A Liquid Diet Ch. 01


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"Yes doctor I can see how this would be a really good position for men to feed me in. They can sniff me everywhere, and ejaculate straight into the back of my mouth. But there's one big problem." She giggled a bit. "How can I get such a large penis into my mouth??"

The doctor smiled. "Yes I know it seems impossible now honey. But practice! We'll start your training on some of the men with thinner penises. Once you can take a thin penis all the way into your throat, then it's just a matter of working your way up to bigger sizes. You'll see!"

"Ok doctor, if you'll be my teacher then I'll do whatever you say. I really hope I can someday learn to take you all the way inside!"

And with that, I could tell the doctor was close to ejaculating. He was masturbating his thick cock slowly, and I knew from experience that Tomasz was a slow stroker when it was time to come.

His voice cracked again, "Ok good honey. Let's start your training right now. I hope you're hungry because the Doctor has something for you. Open wide honey!"

And with that, he stuffed his thick cock into Paulina's mouth. Probably no more than three inches, but at his girth it completely filled her small mouth. Her eyes bulged a little as the contractions went up his penis, pumping his semen into the back of her mouth. This whole time he had his nose a centimeter from her pussy, smelling deeply but being careful to not initiate sexual contact. Paulina of course swallowed every tasty drop, and immediately after looked sleepy and contented. Despite the doctor's size she did not gag at all. From that observation I could have guessed how things would go.


Apparently only 5 to 10 percent of women can develop the ability to completely suppress their gag reflex, and take a man deeply into their throats without choking. As fate would have it, Paulina turned out to be one of those girls. So for her to learn how to deepthroat two things were needed: First, she had to stretch out the tissues of her mouth, especially the back of the mouth and leading into the esophagus. The doctor achieved this by enlisting men of gradually increasing girth for her training exercises. It was a big milestone for her when she took her first penis all the way down to the base. By this time a lot of the men were taking notice of her training, no doubt looking forward to the day when she could take their cocks into her throat. Anyway, on that day she took her first full cock, there was a group of men around her bed, cheering. I have to say, as her father I was very proud.

The second thing to learn was breath control. When a penis goes in to a certain depth, the sinus passage to the nose is blocked and the woman cannot breathe. Because of this, the Doctor explained to Paulina, you need to learn to time your breathing with the man's thrusting. She was to practice so much that it became second nature. And finally she needed to practice holding her breath for long periods of time without panicking. He taught her techniques to relax, and slow her heart rate; some of the techniques that skin divers use, as I later found out. For Paulina this was natural. She naturally found that a cock in her mouth and throat made her contented and relaxed: Not sleepy, but mellow, and that naturally led to the breath control Tomasz was trying to teach her. Eventually she would learn to hold her breath for two and half minutes at a time, which for all of the men feeding her was more than enough.

And so within the short span of about a week, Paulina mastered the art of deepthroating. It certainly helped that she got so much intensive practice, every day. How many 18 year old girls have the opportunity to practice on 80 different cocks during the course of a day?

Her "graduation" of course was to take her teacher Tomasz all the way into her throat. She wanted her lips to be stretched around the very base of his cock while she drank his semen. Paulina doubted that she'd taste a thing. She'd noticed with most of the larger men that when their cocks were fully embedded, the semen went straight down her throat into her belly, with no taste at all. She laughed about how weird it was to eat and not taste her food.

Paulina got into her throat position, which had become her usual feeding position now: Face-up laying on the bed, with her head hanging over the edge. She looked up at her teacher Tomasz, and smiled a big innocent smile.

"I think I'm ready Sir!"

With that, Tomasz assumed his position standing in front of her, with his torso bent over so he could take in her intoxicating smell. By this point she of course knew to lift her knees up and spread her legs, giving him the best access possible.

Tomasz breathed her in deeply, and immediately his large cock responded. He took one hand and tapped his penis against her mouth, and she of course knew what to do. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, so the doctor could push his cock in.

As I described above, Paulina had taken to getting very relaxed during these throating sessions. It was her breath control training, combined with a natural contentment she felt when her mouth and throat were filled. Anyway, as Tomasz pushed into her you almost would have thought she was asleep: Her eyes were closed, and her unmoving arms stretched straight out at her sides, parallel to the edge of the bed.

For as calm and unmoving as Paulina was, the good doctor was anything but. He was more aroused than I've ever seen him, hunched over my little girl. He was making his entrance gradually, not wanting to frighten her: He would make a few small thrusts forward, then a longer draw backward. Then a few more thrusts -- slightly farther than the last -- followed by a drawback. And so on. In this way he gradually made his way forward, while also giving her chances to breathe.

Paulina later explained to me the feeling of having Tomasz in her little throat.

"Well Daddy do you know that warm, contented feeling when someone hugs you tight? The tighter the better. Well that's how it feels to me when I have a penis down my throat. As they push in my windpipe has to expand, especially if the penis is thick. To me it feels like my throat is giving their penis a nice tight hug. It feels so good and relaxing! The Doctor is the best feeling of all!"

With that, the Doctor was finally embedded completely into her throat! Although I knew this was just a feeding exercise to support Paulina's nutrition, I am ashamed to admit I found it erotic to see my daughter in that throat position, with a massive cock down her throat. I would not have believed it possible, to tell the truth! Paulina's lips were at the base of his cock, with her nose buried deeply into his ballsack. She was utterly calm; if she had any recognition of the achievement, she didn't show it.

The doctor labored to speak: "Mmm, that's a good little girl. You took that much better than I expected. But I need to test you a little bit more, and that is on your ability to take thrusting. I'm going to be thrusting my penis in and out of you now sweetheart, so don't be alarmed. Just continue to relax."

Then he slowly pulled back his cock from the deepest position, all the way back out until just the tip was in her mouth. It was the most amazing thing, from the outside you could literally see the bulge in her neck from the massive head of his cock squeezing through. As he pulled out, the bulge travelled upward and her neck returned to normal.

Then in one smooth motion, the doctor pushed his cock all the way back in until his balls were pressed against her nose once more. The obscene bulge in her throat traveled back down, seemingly halfway to her stomach. Paulina for her part was a trooper, and never so much as flinched.

The doctor said, "Ahhh, that's perfect. I'm so proud of you! Ok, just a little more thrusting now and then you get your reward!"

With that, he pinned her legs back extra far with his arms, and got his nose right up into her widely-exposed, musky vagina. Like her, he too closed his eyes as the aroma had its effect on him. I noticed he also enjoyed smelling her little butthole, which I found interesting and strangely arousing. I thought back to my days as Gabriel, sniffing Paulina's used panties in the bathroom while I masturbated. How much of that wonderful smell had been from her little vagina, and how much was from her anus? I had no way of telling, but watching the doctor sniff deeply at her little butthole made me curious.

At that point, the doctor lost most of whatever professional detachment he had left. He started really fucking my little girl's mouth. And I'm not talking about some kind of slow gingerly thing. The doctor was fucking her mouth like most men fuck a woman in the vagina: Vigorously and without restraint. For a moment I was alarmed, wondering how Paulina would hold up to the deep rutting taking place in her throat. But I needn't have worried; she was well-trained. As I said, you would have almost thought she was asleep, she was so contented and pliable. As much as I tried to view this display for what it was -- my little girl eating her dinner -- there was something undeniably erotic about it: The doctor hunched over my little girl, fucking her throat with abandon. His overweight belly lying on top of her nearly flat chest, holding her down. His face buried between her legs, holding her little butt cheeks apart so he could smell the scent of her butthole.

Finally the Doctor had his orgasm. As expected he rammed his cock all the way inside and held it there tightly, pinning Paulina's head against the edge of the bed. As the waves of orgasm hit him he let out a big guttural yell that I swear everyone in the building must have heard. You could see Paulina's distended throat working overtime, trying to swallow his seed. Although he was buried so deeply that swallowing probably wasn't necessary; strictly speaking the doctor was most likely shooting his semen directly into her stomach. The effect of the swallowing was mostly to stroke the doctor's embedded cock, milking a few more squirts out of him. When it was all over, Tomasz collapsed on top of my girl, pressing his full weight onto her as he struggled to recover. His cock was still buried completely in her mouth. He pulled out of her and rolled over onto his back on the bed, looking almost dazed. Paulina lay with her arms wide out, eyes still closed, with merely a little smile of satisfaction on her lips.

By this time, quite a crowd of men had gathered in the apartment, surrounding the bed to watch the event. News had traveled around the building that the doctor was giving Paulina her final test today. Many of the men were the older ones in Paulina's group, but I noticed many of Kasia's men were there as well, keeping tabs on what Paulina was doing. Kasia herself was watching from the doorway to her room; apparently all of her men had left to see the events next door.

As the Doctor pulled out of Paulina's mouth and collapsed onto the bed, the crowd of men, which had been quiet up until now, spontaneously erupted into a huge cheer. They were smiling and giving each other high fives, like their favorite football team had just scored a winning goal. I think none of them could wait to take their turn on Paulina.

Amidst all the celebration, I noticed one person in the room was not smiling: Kasia. As I looked at her standing in her doorway across the room, our eyes met and she had a worried look on her face. And then it hit me like a punch to the gut: From now on how will Kasia ever get enough to eat?



Kasia's plight became immediately apparent as Paulina's feeding activities settled into a new rhythm. Paulina remained in the throat position on the edge of her bed for hours at a time. Her head was tilted back over the edge, giving men easy access to her mouth. She kept her arms stretched out limply to her sides, with her eyes closed and that contented look one could almost mistake for drowsiness. Paulina seemed to be in heaven when a man was buried in her throat.

The men would line up in our family room next to Paulina's bed, sometimes as many as 12 deep. Because there were so many men who wanted to feed Paulina, we put a 2.5 minute time limit on each one. The men standing in line would stroke themselves to near orgasm, and when it was their turn would plunge their cock into Paulina's waiting throat. They all quickly learned they could be as rough or gentle as they wanted with her, and she seemed to enjoy both. Anyway most of the men would follow the Doctor's lead and bend down to sniff her vagina or anus while they fucked her throat. Conditioned as they were, smelling the girl directly like this would usually make them erupt very quickly. Then you'd see the swallowing in her throat (almost the only sign she wasn't sleeping), and then it was the next man's turn. And so on and on it went, an endless procession of men waiting for the chance to feed my daughter directly down her throat.


While Paulina was getting nearly 250 loads per day to eat, poor Kasia had dropped down to just 80. She would start losing weight if we didn't find a solution soon. As I sat down on the edge of Kasia's bed in her empty room, she started to cry.

"Oh Daddy, I'm so sad and hungry! None of the men want to feed me anymore!"

"Come here sweetie and let me hold you. You know Daddy loves you and I'm going to help you find a solution. All these men are just excited by what your sister can do now. They still like you but sometimes men only think with their penises."

"I know Daddy. I would love to be able to do what Paulina does with her mouth, but I don't think I can! The doctor tested me and he says I don't have Paulina's special gift. When a penis gets more than three or so inches into my mouth, I start to choke and gag and I can't control it!"

"Yes sweetie I know, and that's ok. I think your sister was just born with that special talent. Every girl has her special talent, we just need to figure out what yours is."

"What do you mean Daddy, do you have any ideas what mine might be?"

"It could be lots of different things. I'll have to think about it. Be patient ok honey?"

"Ok Daddy, but hurry because I'm starting to get hungrier and hungrier!"

At that moment she looked so sad and forlorn that it nearly broke my heart. I felt a twinge of the same emotion I felt many months before, when both my girls were on the verge of starvation. I felt helpless as a father, and wanted to do something, anything, to comfort and protect my baby girl.

It was then I made a decision, one of those in-the-moment decisions with the power to affect the rest of your life. It's easy to look back on it with shame, and to judge what I did, but believe me at the time I only had my girl's best interests at heart.

"Sweetie how would you like your father to help you out with your food?"

"What Daddy? How do you mean?"

My voice cracked as I continued on. I knew I was stepping over a line here that was real and permanent. Still something inside made me take that step. "Well honey, I mean like feeding. Daddy is a man and can ejaculate too you know."

I honestly had no idea how she would respond to this. Disgust? Enthusiasm? Polite refusal? Anger?

She thought about it for a moment, with a puzzled look on her face. Knowing my daughter as deeply as I do, I could almost see the lines of thought running through her mind. She's never really considered that Daddy is just like other men. She's thinking about how it never really occurred to her that Daddy can ejaculate. Then she remembers where she came from, and of course Daddy can ejaculate! Then she's filled with curiosity: I wonder what it's like?

Finally the puzzled look gave way to a broad, bright smile on her face, instantly warming my heart. "Yes let's try it! Every bit of food will help! And it might help you find my special talent if you start feeding me like the other men."

I smiled. "Ok good dear. But I have one request. Like the other men I'd like to sniff you while I masturbate, ok?"

"Ok, Daddy, of course!" She'd gotten so used to the sniffing routine that it didn't faze her at all, the idea of her father smelling her vagina.

I took my daughter's hand as we sat there on the bed, cradling it in my own and looking into her lovely eyes. She has her mother's eyes, the eyes I fell in love with so many years ago. Her lost mother who was long since dead. The three of us, the two girls and me, were all that was left of our world any more. Melancholy regret over our situation gave way to a feeling of intense love for this woman in front of me. She was MY woman, and I would bend Heaven and Earth to protect her, and make her happy. There was little else left for me in this world.

Lifting her hand to my mouth I kissed it softly, trying to communicate the intensity of my feelings in that single kiss. This would be our first time, and I wanted it to be special. I gave her what I hoped was a reassuring smile, then leaned her back to lay flat on the bed. She was already naked except for her panties, which I reached up to grab at the waistband. Slowly I pulled them down off her reclining body. Pulling over the swell of her hips, her lifting upward so I could pull them past her generous buttocks. Our eyes met briefly, and she smiled.

Then I smelled it, and gasped. That smell! I hadn't smelled it in weeks, since the last time I'd masturbated with my face pressed into her panties. Here it was for real, her gorgeous womanly vagina! Not tiny and hairless like her sister's, but rich and full and fertile and musky. She watched me intently as I leaned forward and nestled my nose within her pubic hair, smelling deeply. I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh, then returned to my work of removing her panties.

When she was naked, I stood up off the bed and began to remove my clothing. She watched me closely, with a look I interpreted as intense curiosity. Kasia let out a cute chuckle when my erect penis popped free from my underwear and bounced up and down. I took off everything, wanting to be completely naked for our first time together.

At last I lay down next to her on the bed, and carefully arranged us for her feeding. I was laying on my left side, with my head pointed toward the head of the bed. Kasia was laying on her left side as well, but with her head pointed the opposite way, toward the bottom of the bed. And so we formed a kind of 69 position on our sides, with my face near her vagina, and her mouth near my penis.

I then instructed Kasia to open her legs, so I could put my head between them. Resting her upper thigh against my right ear, gravity sandwiched my head between her thighs. Immediately in front of me, occupying my entire view was her intoxicating vagina. I was in heaven! Breathing in deeply, I took my free right hand and began stroking my cock.

I want to stress that I had always been very careful to prevent sexual contact between me, and any of the other men for that matter, and my daughters. Sniffing their smell is one thing, but touching and licking their vaginas were strictly off-limits. The girls of course used their mouths on the mens' penises, but strictly for the nonsexual act of feeding. I was adamant that I wanted my daughters to retain their sexual innocence.

So I was surprised with Kasia that day when she began rocking her hips against my head, wedged between her thighs. As I was smelling her and masturbating, it was like she wanted to grind her vagina against my face. She reached down with her right hand, and feeling between the backs of her thighs found my head. She grabbed my hair and held on tight, using this to pull me into her. In the heat of sex I didn't have the willpower to stop her. She began grinding her vagina hard against my face, smearing me with her smell. I would be lying if I said it wasn't erotic.