All Comments on 'Book 01: A Match Made Ch. 03'

by AVixenLiterally

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idrubloodidrubloodover 10 years ago

Do I really need to say more than that?

Well I will say a very heartfelt thank you to you, AVL, for writing such engaging, dramatic and addictive stories. I've only just finished this chapter and I'm already itching for the next. Greedy, I know, but when you find an author of your caliber, well, it just can't be helped.

I think I have Vixen-itis, however I don't ever want to be cured. Its all too wonderful.

Thanks for sharing and do keep up the awesome writing.


MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago
Simply Amazing

I feel like I waited forever for this chapter to arrive but my goodness it was worth the wait. I'm not sure how you do it, but you manage to suck me in so that I have so many feelings for your characters that I feel I know them personally.

My heart broke and I needed several tissues to wipe my eyes so that I could continue to read when Lissy ended up having a panic attack. Then somehow you made it all ok, for now anyway. The humour is wonderful and helps lighten the mood. I love the conversations that Lissy has in her head as well as the ones that happen between the characters.

There is so much I feel I could write about that I fear it may turn into an essay so I'll stop here and go comment on your website.

Thank you, thank you so very much for sharing your stories with us. Hope the next chapter comes soon.

Wildcat2013Wildcat2013over 10 years ago
Roller Coaster

Wow Vixen as always it was an emotional roller coaster. I feel as if I have been through the ringer with these wonderful ladies. You bring them to life as if they were part of my life. It’s amazing how you can suck us in.

I love the fact that Lissy and Kara ran into Honey and Kim. Linking them back to the girls and the sorority was fabulous. I hope they get to make more of an appearance in the chapters to come. I loved Honey and Kim in Shades Destiny and was very happy to see them poke their heads into Lissy and Kara’s lives.

So much happened in this chapter… I am very curious to see how the session with Lissy, Kara and Bette goes. Lissy sharing that her rat bastard dead husband raped her in the shower almost every day was so emotionally brutal…

I so agree with idrublood… I have Vixenitis and have NO desire to be cured! Trying to patiently wait for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Shocked but hopeful

I didn't want to believe that my favorite two lovers could mess up like this. I know it's a story but it didn't seem like Kara would risk losing Lissy for a quick thrill. My skin crawled as I read it and then the tears came. They seem to be mostly over the ordeal but things like that are never forgotten. Oh Kara, how could you? Then after reading about Lissy being afraid to shower with her husband (heartbreakingly real) and now Kara also can't be trusted. My heart hurts. I do pray they will be okay but part of me wants to punch Kara in the face. I guess writers have to shake it up, but I would have been happy with a pure romance. There are not enough out there anymore and these two seem so very special. I'm tentatively awaiting the next chapter. -experienced (will this work?)

AheylowAheylowover 10 years ago
Lift Off!

Okay Vixen, we completely left the roaster coaster ride and went straight to orbit!! Woman what you do with words on a screen. (shaking my head) It shouldn't be legal but I'm soo glad that it is!

Talk about being shocked by Dr. Bette. That was some disclosure on her part. I was reading the story on my phone and dropped it. You should have seen me scurrying to pick it. I had to finish. It's not so much that I was surprised by 'it', as it was how that thing played out. Dr. Bette got game!

And then Kara, my sassy beautiful Kara, flipping out. I know it could happen to anybody but ... not her....not them... BUT you're still my Vixen, you helped them hold the pieces together. It was tough. I was so scared for them. But I knew they could make it through. Thank you! I remember saying after reading the first chapter, 'Even in the rough places Lissy and Kara are smooth' --- well they made bumpy calm down -- their love was clear and it guided them through.

The chapter was filled with so much but I'll limit my comments to that.

Vixen, you are one heck of a writer girl and I am glad I found you! I'm gonna bask in the afterglow of this chapter for a minute before I cry out for more. But you and I both know... my cry is coming because I so love ...'the more'. Thanks for today.

I am good and satisfied.


tygztygzover 10 years ago

I just can't believe that I get to read such quality lit for free - AVL, you need to publish this, we're talking Oscars when they make the movie!

MzFlyMzFlyover 10 years ago
Amazed & Wrecked

You have such a wonderful way of inviting us into the personal world & thoughts of these beautiful, complex individuals. Then allowing us the privilege of experiencing their emotional depths to the extent that we are carried along with them.

This chapter felt so honest, raw and human. I feel hopeful, saddened, hurt and yet well & truly loved, by the events that transpired in this story. Thank you Vixen, for sharing your amazing talents as a writer and wrecking us with your words.

sarahwalker10sarahwalker10over 10 years ago

I am very disappointed in this chapter Vixen. A loving relationship is two people, not a third for a threesome. Through this whole story Lizzy & Kara have had this loving relationship. While Lizzy is having thoughts about Bette she shouldn't be having. Then Kara brings Barbara home for a threesome without talking to Lizzy first. Then in the shower when she realized that was Barbara she went with it until she had her orgasm, then she ran out not because she felt guilty for having sex with another woman, but because her husband raped her in the shower. Then, they barely talk about it. They go back to having sex and everything is fine. Not happy with this chapter. Sorry to be negative but I have to be honest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Mostly confused

I am sure this is awesome literature, but for the most part I just find it too hard to read... I go back and forth trying to figure out the dialogue. Present tense and past are confusing as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Son of uh.........

That was CRAZY! That's why I enjoy your stories so much. You give me the lovey dovey and the insane all in one fabulous package! Ok lady I'm down on me knees begging for the next chapter.

@ Sarah -- when have you known this lovely writer to not bring it to the finish line? Hang in there, it's always a bumpy, "humpy" and spendilicious ride!

-- HH

janny54janny54over 10 years ago

AVL~~ I don't think there is anything you left out of this chapter. it rocked every emotion, feeling and situation there is. I couldn't stop reading and going back and rereading to make sure I didn't miss anything. I have laughed out loud, cried and sobbed, questioned, and through it all, felt like I was living in the middle of it! i'm exhausted and ready to read it all again. I lived it as if it were a part of my soul.

I have never found another author that can keep me glued to a story the way you can.

you keep flipping me around like a pancake~ a very emotional pancake! like an amazingly complex jigsaw puzzle, none of the pieces seem to make sense and suddenly they all fall into place a piece at a time.

your writing has elevated to an even higher level with this story!

thank you for sharing your amazing creative gifts with us!


MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago
hmm ok

Sorry Vixen looks like I need to write an essay after all.

@Sarah don't get me wrong everyone is entitled to their own opinion, which is why I feel I need to take you up on a couple of points you make.

Firstly who's to say how many people can be part of a loving relationship? nothing wrong with threesomes as long as all those involved agree to it. That's the mistake Kara made.

Why can't Lissy have thoughts about Bette? Surely there is nothing wrong with thoughts, its when they are acted upon that it becomes an issue. Bette was the one who kissed Lissy, Bette was the one who was out of order.

Threesome in the shower: Boy was this scene difficult to read, how many emotions can an author bring out in a reader. I agree Kara made a massive mistake bringing Barb home with out talking to Lissy first, but hey she was mad, have you never done something when mad that you later regret? Have a feeling Kara regrets it big style now she knows about how Dylan used to rape Lissy in the shower, but then hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Where I disagree with you is Lissy didn't run out for either her feelings of guilt about having sex with another woman or because she was raped, she didn't run at all, she waited until it was all over, the thoughts going through Lissys head made it clear she didn't want to be part of any of it, I as a reader was shouting at her to run, get away, say something at least, but no she just took it, but remember at that time we didn't know about the rape. Reading about that and the shower scene suddenly made sense. As a woman who thankfully has never been in abusive relationship, but recognizes there are many women who go through this sort of thing daily I felt nothing but pain for Lissy and anger at Kara for not reading the signs.

You say that they barely talked, you gotta be kidding me here, all they do is talk, so much so that sometimes its hard to follow their flow just like in normal conversations.

True they do go back to having sex, thank god for that it shows that even though they are both hurting they still love each other and their physical relationship is still intact. But I don't think everything is fine between them, it clearly comes across that they have issues of trust, major ones at that.

Sigh ok enough already, and seriously Vixen I hope you know what a great author you are in that you bring out so many feelings in your stories that people want to agree and disagree with each other over them.

For at the end of the day that's what this is, its fiction, not real, artistic license to be used to create a world where although the characters are fictitious the feelings they bring out make me want to stand up and fight for them :D

idrubloodidrubloodover 10 years ago
To MGU67

Bravo and well done!

You have captured and described beautifully, and perfectly what is so clearly shown in AVL's story.

The emotions, the raw, unbridled feelings that we experience because of AVL's fabulous skill is mind blowing and I for one am thankful that AVL has chosen to share her talent with us all.


MGU67MGU67over 10 years ago
Thanks IDB

For your comment I erm... did make one mistake though when I said all they do is talk, which of course is untrue. Feel free to 'beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks' over that error.

Of course the physical side of their relationship plays a major part in this story, which is always a pleasure to read and often leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy.Just 'think flooded panties'

Ha ha two words/or term of the day in one comment (wink)

DocSavage656DocSavage656over 10 years ago
Building Shaker!

Wow AVL! That was an excersize in wringing out every emotion from your readers.

What a wonderful character Lissy is. Your detailed writing makes me think I've known her all my life. I love Kara, although in my mind there for a minute I had her digging her own grave and I was about to whack her with a shovel. I'm still not sure the relationship will survive the mistrust Lissy surely has, and Bette may ride Lissy off into the sunset in the end. Such is life.

Anyway, Thanks for what I think is the most wonderful story. And thanks for all you do for your fans. We Love Our Vixen!


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Hurry i need more! was awesom, all feelings were hit upon! u rock!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Picture of perfection blemished...

I thought nothing could come between a love like Kara and Lissy's. I worry for them now. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep much until I read the next chapter. Thank you for sharing your craft.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Words Cannot Express ...

What an absolutely fabulously written this story is. A few curve balls thrown into the mix to add a bit of extra spice. Laughter, tears and passion; what more could your readers ask for!

Thanks for sharing your ever changing and remarkably polished work.

xxx :-)

DCohen2349DCohen2349over 10 years ago
Did I Miss Something?

Kara says Lissy had a fantasy about a 3-way. All I remember is Lissy saying her husband tried to talk her into a 3-way.

Also, with Bette's kiss. She ASKED Lissy if she could kiss her. Inapproproate? Yes, but why didn't Lissy say "No?"

And "ribboning"? Kinkay!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Much congratulations for hooooootttttt story

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

I was skeptical even with all the hype about this story. After all this is an erotic story site for free. I'm blown away. Not only by the talent but being able to access it at no charge. I read the first chapter of book two and came back to read this before I continue on. It's a lot less intense but the background of these two ladies is wonderful. They could be my neighbor as well as I feel I know them already. AND the sex -- that doesn't hurt a bit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
A different kind of rush

i agree this is quite different from other stories I have read. I look forward to reading the rest of the story.

forangeforangealmost 7 years ago
Wrong chapter link

I think this chapter is in the wrong place. I'm super confused. It seems to jump. I think maybe the link for Book 1 , Chapter 3 takes you too Boon 3 Chaoter 3. It's all about Sam the dog and buying a house. I can't find the link to the right chaoter. That's what I could deduce from the descriptions. I really want to read them in order. Now I've read some spoilers, but I still would like to read this chapter. Where is it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The Same As Ch. 3 for Book 3

This confused me as it had all sorts of stuff that seemed out of time. It's also chapter 3 of Book 3

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Yes unfortunately it seems that Book 1, Chap 3 is lost. I was totally lost as I started reading this Chapt. Lots of things didn't make sense. Like at all. This is indeed the same story that is Book 3 Chap 3.

Guess I'll just go on to B1 C4 and try and get back into the story.

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