can get you pretty without too much effort."

They had thrown a towel over the table's mirror, and Cindy and I were facing each other across the table. Mel put a towel over my corset, and then they began. I wish I could tell you what exactly they did, certainly now that I'm writing the story I have a long association with Max Factor, Maybelline, Revlon, L'Oreal, Cover Girl and all the rest of the usual make-up products, but that night, it was still just magic to those poor eyes. She started by having me shave just as close as I thought I could with a razor. Foundation was next, hiding some of the things that shouldn't be seen on a female face like an Adam's apple, as well as some things that might make my face look too angular. Moving on to colorings, blushes and highlights, my lips were re-drawn to make them seem fuller. Then the painful parts, pulling the eyebrow hairs that didn't quite 'fit in' and redrawing those as well. They had purchased special eyelashes to enhance my own, and after placing them had to add eyeliner as well. Now all the highlight bits could be put on, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick and gloss. And it all had to look like I didn't really need to have any of it on, quite a magic trick!

While Mel had been adding on those last bits to my face, Cindy had gotten started on my hair, wetting it with some kind of conditioner, then putting a few giant rollers towards the bottom, and then blow drying it all into something like a Farrah Fawcett type of a hair-do.

Once she had finished my make-up, Mel brought out my shoes, dark blue open-toed 4-inch stiletto pumps with two little leather straps around the ankles. I carefully stepped into each shoe and attached the straps, then very slowly tried standing up. Of course I had tried wearing high heels many times, but I'd never really tried walking in front of other people before, and certainly nothing in this high of a heel! After a couple of close calls (or close falls) I was finally able to walk around the room in them. But of course it wasn't nearly good enough for my 'Mistress'.

"Great, you're walking just like a guy in drag, now c'mon, and watch me." Cindy said.

"You see?" she continued, "you do 'heel-toe-heel-toe' like this... as if you're walking on

an imaginary line, one foot right in front of the next."

Eventually, after about a 10-minute training session for my shoes, they brought out a beautiful dark blue sleeveless cocktail dress. It was slit to mid-thigh and the skirt ended about three inches above the knee. Cindy helped me put it on and zipped it up the back, as it fit like a glove (thanks to having my internal organs in my back pocket).

The girls had gotten me a few costume rings and some silver bangles for my wrists. They had also bought a single strand of pearls for around my neck. Finally, with the addition of a pair of clip on 3-inch hoop earrings, and a spritz or two of Mel's favorite perfume... the girls pronounced me 'well dressed' and definitely female.

With my heart pounding in my throat, I very slowly walked over to the full length mirror on the bedroom door, and peered into it...

Cindy said that I started shaking so hard she thought I might feint! What was going through my head is hard to say, because I did not believe my head. Or my eyes for that matter. The vision that was peering back at me from that mirror didn't seem like it could possibly have been me. I stumbled back for a moment, with Mel and Cindy rushing to catch me if I fell, but I saved myself at the last moment. It was only then that I was able to slowly turn and go over to the chair and sit down.

"Joscelyn?" Mel asked, "Joscelyn! Are you ok honey?"

I couldn't answer as my brain was disengaged from reality. All of those dreams. All of those hours of fantasy thoughts. What would I look like? What could I look like? All of those denials. It was ridiculous that I thought I might actually pass as a woman. I could never possibly look good enough, so why even try? But there I was in the mirror...

"Maybe we shouldn't have done this Cindy..." Mel whispered.

"Oh God..." Cindy choked back tears, "Joscelyn say something!"

Finally my mind came back online, and I looked up at these two beautiful women... tears welling up in my eyes that nothing and no one was going to be able to stop. When they both saw this they pulled me up and we all just stood there and hugged as tightly as it was humanly possible to do. After a few minutes I found my voice again.

"I owe you both so much," I began, "I can never... ever... thank you enough. And Mel, I can never love you enough to show you the love I have in my heart for you!"

"Oh you!" Cindy sniffed, "You scared the crap out of us... ha! And now we have to re-do your make-up already! Hey, I'm going to wake sleepyhead and show him just what he's missed. Mel, see if you can clean up from her tears, I'll be right back."

Mel and I sat down on the bed and just held each other for a minute.

"Joscelyn, you are so beautiful," Mel said softly, "I thought you would be, but you have a real beauty honey, it was there all the time, all we did was bring it out."

"Do you really think I'm beau...?" I began to ask, but never got it all out. Mel attacked my mouth, our lipstick was being smashed and smudged as we kissed each other with the intensity of newlyweds. It answered my question, and my sex life would probably be forever changed, but for the better I was pretty sure now.

"Here, we better stop," Mel said as we pulled away, "Let me re-do your eye and lip make-up for ya, so Cindy can show Andy when she gets him here!"

So we went back over to the little make-up table and Mel cleaned my face where it needed it, then she re-did what make-up was needed, and finally we both went downstairs to wait for Andy in the game room. As we sat there listening to FM radio music, we held on to each other as if our lives depended on it, and at that moment, you could have convinced me that they did.

Finally Andy walked into the game room and I stood up in front of him, smiling at him and hoping he liked what he saw as well. It was an absolute first for me. Andy Goldmann was completely speechless. His jaw seemed to be moving, but nothing was coming out, at least anything that made any sense, but after a while, he began to gradually pull himself together.

"But..." he stuttered, "H-he's... s-she's... my God... you're so beautiful!"

Once I saw that he wasn't able to move, I walked over to him and we hugged, for a long time, and then Mel joined the hug, and then Cindy kissed Andy and joined too.

"Andy..." I said, "I've told Mel and Cindy, and I want to tell you as well, I owe you a debt that I will never be able to pay, please don't tell me anyone else would have done the same thing, because they wouldn't have, only you did. You will always hold a very special place in my heart."

"Dammit Joscelyn!" Cindy sniffed, "Don't cry, you'll ruin your make-up again!"

"Jack..." Andy began, "Oh hell, I'm sorry... I'm just so awestruck! I mean... Joscelyn, please don't feel you owe me anything other than your friendship, because it's all I ever really wanted, that and your happiness. And if I've somehow been able to bring that about for you, then I'm just as happy as you are in the outcome!"

"You have my friend," I replied, "you have brought me a happiness that I never thought I'd ever see. And you certainly have my friendship, as you will forever be, my very dearest of friends!"

At this point there were no more dry eyes, whether from fatigue, drug side effects, or just plain being overly happy, the waterworks were going full blast all around! Once we all realized it was useless to resist, there was also a great deal of laughter mixed into the tears, as they were after all, tears of joy.

Once we had collected ourselves, we stopped off at the kitchen for something to drink and a snack. We were all wound up with the excitement of my 'transformation' and no one really wanted the night to end. But eventually our fatigue hit us all pretty hard, and at that point we said our good nights to each other and went to bed. It was a little after midnight, and I still had another very big day coming tomorrow!

As Mel and I got into our room, I shut the door behind us while admiring her beautiful profile in the low light of the bedside lamp.

"Do you think I could ever have a beautiful costume like yours?" I asked.

Mel turned on her very high heel, with her head cocked to one side she smiled, almost a smirk, resting both hands on her hips.

"Yeah... I think that could be arranged." she replied.

I had been waiting for this situation all night, and I just couldn't resist, the parallels were too delicious. I used the best female walk I could muster, and minced my way up to her, putting both arms around her neck I asked, "See anything you like?"

We both collapsed onto the bed in laughter when she remembered the first day we made love to each other, after Andy set me up, making me think he was attacking her, when actually he was just giving Mel an entrance into my busy life. I was never so happy to have been set up before, but one of the lines Mel used had been what I'd just uttered to her, and she saw the humor immediately. I was so very lucky to have found this wonderful girl to share my life with right now.

"I'm sorry honey, the mind is willing, but my body's shot!" Mel stated.

"I feel exactly the same sweetie! Maybe we should get some sleep, and play some more in the mornin'?" I said softly, my eyelids falling to half-mast.

"Ok, here... let me help you out of your dress, and then you can help me out of this leather straight jacket you like so much!" she said while laughing.

I laughed too as she unzipped me, then I stepped out of my new dress and put it on a hanger in the closet. Walking over to the make-up table, I began taking off my bangles, necklace and earrings. Then I stepped back over to Mel, and helped her undo all the lacing on her leather corset. From there, she seemed to be able to get everything else off. I simply took my heels off and crawled under the covers, it was just too inviting, and I could no longer resist it. Mel went into the bathroom and when she came out, I felt her also get under the covers and 'spoon' up behind me, just as I had so many times spooned up behind her. It felt wonderful and I had never felt so truly loved before.