A New Alexandra Ch. 14


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"It's not a hard decision, honey. Snuggles and more sex with someone as fucking gorgeous as me, or twenty minutes in an Uber and a cold, empty apartment?"

Alexandra slid onto the empty side of the mattress. "Fine, but the wine there has alcohol."

"You lush. You'd really rather drink alone than get your pussy eaten?"


Alexandra's phone screen glowed on the kitchen counter. It was almost noon and she was just out of the shower, wrapped in only a towel.

Kira: FYI, managed to get an earlier flight. Arriving 3 o'clock. Blue line or Jeep?

Alexandra picked up the phone. Thoughts raced through her head. From going down on Katy to waking up with her friend's slender arm around her midsection to a morning filled with coffee and sex, and not necessarily in that order. What would Kira think when she told her? Would she tell her?

Alexandra: I'm not letting you take the train when I'm sitting in your kitchen with your car keys.

Kira: I was giving you a chance to get home ;) I looked up the place you went with Kelly and if I recall, a certain friend of ours with pink hair lives near there?

Alexandra: She does.

Kira: And I know you and I sorta know her and last time I checked two plus two was four. Plus, you didn't text me ;)

A knot formed in Alexandra's stomach. Am I that transparent? A deep breath. Well, apparently yes. Yes, I am.

Alexandra: I'm sorry. You know how I get when I drink.

Kira: And all I asked for was PICS!

Alexandra: Omg, I didn't think you were serious!

Kira: Serious as a heart attack. Remember when we took them together?

How could I forget? I definitely don't look at those pictures at least twice a week when I need a little...mental stimulation.

Alexandra: No, totally forgot one of the hottest nights of my life.

Kira: Well, if Katy is willing...

I was too busy last night to even think about the idea of a camera or a phone, Alexandra thought.

Alexandra: You'd really want to see that?

Kira: If I had photos of you with her, I'd be looking at them right now. Let me put it that way?

Warmth coursed through Alexandra's body at the thought of Kira looking at pictures of the previous night. She crossed her legs, trying to hold back the waves of thoughts coming to her mind.

Kira: I'm just teasing you, but if you do want to get into that sort of thing, I'm down.

Kira: Well, more into that sort of thing.

Alexandra uncrossed her legs and brushed the towel aside, her fingers slowly massaging her most sensitive area. Well, I guess that's the answer. Ugh, I missed a spot with the razor.

She picked up the phone.

Alexandra: I think I might be down as well. Let's discuss when you're back? When is that?

Kira: If you'd like to know what time I return, please scroll upward. It was at least two minutes ago, I know.

Ouch. Yes, you might have texted me that information to start this very conversation.

Alexandra: I'll be there <3

She watched as the typed emoji transformed to a large red heart.

Kira: And for now, a tease ;)

A photo blinked into the conversation, a classic high-angle selfie. Kira's full lips were bright red, parted where her tongue stuck out lasciviously. She was wearing her tortoiseshell glasses, hair covered by a dark knit cap.

Wait, thought Alexandra. Something's different. Is it the light? Or...

Kira: See you soon. Love you!

Alexandra: I CANNOT wait. Text me when you land <3

The heart did its thing again.


It was freezing at O'Hare. Of course it was: that's January in Chicago. But Alexandra hadn't expected it to be so cold inside too. A gaggle of folks milled around, keeping warm at the exit from security. Somewhere, a Cinnabon taunted her nose with cinnamon and sugar.

A text pinged on her phone.

Kira: Off the plane, see you soon?

Alexandra: I'm outside security.

She'd checked United's website, making sure she'd be at the right exit among the zillion ways out of the mega-airport. Now she looked down her body, to her black-and-white Chuck Taylors and matching leggings, the black down jacket reaching her thighs. The other people wandered aimlessly, waiting like a herd of impatient cattle.

I wonder what they think of me, Alexandra thought. Young woman in a stark outfit, turquoise dangly earrings the only flash of color? What does that say about me?

She tried to picture the passengers they'd be greeting. Some were obvious: the overweight man with the weak beard and two fleshy children in tow was desperately awaiting the return of his equally fleshy spouse. The driver wearing a cap and holding a whiteboard saying "Anatoly Makovitzsky" was waiting for a stranger, but probably a rich one with too many rings and an attitude to match.

Who do they think I'm waiting for?

One woman caught Alexandra's glance. Mid-thirties, dark wool coat, brown hair up in a claw. No wedding ring. She smiled back, nodding a greeting.

The woman pointed to her own shoes, a pair of classic white Chuck Taylors, and gave Alexandra a thumbs up. She then swept her eyes to a pair of women striding through the automatic doors.

One, a red-haired version of the woman in the wool coat, was cute. But the second one looked like an absolute goddess in a long camel-hair coat and over-the-knee black high-heeled boots. A stunning platinum blonde bob stopped sharply at her chin and hid her face. She fiddled with her phone, ignoring the appraising stares cast in her direction.

Alexandra saw a text message light up her screen.

Kira: Well, what do you think?

Alexandra's jaw dropped as she ran to Kira.

She practically leapt into her girlfriend's arms, kissing her with reckless abandon. Alexandra could feel eyes on them, the judgment of strangers as she showed Kira exactly what she thought and felt.

"Save it for home, lady." The breathy voice was hot in Alexandra's ear. She practically purred in response.

They walked to the Jeep arm-in-arm, Kira rolling her bag behind. Alexandra could not take her eyes off the woman next to her. She looked like the same old Kira, but different. Gone was the sweet, friendly exterior with a hint of hardness underneath; now it was reversed, a take-charge woman with something softer peeking through the façade. And I love it, Alexandra thought.

They climbed into the SUV, interior still warm from the drive up. Alexandra slid behind the wheel and the engine rumbled to life.

"So?" Kira's voice hid a huge smile, as if she already knew the answer.

"It's fucking fierce, Kira. God, I wish you'd warned me, but..."

"Paul said not to worry. He said you would love both the length and the color."

"He's right. Like, I wouldn't have picked either, but..."

"You keep trailing off, honey."

"I keep losing my train of thought. So, um, you did this before you left?"

"Yes." Kira ran a hand through one side, tucking it behind her ear. "I wanted to do it for a little while. I saw the looks you like on women and don't want to quite admit."

"Meaning?" They were in heavy traffic, the constant stream of cars headed back towards the North Side.

"You have a certain type of woman you like to look at, and you know it. Smart, just verging on looking like a bitch. For example, which of my friends is the most attractive to you? Purely physically, I mean."

"Mette." Easy answer. Both physically and mentally.

"Hmmm," said Kira. "Tall, no-nonsense hair, no nonsense clothes. Like a human power move, isn't she?"

Alexandra swallowed. "So this was for me?"

"Not entirely, but that made the difference." She removed the glasses. "What do you think without the frames?"

"It's...well, let's say I can't wait to play with it. I never thought I'd want you to cut off like a foot of hair, but..."

"More like fifteen inches," said Kira. "Me neither until I made the appointment. But you know Paul, he didn't even bat an eye."


"And actually, on the subject of Ms. Mette Riis," said Kira, "There's-"

A bellowing baritone truck horn cleaved the air, cutting Kira's sentence. Alexandra jerked the wheel, careening onto the narrow shoulder as the truck barreled into their lane. Shreds of its burst tire tumbled over the road, littering the lane with chunks of rubber.

The trailer cleared the Wrangler's nose by two feet. Alexandra brought the Jeep to a stop on the shoulder, heart thundering in her chest. Two feet, thought Alexandra. We missed a sixty-mile-per-hour collision with an eighteen-wheeler by two feet.

She turned to her right. Kira sat staring ahead, sheet-white.


"Yes?" Traffic rumbled past. The trailer had stopped perhaps a hundred yards ahead.

"I love you. I should say that more." Kira tucked the loose strands behind her ear. "I have to say I didn't have 'near death experience' on today's bingo card."

Alexandra waited for her breathing and heart rate to return to normal.

"I love you too. And I believe you. If you'd wanted a near-death experience, you'd have taken the train."


Alexandra had turned up the heating before she left. Now it paid dividends. Whereas before she'd shivered when exiting the shower, Kira's apartment was cozily warm.

"So," said Kira. "Should we pretend that never happened, talk about it until it seems like it was no big deal, or just be thankful that we survived?" She opened the closet, handing Alexandra a hanger.

"Survived, I think." She took the hanger and slid the down jacket off her shoulders. "Definitely not the other two."

Kira's eyes traveled down Alexandra's body as she removed her own jacket.

She cleared her throat. "Well, then, hiding the ball a bit?"

"What, is it an awful thing to pick up your girlfriend in a sports bra and leggings under a big coat?" She turned, showing Kira a view of her bare back. "What would you have done if you knew?"

The taller woman calmly hung up the coats. "Nothing until we got home. I might have asked you to take the damn coat off in the car, though. I mean, why have something that good hidden?"

"And when we got home?"

"This," said Kira. Her arms encircled Alexandra's waist, dragging her to the black leather sofa. Alexandra felt the larger woman's weight on her, pressing her insistently down. Their lips met and parted.

Gin and tonic, Alexandra thought. Alcohol. First class?

The tips of Kira's hair brushed Alexandra's face as they kissed. Alexandra flicked the blonde strands aside, then moved to nibble on the exposed earlobe.

Kira's body shuddered.

"More?" Alexandra's voice was barely a breath.

"Mmmmm. No. My turn."

Alexandra felt her eyes close as warm, thick, soft lips traced her jawline. Long fingers ran through the buzzed hair on the back of her head. Her body came alight under Kira's touch, mind simultaneously racing and threatening to switch off.

Then a hand slid under her, inside the back of her leggings.

"You should have come along," said Kira. "We could have done this on top of my parents' piano."

Fingertips clawed parallel paths on Alexandra's ass. Her back arched in response to the intersection of pleasure and pain.

"Please...tell me...they don't..." The words caught in her throat.

"Oh, but they do," replied Kira. "They totally do have a baby grand in their living room. And when you come down there, I'm going to put you on top of that motherfucker and make you cum like there's no tomorrow."

Alexandra's body jolted as the hand slid from her backside to the front, where her juices had long since soaked the leggings.

"No underwear? Not even a slutty little thong?"

Alexandra gasped with the insertion of the first finger.

"Is that a no?"

Alexandra shook her head.

"Slut. I guess when I fuck you in my parents' living room, I'll need to make sure they're asleep upstairs. You can cum quietly, can't you, slut?"

"Yesssss..." Not if you get me going like this, bitch.

"But you don't want to." The voice in Alexandra's ear had dropped to a sultry contralto rasp.

Alexandra shook her head.

"Good girl." Alexandra's leggings began sliding down her legs before the line even escaped Kira's mouth.

"Wait, you too," Alexandra managed. "But leave the boots."

Kira cocked an arched eyebrow. "Request, or order, Alex?"

The leggings slipped free. "Please, Kira. You know how badly I want you..."

"Do I?" Kira had removed her simple black dress, leaving a matching white lace bra and panty set.

Alexandra tried to sit up, but Kira was on her, pinning her to the couch.

"Show me," said the blonde. "If I'm convinced, maybe the boots stay on."

Alexandra flipped on top of Kira. She let out a growl and straddled her girlfriend's hips.

"I'll need this," she said, fingers tracing the lace edge of the bra. Her nose grazed Kira's, hands following the curves of the taller woman's torso, before unhooking the bra and tossing it to the floor.

Kira's tanned breasts fell free and Alexandra greedily took a stiffening nipple into her mouth. God, I missed this, she thought, tongue flicking back and forth as her nose inhaled Kira's distinctive scent.

"Mmmm," her partner purred.

"Shhhhh," responded Alexandra, finger to lips as she traced the slick pink nub with her free hand. "Quietly, right?"

Kira responded with a firm push on Alexandra's head, urging her lower.

Her fingers found the wet spot between Kira's legs while she kissed her way down the long torso. From just below the rounded curve of the breasts to the tight abdominal muscles, one quick kiss per inch. She stopped just above the white lace.

Alexandra withdrew her fingers and slipped one into her mouth.

"Mmmm," she purred in return. Kira's eyes were closed now, her breathing faster. "You're missing a show, honey."

One eye opened. "Don't you...you know, have anything better to be doing with your mouth?"

Alexandra pursed her lips. "Hm. Like...this?" She bent down and gripped the fabric of Kira's panties between her teeth, tugging them downward. Hard work, actually, but all in the name of sass, right?

"You exhaust me, Henderson," Kira said. Her fingers ran through Alexandra's hair, then gripped it tightly. "Close, but not quite."

"But," protested Alexandra, chin resting on her partner's crotch. "How am I supposed to do more if I can't take your underwear off without taking off those boots? I mean, I've never tried to take underwear off over long boots, but..."

"Shut up," Kira said. "The panties are cheap as fuck."

So? Alexandra's mind didn't make the connection.

"Rip them."



"If you don't, I will. But if they're not off in ten seconds, the boots come off too and then you just have to eat my pussy like on every other day ending in Y."

It proved surprisingly easy. The cheap lace on one side tore after a single sharp tug. After a second one, Alexandra held a tiny ball of useless lace in her hand.

"Open," she said to Kira. "Don't pretend you don't like the idea."

"Dirty mi-" Kira's voice was cut off by the wadded underwear.

A rush of power flowed through Alexandra. Fuck. This must be what it feels like to be Kira, calling the shots and coming up with ever more slutty things for me to do. Well, tables are turned, bitch.

She yanked her partner's athletic thighs apart, tracing the taut musculature.

"Nice boots, whore," she said. "You look like such a fucking slut, Kira. I fucking love it."

Kira's body tensed. She's not used to being talked to like this. And she likes it.

Alexandra ran her fingers over the suede encasing her girlfriend's calves.

"Suede, not the best combination with pussy juice, is it?" She leaned forward, touching the tip of her tongue to Kira's soaked slit. "Maybe leather would be a more play-friendly choice?"

Kira responded with hands clasped behind Alexandra's head. Her fingers interlaced, grip firm.

Alexandra traced the glistening lips, teasing. She expected a gasp and got it, along with firmer pressure from the hands.

At that she dove in, finally permitting herself Kira's sweet taste, the sticky juices and sweaty skin mixing to a perfect scent. Alexandra closed her eyes, slurping and lapping as their bodies found their familiar rhythm.

Kira's noises increased in urgency, crescendo muffled by the wad of well-placed lace. Alexandra's own hands clawed at Kira's sides. Leaving marks, I hope.

As Kira's body tensed, Alexandra's closed eyes projected a different view. Ah, that's better, she thought. It was as if her mind were viewing them from above, a perfect view of Kira's body splayed out on the couch, Alexandra kneeling between the long legs. I'd love a picture of this.

Alexandra's own body was on fire, pushing her forward towards the promise of her partner's orgasm. Her hands moved behind, raking Kira's ample booty.

Kira growled loudly, her legs beginning to shake. Alexandra clamped her fingers down, locking them in place. Shakes moved up Kira's body until they took over her whole body.

Gasping shrieks filled the air as Kira's pleasure took over and she careened into a gushing orgasm. Alexandra sucked in air desperately, her mouth and nose firmly involved in the task of prolonging the climax as long as possible.

"Mffffff...aaaaaaaahhhh!" Kira's voice reached a new register, high-pitched and pushing through the gag. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck! Yeeeeeeeaaaaahhhh!"

Alexandra's tongue automatically probed deep within her lover, sucking up as much of the delicious taste as she could gather. God, yes. Yes, yes, yes, she thought.

The fingers in her hair relaxed, and a moment later Alexandra could breathe freely again.

"Welcome home," she said. "I missed you, see?"

"I'm...still...not...convinced," said Kira, respiration slowly coming back to normal. "You might just be some desperately horny little bitch who showed up to eat me out."

"I mean, that too," said Alexandra. She slid onto the couch, her skin warm against Kira's. "But no, welcome home. I really did miss you."

"I know," said Kira. She kissed Alexandra hard, hand cupped behind the smaller woman's neck. So, plenty left in the tank for round two, I suppose, thought Alexandra. "But I can't let you off that easy, can I? I mean, I could be all sweet and loving and not tease you or mimic your speech patterns, but where would the fun in that be, see? It wouldn't be us, Alex."

"I think I like us."

Kira stroked Alexandra's back for a moment. "I know I love us. Even if you nearly kill me on the drive home, destroy my underwear, and make my whole apartment smell like sex all the fucking time."

"Like you didn't ask for all of that. Except, you know." She kissed Kira's cheek. "I love you, Kira Manning."

"You too...now what was your name?"

Alexandra managed to grab a pillow and hit Kira just before the couch cushion smashed down on her head.

"See? Great minds think alike," managed Kira, amid a fit of laughter.

"Or two idiots who love each other too much think to exactly the same level of idiocy," said Alexandra.

Kira shrugged. "Any difference, really?"


"Oh, by the way, that redhead I was walking with leaving the airport?"

"Uh, yeah, I sorta remember," said Alexandra. "Her girlfriend was cute. Wearing Chucks, too."

"Exactly," said Kira. "Redhead - and I shit you not, her name is actually Ginger - is moving here next month. Her lady already lives here. We're meeting up with them for drinks later this week."