A Love Story: Mia and Oman


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Mia smiled, "Isla, I hope you are right."

Isla stayed and they talked a few more minutes before Isla returned to her room. Oman stood in the kitchen talking with Brett. Brett needed to vent. He had not told anyone about remarks Officer Morse made. He was proud that Mia didn't break. The bastard tried to make her cry. Earl and Oman listened. Brett explained how disrespectful the officer was and that he essentially accused Mia of exaggerating the assault. He even tried to coerce her into saying she was not assaulted by the perp. He finally spoke a shut the detective down and he ended the interview. It was then he demanded to see the captain.

Earl spoke and whatever he said calmed everyone down. Soon the guys headed to bed, and Earl went to his room where Bria was awake. The two talked. Oman could not sleep. Mia was upset earlier and his spirit was disturbed. He got out of bed and went downstairs. Earl had set the alarm so he could not go outside, so he opted to watch television. Mia couldn't sleep so she went downstairs also. She heard the television and peeked into the room. Oman saw her and called out. "Mia, join me."

She did. He moved over and she stay beside him. They watched an episode of a detective show silently. She kept sneaking peeks at him. Oman knew she watched him and part of him preened. Suddenly Mia spoke. "I'm sorry Isla got hurt. If I hadn't stopped to pick up dinner, I would have gotten home sooner."

"Mia, you stopped him. You did what I was not able to do. You protected my sister and for that I owe you a debt of gratitude." Oman sighed. He faced the young woman sitting next to him. His heart pounded. He could not believe what was happening to him. Grandfather explained to him how wolves found their mates. He said the fates determined who their mates would be. Once the wolf recognized is mate, he did everything he could to claim her.

He asked if human found their mates the some way and Grandfather laughed. He said maybe, but he'd never seen it happen. Oman wished Grandfather was alive because if he were he'd witness a human recognizing his soul mate. Mia stopped talking. Oman was staring at her. She moved to hide her face, hide the bruises that were there.

"I wish I could get my hands on him. I'd beat the living hell out of him." He whispered. Mia gasped.

"We gave descriptions to the police and they have his picture. Isla believes they will catch him. I hope she is right." Mia said softly.

Oman nodded. She was so quiet. Unlike the girl he'd met a year ago that snapped at him and made him regret meeting her. He knew now that was a façade. It was a façade she used to keep people away. Oman remained still as she sat beside him. He really wanted to simply pull her close and tell her no one would ever hurt her again.

Soon they were both quiet. Eventually, the show ended and Mia stood. "I'd better go back to bed." She murmured

Oman smiled, "Thank you for keeping me company, Mia." He whispered. She smiled and went back to her room. Oman was awake, too excited to sleep. He needed to call Marcus.

Mia returned to her room, forcing herself to breath normally. She sat with Oman for almost an hour and did not make a fool of herself. He was polite as always but she knew he would never be interested in her. She crawled into her bed and willed sleep to come.

The next morning, Bria awoke and went to make a quick breakfast for her guest. She found Oman sleeping on her couch. She didn't wake him, just smiled.

Earl joined her. He saw Oman and raised a questioning brow. Bria humped her shoulders and she and Earl prepared breakfast. Oman awoke and apologized to his host for sleeping in their living room. Then he grinned. Earl winked. "Be careful with her Oman. I don't know her, but from what I have seen she has not had it easy. You need to earn her trust." Oman nodded accepting the much older gentleman's words of wisdom.

He excused himself and went to shower.

Meanwhile, Mia was getting out of bed. She was surprised to find a brand new set of slacks and top on the bottom of her bed. New underwear was laid out also. The items were just her size. Not wanting to think about it too much, she headed to the private bathroom that she and Isla shared in the spacious home. Mia showered, but the whole time she thought about talking with Oman. He was so nice. She wished... Well wishes were for suckers. Soon she finished her shower and went back into her room to dress. She heard Isla in the bathroom and decided to wait on her before going down stairs.

Oman showered, dressed and rushed down hoping to see Mia early this morning. He was disappointed when the only people he saw was Mr. and Mrs. Graves and Brett. He was not disappointed long, both Isla and Mia emerged wearing similar outfits.

"Mrs. Graves, thank you for providing these clothes I will have them cleaned and returned as ..." Mia started to say but Bria stopped her.

Bria informed the girls, "First off. I'm not taking them back. They are yours. Besides I sent Emily out last night to get you two something to wear. That girl always knows just what to pick. How I have no clue."

Isla smiled. "Well thank you Ms. Bria. Both Mia and I appreciate it.

Earl laughed. "Ladies, I have good news. Detective Ford called last night. They got him. He resisted arrest and lawyered up. I'm going down there today. That young man will not bother you anymore." He promised. Isla looked relieved, but Mia still looked shaken.

"Detective Morse, will he try to...?" she stopped.

Earl was pissed. After taking to Brett and learning how that officer treated this young woman he wanted his badge. "He is off this case, Mia. Don't worry about him." Mia shook herself and straighten her shoulders. What was wrong with her? She didn't count on others she took care of herself.

Oman saw the light in her eyes change and was intrigued. On one hand she was as tough as nails, all business, bold, yet last night alone with him, she was soft, sweet, and docile. It did not matter because she was his.

He had to let her know but wasn't quite sure how. He'd call Marcus. Marcus and Ja'Mal had way more experience in getting a woman's attention than he did. Besides they were wolves, if anyone knew how to claim a female, those two did.


Isla noticed the time and told Mia. They had an early class and needed to get back to the university. Both women still wore the bruises from their attack and Oman was hesitant about them returning. He stood as did Brett. Mia asked them to take them back. Brett drove, but Oman went along. Once they arrived at the college. They needed things from the apartment. The apartment was cleared, but Russell had left everything in disarray.

Oman told his sister, he'd hire someone to clean. She and Mia retrieved their material and went to class. Brett and Oman stayed at the apartment. When their class ended, Mia went home. She was furious. He had no right. Isla joined her because she knew Mia would blame herself. As they returned home, Oman bad Brett were still there supervising a cleaning crew Oman had called in.

"Do you have any more classes?" Brett asked Isla.

She was done, but Mia had an economics class. The three walked her to her building. Oman stayed by her side, and she realized she liked having him there. She went to class wearing a small smile. Isla sat on a bench outside the building and waited. Brett sat beside her.

Oman watched the door to that classroom. As soon as Mia came out, they were returning to the Graves home for the night. Neither girl was staying in that apartment.

Soon the class ended and Mia exited talking with another student. Oman was annoyed. He didn't like the guy. He had no idea who he was, but Mia smiled at him. She looked over and saw all three of them waiting. Her friend walked with her and Isla greeted him immediately. It was Brett's turn to be annoyed, but he had no rights to be. Neither did Oman, but one could not control their feelings.

"Hey, Isla, when are you going to go out with me? Mia here has lost out on a good thing." He teased.

Isla laughed, "I don't date children. It's against the law."

"Hey, I'll be nineteen in a month. You can take me to Lava World." He teased. "You know what both of you can take me. I can be the young guy with the hot older women. That way my Mom can stop worrying."

Mia laughed. "You are so lucky. I don't think I've ever been a teenager."

Isla chimed in. "Mia, we just had responsibilities. Unlike, Caco, he has free time."

Caco looked sheepish until Brett cleared is throat. The girls looked at him and wondered what his issue was. He didn't have to wait for her friend Oman was there. Oman moved beside Isla and Mia sending the message.Now was not the time to joke around. Turning serious, Caco spoke once more. "Isla, everyone heard about Russell. They are having a sit in to protest the lack of security here on campus. Why don't the two of you stop by?" he asked.

Isla started to reply when Brett spoke. "No, they won't be attending that meeting. Something should have been done before this happened. You can tell them about it the next time you see them." Facing Mia and Isla, Brett announced. "Ladies, this way." Oman was ready to go also. Isla was furious. It was one thing for her brother to get all overprotective, but Brett was way out of line.

She smiled at her friend, much to Brett's annoyance and said, she'd call. Mia, smiled at the male to and hugged him. Oman stiffened. He did not like it one bit and when he got her back to the Grave's home, he would make sure Mia understood that she was not to flirt with any other males.

Then he remembered, he couldn't demand that. They were not together. Just because he decided he wanted her, she might not want him. On the drive back to the Grave's home, Mia and Isla talked. They would stay a few more nights, but Saturday they would return and clean their apartment. Oman knew the Graves were gracious and kind host, but like his sister he did not want to overstay his welcome. That night as they arrived, he thanked the Graves and told them that he would help his sister and her friend restore their apartment. He would then stay with them for the duration of his stay and make sure they were no longer in danger.

Earl and Brett protested immediately. None of them had to go back to the apartment right away. As a matter of fact, Earl and Brea talked and had decided that they wanted both Mia and Isla to finish their senior year from their home.

Mia and Isla shared a look. "No, Mr. Graves, Mrs. Graves, I appreciate it, but I have work and you are not responsible for me. I truly appreciate your kindness, but this weekend, I need to move back home." Mia answered softly.

Isla spoke, "I agree with Mia. We really appreciate you for taking care of us, but we need to go back to our lives."She faced her brother. "You have responsibilities at home. You can help us clean and move back, but you must go home."

Oman huffed, and looked at Mia. She still wore bruises from where the guy struck her. Her beautiful face marred with a bruise caused by that asshole. His sister still wore bruises as well. He started to protest when Brea spoke.

"OK, but you are still staying here a few more nights, right?" she asked. Both girls nodded. Bria was relieved. She understood. They were independent women, and relied mostly on themselves. These last few days showed that the two girls were closer to each other than they let on.


"Earl, Brett, and Oman, I forgot that Em called earlier. Snake is remodeling the nursery for her and needs help. She asked can you guys come over and help him." She explained.

Earl frowned at his wife. She knew he did not build things so he was instantly suspicious. "Girls, go to your rooms and rest. I'll make dinner." The men left and the girls went to their rooms. Soon they joined Brea in the kitchen and helped her prepare the meal. When the men returned, Brea hid a smile as the younger men checked in the girls.

Mia glared at Oman as he tried to make sure she was alright. Poor Brett was faring no better. Soon, Andrew and Cici walked in. He saw the way Oman watched the lovely Mia. Oman was gone and if that girl thought he was going away, she was mistaken. He also noticed that his baby brother, Brett, had clear designs on the only other young woman in the room. Andrew said nothing and Cici poked him in the ribs. Ian and Kevin ran in greeting their grandparents. Soon, dinner was served. Bria called Kim and invited her, but she was simply having a sandwich at home. Peter was working again. Bria hang up but she was worried about Kim. She never wanted to come around unless she was with Peter. Something was wrong. Everyone talked except Mia. She was silent, but smiling. She laughed at the antics if the brothers as they teased each other.

Soon dinner ended, and both girls volunteered to clean. Surprisingly, Brett offered to help, as did Oman. Brea and Earl left the four adults alone. The four finished cleaning. Brett smiled at Isla and asked that she take a walk with him. He wanted to get some fresh air. She looked at Mia, who whispered, "Go on." Brett and Isla left, and Oman smiled.

"Mia, you are the most beautiful woman..." Mia paused. Oman stopped. Mia faced him. "Don't. I am not. My faced is black and blue. My eyes are too dark. I am not pretty."

"You are wrong. You are the most amazingly, beautiful woman I have ever seen." He insisted.

"What do you want Oman? You want sex. Is that it?" she walked away from him. "I may not be the smartest girl. But I won't be lied to and used. You don't like me. You are just grateful to me for stopping Russell. Look, I'm not like Isla. I've done things... I've been places..." She exhaled and looked at him. Her heart pounded. He was so handsome, so strong. If she were anyone else, she would go after him. But a guy like Oman deserves a wife, not some girl that was a nobody.

Oman took a deep breath. He did not give a damn about her past. She was all he ever dreamed of. Oman crossed his arms. He waited. He often watched grandfather when he would talk to tribe members. He could see that she was ashamed of her past. From her words, he knew her past was not pretty, but he was not concerned with her past. Mia realized he was not talking, and she looked at him. He seemed to see right through her. Mia frowned. She was becoming agitated.

Oman smiled, and stepped away from her. "You are right about some things and wrong about others. I am grateful to you for helping Isla. But, Mia, Isla has nothing to do with what I feel for you. You're scared, and I can understand that. I want you to know that I really like you and I will not let you push me away."

Mia was startled. She liked Oman, but she wasn't right for him. "Look, I'm not a little girl that needs to be rescued. I'm grown woman and no one will dictate to me what they expect me to do. Now, Oman, Isla is a really good friend. I don't want to cause a rift between us, so for the sake of our friendship. I ask that you back off."

Oman was stunned. "How does your friendship with Isla affect us?" he asked.

Mia looked him in the eye. "If we try it and it doesn't work, she'll end up choosing sides. She'll never choose me, and I am not willing to risk my friendship." Mia stood to leave the room. Oman stepped aside and let her pass. She had a point. He never thought about Isla's reaction if he were to get involved with her roommate. Chief Joe had to meet her, and she was of a different tribe, He could refuse. Oman, sat at the table, contemplating when Earl walked in.


"Aaahhh, she got to you, huh? Bria did the same to me. She gave me all of the reason we wouldn't work and she was right. But it didn't matter, from the moment I kissed her the first time, my heart was hers. She put up a valiant fight. She even tried to set me up with other women. But in the end, I knew she was it for me."

Oman nodded, "Mr. Graves, I want her to come to my home. She needs to meet the tribe and chief Joe. Maybe, she'll realize that we can be together."

Earl nodded. "Son, she has been on her own for a long time. She does not trust easily and when she does, she fears losing that friendship. I heard what she said. I wasn't planning on eavesdropping, but her friendship with Isla is extremely important to her. It seems to be too important for her to risk losing. Be patient. She is interested. I saw her watching you all through dinner." Earl chuckled as Oman sat a bit straighter.

"Really, she was watching me?" he asked. Earl laughed and bid him a good night. Mia was in her room, on bed, thinking about Oman. If things were different, maybe, but she could not risk losing her friendship with Isla. So Oman would stay a fantasy and she'd finish her degree and become a social worker. Oman went to his room. He stopped by her door, willing it to open. Mia saw his shadow and knew he was just outside. Carefully, she moved to the door wanting to apologize if she hurt him in some way.

She opened the door and they stared at each other. Oman gripped her nape of her neck and pulled her close. Covering her lips with his, he kissed her stealing her breath. Fireworks were the only worlds that can describe how her body ignited at his touch. Instinctively, she moved, wrapping herself tightly around him, not willing to part. Oman lifted her and cried her into her bedroom where he transitioned them to her bed. Lying across her covering her body with his as he continued to taste her succulent skin. Someone moaned, Mia was not sure if it was her or him, but the fire he started in her burned hot. Soon he nibbled her neck, and she gently pushed him away.

"Tell me, why we don't belong together again, Mia?" he asked.

She was at a loss for words. No man affected her the way Oman Storm did. No man had ever made her long for more. She was speechless, so he smiled and kissed her once more. Ashe stood, she tightened her grip. Oman chuckled, "Mia White, I am officially letting you know I am interested in you. Think about it, ok." he whispered.

Then he stood held her a few moments more and went to his room. Mia was dazed. Soon Isla returned and she was annoyed as well. Mia shook herself and asked her friend what was wrong. Isla said it was nothing, but Isla suspected something happened with Brett. She did not press and that was when Isla noticed that Mia was different. "Mia, what?' she started to ask.

Mia quickly changed to topic, and Isla knew she was hiding something. "Wait, Mia, are you okay? " she queried. Mia blushed and Isla smiled. She suspected her brother liked her roommate and she was certain that something had occurred between them.

However, as happy as she was for them, she had her own issues. Issues in the form a gorgeous Anglo-Saxon male with wheat-colored hair and the most intriguing green eyes she'd ever seen. Brett Graves was as sexy as sin in her eyes. But she wasn't the type of girl to have casual affairs. Since the attack, he seemed to be overly protective of her. Tonight as they walked, Brett put his arm around her. She did not push him away. They strolled though the quiet neighborhood. A few dogs barked and the met a few people out for a stroll. Brett proudly introduced her to his neighbors.


Soon, they returned to his parents' home. She was surprised to learn that he actually had his own home in a nearby town, but stayed with his parents when work was demanding and traveling was a nuisance.

He asked her about her plans when she graduated in a few months. She told him, she was going into a doctorial program but she had been offered two positions in the inner city. Brett didn't respond, but she could tell from his body language that he didn't like the idea of her going into the inner city.