A Naked Truth


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"And what about you?"

She smiled and made an innocent face. "Me? I would never do that. I just want to keep a memory of this... see?"

She turned the screen towards me, and I saw the picture she had just taken. I looked a little surprised (and I had been), but it was a nice picture. Or rather, it would have been if I had been dressed, and if my hard cock wasn't so obvious in the frame.

"Erm, that's a nice picture, I guess... but please tell me you're not going to keep it to show your friends when they're asking you about me?"

She giggled. "Why? I don't see anything wrong with it..."

I shook my head. "Yeah, right... Well then, I guess it'd be fair that I get a similar picture of you too. To keep a memory, you know?"

Mom smiled. "Of course."

I took her cellphone and stood up, indicating she take place on the lounge chair. She sat cross-legged on it, and while I was trying to find a good angle, I noticed how she was staring at my hard cock. "Hey Mom -- my eyes are up there," I quipped. She looked up, blushing a little.

"Sorry, baby, it's a little distracting."

I shook my head in disbelief. "What happened to sharing a family moment, huh? Even though, technically -- we're family, we're spending some time together, so that could qualify as a family moment..."

"Always with the big words, eh? Mister 'positive assessment'..."

"Yeah, right. Okay, strike a pose, we don't have all day..."

Snap! I checked the little screen -- and Mom stood up to come by my side and look with me. I tried to ignore her breasts pressing against my arm, without much success. My cock was so hard it was almost painful. "Oooh, nice," she said, and I focused back on the picture. Mom had been sitting cross-legged, with her hands on her thighs, her breasts bulging between her arms, and she had been looking straight at me, biting her lower lip.

"Wow, Mom..."

"You like?"

"Hell yes... and give me a minute. I have to send it to my phone. Wouldn't want it to get deleted 'by mistake', you know."

"Ha ha. Are you sure that's not because you just want to ogle your old mother?"

"Who says I ogle?"

"Chris, come on, we're both adults here. I know you do."

"Well, it's difficult not to, when a certain someone has been spending the day putting her boobs in my face."

"Oh really? I didn't hear any complaints, though..."

My leg was hurting again. I sat back down on the lounge chair. Mom suddenly changed from playful to worried. "Are you okay, baby?"

"Yeah, Mom, I'm fine. Just a little tense. In the leg, I mean." I smiled, and saw my smile reflected in her. She looked down and bit her lower lip, in this very sensual way of hers I was starting to love. I decided to push a little further. "Well, among other places." I put my hand on my cock, and gave it a slow stroke. Mom was watching, transfixed, holding her breath. I let go of my shaft, and looked at her.

She closed her eyes, shook her head softly and sat on the other chair, across from me. I swallowed hard, suddenly wary of what was to come. But she smiled and looked at me.

"Oh baby..." she whispered.

"Yes, Mom?" I replied, with an unsteady voice.

She let out a throaty laugh. "This is so much getting out of hand... so to say," she added with a giggle. She shook her head again. "What is it with my vacations with Julie always taking these unexpected turns?"

I hesitated, not knowing what to respond to that. I had been expecting a rebuttal of some sort, for having gone too far. "Erm, is that a bad thing?" I said, as neutrally as possible.

Mom seemed pensive. "Well, it's definitely not reasonable... but is it bad? I don't know. I mean, to be honest, she doesn't have to twist my arm much to bring me along. So I'm not sure that's really 100% Julie's fault. Case in point: she's not around, is she?"

I conceded the point. "Sure, but she did play some role in... well, getting us there, I guess. I mean, had it been just the two of us together, I'm not sure things would have turned out this way, see what I mean?"

She giggled. "No, you're right. But I'm not sure I can really put all the blame on Jules. We were the ones coming up with that 'nudist' idea in the first place, remember? I guess Julie only saw the full 'potential' of it, so to say, and decided to push it along."

"The full 'potential'?"

"Yeah. Julie is a huge fan of erotica, she reads all sorts of smut online. And she loves these stories that go beyond what is usually accepted, you know? I mean, you've seen how she was pushing for us to take pictures together, right? And how she commented on them afterwards?"

"Hm-hm." I was thinking that Julie had had nothing to do with Mom snapping that 'candid picture' of her naked (and hard) son with her phone cam a little later.

She chuckled. "Penny for your thoughts, baby."

"Hmm? Oh, nothing."

"Really? I don't believe it. Come on, you can tell me. It's just the both of us."

"Well... okay, would it be weird if I told you that I think it's fun?"

"What is? The pictures?"

"Not only the pictures, but this whole thing... I mean, being together, you and me and Jules, and the nudist thing and the flirting and the pictures..." I shrugged. "By the way, it's not like I can hide it, really..."

Mom giggled. "It's hard not to notice..."

"Ha ha. But neither of you made fun of it, you see?"

"Why should we?"

"I don't know -- I mean, because I shouldn't?"

"Oh come on. Let me make it clear: as a woman, it's rather nice to see you 'still have it' for young studs to get all hot and bothered around you. I certainly won't complain about you obviously being attracted by the female body. And anyways, if we are to be honest, we've put you through a lot -- that's only normal you'd react like that. I did think the pictures were going a little overboard..."

I frowned. "You didn't seem to protest much, though..."

She smiled. "Well, I thought it would be nice to have some souvenir of all this..."

"And some souvenir it is..." She giggled, and I continued. "Honestly, Mom, the pics are hot."

"You think so, baby?"

"Most definitely. Especially the one with us together..."

"You know, I think Julie was a little jealous there."

"Really? But you were saying she was kinda pushing things towards that..."

"Oh yes, she was. But at the same time, you know how she loves being at the center of the attention. Remember how she complained about you not being as hard for her?"



"And what?" I asked, surprised.

"Was it true?"

I looked up, startled. Mom was staring right at me, innocently. I blushed, and she laughed.

"I guess I have my answer!"

I was about to say something when we heard the sound of Julie's car in the driveway. Mom pouted. "Oh-oh, seems our nice time together is coming to an end..."


"But baby, before Julie gets here..."


"I'm so glad I make you harder than she does."

That left me speechless. And by the time I had regathered my wits, Julie was calling us, to help her unload the car.


The trunk was packed. I don't think I had ever seen that many bottles and six-packs outside of spring break parties and frat gatherings. Okay -- maybe I'm exaggerating there, but there was no doubt that Julie had gone overboard. Quickly walking back and forth between the driveway and the kitchen, we helped her unload.

"Jules, how many people are you planning to entertain this week?" Mom asked sarcastically.

"Hey, don't start the 'holier-than-thou' routine with me, Mads -- I've seen you drinking. And I know your poison of choice," Julie winked, before adding. "And Chris, the beers are for you, hope you'll find one that suits you in what I got."

"Hm, I'm afraid that's going to be club soda for me."

"What? You can't be serious?"

"Concussion, remember? The doctor said it would be a good idea to steer clear of alcohol for a week or so..."

"Damn. So that mean we can't hope to get you drunk and have our ways with you?"

Mom rolled her eyes, and I chuckled. "Nah, not sure the drunk part is going to happen."

Julie whistled. "Oooh, so that means you wouldn't be opposed to being our boy-toy, baby?"

I shrugged. "Who knows? That could be fun..." Mom giggled, and Julie suddenly looked at us suspiciously.

"Wait -- did something happen while I was away? Something happened. I'm sure of it. What did you do? Tell me."

Mom shook her head and smiled. "Oh come on, Jules, don't be silly, you know nothing ever happens when you're not there to provoke it."

I decided to jump in. "And what possibly could happen, really? It's was just the two of us, after all."

Julie chuckled. "Oh, careful there, buster. I have a very vivid imagination, and I could list a hundred things that could have been taking place here... and probably most of them rated M for mature."

Mom shrugged. "Well then, sorry to disappoint, but we only talked."

Julie rolled her eyes. "Really, Mads? I leave you with a sexy young stud and the only thing you do is talk?"

"Well, he also happens to be my son, Jules."

"Yeah, you're right," Julie sighed. "Sorry guys, seems my mind is in the gutter. I need a drink..."

As she started to open a wine bottle for Mom and herself, I smiled and grabbed a can of soda from the fridge before heading out to the deck outside. I could hear their friendly banter through the open door, and I couldn't help but think -- yes, these vacations were plenty of fun after all.

I sat on the lounge chair, picking up my Kindle. I turned it on, but couldn't dive back in the story I was reading right away. There was too much going on in my head, and I needed to sort through what was real and what was only the product of my own vivid imagination.

Julie had been flirting with me from the start, that at least was obvious. But it was difficult to decide how much of that was serious, and if she was actually considering going all the way with that. As crazy as that sounded, she seemed more interested in trying to get something going between Mom and I -- and again, there was no way to know if that was only because she enjoyed that kind of stories and felt a thrill by suggesting anything like it between us, or if she really wanted it to happen.

And then, there was Mom. Mom, whose last comment still resonated in my mind. For sure, we had both been subjected to Julie's bluster and banter, and Mom had been, like me, something of an accepting victim in all that had happened so far. And this had maybe brought us closer together -- and led us to consider each other in an entirely different light than before. I thought back on our discussion in the morning, when we started by discussing the size of Mom's boobs, and ended with her considering the size of my cock. There are been some subtle flirting going on there, that's for sure, and in a way, the picture-taking had brought it all to the light. And Mom was glad she made me hard. My head was spinning.

I took a deep breath, and tried to chase these thoughts from my mind. I turned to the book, and even if it took me a few minutes to get back into it, it eventually provided a welcome distraction.


A big splash woke me up. I must have dozed off over my book, and I looked around, somewhat panicky. I spotted Mom coming from inside, obviously annoyed with something.

"Sorry babe, she had one too many, and..."

She raised her hands apologetically and went to the edge of the deck, checking if Julie was alright. She was met with a generous spray of water that soaked her white shirt and nearly reached my feet. She turned towards me, shaking her head as if telling me "I told you so", neatly put the shirt on the back of a chair to let it dry, and jumped in the lake to join Julie.

It was my turn to shake my head. If I didn't know better, I could have sworn it was two teenagers playing in the water, complete with the silly giggles. I was about to get back to my book when I saw Julie climbing the deck and coming for me.

"Chris, enough of these books, come have some fun with us," she said, grabbing me by the arm.

"But I..." I tried to protest.

But Julie didn't want to have nothing of it. "Yeah, yeah, you had a concussion, yadda, yadda, yadda. But it's been two days already, and you don't look too worse for wear, and we'll be around so there's nothing to be afraid of. So stop chickening out, mister."

I let out a sigh and surrendered, still feeling sore in a number of places. I sat at the edge of the deck, legs dangling in the cool water, while Julie jumped back in with a splash.

"Don't tell me it's too cold for you, Chris. Come on and play with us!"

Mom tried to intervene. "Jules, let him take his time, he's still..."

"Mads, you've gotta stop being over-protective with him. He's not gonna break, you know."

"I'm not being over-protective, he's been in an accident and..."

"I know that, and he looks fine and I'm not exactly asking him to go bungie jumping with me, am I?"

"Not, but--"

"So there. The most he's going to risk joining us will be a little ass-grabbing, and there's nothing wrong with that, is it? And if he's lucky, he might get to do some boob-grabbing himself, and I don't see you complaining about that, right, BoobLover?"

I rolled my eyes, and slid in the water. "Jules, could you please stop with that?"

She giggled. "Why should I? It's so fun teasing you with that. And you know, I understand completely -- I'd be obsessed too if I had these parading around the house every day," she said grabbing Mom's boobs from behind. Mom gave her a slap on the hands and stepped away.

"Jules, stop it. This is getting old... is there anything else you could talk about?"

"Hey, sorry if I'm just trying to have a little fun here," Julie snapped back. "I've been dumped by an asshole, I've been stood up by another, so at least let me enjoy the only guy who's been gracious enough to show some interest these days, okay? Even though I'm getting the feeling he's got more the hots for you than for me..."

"Jules, you can't..."

"But then again, with these boobs, who can blame him?" she quipped, grabbing Mom's breasts again -- and quickly moving away to avoid her wrath. There was some splashing, some laughing, and soon it seemed that Julie's confession never happened. But I had been struck by the loneliness it had revealed, and even if she had complained about my having only eyes for Mom (which, to be honest, wasn't so far from the mark), it was obvious it was important for her to be around us. She had said we were "her favorite people", and at this moment I realized how true that was.

I put my hands in the water and sent a huge splash in their direction -- earning some offended shrieks, and suddenly becoming the object of their vengeance. Soon, we were like three teenagers fooling around in the lake, playing and laughing and enjoying ourselves. And yes, that included some ass-grabbing (especially on Julie's part). But I didn't mind.


We were taking a little break from the playful action, all of us trying to catch our breath, when Julie suddenly asked, out of the blue: "So, Chris, how are things in your love life? Still dating -- what's her name again, Mads?"

I was about to pull myself out of the water, and I hesitated, taken aback.

Mom shook her head, and quickly said: "They broke up a month ago, and her name was Kate."

But Julie wasn't one to take a hint, and instead of moving onto another topic, she decided to dig in. "Oh, really? I'm not surprised. I mean, from what your mother was telling me, she didn't think you would last... what is it, Mads? that's what you said, right?"

I sat on the pontoon, legs dangling in the water. Mom was blushing, and looked up at me, apologetic. "Sorry, baby... she's right, but I didn't think that was my place to say anything. To be honest, I didn't really like Kate."

"Nah, that's okay, Mom, don't worry about it. Maybe just after it was over I would have taken that badly, but not anymore. What didn't you like about her?"

"Hmm, I don't know, there was this feeling that... she was always kind of playing a role, you know? So perfect, that it felt calculated, you know?"

"Yeah, in a way, I see what you mean..."

Julie jumped in, with her usual subtlety: "And how was she in the sack?"

I chuckled, as Mom gasped. "Such a poet, as always..."

"Come on, Chris -- don't be a prude like your mother. (Mom rolled her eyes) How was she?"

I shrugged, not really wanting to dwell on the subject. "I don't know... okay, I guess."

"Oh, that doesn't sound so great. 'Okay', just 'okay'? What was the issue, come on, spill."

"Well, I guess she wasn't too much into it, that's all."

But Julie had obviously decided she wanted to get to the bottom of it, and she pushed on: "Any problem on your side?" Mom tried to intervene, but was soon shushed. "So?"

"What do you mean by 'problem'?"

"Well, obviously you're not too small, so -- too big, too quick, too selfish?"

I chuckled. "Oh no, nothing like that. She just -- didn't like it. I think it was way too messy for her."

"Oh-oh -- so you were asking for naughty things?" There was a twinkle in Julie's eye. "Mads, I told you, your son is a pervert. A boob-pervert, but a pervert nonetheless."

I chuckled again. "No, not at all. What I mean is -- the whole 'sex' thing was messy in her eyes. And she didn't like messy."

Julie shook her head exaggeratedly. "She doesn't know what is good, that's for sure..."

"Well, I guess there were some extenuating circumstances in her case..." I said, a little heady with all the fresh air.


I blushed. "Erm... okay, I don't know how to put it..."

"Chris, don't be shy, we're all adults here. Even if some of us are a little stuck-up and all," she winked at Mom who let out an exasperated sigh.

"O-kay. Well, the thing is... I'm quite abundant, when I..."

"Really? Because -- okay, listen." All of a sudden, Julie had turned very businesslike. "You see, there are three types of guys, when it comes to that: drippers, spurters and gushers. True, your mother has much more experience than me in that department -- Mads, do you want to explain?"

Mom sighed, but came closer to explain. "Well, the names are pretty much self-explanatory -- I guess Jules only wants to put me in a spot and embarrass me with that. Anyways (another sigh), the drippers usually sprinkle a few drops, the spurters, well, let out a few spurts, and the gushers..."

"The gushers are like firehoses and make a big mess all over the place," interrupted Julie. "So which are you? Obviously not a dripper, so..."

I chuckled. "Are you seriously asking me that?"

"Of course I am! It's of the utmost interest for the both of us, I'm sure -- no, Mads, don't deny it, I'm certain you're curious about it. Hmm? Am I right?"

Mom let out a little smile. "Well, I guess I am a little curious about it..."

"See? So. Gusher or spurter?"

I surrendered. "Spurter, I guess. I... it doesn't come out in one go, it's more... I don't know, eight or ten spurts or something."

"Now we're talking!" Julie exclaimed enthusiastically. "Well, of course, I'll only believe what I see, but that sounds pretty promising, right?" she said, turning to my mother.

She replied by a non-committal "hmm-hmm", but her eyes were on me... and quickly looked down at my cock, still very much erect. It was only a flash, and she was soon staring at me. Maybe it was my over-active imagination or the sun beating down on my head, but I could have sworn she quickly licked her lips, a sparkle in her eyes.

Julie, oblivious to all this, pulled herself out of the lake, saying loudly: "Damn, I need a drink. In fact, we all need a drink. I've had enough water for the day."

Mom followed her, smiling, and after drying ourselves in the sun, we all headed back in the cool shade of the cabin. My head was spinning, once again.
