All Comments on 'A Marriage in Turmoil Ch. 01'

by DG Hear

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sherlock40sherlock40over 18 years ago
Let's summerize;

She brings up his old affair during every serious argument, she lost a lot of weight and is reveling in her new body, she is going out on a ladies night (bet all her friends are single) and dancing with all the younger men. Will she fuck around on him? Oh, hell yeah. She obviously remembers and is jealous that he had his indescretion all those years ago. She feels it is her right to be able to do this now. Will the marriage survive? In the real world; probably not, in a fantasy world, possibly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very nice setup!

The characters are nicely defined and the story could go any number of ways. Well written of course! I look forward to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good story so far

I cannot get separating for two months after only one brief discussion, and him not telling her if she has sex it is more than likely over as he is a one woman man not into sharing or has any fantasies about her with other men. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Looking forward to where you are going with this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Nice set

up for the story DG, where are you taking it from here?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
you need to take control of your marriage

you open the door by runnning away.she wants this why are you leaving home.go lose some at a gym and prepare for the worst.tell your childred there mother wants to play the field.get the pressure off the hubby and put on the one who wants to whore around.she marry to one man and want other men to fuck her,once she fucks someone else it all over with.

noone269noone269over 18 years ago
Interesting so far...

although I don't have high hopes for the marriage. Yeah he cheated on her, but at some point a spouse has to decide whether or not they forgive their partner, and not keep bringing up the affair whenever they have an argument. That Nancy kept throwing it in his face for so long tells me that she really never forgave him, and now she uses it as a weapon in arguments.

I do think you should have had a longer period of strife between them after she confessed to what had happened at the club. One conversation and they seperate is a bit of a stretch. Include more buildup to the split next time. Let them have a heated argument, period of indifference, maybe have him follow her again and watch her go just a little bit further, then have a major showdown with him telling her what he saw, and finally the ultimatum. That would have fleshed out the story more. This chapter was little too much bare bones, needed more meat.

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
Could lead anywhere

You have done an excellent job of ending this chapter on a cliffhanger.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
You just wait

Great start, but you know i'm an impatient bugger.


DeadWouldDeadWouldover 18 years ago
They are making postage stamps bigger

here in Australia.

I'll send some so you can fit a few more words into these postage stamp chapters.

No matter how good the overall story is I will be scoring 20 word chapters at 2.

As others keep saying, write the story and post the lot. How hard is that to do?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Nice start!

OK DG where are you taking us this time. Last time we went to Hell and back. by the way,it was an enjoyable read. I know better that to try to pre judge your characters. I'm usually wrong. I'll be here to the conclusion. AS for your readers. The story is good when you don't want to wait for the next chapter. That's the sign of a good writer. Just don't wait long to post between chapters.

A Fan!

DG HearDG Hearover 18 years agoAuthor
Note from DG Hear!

I know some readers don't like short postings. I like to build some suspense in the story. I want you to come back and read the next chapter and the chapter after that. I want to hear what you have to say and where you think the story is going. That's why I still leave the comments open. It's for all of us to enjoy. The readers like your comments more than my stories some time.

If you are a reader that likes single chapter stories then wait a couple of days before reading mine. I try to submit them so they are posted daily until complete. If it will be more then one chapter I always put ch.1 in the title.

Well thank you for reading chapter 1. This is a 3 chapter story, just so you know.

Thank you

DG Hear

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
have some confidence

Of course we love to have suspense in stories. But you don't build suspense by








stopping in the middle of a sentence. You build suspense with plot and character development. Are you saying that your stories would be a yawn if just told them? You have a following that believes you tell a good story. Just tell it. Requital was recently posted in a single post and it was very well received. Longhorn_07 did it with the story, not by breaking it up into agonizingly small bites.

If you think your stories aren't good, why post them? If you think they are, have the confidence to let us enjoy them in a single sitting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Nice Work And Reasoning

Does everyone reading this also read a book from cover to cover at one sitting? Of course not. Probably like me, you read when you can a chapter or so at a time. Author feel proud in their complaints which are really compliments that they can't get enough of you - well maybe.

As to the husbands reaction to what he saw and what he heard from her(several months of touching and wanting ?)- remember if an author makes the offense too grevious then does a reconciliation most of us booo at the non-reality of the non-substantiated romantic reunion (called a wimp out). Here he has done it perfectly - offense bad but not too severe - open door - many directions to take credibly including reunion - so far.

You rascal - you have listened and heard - then tactically smart enough to leave it open - good show and perception on the comments except we know you like them too eh. with High Regard

Kanga40Kanga40over 18 years ago
Dear anonymous

You ask us a question, then answer it yourself:

"Does everyone reading this also read a book from cover to cover at one sitting? Of course not."

While everyone may not read a book right through, I DO! If I can put a book down, it ain't worth the effort, is it? If I fall asleep, I don't count that putting it down, I need to attend to urgent RL matters, that is not putting it down either.

The HUGE difference between my practice, or even that of people who read books in several sittings is that WE DECIDE WHEN/WHERE we will stop. We can go past where the author (who is NOT omniscient in all matters regarding reading) puts his chapter points or stop part way through a paragraph if that is our comfort point.

With these 200 word chapters we have no choice.

Authors should give their readers th echoice, not make it for them.

Post the whole story and let the reader decide whether they want to wander off every three or four words to do something else, or if they would rather read right through.

"I want to see where you think the story is heading", with "so I can laugh at you all when you guess wrong" added under the breath, must be one of the more ridiculous reasons I've seen yet for publishing a story in nano chapters.

This may or may not be a good story overall, but I get so annoyed with 4 minute bursts, in the end I couldn't care less.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
NO... No! I can't watch

This guy is setting his wife up to fail. Even after his own infidelity he's walking away from her when she needs him the most. "I would die for that woman" .... yeah right. Somebody needs to shake this idiot until his teeth rattle.

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Intriguing--And Only Natural

Very common sensed story, which could quite easily be true. I am looking forward to future chapters on this one, and it will be interesting to see if any pregnancies are developed by you or taken on by Nancy....even half nigger ones that involve a "big cock."

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Agree with Kanga40 again

Also agree that "have some confidence" is right in that the author isnt even creating suspense by ending his chapters where he does.

DG Hear - I do like some of your stories but the short chapters drive me batty (not in a good way either). Unless there is a logical reason for breaking up a story (some stories do make sense to post in multiple parts but most of yours dont imo), please just post the whole thing at once and quit worrying about the numbers of views you get or number of stories you have posted. Your stories and your choice but I really do think your stories would be better without the micro-chapters.

GoodWifeyGoodWifeyover 18 years ago
HE is setting her up to fail?

HE is?

You gotta be joking. This guy has got it completely right.

She has never truly forgiven him for screwing around early in the marriage, and this is shown by....

"She always ended the arguments by throwing the affair up at me even though it was years and years earlier. I guess even though she said she forgave me deep down the negative feelings were still there."

Boy is he right about that.

Then he tells her how it is...

"Stop right there, Nancy. You have thrown that affair up to me for the last 15 years. You are not going to use it against me now to have an affair. Is that what you want, Nancy? My permission to cheat on me, to cuckold me, to make a wimp of me?........ Two months, Nancy, two months to decide if you want your freedom and new found sex libido or if you want to stay married to me. I have no idea what you are going to do but if you decide to be a fuck slut for anyone I'll apply for a divorce immediately. This two months is for you to decide what you really want, not to see how many affairs you can get in. I will just take it 'A day at a time' and suggest you do the same."

She has the kids. If she can organise to get out and see some guy, leaving the kids with a sitter, why would the husband want to even see her again? She is a big girl and now she has to make her own decision. If he stays home and tries to convince her, he will never know what she really would have decided, and she can always blame him later - same as she's thrown his affair at him for 15 years - for not letting her make her own decision.

No - he is doing the right thing - he repented and did right by her for about 15 years - now she has to decide between him and some strange cock. She is under no illusion about what he thinks so she can make a clear decision.

Hey shit, I better stop, this is longer than the chapter it is about!

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
You have at least one

one in your corner, great start. At first I thought the leaving was a little abrupt and premature, but after some reflection, not so. He followed her and witnessed her desire for another man, she confessed to that desire. She also confessed to two months of the same. The husband is correct in his action. He is saying to her, if this is what you want, then go for it, but you go it alone. See how you like the life of a divorced woman, single parent, and one wage earner family. He not only is forcing her into an advanced preview of what her life will be like, at the same time, he’s making a statement. There’s no way that he’s going to just sit by and watch the kids and take care of business as normal while she goes out and gets her jollies. Now she will have to worry what he is doing at the apartment. There is one other thing that happened that has dire consequences written all over it, the kiss. No one kisses a stranger, the touchy feely during the dance wasn’t much info, that could be passed off to drinking, but not the kiss, it said a lot. There appears to be much more familiarity between them than first meets the eye. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was seen by her or one of her friends at the dance hall, otherwise there might have been a whole lot more familiarity between them, and possibly no confession at home. Of course knowing your propensity for taking what looks like the normal on the outside with abnormal behavior behind the scenes, I wouldn’t presume to be presumptuous enough to have any idea where you’re headed with this story. I would bet though that I not only enjoy the ride but will like the end results as well.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 18 years ago
The guantlet has been thrown?

The ball is in her court. I'm just wondering how she decides what she prefers? Does she go dancing and fooling around to find out? Does she sit down and think about the situation every night? Go to a counselor? What does HE EXPECT her to do? Sit at home untill he returns? Yes, I can easily see where this action of his could blow up in his face. She could well decide to determine just how much she likes having other men massage her body and she could be lost to him.

I thought she was pretty much asking him for help. What do I know?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Too short

I understand the desire of the author to stop at critical points and have some suspense. That's fine. However, one must also factor in having parts that are so short that they're over before the reader can really get into it. That' bad. This part was only 3,000 words. That's not enough. Just as soon as the reader is getting familiar with the character and the plot, it ends. Personally, I think a good rule of thumb is, if the part is long enough to go to two Literotica pages, then probably it's something worthy to sink one's teeth into. If it's only one page, then it's too short to stand alone as a part, no matter how great the cliffhanger. That's why people get mad at you for posting these multiparters, because these one page parts are just too short.

RandallRRandallRover 18 years ago
Love it DG!........and love where it's going!

I think you're a twisted bugger, so can sense you're possibly going to now tell this tale from the wife's perspective, some endearing prose about how she must emancipate herself after all these years of burdening herself with his infidelities. And very plausible it will be...NOT! I know of one real-life situation identical to this...she decided she needed 'her space' to go out on him, he stressed himself to a stroke over trying to reconcile with her. Now he's an invalid, she runs (& screws) around and o/s travels on the business income his previous years of work provides. Karma will befall her!

I also agree with GoodWifey, she put the plotline right into perspective, this guy is no pussy-whipped wimp cuckold to be...."either this way or the highway..Woman!"

I reckoned as good as it was "Requital" was a touch long in one hit. I don't really mind the short bursts, have a life to attend to between reads, bit of drinking here and there, other stuff...know what I mean. At times I just wait till all chapter posts on a story are up before starting. Don't stress over it! That your stories are so good that your readership have become so aggressive in demanding more bodes well for you DG.

Thanks you and I patiently await the next chapter in your good time. Cheers

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Active mind!

Because I have one, I don’t mind short chapters. There’s enough in this chapter to get my mind whirling to mull over the plot. Often I work it out and the other times I get it wrong...C’est la vie...such is life.

Like eating a toffee, if it’s two chews and a swallow then you miss most of the flavour.

Looking forward to chapter2


gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

what a great start more please... now lets see what she dose. One thing for sure she never forgave him for the other women and that may be her down fall now

Blue88Blue88over 18 years ago

I'm enjoying this. I like the suspenceful buildup and the tension. Looking forward to additional chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Run away! Run away!

Wow, hubby thinks she might cheat. Wife is thinking of many things, including hit monkey multiple partner sex.

So supportine loving hubby evacuates.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Trouble in Paradise


Looks like another hit, but you sure do dig holes for someone at the beginning of your stories, and I love it. Thank You. Ronnie W.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
the time to leave and let stupidity take over

the excuse the change of life and emotional problems have cause many divorces.she want her cake and eat it too.she is grown woman and she knows what she doing.let hubby find another woman and she will shit on him forever.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Sorry I'm not usually negative...

but the basic idea here is utter rubbish. The narrator has affairs and his wife forgives him. She on the other hand doesn't and he walks out. Come on! dual standards here! Keep it real. This story has got meso angry.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
So let me see

So when he was unfaihful (and he admits it wasn't one time, but many) it was because he was "immature." And now that she's having similar temptations it's because she's menopausal, but he'd get rid of her ass quickly if she did. Can anyone say double standard? I think they are perfect for each other, but I'm sure we will have her as the villain because it's okay when he does, but not when she does it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Good writing -poor plot

I always admire your writing DG, but this plot is pretty rediculous. What is his moving out for two months going to accomplish.If she is goingthrough mid-life crisis or whatever, his moving out is supposed to do what? I like your writing but your heros, for lack of a better word, always act like total dummies.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
jumped premise

my problem with this beginning besides it's over-simplification is that you imply quite obviously that the wife is looking to capture the experience of variety that hubby once enjoyed, but you then jump to an adultery paradigm which actually exacerbates the simplification of what might have been a more complex cautionary tale.You are a better writer than that.Take your time!Pistolpackinpete

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Love your work I've read most of it and will continue to do so.

This line made me laugh I'm afraid:}

She still feels like it was partly her fault. If she wouldn't have been such an idiot, it might not have happened.

Ya Thin?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Too Fast

The husband in this story moves way too fast in moving out. Counselling would have been the first option pursued if the character is anything like he was introduced as by the author. His ultra quick turn from questioning his wife to acusing her of all types of misbehaviour is mercurial and exacerbates rather than solves the problems.

Make no mistake, the immaturity of this asshole is what is driving this woman into other men's arms. I can feel very little sympathy for him because of it. DG, you swung and missed with this one!

FD45FD45about 13 years ago
I agree

It was abrupt.

count2threecount2threealmost 13 years ago
Sorry more than 2* is simply not there

Your whole Story moves WAY to fast. There are supposed to be feelings transmitted but honestly I didn't feel anything even once. It reads like a technical manual.

Lets hope the latter chapters get better.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 12 years ago
She will fuck around on him.

I don't know how it will end but he should man up and let her get laid, he got plenty in his time. I like to think that I would do that, not sure if I could.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 12 years ago
I offer two scenarios that I could go along with... (This is my second comment.)

In the first scenario she fucks around on him and about her third man just beats the crap out of her and he nurses her back to health and forgives her. They live happily ever after.

Second scenario: it becomes an open marriage and one or the other falls for someone else and they divorce. They live unhappily ever after.

DWornockDWornockover 12 years ago
I gave it 3***

The jerk of a husband, way over reacted. After all, she is just an 40 year old hide. So why should he give a hoot if a man kisses her or even fucks her. It is not like she a sexy 30 year old or younger.

TalonsreachTalonsreachover 12 years ago

You are unreal. Why don't you tell us all your real name and what date you turn 30 so we can all look for your obituary after you commit suicide to 'off' your 'old hide'. In fact, tell us when you turn 18 so we know to start the countdown.

Sorry, bud, but your 'old hide' comments are both inappropriate and not appreciated. The list is long of very beautiful women in their 40's, 50's, 60's or even older. Grow up.

MarvinSMarvinSover 12 years ago
How dumb can he be?

How dumb can he be? He walks out on her for two months as a solution to the problem. I think not. He needs to work on the marriage rather than run away. What a dumb coward!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
this is dumb

work on your problem ,moving out creates a bigger problem.2 months .

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdabout 12 years ago
I Agree That His Response Was ill-Conceived

But that's what makes the story interesting, isn't it?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

Will she screw around? Will this be revenge from fifteen years ago? We'll see...

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Where's the sex? Boring so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
talk don't run

Another hubbie running from the problem not talking and helping to solve the problem. Especially a knee jerk reaction to walk out within hours of hearing the problem.

Hopefully common sense and communication prevails.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loving it

A great start. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
ditto - from a male

I agree with the comment entitled "talk don't run". Separating from his wife when she has physical needs is ridiculous; he's asking for more trouble.

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago
@talk don't run

I agree.

If he leaves her to stew in her turmoil alone, you can bet she's going to weaken and look for some comfort elsewhere.

A better bet would be to take her away for a romantic weekend and screw her brains out!

Kerry312Kerry312almost 10 years ago

But his whining about her throwing his AFFAIR in his fack well then FUCK HIM

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
That's just stupid!

But of course this writer always has the husband cheat so the wife has an excuse to cheat. The writer has to be a Cunt. No man would write shit like this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
just a story

you write well and although i have doubts as to the wisdom of your characters; i did enjoy the far.

fifteen16fifteen16over 9 years ago
Doing Wrong

Unusually in this category we have a wife being open and honest about her desires to her husband, of course he does the wrong thing by moving out. He should be reassuring her of his love , giving her more attention and understanding, it's a natural thing to have desires for others even when you are in a good and loving marriage, if my wife thought I no longer fancied our neighbour or one of her friends she would rush me to see our Doctor as she would think I was ill. It's being open with your thoughts and not acting on them is what makes a marriage. When a man or woman says I have never looked at another I don't believe it because it is not the way of nature and to think you can only find one other person on this planet who you find sexually attractive, well it is just not so or maybe their libido is at zero in which case their other half is already getting their jollies elsewhere. Of course if everybody did the right thing in these stories well we would not have a story, being successful in life is all about the least number of mistakes we make on the way. Well written story and easy to follow..

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
Dump Her

Nancy replied, "I don't know Jim, I just don't know" as she was crying.

The fact that she didn't KNOW is reason enough to dump her!

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
He asked

she was honest

rather than cut and run, get help. counseling, join a support group, work together.

leaving, he has given tacit permission.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Dump her really? Double standard.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333almost 9 years ago
Loved it

five stars. Wonderful story line. My second time through.

dozendozenalmost 9 years ago
Interesting story *****

Grammatical note: "... between their mother and I." should be "... between their mother and me." It is a common error on this site and it annoys me every time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good start, but

If the question is "Well, Nancy, is that what you want? A chance to have your little flings and then come back home to me after your pussy gets satisfied?"

And the answer is "I don't know Jim, I just don't know"

You know everything you need to know.

skyink93skyink93almost 9 years ago
Fuck him

He cheated, he will never have a right to expect fidelity. Ever, he has already thrown it away!

The fucking twat.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 8 years ago
she lied

When she said she forgave him she lied.

She still throws it at him 15 years later.

She holds on to it as a get out of jail card for her to cheat.

Once you forgive someone you can no longer hold it against them.

Once you forgive someone you give up the right to revenge or balancing the scales.

She says she has forgiven him, but she has not.

Which makes saying it a lie.

Tootight1Tootight1over 8 years ago
loved the story

if for the only reason that it raises some interesting questions. married for 15, assume married at 20years old, that's about 35. he found the reason for being faithful, by the hurt it caused. I believe the reason she is having such a hard time is because she knows first hand the hurt cheating causes. I do believe he made a tactical error by leaving, not being there to show that he was still her rock to stand on, and depend on, or the value of a husband. at this point in the story, I believe he was an asshole. she is having a problem, stated right to him point blank, and what does he do, runs away, nice guy.

xtchrxtchralmost 8 years ago
Don't Believe In Separation!

I just don't believe in separations. Either stay and really try to work it out or divorce. You can't work on problems if you are not together. Can't wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
I agree with TooTight1

The wife told him about the problem she's having. Told him she didn't know what to do, but she had NOT cheated on him - yet. Told him the problem wasn't going away and it was driving her crazy. The goofy husband responds with threats and then abandons her. What a complete tool, this guy is a self-absorbed gonad of the first order.

If he can't recognize a cry for help when she spells it out for him, then he shouldn't be pretending to be a man, let alone a Husband and Dad. When you put that hat on, you have responsibilities, most importantly - protect your family. At this minute, Mom, his wife, badly needs help and he abandons her just to see what happens. He deserves to lose her, but I hope that's not the result because of the kids.

Take her to see a doctor and get her checked out. If everything's okay there then get her into therapy and see what's up with her head or their marriage. You do NOT threaten her and walk out. Loser.

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

you bet. I wont go to ch 2 or 3, because we are reading about stupid kids that should have never gotten married to begin with. Do they love each other I would say yes, but so stupid, so immature, it's heart breaking.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 7 years ago
Second time through

Like this story but I still don't understand why he left.

I would be very angry but would stay if she would work with me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

This is why married women shouldn't go to clubs. My wife doesn't, and I've known several women who did, and 100% of them got divorced.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Put women together in a "girls night out" and what do you get??? NOTHING BUT TROUBLE! I know!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Jim did nothing wrong

I don't understand why he left. Nancy should have the one who left. She was the one who was unsure and unhappy with her marriage. She was the one who implied Jim wasn't enough for her and she wanted to try other men. She also went waaaaaaaay over the line of what is acceptable for a married woman to do with another man.

In other words she told Jim he was enough for her. There is absolutely no reason for Jim to leave.

There is also absolutely no reason for Jim to be made into the bad guy for leaving. She told him she wasn't happy. So yeah, get out of his face and figure things out. He shouldn't have to "win" her back for something out of his control when she is saying he isn't enough.

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

or pull the pin and wait for the fall out, TK U MLJ LV NV

ilimitadoilimitadoover 6 years ago
Marital Suicide

Your story so do as you wish with it. Fiction I know.

BUT I think you just painted the dumb shit into a fucking corner! Only an idiot would gave a woman that kind of ultimatum. In the real world I'd guess he just shot his balls off, and probably committed marital suicide! 3* (Some of your stuff is good. Not this.)

timrivtimrivabout 6 years ago

Seems all the guys in DG Hears stories are all cut from the same cloth. It is OK for them to cheat or have sex with al sorts of girls before they get married but the wife can’t. Seems the guys are all afraid of losing their wives to another guy or being seen as a wimp or cuckold. The wife, it seems, has become hubby’s property and he tells her what she can and can’t do, these guys belong in Saudi Arabia. I have a Morman brother in law who acts just like that and it drives my wife, her sister, crazy. He bugs the hell out of me too. I never told my wife what to wear, what to think or what to do. I told her no matter what she does I would always defer to her on how she lives her life. I trust her to not hurt me a vice versa. We spend a lot of time apart due to business traveling but we have been happily married for 35 yrs. I have been faithful, if she hasn’t I never knew, so it hasn’t effected us. I doubt very much if she has been unfaithful, all I do know is that we are still in love and happy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good Story-telling

Interesting comments: They don't like your "hero" very much. You have to be a very good writer to get them so upset.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago






26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Good start for.the.story. Jim wasn't perfect, but he had been for fifteen years. Now she wants a hall pass. Just no way.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 5 years ago
Leaving is not the answer...

It is running away from the problem. At this time, more than ever, she needs support and guidance. He needs it too. Leaving her to her own devices is a mistake. This is the time in any marriage for open and frank communication. Men are too reluctant to talk about their problems, but now is the exact time that he should.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Agree not leave communication or lack of big cause of divorce

Not surface communication but deep and seek help if need

Hi honey I am home

How's your day Uh huh OK 5 minutes and done don't get it

He should not have gotten married as he did say

Marriage cleave on to each other as one

Most people don't or ignore

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Good start

I think I've read this before, but I don't remember it. It's off to a good start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Sounds like 2 months of permission for her to have affairs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

When nancy stayed with jim after he cheated, that does not give her a hall pass.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a stupid idea to give wife chance to cheap by moving out? But it is good for story drama. Nice suspense buildup.


secretsalsecretsalalmost 3 years ago

Guy is awfully self-righteous for someone who cheated multiple times in the past. Not saying he should go along with it, but at least handle it in a more reasonable manner instead of going straight to ultimatums and separation, considering how he used to be in the exact situation that she is now.

dgfergiedgfergieover 2 years ago

Hard decisions watching your wife with another guy, even if you were a cheater yourself and had reformed. Once you saw the error of your own ways I'm sure now he felt what his wife did when he cheated so enough of the recriminations for past deeds. It now sounds like she needs some analysis and counseling, splitting up for awhile doesn't work, been there done that and never got back together-end of story.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Making a mistake giving her two months.

MarkT63MarkT63over 2 years ago

He needs an immediate answer from her... Stay or Go??!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can't see how this can possibly be a good move. At best, it is inappropriate.

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 2 years ago

This is a great start to the story. Jim was in trouble when Nancy told him that she was going through a menopause phase and her mood swings were getting to her. This was a cry for help and he missed the signs. The fact that their sex life was almost zero was another warning sign. It is so important to maintain your couplehood when going through a marriage. I have been with the same woman for over 50 years and the reason we are still together is that we have maintained our couplehood and we communicate. We are also each other's best friend. I can see this marriage falling apart already

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 2 years ago

The fact that Nancy does not think dancing with another man, letting him touch her ass and her breast, and kissing another man is not cheating on Jim is wrong. She is already cheating on him. She just has not fucked another man yet. Jim should have taken her in to get analyzed for any medical problems and he should have started counseling with her. He also should have started taking her to night clubs and dance with her. He should have told her to stop going out on these nights with the girls as they were detrimental to their marriage. He should have done all of this and NOT left home now in her time of greatest need. Jim made a mistake here and he also gave Nancy the permission she needed to cheat on him. What a fool!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I agree with the commentators below.

In point of real fact Nancy was cheating and everyway but sexual intercourse And this was working for the fact that had been going on for several months and she hid it from him.

It was also a mistake for him not to go down to the dance floor to the front of his wife take her out of there and begin some serious discussions about how the marriage coming open that point on.

To his wife's credit she came completely clean which I have respected which which is not to say that I approved over behavior.

I don't believe moving out with a good idea and I would have possessed it on counseling.

If Nancy showed major signs of resistance or it wasn't working I think then I would have moved out and filed for divorce.

At that point her needs are no longer relevant and it becomes a point of personal survival and going on with your life revenge and suffering with her needs and feelings are as she is pretty much given up on caring about yours no matter what she says beyond that.

fredbrownfredbrownover 2 years ago

The dude's trying too hard to create problems for himself, he's going to get what he's working for!

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 2 years ago

He was too quick to react negatively. IMHO, counseling should have been the next step if he wanted to stay together. Moving out is the right direction if Divorce is in their future

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

How will be monitor the fat slut for two months?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nancy may play show & tell with some guy with their things below their belly-buttons...

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Nothing worthwhile here, I skimmed further along and it was about as flat as the brain waves of a MAGA member.

Did nothing for me on any level.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 2 years ago

She was cheating for the last few months, just not having intercourse. AND she cleaims she doesn't want it to stop. SEE YA.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Oh God, yet another husband living his marriage with a firm grip on the double standard. It was OK for him to fuck around (“Boys will be boys”) but when his wife starts having feelings about others, he immediately leaves and takes his moral righteous indignation with him. Sorry, buddy, you gave up the moral high ground years ago. You reap what you sow.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 2 years ago

Walking out when she is in turmoil doesn't make sense. Forcing her into seeing a therapist or doing together would make much more sense.

Sxualchocol8Sxualchocol8over 1 year ago

DG, really? Two words - "Double standards". Yes, they are older and have children, but he was a horned dog and she didn't leave. She plays, "touchy-feely" and he acts like she murdered someone. Is it right? No. But neither was he in the beginning. Should he bail? No - marriage counseling is there for a reason. *sigh* Off to read part 2...hope he pulls his head out...

Great as usual, DG. :)

LacastrianLacastrianabout 1 year ago

Why make a big text just to say you're a happy cuckold, timriv?

"I never told my wife what to wear, what to think or what to do. I told her no matter what she does I would always defer to her on how she lives her life. I trust her to not hurt me a vice versa. We spend a lot of time apart due to business traveling but we have been happily married for 35 yrs. I HAVE BEEN FAITHFUL, IF SHE HASN'T I NEVER KNEW, SO IT HASN'T AFFECTED US. I doubt very much if she has been unfaithful, all I do know is that we are still in love and happy".

LacastrianLacastrianabout 1 year ago

Temporary separation is the same thing as giving your wife time to have sex with other men.

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