A Mother & Son Love Story, With Sex


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It was his mother that had brought about the change, he freely admitted to himself. The overpowering excitement and anticipation of his life at home with his mother was central to almost all his waking thoughts - and sleeping ones too. It was all just so wonderful and gave him such a warm feeling that the minor tribulations of having to go to work three days a week seemed trivial by comparison.

And where would it end? he asked himself. Over the past two weeks he had been on three "dates" with his mother and she had let him kiss her, open mouthed, at the end of each date. She'd also let him kiss her a couple of times as they watched television in the evening, so Ryan was getting adept at the art of osculation and he loved doing it with his mother; it felt so sexy and naughty and forbidden. Soon she would allow his tongue into her mouth.

After three weeks of no tongues, Caroline relented. Her son had kept his part of the bargain and she had to admit that she was surprised and pleased with how Ryan had grown emotionally in such a short time. She didn't see him in action at the garden centre of course, although he talked easily about his job and the people he worked with, but on their dates he behaved like any other young man out with his girlfriend. Ok, maybe not as confident as some, but streets ahead of where he had been. It made her feel justified in accepting his idea of being his girlfriend. And she also felt that it justified the way she had promised him additional intimacy, linked to goals in his personal development. Surely any loving mother would have been prepared to do the same, she told herself.

So after they had arrived home from an Italian restaurant, where Ryan had treated her with his first wage packet, she suggested that they cosy up together on the settee and have a nice kiss before bedtime.

It was the first time that Caroline had initiated a kiss and the importance of it was not lost on her son. He felt faint with desire as they sat down and he put his arm around his mother, drawing her to him. His cock was a rigid pole in his trousers and his heart was thudding in his chest. Caroline smiled gently at her son and tilted her head towards his, her lips parted, meeting his lips softly and brushing against them with aching sensuality. Ryan opened his mouth wider and Caroline followed suit, her lips mashed against her son's. And then he felt it. Felt her warm, wet tongue slide into his mouth and flick against his.

He slid his tongue over hers, feeling the wet roughness of her papillae, tasting her saliva for the first time. He pushed his tongue into his mother's mouth and she closed her lips on it and sucked it into herself as he hugged her tighter, running one hand over her blouse, feeling her breast, heavy and round under his hand, his head swimming with arousal.

Caroline was aroused, too, she admitted to herself later. She must have been or she would have removed her son's hand from her left tit. As it was, she let it stay there, gently massaging her full orb while their kissing reached a stage that wasn't quite frenzied but was certainly on the wrong side of passionate. She teased her son with her tongue, flicking it over his teeth and gums, pushing it deep into his mouth. And she accepted his tongue into her and licked it and nipped it with her teeth as their lips danced over each other.

After about twenty minutes Caroline broke the kiss and they looked at each other, faces flushed and wet with their juices, her hair awry. Ryan reached up and tenderly slipped a lock of her hair behind one ear.

'Thanks, Mum,' he whispered, not trusting his voice, 'that was incredible.'

'I'm glad,' she replied. 'You deserve it. I am so pleased with how you've dealt with the job, Ryan.'

'It's you, Mum. I couldn't do it without you. Without this.'

Ryan kissed his mother goodnight and went upstairs to his room, leaving her on the settee in the sitting room, still feeling the sensation of her son's lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth, his hand on her breast. It was years since she'd been kissed like that.

She was wearing a short skirt - she wore skimpy clothes on all their dates to try to reduce her apparent age - and her legs were bare underneath. Without really thinking about it, she found her hand sliding up her bare thigh, rucking the little skirt up, her fingers finding the elastic of her panties, finding her soft, wet core inside. She slid one long, tapered finger inside her pussy, her head back, her eyes closed. She was so aroused, and it felt so good. She found her clitoris and shivered as the bolts of pleasure lanced through her, already close to orgasm and aware that her son was probably masturbating in his room just above her. She had a flashing vision of Ryan's hand gripping his erection, pumping it vigorously until hot liquid splashed out over his naked stomach. Caroline groaned and threw her head back as an intense climax crashed through her, leaving her gasping and weak.

God, what was happening to her? She needed to stop thinking like this, to disassociate herself emotionally from the treats she was giving her son. But that was easier said than done and it would get harder as she escalated her plans for her son and with it the level of intimacy that she rewarded him with.

Upstairs in his bedroom, Ryan had also masturbated to an orgasm, his mother's dirty panties from yesterday's laundry basked pressed to his face. It wouldn't be the last time he masturbated that night, not by a long way.

Caroline and her son continued to french kiss each other as July turned into August. They went out on a date most Saturdays - sometimes for a walk, during the day, and sometimes for a meal in the evening, or to a bar or nightclub. When they were out walking, Caroline allowed her son to kiss her, provided there was nobody else around. She also permitted kissing in darkened corners of nightclubs. And afterwards they would come home and finish the evening off with their lips writhing together as they hugged on the settee in the front room. At some stage on the settee, Ryan would put his hand on his mother's chest. Mostly Caroline let him massage her breast as they kissed, but she also felt that this shouldn't be accepted behaviour, and so sometimes she removed his hand. Once he put his hand on her bare thigh and tried to slide it under her skirt. She removed it so firmly that he didn't try that again.

And Ryan continued to grow, emotionally and socially. He dressed better, showered more regularly and spent longer periods outside his bedroom and away from his laptop and games console. He even made a couple of tentative friends at the garden centre (both male) and went to the pub with them.

He was definitely, Caroline decided, ready for the next stage of her plan.

One Wednesday, at the beginning of September, Ryan was in his bedroom. He didn't work on Wednesdays; it was his day for playing computer games and wanking himself off a few times and maybe even doing a bit of housework. He heard the front door open, went down to investigate and found his mother in the hall, dressed in a business suit, as though she'd just come home from work, except that it was only twelve o'clock.

'Hi, Mum. What are you doing home? Did you get fired?' he grinned.

'I took the day off,' she replied, walking into the kitchen. Ryan followed.

'Where have you been then?' he asked.

'Sit down, Ryan,' she replied. 'There are some things I need to talk to you about.'

Ryan felt a cold lump in his stomach. This didn't sound good. She'd been to the psychologist and told her about what they'd been up to? Or the police? He sat at the kitchen table and his mother took a seat opposite him.

'I've been to the University campus,' she began. 'Term doesn't start until October but most of the academic staff were there and I managed to track down your old tutor, Doctor Gray.' Ryan was silent, he thought he could see where this was going.

'Doctor Gray was very disappointed when you dropped out, although he understands why you had to do it. I explained about your part-time job and how much you've changed over the last three or four months and, well, he's supportive of the idea of you going back to college to finish your degree. He wants you to go to his office on your next day off and talk about it. Apparently there are places in October,' she finished, 'if we're quick.'

'How can I go back there,' said Ryan, desolately. 'It's where I failed!'

'You didn't fail,' Caroline responded. 'You passed all your exams.'

'I couldn't cope.'

'You're different now. More mature, more confident.'

'Why didn't you talk to me about it?' he wailed.

'I didn't want you to talk me out of it,' replied his mother, simply.

'Look, Ryan, I know what a big deal it would be for you to go back to college, but I think it's really important if you're going to reach your potential. And everything I've seen in you over the past few months tells me you can do it.'

Ryan opened his mouth to speak but Caroline went on, her voice soft. 'I know it'll be difficult, darling. So I'm prepared to reward you for it.'

There was a silence. 'How?' asked Ryan, eventually.

'Well,' his mother began, 'we've had some lovely dates and some nice, intimate kisses, but if you were to go back to college I would be prepared to do some extra things for you. Some things that we must never talk about to anybody,' she added, blushing. She was finding this every bit as difficult as her son, albeit for different reasons. She took a deep breath.

'I would be prepared,' she said, slowly, 'to use my hands to sexually satisfy you.' There, she'd said it.

Ryan gawped at his mother. 'What, masturbate me?'

'Yes,' replied Caroline, blushing even more deeply, 'masturbate you.'

'When?' asked her son, hardly able to believe his ears, his cock stretching in his underpants.

'Well, let's say when you get back from talking to your tutor.'

Ryan called his tutor that afternoon and arranged to meet him on Friday afternoon.


Caroline got home from work at just after four pm on Friday. Ryan was still out, presumably at the University. She was nervous, had been all day. Kissing her son as an incentive to stretch himself was one thing, but masturbating him? Wasn't that incest? She wasn't sure and she had googled it at work. The result was unclear, although incest did seem to imply sexual intercourse, so maybe just wanking Ryan off was ok in the eyes of the law. But in her eyes? Well, she'd been the one to offer it and it hadn't seemed too big a deal at the time, given that it had spurred her son to go and talk to his tutor.

What should I dress in and where should we do it? she asked herself. She had suggested that they go to their favourite wine bar for an evening drink and then, when they got home, that would be the time. So she should dress for the wine bar.

Caroline went up to her bedroom and stripped off her sensible business suit. She admired her figure in the full-length mirror briefly before selecting a short, corduroy skirt and a tight-fitting cotton blouse that showed off her bust nicely; she kept her long legs bare - it was too warm for stockings or tights. Then she sat down at her dressing table, brushed her hair and reached for a little bottle of dark-red nail varnish. Although she didn't often paint her nails, she was proud of their oval shape and she kept them well-manicured. Now she carefully lifted the little brush out and started on her thumb nail, the bedroom air heavy with the scent of nail polish. Ten minutes later she splayed her hands and admired her handiwork - perfect! Now she would feel a little bit less like Ryan's mother as she stroked him.

Ryan got home just before six and they went straight out. 'How did you get on?' asked Caroline in the car.

Dr Gray was really nice,' began Ryan. 'We had a really good chat about everything and he reckons I can finish my degree part-time and keep the job at the garden centre.' He was obviously on a bit of a high, although whether that was due to the success of the afternoon or the expectation of the evening wasn't clear to his mother. In fact, Ryan was in a state of tension about the evening; he was terrified that he wouldn't get an erection or that something else would go wrong and he'd make a fool of himself in front of his mother.

'When do you start?' asked Caroline as they sipped a chilled white wine on the pavement outside the bar.

'Second of October,' replied Ryan. 'Not that far away really.'

'You'll be great,' his mother assured him. 'I'm really proud of what you've accomplished so far and I'm going to make it really special for you this evening,' she added in a whisper, putting her hand down on the table between them and showing Ryan her painted nails.

He gulped and looked away in confusion. 'You look great tonight, Caroline,' He was very good at using his mum's given name when they were on a date.

The atmosphere grew tense as the evening drew on and was almost palpable in the car. In the hallway, with the front door shut, it was Caroline who made the first move, going to her son, putting her hands on his shoulders and kissing him gently on the lips. 'Why don't you go upstairs and get yourself ready and lie on your bed and I'll come up in five minutes,' she whispered softly in his ear.

Ryan went upstairs, his legs heavy, his heart thudding in his chest, his face flushed. It felt more like a trip to the gallows than the greatest sexual experience in his life so far, he reflected. If only he could relax! But that was impossible; his mother would be here in five minutes and she would masturbate him with her long, tapered fingers with their sexy red nails.

He undressed and lay down on the bed, feeling his body perspire in the summer evening heat. It was after eight on a September evening but it was still light in the bedroom. His cock was as hard as glass, so no worries there. But was it big enough? He'd measured it recently and it was at least seven inches long. But the only test he had as to whether that was normal were the things he'd seen on the porn sites, where the actors all had dicks like baseball bats.

His thoughts were interrupted by a tap at the door. 'Come in, Mum.'

His mother entered the room, closing the door quietly behind her. She was still dressed in her corduroy skirt and blouse, although she'd taken her high heels off. She came to the bed and sat down beside her naked son, looking down at his lean body, his erection, sprouting from a bed of dense, brown pubic hair. She reached over and stroked her son's face.

'Relax, Ryan,' she murmured. 'Let Mummy make you feel good.' She let her hand run down through the light hair of his chest and stomach, feeling his muscles and the tautness of his skin. Then she took a breath and stroked a long first fingernail up the length of her son's erect penis. Ryan gasped and his cock twitched.

'It's beautiful, Ryan,' she whispered, to reassure him. She took her son in her hand, gripping lightly, feeling the heat and girth of his manhood, the rigid shaft and the bulbous head. Slowly she teased his foreskin over his glans, which was shiny with his discharge, running the ball of her thumb over the silken skin, smearing the lubrication around.

Ryan squirmed on the bed, feeling waves of intense pleasure wash over him, restoring his confidence. It was going to alright. It was going to be sensational.

Caroline gripped her son's cock harder with her elegant, red-tipped fingers and began to slide her hand up and down his shaft, taking his foreskin back and forth over his cock head. Slowly and gently, at first, gauging her son's reaction, and finding that she was enjoying the experience too, was feeling that familiar itch in her loins.

'How does it feel, darling,' she asked softly, looking at her son's face.

'It's wonderful, Mum,' he gasped.

'Would you like me to go a bit faster?' she smiled at him.


Ryan's cock was now leaking so much fluid that Caroline had to grip the shaft quite firmly; his secretions were all over her hand. She started taking longer, faster strokes as her son moaned and writhed on the bed, gripping the duvet and closing his eyes as his orgasm approached.

'I'm coming, Mum,' he gurgled as the sensations built rapidly to a blinding climax that blocked out all his other senses.

Caroline felt her son's approaching orgasm and she slowed down to make it last as long as possible. She felt his cock throb and pulse in her hand and she watched mesmerised as thick spurts of semen erupted from his cock and splashed over his stomach. The last and weakest jet squirted onto her hand and dribbled down into his pubic bush.

Caroline held her son's penis as it gradually deflated. She felt a strange mixture of emotions: relief that it had gone ok, that she had gone through with, excitement that she had carried out this intimate act on her own son and a bit of disappointment too, now that it was over. Except that it wasn't over, was it? Because she knew instinctively that for as long as she and her son lived in the same house she would go to him occasionally and carry out this act. She stood up, a bit too quickly.

'I'll let you clean yourself up.' Then she was gone, without even kissing him.

Ryan reached for the roll of toilet tissue. Ok, he'd hoped for a sexy kiss afterwards, maybe with tongues, but he could understand why his mum had shot off, shortly after he'd shot off. She was probably embarrassed. But man, that had been fantastic! His mother had been so expert! Ryan supposed that she did that, or had done that, to his dad, and he felt a tiny pang of jealousy.

But what the fuck. He was getting his mother's hand now, not his father. And what a hand! He'd loved the feel of her fingers and the sight of her red nails - that had made it really special. He felt sleepy and content. They'd have another date soon, maybe even tomorrow, and his mother would masturbate him to an orgasm again.

In the en-suite bathroom attached to her bedroom, Caroline stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself. She was now the mother who had masturbated her son. Did she look any different? No, if you discounted the congealing semen on her hand. Why hadn't she wiped it off? For a brief moment she had actually contemplated licking it off. Ugh! Did she feel different? Yes, was the answer. She felt as though anything could happen with her son and that was frightening. It was all very well getting Ryan to reach new heights of achievement with the promise of intimacy with his mother, but what happens if he decides he wants everything?

After washing her hands and brushing her teeth she stripped naked and climbed into bed; it was too hot for a nightgown. She lay in the darkness and cupped her heavy breasts, massaging the firm flesh and rubbing her thumbs over her nipples until they grew rigid. The other frightening thing was that she had become aroused while masturbating Ryan. She had had this notion that it would be all clean and clinical and she'd go in and wank him off and that would be that. But she'd become excited, hadn't she. Was still excited. She'd loved the look and the feel of his cock. The hardness of his erection, the smooth shaft and the delicious plum of his glans. She slid her left hand down across her stomach, opening her legs, finding her pubic mound and her labia, parted in anticipation. She slid two fingers inside herself, feeling the silky lubrication, gripping with her vaginal muscles, curling her fingers to stimulate her G spot. Then her right forefinger was on her clitoris and she was rubbing herself and gasping because it felt so good and she was having such shockingly explicit thoughts about her son.

Caroline lasted less than thirty seconds before an orgasm burst through her and she gasped and whimpered as the feelings overwhelmed her. Afterwards she lay quietly, drowsy but awake. Why had she called herself "Mummy" in Ryan's bedroom? Was she actually turned on by the notion of incest?