A New Alexandra Ch. 08


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"Lesbian. Friend, lover, slut. Nerd. Young professional," she said to herself. "Lesbian." She surprised herself by wiping a tear from one eye, then the other. An older woman passing shot her an are-you-ok look, to which Alexandra returned a thumbs-up. Just the realization that things really are different now, she thought.

Acceptance. It was like she'd been wearing her shoes on the wrong feet her whole romantic life and had only now realized her mistake.

Her phone buzzed almost as soon as she returned home.

Kira: Hey, at the airport now. You still available?

Shit! How is she back already? Did I miss a text or a call?

Kira: To be clear, Logan Airport. Boston. Flight leaving in an hour looks like it has space, so I should be at O'Hare around six.

Alexandra: Phew. You scared me there! Yep yep, 6 is fine. Meet you at the curb or do you want me to park and come in?

Kira: Curb's fine. Didn't check a bag so I'll be out pretty quick after landing.

Alexandra: Sounds good, see you then ;)

Kira: BTW I can't wait to see you. I'm kinda shocked how much I missed you.

Alexandra: Me too.

Kira: Well, I'll send you something right before I board for you to think about on the drive up to O'Hare ;)

Alexandra's stomach leapt. Considering their earlier flirting via pictures, it was not difficult to imagine what she might be receiving.

Alexandra: So you must have liked what I sent?

Kira: I did. But anyway, how are you? Had a good day?

Alexandra: I just came back from a really long walk. It's a beautiful day here. I wish you had been along. I'll leave the rest of it for later, I guess.

Kira: I'll be home soon. Gotta grab some food before boarding. It's that or a second bag of pretzel sticks...

Alexandra: Fly safe. Call me when you land?

Kira: Assuming I still want a ride with a sexy woman in my baller-ass car, then yeah, I might text you. We'll see.

Alexandra: Enjoy the food, tease.

Butterflies hopped again in Alexandra's chest as she readied herself to pick up her girlfriend. What do you call first-date jitters when you're far beyond the first date?

She carefully applied her makeup, adding bold winged eyeliner. She eyed the tube of lipstick still sitting on her bedside table, a relic of her previous wild night spent with Sam. Ah, fuck it, she thought, grabbing the tube and applying a coat of the dark-wine color to accent her pout. Her hair went up in a claw, ends protruding messily. Too forced-casual? Nah, not with the makeup, she thought.

Outside, it had begun to get dark. Alexandra's stomach rumbled, and she grabbed an apple from her countertop. Juices ran over her chin as she both ate and checked herself out in the mirror.

New style? I mean, it's definitely an upgrade on a hoodie and sweatpants, but...

Her phone buzzed again, the notification bar filling with a tiny image and then another.

Kira, fresh from the shower, a full back shot. Mop of blonde hair tossed over one shoulder, winking makeup-free face. Kira, head wrapped in a black towel, seated with legs crossed strategically with the camera held in front of her naked chest. Kira, camera lowered, legs opened but a hand covering her most sensitive parts.

God, those tits, thought Alexandra, ogling the round, tanned breasts. Mine, mine, miiiine.

Then the same shot, without the towel but with a lacy black bra supporting her impressive assets. Still a hand carefully between her legs. Finally, one more shot of Alexandra's girlfriend, standing now in a forest-green dress with long sleeves and a plunging neckline, a hint of a smile on her face. A few inches of toned leg showed above a pair of brown, calf-length boots.

Kira: Just so you know what I'll be wearing what I get home. And what I won't be. Boarding now -- see you in a couple hours!

Alexandra: I'll be coming for you right on time.

A pause.

Kira: Don't think I missed that double entendre. And you will indeed, Alexandra Henderson.


Traffic was surprisingly heavy for a Sunday evening. The stop-and-start before reaching the highway tested Alexandra's patience, as did the Jeep's lack of response. It's like a tank, she thought. Hit the gas and it growls a while. Then it runs over everything in its path.

As a diversion, she'd turned on the stereo, curious what would come out of the old Wrangler's in-dash CD player.

Lady Gaga, that's what. "Paparazzi," specifically. Alexandra could not help but laugh as she finally merged onto the highway. Stern-faced, confident, sophisticated Kira, cranking out last decade's pop hits in last decade's 4x4.

Well, guess you have to learn about your partner somehow, she thought. The sea of headlights proceeded smoothly, the music switching. "Alejandro." "Telephone." Finally "Poker Face."

When she navigated through the thicket of Uber drivers and switched on her flashers at the arrivals curb, Alexandra's whole upper body was moving in time with the thumping beat.

Her phone rang.


"Hey, just walking out," said Kira, brightly. "Where are you?"

"At the arrivals curb." Alexandra looked around her for any more specific cue. "Um, it's kinda on the outside, like with a couple lanes..."

"Yes," said Kira. "I've landed here before. I meant where along that lovely arrivals curb are you?"

I'm in your car, Alexandra almost said, peeved at Kira's sudden attitude. Then a solution presented itself. "Um, OK, I see you. Look to your left. Dark Jeep, sexy driver?"

Kira hung up the phone as she spotted Alexandra, cutting directly across the dropoff traffic without bothering with a crosswalk. She returned a honk from a silver SUV with an extended middle finger and opened the Wrangler's back gate.

"Sorry," she said. "I get pretty stressed when I travel. I didn't mean to snap at you on the phone just then."

"Probably less stressed than I get driving a small yacht in airport traffic," said Alexandra over her shoulder. "Are you going to get in, or do I need to send an invite with an RSVP card?"

Kira grinned as she hopped athletically into the passenger's seat, long legs folding effortlessly into the footwell.

"Not gonna lie, I missed you," she said, throwing her arms around Alexandra's neck and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"You too," said Alexandra, letting Kira's lips linger and drinking in the scent of her hair. "I can't wait to get home with you."

"Trust me, same here," said the blonde, buckling her seatbelt. The surrounding lights glinted off the lenses of her tortoiseshell glasses. "I swear, you get more attractive every time we see each other."

"Is that a compliment, Miss Manning?" Alexandra nosed the Wrangler into the stream of traffic, the blocky hood forcing its way through.

"It sure is," replied Kira, folding her legs underneath her. "I feel like I'm watching a little style icon evolve right before my eyes. Seriously, you look so good."

"Really?" Alexandra had to focus on the road, where a black Civic weaved from one lane into hers and back again.

"Really. And those pictures you sent earlier."

Alexandra laughed. "Like you didn't blow them out of the water with what you sent back." The image of Kira's naked breasts flashed across her consciousness, nipples inviting her eager tongue.

"Let's just say we were both getting something we wanted, then." Kira shifted her body in the seat, hips facing Alexandra. "And now you get a little more of it. Eyes front, babe."

"Ugh, Kira. I'm driving."

"What?" Her passenger's voice rose in mock innocence.

Don't let her tease you now. The last thing you need is to get turned on while driving, for heaven's sake.

"How was your flight?"

"Good. Window seat. Two bags of pretzels. Is that really what you wanted to know about my weekend?" Kira smiled beatifically.

Of course not. I, against my better judgment, want to hear about every moment of whatever you did with this little bitch Ashley.

"Fine. Tell me about Ashley."

"Ah, Ashley," said Kira. "Interesting woman. Texts me a few weeks ago asking if I want to take care of Phoebe, my favorite dog in the world, for a weekend."

"You told me this part," said Alexandra.

"I did. So, anyway. Ashley's a year older than me. We went to college together. Thing about Ash is that despite being super into me, she absolutely hates that she's into women. She got married straight out of college -- to a dude, of course -- and divorced him two years ago. Since then she's gone through men like a stoner goes through pizza. But, surprise! None of them seem to work for her. 'Kira,' she says, 'he's such a nice guy, but the sexual component just isn't there.' Meanwhile every time I show up she's all over me the second I come in the door and then all upset about it afterwards. I'm like a friend, a therapist, and a fuckbuddy rolled into one crazy blonde confection."

"Doesn't sound like you're the crazy one," replied Alexandra.

There was a moment of silence.

"That's the thing, Alexandra. She's not at all crazy. She's just confused, in denial, whatever. She's gay, hates it, and there ain't a damn thing I can do to solve it."

"Except sleep with her, apparently." The bitterness in Alexandra's tone came out unintentionally. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It just..."

"Alexandra, if you had a friend who was basically a hot suburban housewife without the husband and kids, would you fuck her?"

"Yes," said Alexandra. Not a moment's hesitation, you damn slut.

"So that's Ash. But it brings me back to you. You're not like that. You are so, so refreshingly in tune with who you actually are." Am I? "You follow what you need to do, not what you think other people think you should be doing. That's why I'm with you, Alexandra, and not one of the thousands of people out there who are more or less like Ash. Although she does have a fucking awesome dog, so there's that."

Alexandra's head swirled. Kira was still curled up in the passenger seat, tanned legs tantalizingly close in Alexandra's peripheral vision. And here she was talking about...well, what?

"Point is," said Kira. "A little perspective made me realize how absolutely enthralled with you I am. If it were the beginning of the weekend, I'd say we should just order about six meals of Chinese, stay in bed or whatever all day, and only leave the apartment to go for long walks to nowhere."

I could handle that, I think. Kinda sounds like an introvert's dream, actually.

"At the risk of being ridiculously cliché, absence really does make the heart grow fonder," said Kira. "Now, from one slut to another."

Kira deftly switched the stereo on, bringing back Gaga.

"It's a mix I made," she whispered into Alexandra's ear. "Originally for working out, but..."

Focus on the road ahead of you, Alexandra. Gas and brake.

The opening beats of "Love Game" began as Kira slithered out of her seatbelt. Alexandra's focus on the road waned: red light. The tip of Kira's tongue on her ear, running down the side of her neck. Green light. Thank god for tinted windows.

The chorus, about playing a love game. Kira writhing in the seat, hands on Alexandra's body, unbuttoning the top two buttons of her shirt.

Thank god we're almost home, thought Alexandra. Or about to crash into a telephone pole. Kira's fingers clawed at her sides, sending sparks of anticipation up Alexandra's spine.

"Oh, I forgot, you're driving," came the husky voice in Alexandra's ear. "Silly me."

Alexandra's eyes kept drifting rightward. Kira arched her back, hands pressing her breasts together, eyes turned toward the driver's seat. The dress had begun to slide up Kira's toned thighs, drawing even more of Alexandra's gaze.

"Eyes front, baby," Kira rasped over the music. Inch after inch of tanned, smooth skin appeared.

I can't decide whether I want to pull over or smash the accelerator to get home as fast as possible. Either way, I need what's next. I need it now.

"Drive carefully, sexy. I'm not wearing a seatbelt." The dress rose higher and higher as their destination neared, Kira's long fingers toying with the hemline. Then they disappeared underneath, the dress shifting higher as Kira stretched a leg onto the dashboard.

And I need be sure I don't rear-end that Corolla in front of me, Alexandra thought. Kira was plainly pleasuring herself now, eyes closed and neck bent backward, blonde tresses draped over the seat.

"Open," she said, beat still thumping. "Eyes front, but open those sexy lips."

Alexandra did as told and received a pair of sticky, sweet fingers. She ran her tongue greedily over them, sucking the juices thoroughly from the digits.

"Distracted driving, isn't it?" said Kira into her ear. "Don't worry, I'll let you finish when we get home."

Home. Kira's place. Just one more block. More fingers on her torso, another button popping open. Kira's nails tracing shapes across her chest.

When Alexandra nosed the Wrangler into the tight parking garage space, she could already feel the wetness soaking through her underwear. Damn glad I wore some, she thought. Otherwise it'd be my jeans.

"Headlights off," said Kira, leaning across her to flick the lever. "Distraction's fine, but don't drain my battery. And don't even try to kiss me until we're in the apartment. No elevator makeout, you hear?"

Ugh. But she knows I want that so badly, just a few floors of kissing before we can start the real fun.

Instead Kira slid a hand into the back pocket of Alexandra's jeans, squeezing gently as she nibbled on the shorter woman's earlobe. Her left hand toyed more with the Alexandra's buttons, leaving the shirt barely closed when they got off at the fourth floor.

"Left your jacket in the car?" Kira whispered into Alexandra's ear. She unlocked the door, rolling her suitcase and coat behind her.

Alexandra nodded.

"That's fine. We can get it in the morning." She waited, then carefully tugged off her boots. "No need for the lights, right?"

Alexandra stood rapt in place. As usual, she's totally in charge, and we both know it. If she wants to give me a striptease in the car and get me wet as fuck, we both know that's what's going to happen. If she wants the lights to stay off, then we're going with that.

"Couch," Kira said. "Hang on."

Alexandra sank into the couch, arousal washing over her. She couldn't deny her body's response: everything about this place, this situation, was pure sex to her. Kira's light scent lingering in the air, her personal touches on the walls, her furniture.

Her music. The Gaga soundtrack restarted now, pumped from two small speakers abutting the television. "Just Dance." The first Lady Gaga single, I think.

"What, you thought I just made a mix CD?" Kira asked, tiptoeing back into the room. "This isn't the '90s. And way to go for snooping on my tunes in the car. I know what song I was on." Busted.

She loomed over Alexandra now, moving the coffee table slightly further away.

"I know we normally have a glass of wine when we get home, but..."

"Fine with me," said Alexandra. I need that fucking taste again. Now.

Within seconds, Kira was astride her, pressing Alexandra powerfully back into the leather cushion. The final buttons on her shirt were coming undone, fingers deftly shunting the discs aside.

"You look so fucking sexy tonight, honey," hissed Kira. "And don't think I missed the Chucks, you little fucking hipster. Don't do that flannel-skinny jeans-Converse shit unless you want it all in a neat pile on my floor," she said, moving on to the jeans.



"I need you to kiss me. Now."

Alexandra felt her torso pulled upwards, hands running up into her hair as their lips met. Feels like home, Alexandra thought, the softness of her girlfriend's lips contrasting with the firmness of the kiss. Their tongues met each other, flicking tip-to-tip like the first step of a long dance. More, more.

Her bra came undone, falling even as the deep makeout continued. Kira's hands were everywhere: on Alexandra's breasts, tracing her jawline, letting her hair down out of the claw.

The full lips traced down Alexandra's neck, muscles stiffening as they passed.

"Mmmmm," Alexandra purred. Her hands reached for Kira's hemline, but her partner got there first, lifting the dress smoothly off in one motion.

"You want them, don't you?" Kira said, her hands reaching behind her.


Kira's own black bra fell free, exposing her round, perfect, 34Es. Their exposed chests rubbed against one another as the two women kissed, the music providing a rhythm to their lovemaking. With Kira atop her, Alexandra's world was consumed with hot breath, thick blonde hair, and smooth, supple skin.

Her body responded in kind. I really need these fucking pants off.

Just as the thought coalesced in her mind, she felt thumbs inside her waistband.

"These, and get the fucking rest off while you're at it."

"God, yes." Kira moved aside just long enough for Alexandra to strip herself naked, leaving her body spread-eagled and totally exposed for her partner's touch.

"Touch yourself." Alexandra instantly obeyed. "I'll be right back."

As soon as her fingers hit her clit, Alexandra's body kicked into a new gear. Kira disappeared from the room, a shadow in the dark apartment. The desperate urge for release drove her fingers into her sopping pussy, palm rubbing her clit. Moans escaped her mouth, louder even than the pop-star soundtrack.

"I could hear you all the way in the bedroom," said Kira, holding out a strip of fabric. "Ask for it."

"Please blindfold me, Kira. You know how much I want it."

Yesss, thought Alexandra. That slight loss of control, the submission, but still total trust. Kira wrapped the fabric around her head. Tied it securely.



"We'll have something new for you next time I blindfold you. But tonight, it's your night. Tell me, my lovely girlfriend. Tell me what you want."

The bassline of "Born This Way" began.

"I want you, Kira. Every inch of you. I want you on the bed, every inch of your beautiful body open for my touch. Can I have that, please?"

A grasp of her hand, leading her to the bedroom, was her only answer.

The cool air of the apartment cut chill paths across her sweaty skin as Alexandra followed Kira's lead. I can see the whole place around me, even with my eyes covered. That's how quickly this has become our place.