A Love Story: Mia and Oman


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"You know, if you must work my father handles a lot of cases involving child welfare. If we had a licensed social worker on staff, to advise clients, that would make our firm more lucrative." He explained.

"Are you offering me a job?' Isla asked.

"Well, I have to run the idea by dad and the board, but if they agree, will you consider it?" he asked.

Isla sighed. She wouldn't refuse, but she could not accept his offer either. "I'll tell you what. If you ask your dad and he agrees, I want you to interview more than one person. Mia is a social work major also, and she'd be a great asset to a company like yours. I think others deserve a chance. So if your father and board create the position, I will apply, but so will Mia and others that might be interested." she explained.

Brett smiled, "OK, but I want you to know, you are the only one I am considering for the post. I want you here with me."

"Look, Brett, I really appreciate your kindness, but you don't have to look out for me. I can take care of myself." Isla stated.

"Isla, hush." He pulled her close. "Let me take care of you for once." He kissed her.

Isla's lips still tingled from Brett's kiss. She really liked him and hoped she was not someone he was just curious about. She wanted to be the one he truly wanted. Isla went to bed as Brett tried to go to his room. Brea stopped him and asked him to join her. He knew he would get a lecture, so he pulled out his sweet boy charms to placate his Mom.

"I like her, son. I like her because she is a wonderful person. Do me one favor, don't mess this up. I want more grandbabies." Bria teased. Brett smiled and hugged his Mom.

"Mom, she's more stubborn that she looks. I might have to trick her into marrying me to get her to stay. Or maybe, I can blackmail her like Dad did." He teased.

Bria laughed and swatted her youngest son. "Earl should stop telling that story. He did not blackmail me. I was going to say yes anyway." She claimed.

Brett laughed, "Of course Mom." He hugged her and whispered. "Good night, rest OK." Bria nodded and rinsed the cup she used to drink from. Brett walked with her to his room and he lay down.


Oman did not sleep, He had a vision. In this vision there were two wolves, running wild and free. The land was rich and vibrant. In the game of chase, the female outmaneuvered her companion, but with sheer brute and speed, the male captured her. She submitted to his dominance and the vision changed. He saw an eagle, soaring, wild and free. He watched as the majestic bird flew clear across the sky. The bird came to him and landed. It was huge, and he looked deep into his eyes and saw the eyes of grandfather staring back.

Oman, you have shown me the one thing I have never seen. The fates have given you your life mate. She is perfect for you. Love her son, treasure her. She is skittish, so take your time. When you were younger, you once asked can a human find his mate like the wolves. Well, son I can honestly say yes. Mia is yours. The eagle then turned and flew away. "Grandfather!" Oman gasped as he returned from his trance. He was excited. He wanted to jump up and yell, but she needed time.

He would give her space, but in the end they would be together. They would have a family. Mia White would one day become Mrs. Oman Storm. He would do everything in his power to make that happen. Soon, his body was tired and he needed rest.

Keamon sat in the spirit realm with the shaman of old. He knew he was not supposed to interfere, but did anyway.

Old ones watched him and finally spoke. "Keamon, we understand why you contacted your grandson. But you can never do so directly again. You can send him visions, but your time has passed old one. Now we must watch and not interfere." Keamon nodded, for he understood. However, his grandchildren would be happy now. For that he was eternally grateful.

Isla slept peacefully, but Mia did not. All night, she remembered the kisses she and Oman shared. Damn that man can kiss! she thought. Giving up on sleep, Mia got up and showered at five something in the morning. The house was quiet, and she didn't want to disturb the others. Quietly, she went to the den to watch television. She lay back on the sofa and was watching a morning news show when Oman joined her. Her heart raced. She looked at him. No man should look that good so darn early. Plopping down beside her, Oman greeted her and they watched the morning reports together. Eventually, Bria and Earl came down and they were not surprised to see the young couple together.

They spoke, and Bria started breakfast. Mia volunteered to help, leaving Earl and Oman alone. Earl looked at his young friend with a sly grin. "What?" Oman asked.

"Nothing, I expect an invitation to the ceremony." Earl teased.

Oman laughed. "You got it, but let me win her over first." He added.


Meanwhile, Mia helped Bria and was silent as usual. Bria liked this girl. She kept so much of herself hidden. "You know Mia, what you did for Isla was so very brave. She is blessed with having a friend like you."

Mia looked at her hostess."It was my fault. If I had never gone out with him, he would not have been able to get to her." She whispered.

Bria stopped."So, you can control the actions of others?"

"No ma'am, that's not what I meant. I thought Russell was a nice guy. When we went out, I introduced him to Isla. He made her uncomfortable, but she was always polite. On our date, he kept asking about her, so I ended the date early and took a cab home. Isla asked what happened and I told her that he made me feel uncomfortable." Mia exhaled.

"We still took classes together but he wouldn't acknowledge me anymore. I didn't know he watched her. I just felt something was wrong and rushed home. He..." she closed her eyes, and Brea took her hand.

"Mia, what he did was not your fault." Bria reassured her.

"Isla is my friend. I should have known... I should have come home first." Mia insisted.

Bria sighed. She hugged her. Mia stiffened. She wasn't used to people touching her or crowding her space. Isla hugged her rarely, but she talked with her and her friend knew to keep her distance. Mrs. Graves did not care about her qualms. She was not too concerned about her need or space or the fact that she did not like being touched. She hugged her anyway. Mia had no choice but to return her embrace.

Bria held on to her until she relaxed. She could feel the tension she carried. She knew she was apprehensive about getting close to people. However, Bria was determined to show this shy, lonely woman true affection and caring. She hugged her and did not let go.

Mia relaxed, and soon she held onto the petite older lady, unaware that tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She remembered the last time someone held her so close, so protectively. That was the night she lost both of her parents. Her sister, Kiana, was the last person to ever hold her like this. They were home when three men burst in. Kiana grabbed her and they hid under the trailer that was there home. She held her close, hiding her face to prevent her from witnessing the violence that ensued. She whispered to her, Mia, quiet. They will find us, be quiet little one. That night changed both of their lives. Kiana made her stay hidden and she ran inside and grabbed what food she could. There was no money, and they needed to be gone before the police came.

That night, her sister took her and they ran. They were runaways until the police caught her sister shoplifting and she was placed in a home. Her sister had to choose, jail or the military. She joined the air force. Mia was ten when her sister had to leave, but she made sure Mia had everything she needed. Each month, she paid for her care and tried to keep check on her. This ended five years ago when she vanished.

No one called. The letters and the monies stopped. Mia was worried so she called the local office, and was told they'd get back to her. She learned her sister's team was ambushed and there were no survivors.

"Sweetheart, listen to me; you are not alone anymore. Me, my family, all of us are here for you from now on, alright." Bria whispered. Mia held her tighter. Earl and Oman entered, and both were silent as the two women embraced. Oman was instantly concerned, but Earl signaled to him to stay calm. Quietly, the two men exited, leaving the women alone.

Mia shook herself and laughed. "I'm being a baby. Sorry Mrs. Graves, I am not usually this weepy. I don't know what's going on with me."

Brea smiled, "Its ok. You're a girl. It's your right to be emotional." They laughed as Isla entered.

"Hey, Mia, are you alright?" Isla asked concerned about her friend.

"I will be, Mrs. Graves is the best." She whispered in admiration. Isla agreed. Soon the men came in demanding breakfast. Brett spoke but watched Isla silently. Oman did the same to Mia. It was Friday and the girls did not have class, but they needed to shop and replace things in the apartment. Isla and Mia decided t go to the apartment to take inventory. They did not have to clean, for Oman and Brett hired a cleaning crew. However they did need to replace the items that were broken in the struggle with Russell.


Oman was worried that his sister would be apprehensive about returning to the apartment, but she was not. Besides, Grandfather raised them to be resilient. She knew what happened was not a common occurrence. Brett had to report to the office and Oman accompanied the girls. They arrived at their apartment, and the supervisor met them. She expressed her concerns and apologized for failing to protect them somehow.

Isla assured her that she was not to blame. Russell fooled a lot of people. They went in and wrote out a quick inventory list. Isla and Mia chatted as Isla noticed that her brother was awkwardly silent. He drove them to the store when she and Mia split up in search if their needed items. Oman was torn. He wanted them to stay together. He could not watch out for them if they were apart. He told the women, there was no hurry, so they could search for things together and that way they could make changes if necessary to any given items. Mia agreed. Oman was happy. He got to spend time with his sister and the girl of his dreams.

Soon they found the items they needed and headed back to the apartment. As Oman drove them, Mia stated that they could go on and stay at the apartment tonight. The Graves had put up with them for four nights, and it was time they went home. Isla agreed, and Oman did not like it. As soon as he got a chance, he called Brett. Brett agreed with Oman, one more night in the Graves home would not hurt the girls, besides Brett was in the process of having Andrew assign a team to monitor them and make sure this did not happen again.

Brett called Snake. Snake was three steps ahead of them. He had already assigned a detail to their apartment. He also had both women investigated and learned quite a bit. Isla's background he was familiar with, but Mia's intrigued him. He was aware of the attack in Ubay years earlier. Although the air force reported to the families that there were no survivors, he was aware that some officials were still in negotiations with the insurgents. If no one survived, then why were they negotiating. Snake suspected several of that team was imprisoned. When both he and Andrew were in the military, they were Special Ops. He was a part of an elite squad that was assigned to rescuing soldiers that were captured.

He called his former commander at the pentagon, and learned that they were still watching the Ubaynians. As far as they could tell the prisoners were being held but treated humanely. He asked if he knew who was being held. The commander told him there names. Snake smiled. She was alive. Mia's sister was alive and come hell or high water, he was going to get her out of that place and back home.

Oman drove Isla and Mia back to their small apartment with their purchases. A cleaning crew had cleaned and they simply added a few personal touches. Oman had been here almost a week, and Isla could tell he was worried about what was happening at the reservation. As they were replacing blinds in dining room, his phone rang. Oman stepped out and took the call. Mia watched him and said nothing. This did not go unnoticed by Isla.

Oman returned and looked a bit worried. "Oman, what is it? What's wrong?" Isla asked.

"Chief Joe was hospitalized last night. Sunnet and Jacob are with him. That was Marcus. He wanted to keep me posted." He explained.

"You must go home. They need you there. You are the second in command next to chief Joe. I am fine. I will call every night if you need me to, but you must go home and care for our people." Isla insisted. Mia waited, her heart pounding. He needed to go home, for now at least. As much as she wanted him to stay, she knew he had to go. Oman Looked at her, and her heart beat faster. Isla was not slow and she saw that the two needed a moment alone.

"Mia, I don't want to leave you. But, my tribe..." he hesitated.

Mia sighed, "You don't owe me an explanation. Go, take care of your family. I'm fine. I want to say thank you for just being my friend." She smiled. "I almost wish..." He kissed her once more, not willing to let her say the words that would resurrect a wall between them.

"Mia, come visit me at my home. I do need to go back, but I don't like the idea of leaving you or my sister here alone. I also don't like the fact that you're thinking we can pretend that we don't have something happening between us." He exhaled. Mia started to speak when he kissed her once more. She held him tightly. He sighed, knowing that as much as he hated having to leave, she did not want him to go.

Isla listened from her bedroom and smiled. Oman and Mia, perfectshe sighed.

She came out of her room, as her brother released her best friend from his embrace. The two were silently, focusing only on each other. "Oman, let's go get some lunch, and then you need to head back. We will be fine, OK." She assured her brother.

Oman smiled, and hugged his sister. Her bruises were healed. As were Mia's. They seemed fine and he would ask the Graves to watch out for them any way. He was certain Brett would keep an eye on both women. "Well, ladies, lunch is on me today."

The three left, as his phone rang once more. He answered. Isla and Mia waited. He hang up and smiled at both women. "Sunnet says he has an angina. He'll be fine. She knew I was worried, but I'm still heading home. Isla, can you two come down next weekend? I'm sure, Brett will drive you. If not, I can come get you." He suggested, watching Mia carefully.

Isla smiled and answered, "Yes, we'll come. Now you promised us lunch and I want something delicious. Ever been to the Hastee Tastee?" she asked. Oman smiled. He'd heard of it, but had never been. So the small group traveled to the infamous diner.

The three ate lunch and soon were finished. Oman called Mr. and Mrs. Graves and explained that he was leaving today because Chief Joe had become ill. Earl and Brea were concerned immediately. Brett called and asked if he wanted him to stay at the apartment for a few days. Oman smiled."Brett, Isla would skin me alive, but if you can keep check on them, I'd appreciate it.

The three finished lunch and Oman was heading home. Mia was quiet. He looked at her and a part of him wished he could wrap her in cotton-wool and take her with him. "Mia, I'll call every night, OK." He whispered.

She smiled, and then realized Isla was watching. Donning a fake facade of cool reserve, she replied. "You can do whatever you like Oman. I'm sure your sister will love to hear from you." Her cool response angered him. He knew she felt something for him. If she had not, she never would have responded to him as she had done.

"Mia White, I will call you every night. If my sister is around, I'll say hello but remember this. I am interested in getting to know you, and this cold façade won't dissuade me." He whispered. She gasped.

Isla watched and hid her smile. Her brother was a quiet man. He never asked for much, but he seemed to have developed feelings for her friend, and she knew he would win her over.

Oman stroked her cheek and kissed her softly, before he kissed her forehead. Then he climbed into his car and headed home, smiling as he left a dazed Mia in his wake.

"Mia, come on, we report to La' Bullia in an hour." Isla reminded her. Mia sighed. It was about time they went back to work. She was glad that they went back to their first job together. Now it seemed that things were finally returning to normal. The only thing was that she found herself missing Oman. He'd only been gone five minutes. Mia shook herself mentally and decided that this was temporary; Oman Storm was not really interested in her. She was just a distraction for him.


Oman drove home. He hated leaving his sister and Mia. Brett agreed to look out for them and he was grateful. But it did not negate the fact that he wanted Mia with him, now. Isla said they'd visit home so for now he'd wait. He drove steadily, and after a few hours, he was home.

Oman reported to the hospital to visit Chief Joe. Chief Joe was fine and asked about Isla. Oman explained what happened and Chief Joe wanted Isla to come home. Oman explained that she was coming next weekend. As they talked, Marcus and Ja'Mal walked in. Pastor Henry stopped by. Oman was amazed at how many people loved their old chief. Their community was unique, special. That was a good thing.

Oman left the chief's room and Marcus stopped him. He could tell something was different about the young man. He swore to Keamon that he'd watch out for his grandchildren and he was determined to keep his word.

"Oman, stop. How is Isla? I know you only came home because I called, but the Chief will be fine. DO you need to go back." He queried. If he hinted that Isla was not safe, Marcus was going with him and someone from the pack would be assigned to stay with her.

"She was hurt pretty badly, but she will recover. Mr. Graves and his family are looking out for them Andrew has even assigned guard to monitor their building from now on. Security is tighter there than at Fort Knox." He smiled. Marcus frowned.

"Um, Marcus, can I ask you something personal?" Oman queried.

"Sure, what?" Marcus waited.

"How did you know Patricia was the one?" Oman asked and Marcus smiled.

"I knew decades ago but I feared she would not want me. I am different. But a few years ago, I knew I could not live without her. She permeated my thoughts. After the company picnic, it was pointless to deny her. I'm glad I stop resisting." Marcus sighed, a faraway look in his eye as he thought about his mate.

Oman was quiet. He too seemed to be in a daze. "What's her name?" Marcus asked.

"Mia, Mia White. She's Cherokee." Oman answered.

Marcus smiled, he didn't care if she was a stump, she gave Oman back his smile.

Marcus nodded, "Will we meet her sometime soon?" He asked.

"I hope so. Isla is coming home next Friday for a visit. I asked Mia to come with her. Marcus, she is amazing. She fought the guy. He got away, but she protected Isla until help came. I met her three years ago when Isla moved into the apartment and acquired a roommate. She was so ill-tempered and mean. But after spending time with her this week, I found out she was pretending. I didn't want to come back, not because of Isla, but because of Mia. Can a human find his mate like a wolf?" Oman asked.

Marcus paused. He remembered asking his father that same question when Keamon married. He was so happy for his friend, but even then he had eyes only for Patricia. He decided to answer Oman the same way Jermiyo answered him. "I believe everyone has a second half, human and nonhuman. I like to believe that the fates choose the best person for us but in the end our actions determine the outcome.