A Naked Truth


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"Oh, come on, Mom, cut me some slack there. It's not like I'm used to this nudist thing, you know. So yeah, I guess I might have gotten... curious, that's all."

She shook her head. "Baby, that's no big deal. If you hadn't looked, I'd probably be a little worried now."

I smirked. "Wait, wait wait. I'm getting all sorts of mixed signals there. I thought I shouldn't be looking, and now it's a good thing I'm looking? What should I do?"

"You can look all you like, baby," Mom giggled. "And I do thank you for your 'contrary assessment', it was... very nice of you." She quickly looked down after saying this, and I couldn't help but wonder if she wasn't blushing a little. I quickly replied "Anytime, Mom," which had us both chuckling.

I shook my head. "Well, this is kind of weird..."

Mom nodded. "Yeah, I know -- seems that Julie has a knack of getting into this kind of stuff, and taking me along with her... even when she's not here."

We finished our lunch and I helped Mom clean the table. I got myself a coffee and her a tea, and we went back to the deck. It was really getting hot outside, and the proximity of the lake contributed to the heavy atmosphere. Early afternoons were not the moment you did a lot of moving around in the Summer, and I already felt a sheen of perspiration on my skin. I stretched, and noticed Mom giving me a look-over.

"Hey, who's looking now?" I joked.

She giggled. "I guess it's only fair, right?"

I shook my head. "I was only trying to be of service, you know? I took no pleasure in it, it was from a purely informational purpose."

"...and I do thank you for your sacrifice -- your repeated sacrifice, to boot."

"What can I say, Mom? I like to be thorough..."


"And well, you needed the confidence boost, right?"

She chuckled. "Sure. And what if I want to return the favor?"

"Erm, I don't know. Do you think I need some confidence boost?" I blurted out, before I realized what I was saying.

Mom replied in stride, not missing a step. "I don't see any reason you should, but -- why, you think it's too big?"

I blushed. "I... I don't think it is, no. Not that I think it's small, but -- average, maybe? I don't know, it's hard to tell."

"You've never compared with others?"

"Not really. I mean, how could I have? You don't really check out other guys in the bathroom or things get weird very quickly. So I guess most of my references come from porn... and I'm not sure they are actually representative of the norm, you know?"

"Probably," she giggled. "But honestly, you don't have to worry, baby. You're fine."

"Erm, thanks, Mom. I guess."

She smiled, her eyes darting again in the direction of my crotch -- where my cock was at half-mast. She was about to say something when we heard the sound of a car door closing. Julie was back.


A minute or so later, she was joining us on the deck, still wearing her professional clothes. She seemed annoyed, a frown on her face.

"Problems at work?" Mom asked.

"No, work is fine. There was no real emergency there, just that bitch Michelle doing her usual nonsense. I'm sure she enjoys it, ruining my vacation and all..."

Mom and I exchanged an amused look. Julie ranted on. "Just a bunch of unreliable assholes, that's all. Why can't I get just a little break, sometimes?"

Mom chuckled. "Uh-oh, somebody got stood up..."

"Not stood up -- just plain cancelled, and by text, too. Damn I hate it. Anyways. So, you two had any fun while I was gone?"

I joked: "You know we only have fun when you're around, Jules... what were we to do with you gone?"

She flashed me a saucy smile. "Oh, there's plenty of things I can think of. But I know Maddie, and one of her major failing is that she never sees how to make the best of the situation..."


"What? Come on, tell me that's not the truth. See? Okay, give me a minute so that I can get out of this -- I feel like I'm still at work."

She left quickly, leaving us amused and shaking our head. "Well, she's back," I piped, and Mom chuckled. "Oh yes she is..."

It didn't take long until Julie walked in, a light shawl tied around her waist. I frowned and was about to make a remark, when she shot me a defiant glance. "Before you say anything, buster, I'm not dressed, I accessorize. Just like Mads here."

I shook my head. "How am I supposed to reply to that?"

She smiled: "You don't, Chris."

"I can't help but find this a little unfair. What about me? I can't accessorize..."

"Oh, you can. I'm sure we could find you a very nice cock ring..."

Mom rolled her eyes, and I shook my head again. "Ha ha, very funny. Too bad, I didn't bring my set..."

"Oooh, kinky. Mads, your son has potential, really."

Julie gave me the once-over, and my mother sighed. "Jules, did you drink at lunch?"

"I might have. And?"

"Just asking."

"Hey, I've had a shitty day, okay? So I needed some liquid support, that's all. And thinking about it, honestly, I should have said no about going to work and... everything." She opened her arms, embracing the surroundings. "This is my safe place, and it's filled with my favorite people. I promise you, Mads, even if they call telling me the office is on fire, I won't move a finger. I'll stay here until the end of our little vacation, with you both."

I joked: "... and to think I said it was quiet around here this morning..."

Julie made a face. "Well, kid, you ain't gonna get rid of me that easily..."

I chuckled. "Well, I know that. Hey, was it true what you said?"


"The thing about being with your favorite people."

"Of course. You two are my family, you know? We're tight. And really, it's great to have you around here." She looked pensive for a moment, and then her usual energy took over. "Hey, I've got an idea: why don't we take some pictures? You know, for old times' sake?"

I blushed. "Erm, Julie, we're naked, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. But I'm not suggesting you go post this on Facebook or anything, but just for the three of us..."

Mom jumped in. "Just for the three of us, hmm? You're sure? Because some of your pictures have a tendency of getting some unwanted exposure..."

"Okay, Mads: maybe I don't have a perfect track record, but -- that was an honest mistake, you know? I was trying out my new smartphone, and I hit the wrong button."

"My point exactly."

"But it hasn't happened since that one time."

"Except for Caroline's nipple slip picture."

"Oh, but that was fair game, right?"


"Mads, listen -- what if we use my digital camera? This way, the pictures never land on my phone, and they are safe. Deal?"

"I don't know -- Chris, what do you think of this?"

"I -- I don't know. I..."

Julie pleaded: "Oh, come on, Chris -- just for the three of us, okay?"

She darted inside the cabin, and soon came back out with the digital camera. It was a small but rather sophisticated model, and she pointed it at us -- me sitting down on the lounge chair, Mom standing next to it. And snap, she took a picture. She looked at it, and chuckled.

"What is it?" Mom asked.

"Well, Mads, your son is ever the gentleman. Look how he's protecting your decency..."

She pushed the camera towards us, and on the little screen at the back, I could see this strange scene. Mom had an air of surprise on her face, mouth open in a 'o', while I was looking at the camera lens puzzled. But what was weird was that I had raised my arm at that precise moment, and that my open hand was just hiding Mom's pussy from the viewer.

Julie carried on: "Though to be honest, that makes it a little naughty, don't you think? One can wonder what you two have been doing..."

I was bright red. Indeed, we looked like two adulterous lovers caught 'in flagrante'. Mom shook her head. "Jules, you should delete that one..."

"Oh, certainly no. Okay, here's a new rule: until the end of this stay, we don't delete pictures. No, Mads, it's non-negotiable. Because I know your mother, Chris: once you let her delete a pic, you end up with no pics at all. Because 'this one is not nice, I closed my eyes here, and here it's not my best angle, and...' She comes up with so many excuses that it's impossible to get a shot she's satisfied with. So no deleting pictures. Okay?"

"Yeah, whatever," Mom said, shaking her head.

"Okay, guys, let's do a group shot, okay? Stand there, on the deck... a little to the right... perfect. And now I press the timer, and..."

Julie did a little sprint to stand by my side, Mom on the other, and we looked at the camera. A red light started blinking, then the blinking got faster and there was the sound of the shutter. Julie went to check, without moving the camera. "Okay, one more."

In fact, we took three more, with Julie wanting Mom and her turned towards me for the last ones. We checked the pictures out, and we couldn't suppress a laugh. While the first picture was more or less okay, the pictures for which Julie had us to pose were kind of weird.

With her usual bluntness, Julie summed it all: "My, on these ones, it looks like we're about to shoot a porno."

Mom giggled. "Yeah, a little..."

"Oh, I've got an idea for a great shot... Chris, Mads -- go stand in your place. Face each other, yeah, like this -- okay, and now, Mads, raise your hands above your head, like you're stretching... perfect." Snap! Julie giggled again. "Oh, Chris, the look on your face..."

She showed us the picture -- and here I was, my eyes on Mom's breasts, her own eyes closed as if in rapture... the picture was both very sensual and somewhat obscene. And I couldn't help but notice my cock was beginning to stand to attention.

"The perfect BoobLover shot," Julie quipped. Mom objected: "Aww, don't be so hard on him, Jules. It's a very nice shot... don't you think, baby?"

"Well, not sure that's my best profile..." I tried to joke

Julie chuckled. "Maybe not, but we're getting there." She looked down towards my cock, and Mom giggled.

I turned towards her, mock-furious. "Mom, I was hoping for some support there..."

"Doesn't look like you need any support, baby."

That remark left me dumbstruck. I don't know if that was Julie's influence, or the strange turn of these past days, but I had the impression Mom was starting to flirt with me, just as Julie was. I was about to say something when Julie, grabbing the camera, squatted next to me and took a picture of herself. "Selfie-time!" she laughed, and showed us the result. The picture was awkwardly framed (as those shots can be), but she was looking at the camera, her tongue playfully licking her lips, her face turned towards my hardening cock. "Now we're getting somewhere," she said.

I shook my head. "Julie, that's ridiculous..."

"What? Oh, come on, Chris, you don't have to be as stuck-up as your mother, you know?"

Mom smiled. "You can babble all you want, Jules, I won't fall into your trap."

"What trap?" she laughed.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You've got something naughty on your mind, and you just want to drag me into it. And calling me names won't do a thing."

"Me, calling you names? I'm just stating a fact here."


Julie turned to me: "Chris, be honest for a moment: you don't think your Mom is a bit stuck-up?"

Finding myself suddenly at the center of attention, I stuttered. "Erm, not particularly, no..."

"Oh come on! You can't be serious... Compared to me, she's practically a prude."

Mom giggled. "This, I won't object to, you're right, Jules."

"Stuck-up, as I said. Come on, Mads, unwind and just have fun! Here, get in the frame with that gorgeous cock, CreamQueen."

I started, but Mom just rolled her eyes. "Sometimes, you just have the weirdest ideas... you remember Chris is my son, right?"

"Mm-hmm, and I'm practically his aunt. So what? We're all adults here, what's wrong in having some fun?"

Mom shook her head. "Well, a lot of people would see that as being wrong, for starters..."

"A lot of people think that a lot of things are wrong, you know, starting with anything having to do with sex. What do you think about it, Chris? Is this making you uncomfortable?"

I nearly jumped, once more finding myself in the spotlight. "Erm, I... I don't know..."

Mom looked at me, serious now. "Yes, baby, tell us what you think about all this."

I took a deep breath. "I... I don't think I mind it..."

Julie chuckled. "That definitely sounds like a vote of confidence there. Could you show a little less enthusiasm, please?"

For some reason, her comment stung, and I replied, a little more forcefully. "No, it's been fun. I mean, like Julie said, you are my two favorite people, and it's nice to be around you. Even if it's been a little... unusual, I guess."

Mom piped in. "And it's not making you uncomfortable?"

I shook my head. "Not really, no. I mean, I've learned a lot of things about you guys since we got there, so yeah, I might be looking at you differently now..."

Julie joked: "Yeah, we did notice, BoobLover."

I smiled. "And yeah, there's that too. I can't really complain, can I? I've got two hot ladies just to myself, after all..."

"Mads, your son is such the sweet talker... though to be honest, he *does* have the hard-on to show for it, so maybe he's just telling the truth."

I blushed, but Mom giggled, and the look she gave me sent shivers down my spine. I tried to regain some composure. "Well, it's not like I have any way to hide it, you know?"

To my surprise, Mom said softly. "And we really appreciate the compliment, baby."

Julie jumped on the opportunity. "Perfect -- since we've got this nice family moment, we've got to immortalize it. So get in the frame for your picture, Mads."

Mom shook her head, and said "Okay, okay..." leaving me dumbstruck as she stepped closer to me, kneeled down so that her face was just before my now fully-hard cock, and smiled at Julie who took a couple of shots.

"Per-fect, Mads," Julie said, going through the pictures on the little screen at the back of the camera. "I'm a bit jealous, though, he's much harder for you than he was for me."

I joked: "What can I say, I'm a mommy's boy," and was delighted to hear Mom giggle.

Julie protested. "That's so unfair -- I'm the one doing all the heavy lifting, and she's reaping it all."

Mom lashed back. "Hey, you never wondered why you were nicknamed 'CockTease', Jules? You talk, you talk, but someone has to deliver..."

"Mads, you're starting to make me doubt you two didn't do anything this morning..."

"Don't let your imagination take the best of you, I only kept close watch on my son. Don't forget he's recovering from a nasty accident."

Julie smiled. "Oh, he seems to be recovering just fine, don't you think? Oh -- Mads, don't move..." She moved around and crouched by my right, while Mom was still at my feet, on the left. She gave us some curt instructions, and I heard the shutter close a few times before she was satisfied. She quickly checked out the result on the back screen, and told us to come have a look. She looked happy with herself, and I couldn't say if it was good or bad news for me.

The pictures were incredible. They all had basically the same set-up: I was standing straight, my cock hard and pointing slightly up, with Mom crouching behind it, the lower half of her chin level with my shaft. Let me be clear: she was gorgeous on all pictures, her fabulous curves delicately framed by the white shirt (which did nothing to hide them), but the last three were spectacular. On the first of this set, she was looking down at my cock, her tongue licking her lips, a hungry smile on her face. On the second, she was staring at the camera, biting her lower lip, lust in her eyes. And on the third and last one, she was looking up at me, smiling, and while that picture lacked the sexual directedness of the previous ones, it more than made up for it with the sensual tension that radiated from us both.

I guess Mom summed it up for us all, when she let out a sheepish "Wow." Julie nodded in agreement, adding with her usual (lack of) tact. "I don't know about you, Mads, but that gets me wet. You two are so hot..."

I tried to protest: "I didn't do anything..." but Julie shrugged it off right away.

"What? Come on, Chris, you must be blind. Can't you see how adoring you look in all these pictures? Yes, Mads is pure sex, but you're not so bad yourself... what do you think, Mommy-dearest?"

Mom seemed to blush as she smiled: "I'll take the fifth on this one, Jules."

Julie shook her head. "Oh no, I won't let you off so easily. Come on, be honest: you would have loved to get a taste, right? I know I would..."

I shook my head. I couldn't believe they were discussing this kind of thing right in front of me -- if it was probably some kind of elaborate joke between them, I certainly didn't want to become the butt of it. And I had to confess that I was indeed very much turned on by it all, as would have been any hot-blooded male, I guess. I tried to jump in.

"Hey, ladies, I'm here, remember?"

Julie turned to me. "And?"

"Well, show a little more respect, please. I'm not some piece of meat (Julie chuckled) to be bargained over..."

I winced, a sharp pain radiating in my leg, and had to sit down on the lounge chair.

"Are you okay, baby?" Mom asked, worry visible on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine -- I'm just cramping a little bit..."

Julie chuckled. "Cramping, eh? As if we hadn't noticed..."

I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha. No, my hip and calf -- you know, because of the accident? Concussion, stitches and bruises all over, remember?"

She nodded, and seemed a little apologetic when she answered: "Of course I remember, Chris. You know how I can be... anyways, somebody wants a drink? Chris?"

"I'll pass, thanks."


"No, thank you."

"Well, I need one," she said, and went inside to the kitchen.

There was a slightly awkward silence, then Mom asked me: "You're sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, it's a little painful, that's all," I said. "But it's only because I've been standing a little too long. My calf is still very contracted, you know, so... no need to worry, I'm sure."

"Oh, good, because..."

She was interrupted by Julie, calling from inside. "Mads, did we finish that bottle of wine yesterday?"

Mom shook her head, and replied loudly. "Yes, *you* finished the bottle of wine, saying it would bring you luck or something."

"Oh yeah, you're right," Julie said, coming back outside. "Well, newsflash: we're officially out of wine. I thought there was a casket left somewhere, but it seems James went through it the last time he was there." James was Julie's younger brother, who, in my opinion, was something of a douche. Where Julie was good-hearted in her silly jokes, James had something of a nasty streak in him, and I had always been wary of him. She shook her head, and sighed: "Well, I'm going to go buy some wine -- you're coming, Mads?"

"Sorry, Jules. I have to stand guard, remember?"

"Oh yeah, right. Great excuse," she winked at me. "Okay, I'm going to dress up and get some refreshments for us all, you stay here and behave."

I smiled. "Sure, Julie."

She blew us both a kiss, and she left. A few minutes later, we heard the now-familiar sound of the front door closing, followed by Julie's car leaving the driveway. We were alone.

We looked at each other and smiled. I'm sure we were thinking the same thing: yes, Julie was fun when she was around, but she was also a little exhausting. Mom looked at me, and said: "Don't move," and went to grab something on the table. She came back right away, raised her hand, and -- snap! Took a picture of me with her cellphone.

"Hey! What did we say about cellphone pics?"

Mom shrugged. "That only applied to Julie. I don't trust her with that kind of thing. Too many opportunities for mischief."
