A New Alexandra Ch. 08


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The shower curtain opened, then closed.

"Want some help there?" said Katy, sweetness disguising her obvious alternate intention.

"Mm," came the reply, Alexandra's hands dropping to her side. She stood back from the water, which now hit her shoulders and breasts. The smell of fruity shampoo filled her nose.

Katy brushed past her, skin-to-skin contact sending a new rush through Alexandra. Then the fingers in her hair, carefully massaging her hair and scalp. It feels nice to be treated like this, she thought, even though I doubt I'm the only one getting enjoyment out of this.

"You'll miss having long hair," said Katy. "Not for long, though."


"Honey, let's not pretend you're going to keep this all, are you?" Katy stretched a few strands out to full length, tugging gently to emphasize the distance of her hands from Alexandra's head.

"Um --"

"No, seriously, I saw the way you were looking at me and Michelle the other day. And I know you. Feel this," she said, lifting Alexandra's hands and placing it on the back of her head.

Soft, barely-there buzzed hairs met Alexandra's fingertips, almost bare scalp. Had Katy had her pixie cut even shorter than when they last hooked up?

"Don't turn around," said Katy. "Yes, it's shorter, but you'll see it later. You like it?"

"Mhm," said Alexandra, letting her fingers roam. She couldn't deny that Katy's hair had been a huge turn-on for her, both the extreme blue color and the buzzed sides. It was all so new, but she felt the pull of Katy nonetheless. She used her sexuality openly and brazenly, rubbing it into Alexandra's fingers and mind.

"You don't just want to have sex with me, Alexandra. You want to look like me, isn't that true? Copy my style, get all this chopped off and finally look like the awesome little bitch you are?" She emphasized the point by rubbing her fingers through the roots of Alexandra's hair, light pressure on the scalp giving Alexandra a tingling sensation all over.

The thought had not really occurred to Alexandra, but there was a kernel of truth in what Katy was saying. She had felt it the other night with Kira, wanting to do something overt to grow into her new identity. Actions speak louder than words, she heard the cliché echo.

"Mmm," said Alexandra. She was trying to sound noncommittal. Did it come out horny instead?

"Don't answer me now," said Katy. "Just think about it."

Alexandra felt the hands drop away from her scalp and ducked her hair into the water. She rinsed carefully, her mind wondering what it would be like to have short hair like Katy's. Would Kira hate it? Love it? What about Sam? Why am I even thinking this?

Katy's hands returned, this time around Alexandra's waist. The kissing began on the side of her neck as Alexandra threw her hair over the other shoulder. Alexandra had been right: the arousal came back instantly.

She turned to kiss Katy's lips, again feeling the brush of the septum piercing. I wonder if she includes that in 'her style'? Does she seriously think I'm going to get a facial piercing? Oh, just shut up and kiss her, Alexandra.

They made out for nearly twenty seconds, her hands roaming over the closely-cropped nape of Katy's neck, brushing the tips of the longer hair on top. She's right when she calls me a slut, thought Alexandra. I'd happily do this all day with her, and with several other women I could name. And not just fantasy. I'd do it without hesitation.

Everything felt just right under Alexandra's fingers as the water cascaded over both of them. As Katy gently pulled her closer, she felt the brush of her partner's pierced nipples against her. The metal sent another jolt through her, and a small moan escaped her lips.

"Mmm, tsk, tsk, babe. I still need to clean off," said Katy, one hand dipping to Alexandra's ass, tracing a finger along her curves. "Unless you want to do it for me," she said, handing Alexandra a spring-green loofah.

"You can turn around now."

Alexandra looked up as she did so, taking in Katy's fresh hairstyle. Gone was the eye-catching blue of the first time they had slept together. In its place the nearly-shaved sides and back were blonde, Katy's natural color. The hair on top had been dyed a cotton-candy pink, with longer hair in front tapering off to shorter at the back.

"You're drooling again, honey," Katy said. "I'm glad you like it, though. Michelle hates it."

Fuck, Alexandra. You're so obvious about everything. Yes, it's hot, but really? Get a grip.

She did not manage to get a grip. Alexandra did her best to at least maintain a pretense of soaping up Katy, but mostly failed. While she ran the sponge over most of her partner's skin, her mouth probably covered more. Katy giggled as Alexandra began on her shoulders and collarbones, then slid down.

Giggles turned to a gasp as her nipple rings disappeared into Alexandra's warm lips, one and then the other. Her taut midsection followed, Alexandra's tongue teasing the warm skin. Soon, the game was up, as the loofah sat on the shower floor and Alexandra on her knees, eyes at the pink-haired woman's waist level.

"Yes, you may," said Katy, her hand guiding Alexandra's head where it was already going. Alexandra accidentally-on-purpose grazed Katy's VCH piercing with her nose, receiving a surprised gasp in response. She smiled to herself as the hand on top of her head lowered her another inch, right to the bottom of Katy's slit.

And now it's practically automatic, she thought, closing her eyes and beginning to pleasure Katy with her tongue. My tongue, slick slit, match made in heaven.

Rivulets of water ran down both sides of Alexandra's face as she eagerly let Katy's flavor absorb her senses. One pale leg went over her shoulder, bracing on the wall above her.

Yes, yes, fuck yes, Alexandra's mind repeated. Her body contorted to fit underneath Katy's crotch, Alexandra tried to block the sheet of water running down her lover's stomach and hips. I want to open my eyes, to see her face.

She couldn't. Too much water ran from Katy's taut abdomen, so Alexandra blindly lapped at the delicious juices, her neck bent backward to flick her tongue as deeply as possible.

Katy's hips began to rock back and forth above Alexandra, her piercing again grazing Alexandra's nose. God, I wish I could see this, Alexandra thought, cautiously opening one eye, then the other.

Katy had one hand steadying herself on the tiled wall. The other ran through her hair, clutched desperately at one breast and then the other, tweaking the piercing in each. The shower sounds muffled the soft moans Alexandra knew would be escaping the fit woman's mouth: Katy's teeth had a secure hold on her lower lip, trying to keep quiet.

Louder, bitch, Alexandra thought, grabbing Katy's hips and pulling them hard down onto her waiting mouth. She sucked the engorged labia hard, only releasing the pressure when a loud groan overpowered the sound of the water.

"Unnnnnhhh...yesssss!" came the voice from above her.

Alexandra deftly licked the standing woman's clit piercing with the tip of her tongue and then stopped. She breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of sex and the steam of the shower.

The response was a growl from Katy. "You can fucking finish me any time now, Alexandra."

Another teasing tongue on the metal bar, flicking Katy's hood from left to right.

"Rrrrr," responded Katy, hand pinching her nipple. "Fuck, I'm so close. So..."

One final sweep of Alexandra's tongue sent Katy into a shivering ecstasy, whimpering as her body shook and she leaned hard on the shower wall. Alexandra lapped eagerly at the smooth, soaked slit, prolonging her partner's pleasure.

When she was sure it was done, the full body of the orgasm having run its course, Alexandra rose to her feet. Katy held her tightly, staring into her eyes.

"You're wonderful," she said. "Really."

Even despite what she'd just done, Alexandra felt a blush spread across her cheeks. It feels so good to be wanted. Complimented. Told that how I feel about women is right. Wonderful, even.

The women kissed delicately, then more passionately as each interlaced fingers through the other's hair. Hot water ran down their faces, their backs, gently spattering on the tile floor.

"And now the surprise," said Katy, stroking Alexandra's cheek.

"Hmm?" I thought that sexy pink haircut was the surprise, Alexandra thought.

"Where's the weirdest place you've ever gotten a job offer?" said Katy.

Alexandra thought for a moment. "Um, probably in a drive-through line at Wendy's? I got a call offering me a summer job once when I was picking up a Frosty."

Katy spun Alexandra around, arms wrapping around her. Alexandra felt the pert, metal-tipped breasts press into her back.

"Well, would a shower beat that? It's not exactly an offer, but I'm like 99 percent sure that my boss would hire you to work in our team, after I showed her that analysis you did of our business. Full time after graduation. Salary would probably be around eighty, eighty-five to start. Thoughts?"

Alexandra stood speechless, eyes closed in the steaming air. Thirty seconds ago I was making her cum on my face. Now she's dangling a job with a salary well above the median family income right in front of me. In the fucking shower.


"I get it. You need to think about it. And you'll need to come in and formally interview plus submit your transcript, just so Erika doesn't think you're some sort of oddball freak," said Katy. "Although considering she employs me, that might not be such an issue, huh?"

Alexandra turned, hugging Katy tightly. "This is most definitely not how I expected to land a job, but..." She let the sentence trail off.

Katy shut off the water, plunging the room into a dripping silence.

"Anyway, someone from our HR team will give you a call next week to set up an interview. And just to be clear," she said, "don't think the job and the sex have anything to do with one another. One's because I think you're brilliant, would fit well with our team, and would love it there. The other's because I think you're mad sexy."

Alexandra nodded questioningly at a pile of towels.

"Use whichever ones you want," said Katy. "But seriously, don't think of this as sleeping your way into a job. Think of it as some combination of 'you earned this' and the young urban lesbian economist version of a good-old-boys' network."

"Seems like a much smaller network," replied Alexandra, toweling off her face, then rubbing the luxurious terrycloth down her legs and body. "Where did you get these towels?"

"Stole them from a hotel a while back," said Katy, padding naked across the floor. "Don't remember which one. Stole my bathrobe too, plus my slippers. I might not be the best hotel guest. But I'm glad you like them. They are indeed nice towels."

Alexandra held a second piece of fabric in front of her face, preparing to wrap it around her hair. Fairmont, the embroidery read.

"You stole them from the Fairmont, apparently."

"Oh, yeah. Toronto, last year," said Katy, as if she possessed a mental encyclopedia of larceny. "It's especially satisfying when they charge you five hundred bucks a night and then ask you to pay extra for wifi."

"Five hundred bucks?"

"Relax, Alexandra," said Katy, running pomade through her hair. "It was a business trip. I don't spend five hundred dollars on fucking anything, least of all a hotel room. Oh, speaking of..."

She left the room, the clean scent of apple body wash trailing in her wake.

"What size shoe do you wear?"

"Um," said Alexandra. "Nine, assuming you're talking women's sizes?"

"Well, I wouldn't be talking fucking elephant sizes," came the reply from the bedroom. "Come in here."

A shoebox sat on the bed, black with a white star on the top. CONVERSE was stenciled on the side in bold black letters. Draped over one corner sat a pile of red and black plaid fabric, tossed casually as if ripped off a hanger.

"Try these on," said Katy. "Consider this a tech-company recruiting pitch. Nice coincidence that we have the same shoe size."

Alexandra opened the box, the tissue paper crinkling as it revealed a pair of bright-red low-top Chuck Taylors.

"The shirt, too," said Katy, holding up a Buffalo plaid flannel. "It's pretty fitted on me, so it'll look good on you too."

"Um," said Alexandra. "Why..."

"I'm giving them to you for a couple reasons," Katy interrupted. "First, they'll look good. Second, I'm hardly going to be wearing that much red when my hair is the color of cotton fucking candy, is it? Third, I've got enough Chucks to outfit a mildly threatening hipster army, and I'm guessing you have enough to outfit precisely nobody."

"You're correct on that one."

"And finally, the first one again. You'll look fucking good in these. Tell you what. If you wear these for your girlfriend and she doesn't compliment you or go right for you, you can do two things."

"And those are?" Alexandra stifled a smile at the woman so wrapped up in spontaneous gift-giving that she stood naked and dripping in the middle of her own bedroom.

"First, I'll take the damn clothes back, free of charge. Generous, I know. Second, I will give you an hour with me in which you can do whatever you want. What. Ever. You. Want. Sound good?"

Sounds...sounds... thought Alexandra. "Sounds like a win-win proposition, I guess."

"Good. Might as well put at least the shirt on now. Better than that gross-ass workout top you showed up in. How'd you not freeze to death in that thing?"

"Cars have heaters, Katy," said Alexandra, sliding the long-sleeved shirt over her body and buttoning it.

"See, looks good, doesn't it?"

Alexandra checked her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Actually, I look ridiculous, she thought. Long-sleeve flannel shirt and nothing else. She felt a light touch on her back, Katy's delicate fingers pressing just above her hipbones. Maybe not so bad. That feels so...so natural, amazing.

"I think she's going to love it," said Katy, opening her dresser and stepping into a pair of panties. "Pity you'll have to wear pants with it, at least for a while. Oh, and those Chucks. Wear the damn Chucks too."

Alexandra stared unashamedly as Katy dressed, hopping into a pair of jeans and not even bothering with a bra before picking an enormous grey hoodie off the floor. She's so comfortable in her own skin, Alexandra thought. How do I get to that point?

"Let me try this again," Alexandra said. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want you to be happy." The answer came instantly, sharply. "I see how you react to me. Hell, I always have. But I know who I am and I know who you are. And most importantly, I see the way you light up every time the subject of your girlfriend comes up. You're on this crazy-ass roller coaster ride of getting into a relationship while you're frantically also fumbling with your sexuality. I get it. I've been there."

"Thank you."

"I'm not done," said Katy, tone still sharp. "I'm also rather big into fair exchanges. You say this Kira chick is fine with you fucking me while you're dating her, and I think that's...well, I think that suits me absolutely perfectly. So my part of the deal is to make sure I send you back to her looking and feeling like the sexiest fucking woman who ever walked out of this apartment."

Sexiest? Present company included?

"Well, second sexiest," said Katy. "But you'll catch up. Now get your gorgeous booty covered and get out of here before I change my mind."


Alexandra's head spun as she drove back to her apartment. Every time I think I have Katy figured out, she throws me for a new loop. She looked at the shoebox sitting on the seat next to her. Had Katy really just come up with the gift spontaneously, or was there more to it?

And what about the thing with the job? I should be celebrating even having the chance at such a job, especially one that falls right into my lap. I mean, working at a major tech company, making nearly six figures without even a grad degree?

But still there was a knot in her stomach. What's that old adage about... oh, whatever it is, getting a job through your fuckbuddy might not be the best course of action. She signaled a left and cranked the wheel into her street. Maybe not the worst one, either.

Alexandra tidied her apartment and slumped on the couch with the stark realization that she actually had nothing pressing to do. Her work was squared away, her laundry and apartment cleaned, she'd worked out, and now she was just waiting for a text from Kira.

A text that will have me pick my girlfriend up at the airport, drive her home, and then presumably jump right into bed with her. Her, my third woman of the weekend.

She sat staring into space, thinking about what she'd tell Kira about her weekend. It wasn't that she needed to be shy about it -- after all, their arrangement had been openly discussed -- but she wanted her flings with Sam and Katy to be just that: flings. Side dishes to the main course with Kira. Yes, I need to remember that. Tell her clearly. Even better, show her.

Alexandra tried to distract herself with a book, only to remember that the one she was currently reading sat on the bedside table at Kira's place. My bedside table, the one on my side of the bed, the bed I normally sleep in.

I barely even live here anymore, Alexandra thought, looking around her own apartment.

Television was even less availing. Predictably for a Sunday afternoon in late autumn, it was wall-to-wall football. Either the games themselves featuring enormous men falling down and getting up repeatedly, or other channels dedicated to older, similarly enormous men discussing the game they wished they still played. And to think I used to pretend to be interested in this shit to connect with guys.

A look out the window at what had turned into a sunny blue sky planted the first solid idea in Alexandra's mind. She pulled on a pair of black jeans, socks, and went to the closet for a jacket. Fifty degrees outside, her phone said.

Fine, Katy, she thought as she unwrapped the red canvas shoes. I'll try your stupid hipster makeover. She felt a rush as she laced and tied them. Why? It's not like I'm doing something forbidden here?

It wasn't until Alexandra was walking down the Midway that things came together in her mind. Brown leaves swirled on a gentle breeze as a few cars and bikes passed.

"It feels right," she said, out loud to herself. "It all just feels right." She hadn't looked in the mirror before walking out the door because she felt right. She didn't worry about her abrupt conversion to casual promiscuity because it felt right. Least of all, she didn't worry about Kira -- anything about Kira -- because Kira made her feel so completely right.

And I get to see her in just a couple hours, Alexandra thought, the feeling warming her core. She strolled around aimlessly, letting her thoughts drift. From the present to the future and back, each time they came back to the same place. I'm doing this. Out of the lazy shadows and into the bright light of what's coming next.