A Mother & Son Love Story, With Sex


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'Just tell me how, darling?' she asked.

'If you were my girlfriend I think I could do anything,' he replied looking at his feet and feeling the colour rise in his cheeks. There! He'd said it!

'I can't be your girlfriend, Ryan, I'm your mother.' Caroline replied, matter-of-factly, wondering what was going on in her son's head and feeling tendrils of concern starting to weave through her brain.

'Well, not a girlfriend in the sense of the other stuff,' said Ryan, evasively. 'But a girlfriend to go on dates with. To go dancing with and bowling and out to restaurants.' Ryan's voice was calm and level but inside he was screwed up with tension, stomach muscles taut, blood pumping in his ears. This was the crunch point.

His mother was silent for a few moments, looking out over the brown expanse of moorland, tinged with purple heather. 'So let me get this straight,' she said at last. 'You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend and for us to go on dates as though we were an item, right?'

'Well if that's ok, Mum,' replied Ryan, still mentally holding his breath.

'I'm not sure,' she said after another pause during which her son died a thousand deaths. 'I mean apart from anything else I'm nearly twenty-five years older than you. Aren't we going to look a rather odd couple?'

Ryan had prepared for this question. 'Well in the first place, Mum, you don't look anywhere near forty-six. You could pass for thirty-something, easily, especially the way you dress. And if I grew some stubble I could probably pass for thirty, so that's no age gap at all.'

Caroline briefly wondered what her son meant by "especially the way you dress". But she was flattered despite herself, though she was by no means sure this was a good idea. 'So what happens if we bump into somebody we know when we're on a date?'

'Then you're just a mum out with her son,' Ryan pointed out.

'What, wearing a mini-skirt and a crop-top? And a load of make-up?'

'Well, we'd go to other towns,' replied Ryan, with a hint of pleading in his voice that touched his mother's heartstrings. Come on, Caroline, she told herself. You're desperate to help your son and he's proposing a way forward. Don't dismiss it out of hand. The idea was undoubtedly weird, but so, to some extent, was Ryan. The important thing was to help him help himself and here, it suddenly occurred to her, was an opportunity to make some real progress.

'Ok,' she said. 'I'm not one hundred percent comfortable with being your pretend girlfriend, but I accept that it's taken a lot for you to have this conversation with me and so I'm prepared to give it a try.'

'Great,' said Ryan and gave his mum the sort of radiant smile that she hadn't seen on his face for years. She held up a warning finger.

'But there's a quid pro quo, Ryan.'

'What's that?' he asked, his smile fading.

'Before we go on our first date, I want you to have applied for at least two jobs. I don't care what they are, or whether they're part-time, but two jobs, right?'

'Thanks, Mum,' said Ryan, a cold sweat of relief breaking out and making him feel tired and clammy. It had gone ok. No, it had gone brilliantly! His gorgeous mum was going to go on dates with him and he would be her escort and who knew what might happen. And even if nothing happened he'd still be out with an attractive, elegant and intelligent lady and that was going to do his self-esteem no harm at all, even if it was all a bit of a sham; it would be up to the pair of them to make it work. This, he told himself, was the incentive he'd been looking for, the catalyst to getting his life back.

They stood up and Ryan gave his mum a rare hug, squeezing her tightly against him. 'Thanks, Mum. It's going to be brilliant.'

Caroline hugged her son back and breathed a sigh of relief. She hadn't seen Ryan this motivated for a very long time and that made her happy, despite some reservations she had about how good an idea this really was. Despite what she'd said, she cared very much what sort of jobs Ryan applied for; she wanted him to attain his full potential. But first things first. And if the dates went well, she realised, she could tactfully press him to stretch himself further with the promise of... Of what? She asked herself as they set off down the track again.

Caroline was true to her word; a week or so after the difficult conversation, Ryan forwarded his mother emails that showed that he had applied for not two but three part-time jobs. One of the emails was a polite rejection, but the other two were invitations to interview. Admittedly the jobs being applied for weren't very inspiring; one was working behind the counter in a petrol station and the other was as a general dogsbody in a large garden centre on the other side of town. But Caroline was thrilled. This was progress. Significant progress. And it deserved a date with his mother.

'What would you like to do?' she asked him that evening after she'd arrived home from work.

Ryan had considered his options carefully. 'How about going to the movies?' he suggested. It was dark in there and he'd feel more comfortable than, say, facing his mum across the table in a restaurant. 'We could see The Idea of You. What do you think?'

Privately Caroline was mildly relieved. The cinema seemed a safe enough venue for their first pretend date. She was vaguely aware of the film and she liked Anne Hathaway and she liked rom-coms. 'Sounds good,' she said. 'Maybe we could go to the multiplex in Newbridge. Less chance of running into people I work with.'

The following Friday evening Caroline drove them ten miles to the town of Newbridge and parked in the carpark next to the cinema complex. It was still light and she felt a tiny bit self-conscious getting out of the car. She had thought long and hard about what to wear and in the end she had opted for a slim-fitting dress that came only to mid-thigh. It was warm for the time of year so she wore no jacket and her long legs were bare. On her feet she was wearing high-heeled strappy sandals and she'd spent a lot of time on her make-up, trying to emulate the look of a girl ten years younger than she actually was. Her sandy-blonde hair was loose and she'd gone so far as to paint her fingernails, as was the current fashion.

Ryan had been open-mouthed when his mother appeared downstairs ready to go out. His line about her passing for thirty-something had been a bit of blarney, but wow! She really could! He couldn't stop looking at her. She looked exactly as he had imagined in his fantasy dreams: slender and elegant with carefully applied lipstick and eyeshadow and foundation cream to accentuate the Nordic lines of her face. Just bloody gorgeous!

Ryan had opted for an open-necked shirt and chinos, both of which he had successfully managed to press himself that afternoon. He had stopped shaving after their walk and his brown stubble was closely trimmed. He'd also had his hair cut in the current fashion of short back and sides. He looked pretty good, Caroline had to admit. The beard and haircut added years to his age; they could almost be a couple. He came around the car as Caroline climbed out of the driver's seat.

'Are you ready, Mum?' he asked quietly, as though she was about to go for major surgery.

'Yes,' she smiled. 'But shouldn't you be calling me Caroline?'

'Yes, Caroline,' he smiled back, relishing the intimacy of her first name. On an impulse he held out his hand and his mother took his and they walked across the carpark and into the multiplex just like any other couple out on a date. Caroline bought tickets and drinks and they made their way to screen seven.

In the gloom of the screening auditorium Ryan began to relax a little. The evening was going like a dream and he was thrilled to be out on a date with his dream girl. Caroline felt good, too. It had been a wise choice of venue and besides, she was looking forward to the film. Ryan was behaving perfectly and he looked pretty cool too, she admitted to herself. That stubble was really quite sexy. She sank lower in her seat and sipped her cola.

The first kiss between the stars of the film took place about an hour in and it sent the blood rushing to Ryan's cock as he imagined kissing the lady next to him. His mother's hand was on the armrest between them and he laid his hand on hers, stroking her skin softly with his fingertips.

Caroline stiffened slightly at the contact but then relaxed and smiled to herself. The implication of the story line of The Idea of You wasn't lost on her; forty-year-old single mother and younger pop star. Was her son sending her a subtle message? Strangely, she found that she didn't mind; it was harmless enough. And it was quite pleasant having her hand stroked.

Near the end of the film, Ryan reached over and put his hand gently onto his mother's thigh, his palm on her dress, his fingers on her bare skin. It had taken nearly an hour for him to summon the courage to take the next step. She felt warm and firm and delicious and his dick strained against his chinos. He'd been uncomfortably erect the whole film but he could hardly adjust himself with his mother sitting next to him.

Caroline tensed again and this time decided it was a step too far. She gently lifted his hand and put it on the armrest. Then she felt bad for him and put her hand on his to take the sting out of her mild rejection.

Ryan had sort of expected this. He smiled to himself; he'd got a nice pair of his mum's panties waiting for him at home. And it was so nice sitting here with her, and she was now stroking his hand and it felt very exciting.

Soon after that the credits rolled and Caroline and her son exited the cinema into the warm June evening. He put his arm around her waist as they headed for the carpark and she didn't resist.

'Did you enjoy the film, Caroline?' he asked, feeling the swell of her hip under his hand.

'Loved it,' she replied with a smile. 'Though I'm surprised you chose it. Did you know it was about a younger man's romance with an older woman?'

Back home, Caroline offered her son coffee but Ryan pleaded tiredness. His cock was still rigid and he was desperate to masturbate and replay the evening in his head. 'Thanks for a really great first date, Mum,' he told her. 'I suppose you're back to being "Mum" now we're home.'

'Yes,' she replied, 'I think that would be better.'

'Can I be cheeky?' asked Ryan, his pulse racing.

'Cheeky how?' she asked.

'Well, after a first date wouldn't I kiss my girlfriend goodnight?'

'You want to kiss me, Ryan?' His mother sounded cautious. 'On the mouth?'

'Well, yes, if that's ok.'

It didn't feel ok to Caroline, did it? Holding hands and even putting an arm around her waist had been fine, she'd actually enjoyed the contact, but kissing? That felt like a step too far. Or was there something to be gained here? Because getting job interviews was one thing, but what she really wanted was for her son to actually get a job, and then hold that job down. And that was the biggie for him, the interviews. That's when he'd need all his courage and all the support she could give. She felt a bit like she was stepping off into the void.

'No, Ryan. You can't kiss me on the mouth. Not tonight.'

Ryan caught the caveat and its implications instantly. 'When can I kiss you?' he asked, breathlessly, again feeling that a very serious crunch point was fast approaching.

'When you get a job.' There, she'd said it.

'What about a hug now?' he asked, feeling faint. He and his mother would kiss! If he got a job. He held out his arms and Caroline went to him and he embraced her tightly, squashing her breasts into his chest, smelling her scent and feeling her body against his. He released her reluctantly.

'Goodnight, Mum.'

'Goodnight, Ryan.'

That night Ryan masturbated what felt like a record number of times. At least five, he reckoned afterwards, several of which had been with the gusset of his mother's panties pressed to his nose and mouth. One time he had worn his mother's panties and had got spunk all over them.

But he woke the next morning with a new determination to get one of the jobs he was interviewing for. So after breakfast, instead of playing computer games, he googled the company that owned the garden centre and read all he could find. Then he went downstairs and sought his mother out.

'You've interviewed for jobs, Mum,' he began. 'What sort of things do they ask?'

Caroline smiled to herself. She'd lain awake the previous night full of doubts about the path she was going down with her son. But here was proof that her strategy was effective. And after all, what's in a kiss?

They spent the afternoon talking about possible interview questions with Caroline asking the questions and Ryan answering. She was impressed. Apart from some initial nervousness, Ryan had answered fluently and intelligently. They had another mock-interview session on Sunday and on Monday morning his mother drove him to the garden centre where she waited an hour in the carpark while he was interviewed.

'How did it go?' she asked when he'd got back into the car.

'Ok, I think,' said her son, cautiously. 'They pretty much asked the same questions as you, so...' he shrugged. 'We'll see.'

They didn't have to wait very long. The following afternoon the assistant manager of the garden centre phoned Ryan and offered him the job, which he accepted. By the time Caroline came home from work Ryan was almost incandescent with excitement, his face flushed, his pulse racing.

'Can we go on another date this weekend, Mum?' he asked, breathlessly.

'Absolutely!' confirmed his mother. 'What would you like to do?'

On Friday evening Ryan drove them to a pub in Newbridge where a Fleetwood Mac tribute band was playing; he was insured to drive his mother's car. She was surprised at her son's choice of music, not realising that he had chosen Fleetwood Mac purely because he knew his mother liked them and would therefore be more enthusiastic about the date.

The evening went off very smoothly and Caroline enjoyed the music and the atmosphere. She'd dressed in a short skirt, blouse and high heels, and had piled on the make-up again to hide her age. Ryan was in jeans and a polo shirt and she felt that they looked like a credible couple, who blended in with the crowd. She also thought Ryan behaved like a perfect gentlemen, firstly by offering to drive and later by going to the bar for her, finding a table for them and generally fussing around her.

Ryan was, of course, in a state of intense arousal. He had offered to drive simply because that would allow his mother to drink and therefore she would, hopefully, be more malleable later on when he wanted to kiss her. But during the evening he did little more than hold her hand as they listened to the music and, at the end, when everybody stood up for the last couple of numbers, he slid his arm around her waist and drew her gently to him and they stood there like that for maybe fifteen minutes while the band belted out The Chain and Rhiannon and What Makes You Think You're The One.

Caroline didn't object to Ryan's arm. They were strangers here and it wasn't as if he tried to cup one of her breasts. It actually felt nice leaning against him, feeling the warmth of his body. It had been a long time. She was aware that her son would want to kiss her when they got home but she had made a promise and she would stick with it. Besides, she'd had a few gin cocktails and she felt warm inside and Ryan's stubble really was rather sexy, she admitted to herself. And it was only a kiss.

So when Ryan made his move, pretty much as soon as he'd closed the front door of the house, Caroline was ready.

'Can I kiss you now, Mum?' he asked quietly as they stood in the gloom of the hallway.

Caroline looked at her beloved son for a few seconds. He'd come quite a way in the past few weeks, had exceeded her expectations. She knew how hard it had been for him and she knew that the promise of some level of intimacy with her was what had made the difference. So he deserved a kiss. And so did she, she thought as she stepped up to Ryan and put her hands on his shoulders, tilting her head slightly as her son's arms went around her waist and he leaned his head forward to engage his mouth with his mother's.

That first kiss between mother and son was hesitant. Ryan had watched the act of kissing many times on his computer screen and on his television, but this was the first time he had actually ever kissed anyone. So he went cautiously, touching his lips to his mother's, brushing them gently together, his lips slightly parted. He felt so aroused he could hardly breathe, his senses overloaded by the feel of his mother in his arms and the smell of her scent and the feel of her soft, warm lips against his.

Caroline hesitated too. She wanted Ryan to enjoy his reward, to enjoy kissing her, but she didn't want to get him so excited that he forgot she was his mother. But another part of her, that part most affected by the evening's alcohol, wanted to kiss her son. Wanted to feel his lips and his stubble. So she pressed her lips to his and moved her head and worked her mouth against his and she felt a great surge of warmth through her body. 'Move your lips against mine, darling,' she whispered.

Ryan felt he was close to blacking out with the intensity of his feelings as his mother kissed him, as she showed him what to do with his mouth so that he kissed her back like a seasoned lover. A heavenly chorus seemed to fill his head and he slid his tongue into his mother's mouth and tasted the intimacy of her saliva.

At that point Caroline broke the kiss and pulled her head away. 'Hey! Who said anything about tongues?'

'Sorry,' mumbled Ryan, avoiding his mother's eye. 'I just thought...'

Caroline looked at her son, feeling his embarrassment. 'A month,' she said, as the idea floated into her mind and before she could talk herself out of it.

'A month?'

'You keep that job in the garden centre for a month and then you can use your tongue on me.'

Half an hour later, Ryan was masturbating on his bed, his mind running through the evening, over and over again, especially the kissing. He ran that bit repeatedly, feeling the echoes of his mother's touch, remembering how it had felt. The overpowering intimacy, the sensation of her lips, her scent, the feel of her breasts against him. He shuddered as a monster orgasm engulfed him and he spurted jets of spunk into the bedroom air.

In her bed, Caroline was also running the events of the evening through her mind. She had allowed her son to kiss her. No, worse than that, she had shown her son how to kiss her and he had learned quickly and she had enjoyed it very much. Until he stuck his tongue in her mouth. That had frightened her because it was the next step. But to what? And now she'd promised him tongues. Her hand was under her nightdress, stroking her pussy, running her fingers through her pubic hair, sliding a finger between her labia. God she was wet! She imagined kissing Ryan, sliding her tongue into his mouth pressing her lips to his, feeling his arms around her. Her fingertip found her clitoris and she started stimulating herself with a gentle circular motion, feeling desire build up inside her. Oh God, she shouldn't be having these thoughts about her son! She slid two fingers of her left hand into her cunt, still strumming her clit, arching her back as an orgasm rippled through her, leaving her drowsy and content. It would be alright with Ryan. She would maintain a distance. But there were things that she could do, things that she might need to do if her son was really going to achieve his potential and if the promise of his mother was the only way to truly motivate him.

The weeks passed and Ryan managed to stay in his job at the garden centre. But more than that, much more than that, he was actually enjoying it. Actually enjoying being with semi-strangers and members of the general public. Of course his duties were largely of a lifting and shifting nature so he didn't interact that much but for the first time in years he was starting to feel comfortable around people, starting to look to his future with some confidence.