A Liquid Diet Ch. 01


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Soon it was time for me to ejaculate. I knelt with my knees on the bed and sat on my heels, positioned so Kasia's head was between my thighs. Two more strokes, then it was time. I reached down and cradled her head in my hands, and said, my voice rough, "open up baby." She understood what I meant. Kasia opened her mouth wide, and closing her lips over the end of my cock, waited for her food to come.

In the five seconds it took for my eruption to build and explode, thoughts swirled through my mind. How warm her mouth felt on my cock. How much I loved her. How dirty it was that I was about to pump semen into my daughter's waiting mouth. How much she was like her mother, even in her sexual response. What did it mean that she was pulling me into her, apparently turned on.

Then, with my daughter's head cradled in my hands, my orgasm erupted. I felt like it was emanating from the base of my spine, gathering momentum and force through my groin, and finally down the length of my shaft. Here it is baby, Daddy's come!

My cock throbbed violently as spurt after spurt of semen flowed out of me. I could feel Kasia tighten her lips around my tip, and form a pocket inside her mouth for the semen to flow into. I had to remember, she was an expert at this now. It kept flowing, and flowing, and flowing...like it would never stop. Finally it did. As I held my girl's lovely head in my hands, looking down I was filled with the most intense love. She closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh. I could feel she had not yet swallowed, but was holding my semen in her mouth to enjoy.

She sat up and her eyes bolted open.


As Kasia said this two things happened. First, her mouth was full of a huge load of come, so as she tried to talk around it "Gabriel!" came out more like "Gabruuuh!". The second thing was that in her outburst some of my semen shot out the side of her mouth, threatening to drop down onto the bed. Thinking quickly (that's my girl) she sucked back in and rescued the semen back into her mouth.

I couldn't help but erupt in laughter. She got a mock-hurt look on her face at this, and was about to speak again but stopped herself. Realizing what was in her mouth, Kasia's eyes fluttered closed and I could see her rolling the semen around in her mouth, enjoying the taste. It had been weeks since she'd had any of Gabriel's semen. At last she pursed her lips, and ever so slowly swallowed the entire load down into her belly. Eyes still closed, she exhaled slowly and seemed blissfully content. Laying her head back down into my hands, she looked like she might take a nap.

With a contented smile and half-lidded eyes, she said, "That was yummy Daddy, thank you. Will I get to drink Gabriel's semen again?"

"Yes baby, of course. Now you get some rest."

...and with that, her eyes drifted closed and she fell into a deep sleep.


Over the next several weeks, we all saw the impact of Paulina's new throat-based method of feeding. Paulina was eating 250 or more ejaculations each day, while her older sister Kasia was down to only 60 or 70. It was profoundly unsetting, to see one sister thrive and even gain weight, while the other gradually starved. Something had to be done. Kasia needed to find her special talent, just as Paulina had found hers.

All I could do to help directly was continue to feed Kasia my own semen (or rather Gabriel's), in the same manner we'd done that first time. Always away from the other men, and always once in the morning and again in late afternoon. Paulina, when she found out that I was Gabriel, became a little jealous that her sister was getting my full semen output. But she didn't complain; she knew her sister was hungry.

Over the course of our feeding sessions, I quickly became more attached to Kasia than I thought possible. In hindsight I realize this was only natural; although the feeding was not a sexual act for her, if I am honest it was intensely sexual for me. I was lonely and suffering from being single so long. As Kasia has grown she has come to remind me so much of my deceased wife. I remember in high school, when my wife-to-be and I used to sneak into the music practice rooms during lunch hour. My sessions with Kasia brought me back so vividly to those times we spent together, her patiently sucking me off each day. It's amusing to think that Kasia was conceived in one of those very rooms!

There was something else about Kasia that I grew attached to. Strange as it sounds, her little butthole began to arouse me during her feedings. Now I should say that after many, many months of a semen-only diet, the girls had a very different poop smell than you or me. Being on an all-liquid diet, the doctor said it was entirely possible for defecation to stop entirely. As it turned out the girls had far less feces than they used to, and in the absence of solid or processed foods it took on a very different appearance and smell. Imagine small dry flecks of an off-white cottage cheese, with a slightly sweet and musky smell, and you wouldn't be too far off the mark. Kasia's almost complete lack of poop, and the tidiness of what remained, fascinated me. To me her clean, perky little butthole was just another component of what I loved about our feeding sessions.

So as I gave Kasia her twice a day feedings, my attention began to focus more and more on her butthole. I adjusted our usual 69 position to give me better access: With my head between her thighs as before, and her knees pulled up toward her chest, I instructed her to reach back with her free hands to spread her butt cheeks widely. In this way I could nestle my nose right next to her little butthole, and inhale deeply as I stroked myself into her mouth. I was a little guilty from the intense pleasure this gave me, but I felt better knowing Kasia was getting the big loads she needed for her health.

In fact, my arousal was so intense that I suspected it might be possible to add a third feeding each day. But first I had some items to discuss with Tomasz, our doctor.

The next day I pulled Tomasz aside. I explained to him my latest method of feeding Kasia, and would it be possible to take the next step.

The Doctor said to me, "That was astute of you to notice the change in her feces resulting from the all-semen diet. I have noticed the same in Paulina during my feedings with her. And like you, I have come to find it very arousing, which is of course good for the girls."

I pressed on to the real subject of my inquiry.

"That's a perfect lead-in for my questions Doctor. As you know I am very strict about maintaining the sexual innocence of my daughters. We put rules in place for the men during feeding, to prevent sexual contact: Touching their vaginas, kissing, breast stimulation, and so on. During feeding I am always present and keep an eye to be sure those rules are followed.

"What we have not established yet are any rules about contact with the girls' buttholes. I ask, because if this were allowed I think it could prove beneficial to their food supply. You and I can't be the only ones who find this arousing.

I continued, "So my question to you is, is there any activity involving their buttholes that we should consider 'sex' and keep off-limits? Is for example touching or licking the girls' buttholes to be allowed, or not?"

The Doctor considered his reply carefully.

"Yes, this is an especially important question for Kasia. I've been concerned about her falling weight. But I know you're looking for a more principled answer here."

Collecting his thoughts, Tomasz continued. "I think the question of what constitutes sex from the girls' perspective boils down to what they might derive pleasure from. I'm speaking of sexual pleasure specifically. For women and sex there can be a lot of gray area, but the one objective measure of sexual pleasure is the orgasm: Is it possible for a certain stimulation to bring about an orgasm?

"For clitoral and vaginal stimulation, the answer is clearly 'yes'. These are the most common stimuli to elicit orgasm in women, so we categorize these as sexual activities.

"Likewise, many women can get aroused and even orgasm from the stimulation of secondary erogenous zones. For example, I have read of women who can reach orgasm from slow kissing alone. Similarly it is not uncommon for women to orgasm from nipple stimulation. So by your rules we are correct to prevent the men from touching your girls in those ways.

"That said, in my experience I have never seen nor heard of any cases of female orgasm from anal stimulation alone. Anal stimulation in combination with clitoral stimulation, yes. But anal stimulation alone? Not likely. Some women find it feels good, but not in a way that will make them orgasm. An analogy might be a very enjoyable foot massage. And many women do not find anal stimulation enjoyable at all. In any case, we don't have good evidence that anal stimulation would be interpreted in a sexual way by your daughters. In fact in my practice I often perform rectal examinations on female patients -- thermometers, health checkups, and so on -- and I have never once had a patient get aroused at this.

"So to answer your question, I don't believe anal stimulation should be considered sexual activity from the girls' standpoint."

With this I was already formulating a plan.


The next day I told Kasia that I might have a way she could get more food from her men. But, I explained to her, she would have to work hard and it would take time to learn.

"Oh Daddy, you mean you found my special talent?!? Like Paulina's throat position, only this one is for me!"

I said, "Yes dear, that's exactly the idea. But this talent is different from Paulina's. I know you've tried the throat position and it doesn't work for you. The special talent I'm talking about has to do with your butthole."

She looked crestfallen. "My butthole? What does that have to do with anything?? I mean, I know some of the men like to smell it. I can feel their penises get harder when they nestle their nose in between my cheeks and breathe in deep. But how is that a new talent?"

The way she described it made my penis twinge a little, I was incredibly aroused by the smell of her butthole. I replied, "Well honey, I was actually thinking about something a little bit different. I've checked with the doctor, and he says it's ok if we let the men touch your butthole too. I know many of them would find this really fun!"

"Touch my butthole? Why would anybody want to do that??"

"Well sweetheart, do you know what it is about the throat position that men like so much? It's the feeling of having their penis deep inside Paulina's body, where it's tight and warm and inviting. Now if you worked hard at it, you could do the same thing. Only with your butthole instead!"

With that she gave me a big smile, and told me she wanted to get started on her special talent!

"Great honey! Ok then let's get you started on your first exercise. I want you to take off your panties. Then climb up on the bed like a doggy, with your butt sticking up in the air."

I was so excited by what was about to happen that my voice cracked a little. I also felt more than a little guilty to get such an erotic charge from my own daughter! But, I knew it would help her get more food and so being the loving father I willed myself to continue.

Once she was up on the bed naked as I instructed, I gently guided her into position. I had her lower her head and chest onto the bed, while keeping her butt up in the air. She pressed her face into a pillow and had a big contented smile. I patted her inner thighs and she understood without words that I wanted her to spread her knees apart farther. At that point I didn't try for words because I knew my voice would break.

Meanwhile Kasia's exposed position opened up her vagina and anus to me completely. I thought of the countless times I had gotten so close to her pink butthole, inhaling her scent deeply as an aid to my own masturbation. Really with her on an all-semen diet, that smell that excited me so much was nothing more the semen of dozens of men filtered by her body. Now it was time for me to go beyond smelling.

I started by using my fingertips, first running them lightly over her buttocks and thighs. I marveled at her pale skin, so soft and smooth to the touch. She let out a contented sigh and I thought to myself, "Ok this is good. You should get her relaxed for what comes next."

While I caressed her in this way I began talking to her, figuring it would help her relax. I said to her, "Kasia for this practice I just want you to get used to what it feels like to have your butthole touched. Now this is probably going to feel weird and uncomfortable to you. The doctor tells me that women don't like this. But again I want you to remember what we're trying to do. If you can get used to this, and some other exercises, you'll have men dying to spend time with you!"

"Ok Daddy. I'll do whatever you want me to!"

With that I got into position for her first exercise, getting used to being touched. I kneeled at her side, next to her left hip. With my left hand I placed my thumb and index finger to either side of her little butthole, and used the fingers to spread her cheeks apart. Then softly I caressed the fingertips of my right hand over her beautiful little hole. Around and around in slow little circles my fingertips went, faintly massaging. Pausing periodically I ran my fingertips up the length of her crack and lightly caressed the inside of her cheeks, before returning to her hole. This attention made Kasia sigh and close her eyes.

"That feels nice Daddy. But you're touching me so softly it almost itches!"

She was ready for more stimulation, the next step. I instructed her to reach back with both arms and use her hands to keep her cheeks spread. She looked so cute that way, spreading her cheeks to give me open access to her bottom.

I kneeled behind Kasia now, positioning my face right up against her bottom. Softly I used my tongue to repeat the motions my fingers had just been making, licking around her hole and slowly lapping up the length of her crack. I used a little more pressure now, and the wet warmness of the sensations made her gasp.

It was time to introduce her to the feeling of penetration. As I traced my tongue up her crack, I let the tip linger on the center of her hole. Gently at first, then with increasing pressure, I pushed my tongue into her and moved it in tiny little circular motions. With my tongue I was massaging her ring of muscle and encouraging it to relax. Slowly I increased the depth with my tongue, then massaged in circles, then pulled out to lick up her entire crack, and then I would repeat by pushing the tongue straight in. And so in this way I coaxed her to take as much of my tongue as I could fit into her.

"Uhhhh that feels good! I like having you lick me there Daddy! But it still kinda itches!" She was pushing back on my face, like she wanted me to go deeper. But my tongue had reached its limit. I knew it was time.

Pulling back, I put my right thumb into my mouth and got it wet with saliva. Then I placed the tip of my thumb at the entrance to her hole.

"Ok baby this is it! Try to relax for me ok?" I said.

And then with one smooth firm motion I pushed my thumb all the way into her bottom, as far as it would go. She tensed at first, then let out a long ahhhhhhh sound.

"That's it Daddy, that's the spot that itches!! Can you scratch it some more for me?"

That was when I realized my daughter has a special talent for anal sex. She was in no apparent pain at all, and seemed very content to have my thumb resting inside her butthole. In fact she started to squirm a little, trying to feel my thumb moving inside.

I couldn't help but notice the juice dripping from her vagina. Of course I never touched her sexually throughout this exercise, and the doctor had assured me she couldn't get aroused from the anal play. I figured it was probably the newness of the situation that was making her respond. I remember back when I was 19 and would get erections at the most random and embarrassing moments. Apparently it was the same for her!

Slowly but firmly I fucked my thumb slightly in and out of her bottom. I wasn't moving far, just getting her used to the pressure and feeling of being penetrated. The in and out made her groan.

Breathing deeply she was able to talk. "Ahhhh yes! That's it! Keep scratching it just like that..."

After a few minutes of gentle fucking with my thumb, Kasia began to settle down. I stopped my motion with her thumb and gave her a moment to adjust. Then in a single smooth motion I pulled my thumb all the way out of her.

Kasia's first training session was over, a big success!


Over the next several days I led Kasia through several more training sessions. By inserting progressively larger items into her bottom, she got used to the feeling of being stretched out and having objects inside. For the most part I used my fingers (and later groups of fingers), because they are soft and I could gauge by feel how pliable her hole was becoming.

For her part Kasia was coping with it well. She would often groan, I assumed out of discomfort, but after a while she would calm down and accommodate whatever I had inside her. Overall I progressed her slowly because I wanted to avoid discomfort. Still I was glad to see Kasia was enthusiastic in her training. Often she would push into me as I was inserting into her bottom.

With her intensive training, within days we were at a point where she could accommodate penis-sized objects in her bottom. At that point I knew it was time to graduate to our main objective, fucking. This is what I knew the men would enjoy. As her father it was my duty to go first and prepare her.

And so one afternoon I laid Kasia on the bed, flat on her back. Beneath her bottom I placed a thick pillow. Then I took my clothes off and lay down next to her. I was so much in love with my little girl in that moment!

First I wanted to open her up with my tongue. Sitting near Kasia's feet, I put my hands under the inside of her knees, and pushed them up toward her head. This put her into a very exposed missionary position, with her butt lifted up by the pillow. Putting my face against her crack as I had so many times before, I began to lick and penetrate her bottom with my tongue. That made her squirm and groan. I continued tongue-fucking her until I felt she was relaxed and ready.

Finally it was time for sex! Keeping her knees pinned against her chest, I moved up and kneeled so my penis was right at her exposed butthole. Of course I was as hard as I'd ever been. I spit into my right palm and smeared it over my penis, lubricating myself for her. Then pressing my glans against her hole, I began to push inside.

"Oh daddy oh daddy oh daddy I want you to scratch my itch inside!"

Pushing I gradually advanced, then --POP-- the head of my penis was fully inside! My girl was really doing it!

I leaned forward to lay directly on her, and she wrapped her arms around my back. Now we were like two lovers in the missionary position. I began thrusting in and out of her bottom, while she used her legs and arms to hold on and pull me into her. The feelings were so intense and I began fucking her with abandon. She took it with amazing poise. I'm not proud to say it, but that first time I ejaculated deep inside her bottom. Perfectly good food, gone to waste.

After we'd recovered I spoke. "How was that honey? Do you think you could do that with other men?"

Kasia replied, "It felt nice daddy. Really full! It's hard to explain but sometimes I feel like I have an itchy feeling deep inside. When you had your penis in there it really scratched that itch. Then you moved in and out and it felt perfect!"