A New Alexandra Ch. 05


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She quietly moaned and reflexively spread her legs, allowing Kira full access. Kira gently teased the outside of Alexandra's pussy with her hand, brushing past her clit briefly several times.

"I've got another idea," said Kira.


"Not one entirely new to you. Just...more. OK?"

"More what?"

"More, well, restrained."

"Ohhhh." The word "restrained" called to memory her recent experience being handcuffed by Kira. The lack of control had driven her wild, and she hoped it was soon to be repeated.


"Yes," confirmed Alexandra.

"Hands above your head."

So that's why she threw me down in the middle of the bed. She planned ahead, thought Alexandra.

Her hands were quickly cuffed into place. The restraints looped through the slats in the headboard, as had been the case previously. Alexandra's arms were locked into position above her head.

Unlike before, Kira was not done. The warmth at Alexandra's side disappeared as the tall blonde went back around the bed, locating something else underneath.

Blindfolded and handcuffed, Alexandra could only wait. Her body responded to the restraint, fond memories of last time triggering another level of arousal.

She felt something encircle her left ankle, followed a moment later by a parallel feeling on her right.

Alexandra tried to close her legs. She could not. The strap that ran underneath the bed kept them firmly parted at the ankles, her pussy lewdly exposed to Kira's hungry gaze.

Kira ran a finger up Alexandra's leg, from just above the ankle all the way to mid-thigh. A tingle followed it, going all the way up to Alexandra's spine.


Alexandra nodded.

"Like it?"


"Good. You look...just insanely hot right now." Kira's voice, as it often did when she was turned on, had acquired an edge to it.

"I'm glad you like it."

"I'm glad you trust me with this, Alexandra."

"I do."

Kira brushed her fingers along Alexandra's jawline, then her neck, and then her collarbones.

"You have this beautiful vulnerability about you." She turned her attention to the brunette's midsection, this time tracing the centerline of her body through the fabric from just below her breasts to an inch below her navel. "And I'd like to take full advantage of that, if you don't mind."

"Please," said Alexandra, the desperation in her voice surprising even her. Kira's teasing had sent ever more blood to her most sensitive areas. Alexandra could feel moisture lubricating her beyond any reasonable amount.

"Mmmm," said Kira. "I think you can wait a minute or two, can you not?"

Alexandra gritted her teeth. If Kira wanted a mind game, she would get one. Alexandra could hold out as long as she needed. At least, I hope so, she thought.

"I suppose."

"Good then. I think I'll take a quick shower and be right back," said Kira, her voice artificially bright.

The sound of water reached Alexandra seconds later through the open bathroom door. Deprived of eyesight or the inability to see or do anything productive by moving, Alexandra's mind took over. God, I hope she's not too long. And I hope I at least look hot.

She felt Kira's touch again, fingertips lightly teasing one of her nipples through the fabric of the lingerie.

"Shower needs to warm up," her girlfriend explained.

"Mmhm," replied Alexandra.

The fabric of the lacy garment still felt clingy as Kira slid it all the way over Alexandra's hips, giving her full access to Alexandra's pelvic area. She slid between Alexandra's thighs and kissed her lightly just above her slit, running a teasing tongue along one side of her opening.

Kira opted for fingers instead. She slid one inside Alexandra, receiving a surprised gasp in response. The second received a gentle groan. Alexandra tilted her head back, her body enjoying the pleasant fullness of Kira's digits inside her.

Kira fingered her slowly, in no hurry. Alexandra felt her body respond, the heat building inside her. In the darkness behind the blindfold, her entire mind was focused on the feeling and sound of her pussy being fingered.

Her body wanted to move, to writhe around in pleasure, but the restraints on her wrists and ankles prevented that. Instead, Kira hit the spots inside Alexandra perfectly, each one unlocking a new chamber of bliss.

Alexandra knew she was moaning loudly, but she didn't care. I want her to know damn well what she's doing to me, she thought. As if she doesn't already.

Kira continued. Alexandra felt her body accelerating towards the edge of an orgasmic cliff. The fingers inside her and the occasional brushes against her clit had exactly the expected effect: with no control, Alexandra could do nothing but breathe deeply and try to hold on as long as possible.

Just as she reached the point of no return, Kira abruptly stopped. For a moment, Alexandra felt suspended in the air, her body and mind sharing their confusion as to what the coming seconds held. Only after they'd agreed on "no, not now" did Kira's hand return, beginning the dance again.

Kira repeated the process three times, bringing Alexandra ever-closer to the edge each time, never quite hitting it. She knows me too well already, thought Alexandra. Right up to the edge every time, a moment on it, and then back down the same side. I want to go over.

After the third time, as suddenly as she'd started, Kira withdrew the fingers to a disappointed whimper from her blindfolded, restrained partner.

"Shower time for me. Just one more thing before I go."

"What's that?" asked Alexandra. Fuck you, Kira, you awful, awful tease.

She felt Kira leaning over her. "Open."

Alexandra dutifully parted her lips, and Kira inserted a long finger, coated in Alexandra's juices. Dammit, I loved that last time, and I love it again, thought Alexandra, greedily sucking her own flavor, gathering every last hint of it.

"One for you," whispered Kira, "and one for me." With that, she was gone, though Alexandra thought she heard a faint "Mmm" as Kira crossed the room to take her shower.

Now it was silent but for the spattering of the shower, a quiet sound of water hitting glass. Alexandra's mind assembled a mental picture of what she must look like. The handcuffs were a flexible fabric, with velcro closures. Flexible, not painful, but not easy to escape. She remembered how they looked from last time: all black, a nylon strap run through and back around the headboard, holding her hands in position just an inch or so from being able to grab the end of the bed.

The ankle cuffs feel similar, she thought. So probably similar straps, underneath the bed. My ankles are spread far really apart. They can't each be more than a foot from the edge of the bed, and this thing's a queen. The thought of being so exposed, with the only scrap of fabric she had on - a backless sheer mini-slip - hiked up over her hips, gave Alexandra's insides another whirl. I shouldn't like this, but I do. Damn. Just be patient.

The shower went silent, and the sounds of Kira drying herself reached Alexandra. She wanted badly to touch herself, to relieve the ache between her legs, to finally feel satisfaction. She hoped it wouldn't be too long.

It wasn't. The sink ran, then a few seconds more of something being dried with a towel, and then footsteps in the bedroom.

"Thank you for waiting," said Kira, her voice approaching. "I feel much better now. Shall we remove your blindfold, hm?"


Kira reached behind Alexandra's head, and removed the fabric covering her eyes. It had been nothing more than a black satin cloth, Alexandra saw, her eyes readjusting to the light.

Kira was already sliding onto the bed near the headboard, undoing the soft cuffs from Alexandra's wrists. She was naked now except for her glasses, which apparently she'd swapped in for her contacts. Behind the frames was the mischievous glint Alexandra was growing rapidly to like.

She slid across Alexandra, straddling her chest and looking down the length of her body into her younger lover's eyes.

"This is what you want, right?"

"God, yes." Yes, I want to taste her so badly.

"Mmm, I like to hear that. This way, or shall I turn around?"

Around, please. That way you can please me, too. "Your choice, just pick one now, please."

"Mmm," said Kira, athletically reversing herself without leaving the bed. Her wet slit was now positioned above Alexandra's face. "Ready, babe?"


The first taste sent a wave of pleasure through Alexandra. Her tongue early lapped up Kira's juices, the amount of pressure on her lips just perfect.

Kira was already starting to moan softly. She was beginning to move her hips as well, her body following Alexandra's tongue as it took care of her.

"Fuck," she said. It came through slightly muffled to Alexandra, who responded by slightly increasing her speed. Her entire focus was on Kira's pussy. At least for the moment, there was nothing else in the world. Her field of view was again obscured, with Kira's muscular booty covering the top half of her face.

She felt Kira shift position. There was more light.

"God, Alexandra. I love it when you eat my cunt like that."

"Mmmmm," moaned Alexandra, pleased at the compliment.

"So maybe..."

Alexandra's entire body jolted as Kira's lips landed right on her slit, her tongue then going to work on the hungry clit. So this is my first lesbian 69, thought Alexandra.

Even though she was trying hard, Alexandra could not keep up the rhythm of her licking; Kira's hips were moving too strongly, and the pleasure shooting from the attention her own pussy was receiving made that impossible.

At this point she's basically just riding my face, thought Alexandra. She drew in a deep breath in the rare chance she got. And I love it.


"Ah, mhm, right there!"

"Unh, yessss..."


They traded noises, moans, at times trading them, at times overlapping. Sometimes it's like it doesn't even matter which one of us is making the noise, thought Alexandra.

She could feel tension in her abdominal muscles, the sure sign that her body was straining against an inevitable orgasm. Her legs, held in place by the ankle restraints, fought against the straps to no avail. Kira's thighs were tight now as well, the sure sign that she too was close.

Their noises increased in volume. Alexandra could feel them both beginning to sweat, the brief frustration and pleasure of a dam that would not quite break for either. Her hips felt like flying off the bed, trying to grind her entire pussy against Kira's lips.

"Yes, fuck, right there. Yes!" Kira was clearly getting close.

It's time, thought Alexandra, giving an extra-long lick to Kira's engorged clit. She felt Kira's entire body shudder as a yell escaped her body.

"Ah, yes! Fuck, yesssssssss!"

A pause. "Gah...mmmmm...". Even in the middle of her orgasm, Kira had managed to get her mouth back to Alexandra's slit.

The renewed contact sent Alexandra over the edge as well, as she let loose a throaty growl.

The power of their simultaneous orgasms rocked the room, and Alexandra saw stars for a moment. Everything was overwhelming; the blood rushed away from her head, then back to it as every muscle in her body contracted at once.

Kira's thighs had just started to relax alongside her head as her own orgasm subsided.

Alexandra found herself gasping for breath. Kira was once again sitting astride her chest, facing her and running her fingers gently through her hair.

"You're wonderful, you know that?" Kira was smiling now, looking calm and content.

"Not just when I'm eating you out, right?"

Kira covered her mouth and looked away, pretending to be shy. "When you what?"

Alexandra laughed. "Oh, you know, I just thought..."

The blonde moved down and quickly undid the straps around Alexandra's ankles and then slid alongside her, throwing an arm across Alexandra's narrow torso.

"No, not just then. It sure doesn't hurt, but I like you for a lot more than sex."

"So tell me what you'd like to do with the rest of our evening then, Miss Manning."

Kira turned Alexandra onto her side, their arms naturally wrapping around each other's midsections.

"Is 'nothing' okay? Maybe just cuddle here for a few minutes, then read and go to bed like a couple of old ladies?"

Alexandra kissed her gently on the lips. "You have no idea how wonderful that sounds. Let me get my book."

She hopped out of bed, crossing the bedroom and then the living room, finally taking off the thin layer of fabric as she went.

Alexandra realized how natural it was all starting to feel, the lovemaking, the walking around Kira's apartment, the soft scent of their smells mixed together on the sheets. It was all very easy.

By the time she'd checked that the door was locked, turned off the lights in the apartment, and brought her bag to the bedroom, Kira was already sitting up, covers pulled up and a book open on her lap.

"I figured since I already had my reading glasses on," she said, not looking up.

She'd turned on the bedside lamp on Alexandra's side as well, Alexandra noticed.

Kira patted the empty spot on the bed, and Alexandra slid in next to her. Kira put down her book, and for a brief minute they simply sat there in silence, nose to nose, taking in the moment.

Their bodies were tight against one another, smooth skin on smooth skin, feeling their way to the arrangements of their new routine. After a few squirmy moments, they reached a comfortable equilibrium, again seated next to each other, novels in hand.

Alexandra opened her book and removed the bookmark. As she did so, she felt Kira's fingers interlacing with her own.

She gave the hand a quick squeeze and began to read.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I was today years old when I learned that cars did not have cupholders until 1984. And it wasn't luxury cars, either -- just those humble minivans! 👍

Nicole2023Nicole2023over 1 year ago

Love the dynamics

Cindy1001Cindy1001over 3 years ago

Wonderful description of the feeling of fresh love, love it!

ms969ms969over 5 years ago
Fantastic Series

My earlier concerns about a dominating Kira are lapsing into the glow of their full on romance. The part you put in earlier about student housing being full gives Alex a great opportunity to move in with her new "spouse". I am a big believer in relationships having been in a wonderful one for over 4 decades. She and I love each other and I cannot wait until she joins me in retirement.

My concerns about being dominated are also from experience. Being under 5' tall most of the girls I dated could have easily beat me up, and more than one did. I would have no problems letting my partner do the gentle stuff you have mentioned but stuff like spankings, being forced to crawl etc are relationship enders for me.

An early disagreement I see between Alex and Kira would likely be Alex sloppy housekeeping versus Kira's style. I also see Kira giving her some much needed fashion sense and a quick guide as to why you do not just wear the clothes that need washing the least. Also, I see Alex getting a paid internship at Lyft with a substantial payraise to buy what she needs.

Then there is the parents. My mom never got over my choice. Neither did my brothers. In fact the only one who was cool with my partner was my Dad. So I see that Alex has troubles fown the road.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Loving this story so far. I can't want to read about her impending sexual encounter with Sam.

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