A Learning Experience Ch. 08


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"Oh... well, if you say so," she started, but still managed to stutter out the question I was now dreading, "But c-could I get your autograph? P-p-please?"

I looked at a giggling Mel, and a smiling Cindy for some support and of course found none. This was not at all what I wanted to happen, I was blushing like a schoolgirl, and yet there was nothing funny about any of it, what Simone had endured was pure hell... that I'd gotten her out... a miracle.

"Alright, on one condition,"

"Anything! Just name it?", Margret shot back.

"There are people that would like to hurt me for helping Simone, that was the name of the girl that the Pimp had kidnapped. So you can't tell anyone where you got this signature, okay?"

"Oh sure, I won't tell a soul!" Margret pulled out a business card and a pen, and I signed it for her.

"Alright, if our starlet is done signing autographs," Cindy laughed sarcastically, "I'll get your clothes... thought we might go shopping, and then have dinner out... be right back."

After Cindy left, Margret was putting her gear away, and admiring her newest autograph, I was admiring her makeup work, and apparently Mel was simply admiring... me. "Mistress... I need you..." was all that I heard before I'd realized she had swung her leg over my lap as I sat in the makeup chair. She quickly grabbed the sides of my face and kissed me just as deeply as I'd ever been kissed before. Her tongue managed to dive around, behind and on top of my own, taking me so rapidly I wasn't much more than an observer as she tongue-fucked my mouth.

I'd never been much of an exhibitionist or voyeur for that matter, but here I was, making out like mad with what must have appeared to anyone else in the Salon to be my twin Sister, who I'd even called my Sister several times. Within seconds Mel had me hard as a rock, and as horny as we both were, I doubted any force on earth could have come between us. Unless... they wanted to join in.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Margret lifting her skirt, revealing a very large mound under her panties, which she had begun stroking with just as much abandon as we seemed to have. Mel lifted her skirt, pushing the thong's strap out of the way, then pulled the waistband of my sweatpants down and instantly mounted her lover's rock hard cock with her pussy, and began giving it the ride of our very young lives.

The high-pitched moans and screeching was quickly bringing most of the Salon's customers peeking around corners and simply walking closer, staring in disbelief at this amazing sexual exhibition being put on by a beautiful pair of twins. It just seemed like Margret was more than curious... I began to wonder if she would like to join us, so from my makeup chair, I offered my hand to the young transsexual. She reached out and took it, getting up and walking up behind Mel. I then began forcing each of my fingers into Margret's mouth, and she responded by getting them very wet, at which time I began digitizing Mel's ass, gradually rubbing them around her hole and then finally finger fucking her for a while. Margret used this time to remove her panties allowing her beautiful shecock to protrude from under her skirt, as she continued to stroke it vigorously.

Once I felt I'd opened her up sufficiently, I pulled Mel's thong out of the way and guided Margret's eight inch cock straight into Mel's ass! I sat up, hugging the two women in front of me, alternately kissing each to keep them excited. Now Margret took over for Mel, and with long slow strokes impaled Mel's ass, forcing the walls of her pussy up against my own hard cock, over and over, pushing both of us closer and closer to our orgasms! More and more Salon customers were watching our little show, and I just couldn't help getting incredibly turned on.

With a sudden scream of joy, Margret came in buckets up Mel's ass, triggering my own orgasm, which added even more spunk to the party. Then pushing herself on top of me just as hard as I'd ever felt, Mel's pussy spasmed in its own ecstasy as a reply to all of our penile orgasmic bliss, finally allowing a screaming orgasm as she came strongly, over and over again!

All of this happened so quickly, it was hard to know exactly how long, but as Cindy came in with the clothes she and Mel had picked out for me to wear once my hair and makeup were finished, we were all already in the midst of our various orgasms. I had fallen back, pushing the seat down, and now had two bodies on top of me, all of us panting and trying to get our breath back. Our audience however continued to stare at us, and now that orgasms had been reached I was pretty sure both of my lovely partners were about as embarrassed as it was possible to be! Once I'd revived Margret enough for her to roll off of us, she screeched in horror seeing all the people lined up behind her, most of whom she must have known, this being her Mother's Salon. I simply did not see her again that day, and I have no idea how she managed to vanish so quickly.

My Melissa had the most becoming and lovely blush I have ever seen on a woman, either before or since. I would remember the effect that such humiliation had on my lover, both in bringing her to such a heightened state of sexual euphoria as well as the incredible orgasm it brought on. But once Mel had managed to get herself extricated from the makeup chair, I was finally able to gather up what was left of my wits, along with the formal dining clothes Cindy had brought in for me. Then taking my blushing lover by the hand, I slowly walked us past our audience, bowing and laughing as I went, and finally made it into the Salon's ladies room, where I might be allowed to dress in private, and Mel could have herself a good cry.

Once we were inside, I brought Mel over to a couch sitting against a far wall and had her sit down. And as I suspected, Cindy came walking in close behind us, smirking as usual.

"Well," Cindy began, "you two put on quite a show!"

"Three... actually." I answered.

"MmHm... yeah, okay three," she shot back, "three that may not ever be allowed back in here!"

"Margret?" It was my turn to smirk. "Did you know she was Sherrie's daughter?"

"You are shitting me!" Cindy exclaimed. "So... that's why."

"Makes a lot of sense now... doesn't it?" I replied. "That's why she's so accommodating to the transgendered, why she would give special sessions, hires special beauticians... all of it."

"Yep, pretty... and special,"

"Yep, with a pretty special eight inch uncut cock!"

As I walked over to lock the door, Mel fell back against the couch, balling her eyes out. After running back to her, I managed to gather her up into my arms, just as she launched into her apology.

"I am SO sorry, you were so beautiful... so sexy, I... oh Josie please... will you ever be able to forgive this slut for embarrassing you so?" This was a new one for me. I had heard other submissives refer to themselves as 'slut' but not Mel, I simply wouldn't allow this angel to degrade herself. But once again my teacher came to my aid.

Cindy pulled on my sleeve and nodded for me to go with it. "Perhaps I'll forgive you," I said slowly watching Cindy for my cues, "But my slut will need to be punished I'm afraid, do you understand?"

The look my true love returned absolutely set my heart ablaze! A smile laced with the knowledge that I accepted her needs, the most hopeful, joy filled expression I had ever seen Mel give. Certainly this exchange must be hard for anyone that does not understand the complex relationship of the dominant and submissive. For the sub to 'give up' this most private information to anyone is extremely nerve wracking. What if its misunderstood? What if they end up hating me for it? What if...? What if...? What if.

This is why those involved in 'The Lifestyle' can sometimes understand the transgendered better than almost anyone else. Because acceptance plays SUCH a key role here. As the Dominant you are acknowledging the submissives needs, and accepting them, agreeing to provide the role needed in order to give them whatever it is they need. They are ceding control of the sex act to you, and for the Dom this is a very sexually empowering feeling, and you are agreeing to be responsible to the Sub for making their needs happen... on your terms perhaps... nevertheless, it is a power swap, a give and take of sexual needs that has been going on since before humans knew how to write. And what gets lost in the fantasy, is those watching this from the outside only see the performance of the needed act or 'fetish', whether inflicting pain, humiliation, or pure pleasure, they are not understanding the interplay going on between Dom and sub. They just don't understand WHY. Perhaps now that I have exposed it, they can re-read this to better understand that no matter the fetish involved, it is the giving of control by the sub, to the Dom, that is the key to the S&M 'lifestyle'.

"Will you be alright now baby?" I asked Mel.

"Yes... oh yes my darling, thank you!"

"Good... now try to get yourself pulled together, okay?" I felt she was finally calming down, so I released my hug, and winked as I added, "I'll get dressed and we'll get back to your punishment once we're home... just always know... you are loved and adored my sweet."

The clothes Cindy brought were all Mel's, since I could easily fit into all of her things pretty much now. It was still startling to realize even our bra size matched and as I eased into her cups, finally giving a little giggle in recognition of just how amazing the situation was. My gentle reader, who could have foreseen this? To be feminized into an exact duplicate of my girlfriend, it was a little much for anyone to believe, and pushed my own credibility with what I was doing to such an extent, that suddenly I wasn't sure why I was doing anything anymore. Was I trying to become more feminine? Or was I trying to become a duplicate of my girlfriend? As I zipped up the back of Mel's pink satin Dior cocktail dress, slipped into her 4 inch pink satin slingback pumps, and spritzed my wrists and neck with perfume from her pink satin clutch, feminine thoughts flew through my brain.

I was here, I was female, this was now my true reality... and then Mel walked up behind me and dipped her head on my shoulder. She was gorgeous... her own little black dress would have every man within eyesight, breaking their neck to follow that lithe, nimble body as she swayed her hips, shook her hair over a shoulder... so deadly... and she knew it. She smiled now, the most delicate, delightful smile... she was teaching me! Damn it... she was teaching me to be the Fem Fetale... the Diva! This incredible woman had planned this. I returned her smile, and why not... this was where I had wanted to be... my... whole... life.

We kissed, a light, soft kiss and she stared longingly into my eyes, she was all I could have wanted or desired and the pull was gravitational, she had me under her spell, I would never leave her side again, this was now my orbit, my star.

"Ahem!" Cindy however... managed to pull us apart... for a little while.

"So where are we off to Cindy," I asked, finally taking my gaze away from my Melissa, we both looked across to see another beautiful constellation rising. Cindy had on an emerald cocktail dress that simply set her eyes on fire! I think Mel's and my mouth both opened unconsciously, quickly forming the 'wows' that now emanated from our voice boxes.

Three very hot women walked... no... strutted, once again, its just the only word that fits... strutted from the ladies room of Sherrie's Salon that Tuesday afternoon in early September. I paid for my wonderful treatments and styling and we began wandering through the Mall, one in pink, one in green and one in black... three beautiful young ladies having the time of their lives. I don't think I have ever felt so free as I felt that afternoon with my 'Sisters'. We just had a ball! As we would hear a song coming over the Mall's muzak system, all three of us would begin dancing to it, heels clicking, jamming, jiving, and giving the absolutely sexiest show we could manage to the other shoppers.

I bought several sets of lingerie that day, for both Mel and I, and a couple items for Cindy just because I wanted to thank her for all her support. I had also found some of the makeup items that Margret had suggested for me, and we loaded up on perfumes for some reason.

Finally Cindy brought the spending spree to a close, telling us we needed to get going if we were going to make our seven o'clock dinner reservation at Le Bec-Fin. Once more, my mouth dropped, she had something up her sleeve here... well, actually her dress was sleeveless, but still.

"Le Bec-Fin?" I asked, just to be sure I heard right.

"Yeah... that's right, we have a limo picking us up in thirty minutes out in front, so lets get these packages locked up in my trunk, and we'll get my car in the morning."

"Cin-dy!" I laughed, "I know you have something going on here... so what's up doc?"

Her head snapped back to me in surprise, then threw me a dirty look, but I wasn't budging.

"Nope." I said determinedly, and looking over at Mel added, "I'm not getting into some limo, unless I know exactly what is going to happen to this little girl when I go to get out of said limo."

For once I seemed to hold all the cards, but being new to the whole world of feminine power, I still couldn't hold a candle to Cindy. After she finished packing our shopping bags into her car's trunk, she gave me her best pout. Suddenly I looked over to Mel as I felt my resolution failing me. She had an even deadlier pout and raised, with a soft bite to her beautiful lower lip. Oh shit, my bluff was called, and I just didn't have the cards I thought I did.

"Oh Josie! C'mon girl," Cindy pleaded, "where's your sense of adventure!"

"Please Baby!?" Mel joined in, "You'll love it hunny bunny... I swear you will!"

Checkmate. I was playing way over my experience level, so I sighed, gave my best rolling eyes 'it damned well better be good' look, and shrugged in surrender. About forty five minutes later, a white stretch limo pulled up in front of Le Bec-Fin in downtown Philly. Three stunning women piled out, somewhat less sober than they were when they had gotten into it. One magnum of champagne, even split three ways, had managed to get us pretty well lubed. Cindy tipped our driver and in we all walked, the smells of the French cooking wafting past us as we progressed. Cindy gave the maitre'd our names and we began walking to our table.

Winding around the little rooms and aisles that made up one the finest French restaurants in the world, we were definitely dressed for the occasion, our French created cocktail dresses brought sexy glances from the male patrons, and nothing but looks of pure jealousy from every female there. I was enjoying both types of gazes when suddenly we came to a corner table at the very back of the building and the occupants immediately stood up. There was no way I could keep it together, the waterworks were opened wide as I was confronted with Doctor Goldmann, Andy and Dolores!

Shrieking in delight and dismay, I grabbed hold of the Doctor and hugged him as hard as I could, mumbling my various 'so sorry' and 'my faults', I gradually realized he was saying the same things to me which would get me crying even harder. Once I pulled back and saw the love in his eyes, an odd thought came... maybe I have a Dad after all. I then was pulled into a hug by Andy and I hugged him back just as hard, wanting to know where he'd been all this time. Finally things had calmed as I reached over to hug Dolores, kissing her on the cheek, the tears in her eyes said everything as all that was coming out, as far as words, were in Spanish.

It was such a joyous reunion, and I thanked Cindy for setting it up, although how she knew just when to do this was beyond me. We had the most wonderful dinner I think I ever had, but the emotion was just so overwhelming, it was hard to think about the meal really, I was amazed how quickly we gelled back into the friends we had been before all of the trauma occurred. More than that really... and I think we all felt it... I told the Doctor a little of my plans to marry Mel and she immediately asked if he would 'give her away' to me, and I asked Dolores if she would act as the Mother of the 'groom'!

Once dinner was finished we all went dancing at Sister's Nightclub, it was a special grand opening after a major redesign, a huge three story waterfall cascaded from the ceiling now, as a live band played in the main club room. After about an hour I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a smiling Margret, and still blushing! She introduced a couple of her friends and they seemed pleased to meet me, but nothing more was said about my being a heroine, so I think she took my warnings to heart.

We all had such fun that night, it was as if I had always had a family, I just had to accept the one that wanted me, wanted me as a Daughter and a Sister... for it seemed I was truly wanted, and loved, after all.

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LisaBrooksLisaBrooksover 5 years ago

So far I'm glad Joscelyn got better and medicated from her illness! In this story I'm not sure if Dr.Goldman gave her more hormones to continue her transition because the description Cindy gave Joscelyn to look in the mirror saying she was a princess would jolt Joscelyn to realize who she has become! Also, it could have been the time over the summer that had passed that made her more a woman than she had expected! At least the group of friends rallied to help Joscelyn get thru her hell....The dinner with all showed who her friends and new family really were!

NearMissNearMissalmost 9 years ago
Another stellar chapter!

What can I say that hasn't been said already and much more eloquently than I ever could manage. Your writing always captivates me and keeps me wanting more which is why I'm so excited to hear more chapters are coming without the dreadful, agonizing wait. (So selfish of me! I'm sorry I can't help it!) You've given so much to us here, not only with your editing, but your sage advice and wonderful storytelling, that I'm pleased to hear that you're taking some time for yourself to do the things you want. You deserve it hon! And if it just so happens that we all reap the benefits as well by getting more of your writing then that's just icing on the cake.

griffin57griffin57almost 9 years ago
Consistantly of high caliber

To say this has a 3 D feel to it, is grossly damning it with feint praise. Josie, this is a Piccaso amidst a sea of paint by the #s paintings. The story is rich with detail, emotion and heart. Love you Baby.

lilmisstrange69lilmisstrange69almost 9 years ago
Thank You

Josie, in such a short time you have been a great teacher to me. Thank you for showing that even the darkest night can be dispelled by the smallest candle of kindness and hope. And you tell a good story too!

cliptoecliptoealmost 9 years ago
Yes, definately a 10 Star Effort!

This story is an extremely well written chronicle of the poignant passages a transgendered girl/woman had to travel to find herself and her “real” family. From the depths of despair of the street life so many young tg girls find themselves, especially when being disowned by their biological families (in the case a father who says you were not from his seed). The way this opus is written makes for such a compelling read. I found myself fighting back, then giving in to the tears some of the adventures and misadventures created, then, crying so hard I couldn’t read any more (Josie and Cindy’s dialog). I had to wait until the tortured soul searching was far enough behind me so I could continue on reading.

And then the way this heroine was saved by her true family, the ones that truly loved Josie for the person she was, not the label put on her by ignorant society. I loved how your most powerful points were written into dialog, and not paragraphs of description. It brought me so deeply into every scene, like I was there trying to do what I could to help in any way.

The love between Josie and Mel was an amazing story in and of itself. So powerful, yet with such tenderness mixed in. I have to admit almost total ignorance to “The Lifestyle”, but your section on describing the nuances and understandings between those involved was eye opening to say the least.

All the characters were brought to life by your beautiful writing style. Each and every scene was ripped out of reality and relayed back to the reader in such a way it felt like our own reality. The scene with the Doctor was amazing, and once again showed what the transgendered have to go through just to get medical care for a potentially life threatening disease by their own “family” doctor!

And then to wrap it up with that lovely trip to the mall, I smiled as I envisioned seeing the three of you dancing, clicking your heels to the Mall’s Muzak. Loved all the fun as you went shopping throwing all the bad stuff behind and just enjoying the present. And then the limo to the fine French restaurant and a night at the club.

Oh my Josie, I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful your story is. Your style of writing makes each emotional twist and turn something that not only my mind has to deal with but I actually get the physical symptoms of some of the emotional rides you write about.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing these important and truthful moments of your tumultuous life with us. I am sure it had to be difficult, but thank you for putting up with all the pain and where your memories of these events took you. You are my heroine.



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