A Nightmare Reborn Ch. 06


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Loomis smiled and ran a hand over his bald scalp, "I like to think of myself as a believer in truth."

Alice nodded and then said, "You didn't answer my question."

"Oh, I know there is a God," he looked at her, "In a world that can give birth to such horrors as these we face, I believe there is ultimate good and ultimate evil. Reality is often lost in between."

In the distance, thunder rolled across the dying light of the cloudy sky.

"I used to wonder why God would allow men like Fred Krueger to walk free," she said quietly and brushed a strand of her red away from her troubled face, "I used to ask him why he would allow good people to be taken so violently. Why he would allow such evil to be at all."

Loomis leaned against the side of the house, his shoulder between the door and window as he listened, "He doesn't choose our paths for us."

"Is that so?"

Loomis shrugged and said, "Fred Krueger was once an innocent baby, as were Jason and Michael. As were we all. The events of our lives, the choices of those around us mold our opinions and morals into a unique individual vision. I'm sure there was a defining moment when Krueger decided to give in to hate and reject his humanity. There was a moment when Jason Voorhees ceased to be the poor tortured retarded child at Camp Crystal Lake and gave in to anger and vengeance. The night a little boy named Michael Myers came home from trick or treating and killed his sister there was a choice made as well."

"And my son?" she asked, "What about his father and my brother? What choices led them to death?"

"The choice to stand for what was right," Loomis suggested, "To be true and loyal to those they loved?"

Alice hugged her arms across her chest as a wind blew through the air and smoke rolled across her shadowy lawn in ghostly blue clouds, "And what of your choices, doctor?"

"I occasionally make the right choice," Loomis said with an embarrassed smile, "Very often I don't and I make a boner of a mess. But I always try to follow my heart and what I know is right. My father did the same thing, as did Lori's husband. Staying and fighting when other's won't is a difficult choice."

Alice looked at him, her eyes glassy with the beginnings of tears, "Did you know that Dan died trying to get to me? He was trying to come and protect me."

"He chose to follow his heart," Loomis interjected, "You had no say so in the matter."

Alice looked away.

"It's not your fault, Alice," the doctor said gently, "Nor can you bear the burden of what is happening now."

"If I had been stronger, Freddy never would have come back," she whispered as a tear streamed down her cheek.

"I don't know that he can be stopped permanently."

Alice shook her head.

"Even if you made a mistake," Loomis said carefully, "You have a chance to redeem yourself now."

The woman called the Dream Master looked at him, her eyes pink and puffy.

"It's the choices we make that define us and determine our course, not God."

"That's a bold statement," Alice smiled and wiped her nose.

"Not really," he replied, "I take comfort in knowing God has faith in me to make the right choices when all else fails."

"You think he has faith in me?"

Loomis put a hand on her shoulder, "If he didn't, I doubt very much you would be the Dream Master."

Alice closed her eyes and hugged Loomis. She glanced out into the yard and said, "The rain stopped..."

"Rain can't last forever," he said.

"You're a good man, Matthew Loomis," she said to him.

Loomis smiled broadly and replied, "It's the company I keep."


"I was wrong," Sean said as he and Tessa sat in the bed Alice's weathered Ford pick-up, "Loomis isn't crazy. You are."

Tessa smiled at him and patted his shoulder, "Ye of little faith."

Sean looked at his watch, "It's one in the morning now. We've been here six hours waiting and we haven't seen anything yet. What makes you think he'll come here?"

"Look," she sighed, "If there's one thing I've figured out about Jason Voorhees, it's that he's nothing if not routine."

"And this isn't going to be conspicuous?" Sean asked. He still felt uncomfortable being in civilian clothes, but he knew as Tessa did if they had any shot of pulling this off they couldn't look like cops. He was dressed in plain blue jeans and a black t-shirt with matching hiking boots. Tessa was in khaki cargo pants and a white tank top, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. He shook his head, "Never been shopping before at Wal-Mart. Don't know what's more scary, the checkout lines or Jason."

"It'll work," she said, "I think it's time to move to phase two of our plan."

"You're serious about this?"

Tessa nodded as she turned to him and hauled off her tank top, revealing her full breasts to him, "If there's someone having sex in the woods, then Jason Voorhees will be there."

"That is so fucking thin," Sean smiled, feeling a little better about this aspect of the plan.

"Just remember," she said as she straddled him, "Don't get so involved in me that you don't pay attention. I don't want to die like this."

She thought of the two people Michael had killed back in the city offices and shuddered.

"Baby, you're talking to a man who can multitask," he leaned in and began kissing the swells of her tits, licking and suckling gently. He looked out into the shadowy depths of the Elm Grove City Park, scanning for any movement. With one hand on Tessa's ass he reached down with the other and felt the stock of the tranquilizer gun. The long rifle was placed on its side, the butt against his hip.

Tessa grinded her hips against him as she pulled his face to her chest, her slender fingers caressing his shaved scalp slowly and sensually, "Remember not to fire until he's right up on us..."

Sean breathed against her flesh and pulled her khakis down over her ass, revealing her buttocks to the soft moonlight. He squeezed them and sucked her left nipple into his mouth, "I know."

"And only four or five shots of the tranquilizer," she breathed, "Any more could knock him out for too long..."

"He's a big boy," Sean kneaded her flesh, "He can handle it."

"Don't argue, Colombo," she whispered huskily and grasped his cock, "Now fuck my tits..."

"Okay, now that might distract me," Sean huffed as she unbuttoned his jeans and slid the zipper down.

"It has to be convincing right?"

"You're nuts," Sean smiled and glanced out into the night, "We could get killed."

"We won't," she pulled his thick ten-inch long cock from his behind the flaps of his jeans, "No underwear?"

"Couldn't find any I liked..."

She looked at the penis in her hand and admired it for a moment as they walked the thin line between giving Jason the bait of two people screwing in the woods and actually just screwing in the woods for the sake of mutual desire. It was thick and beautiful, the veins in the shaft large and strong. His head was a dark swollen purple, and like her own clit, was begging for attention. His balls hung low, hairless as the rest of his pubic area.

"Just keep your eyes open," she stroked his rigid member gently.

Sean stood up in the bed of the truck as she pulled him to her, his balls rubbing against her smooth flesh. Tessa clasped her firm tits and squeezed them together as Sean placed his dick into her cleavage. Her breasts enveloped his cock and Sean groaned, his passage being lubed up by his own pre-cum. He shivered and felt his nipples go hard as a light breeze rustled the braches of the trees. He wondered how long this calm would last before the clouds came back together again and poured rain.

"I don't see anything yet," he managed as she began working on his member with her tongue.

"He'll be here," she said breathlessly, his solid shaft throbbing and hot in the tight space between her tits. Her nipples were so hard it almost hurt as she licked the tip of Sean's cock, teasing him with her lips and tongue between his needful thrusts.

"Tessa," he moaned as she began sucking on him, the wet sounds of his cock pumping into her cleavage arousing him even more, "You are so beautiful."

"Be louder," she encouraged him, "Moan for me."

"Baby, you know I don't m-"

He couldn't finish because a powerful grunt and groan of pure delight escaped his throat as Tessa flicked the head of his cock with her tongue sharply. Sean ran his hands over her hair as he fucked Tessa's tits. The truck was creaking back and forth and side to side as the rusty shocks supported their distraction. She worked his head as best she could, tantalizing him and building him to his climax. Sean's eyes rolled back into his head as Tessa sucked and flicked his head every time it emerged from her breasts. It didn't take long, and Sean began to feel it rising again.

"Tessa, I'm going to cum," he whispered, his muscles going tight as he fought the orgasm back.

"Do it, baby," she begged, using her best and most convincing whimper of needy desire, "Cum for me..."

Sean growled and threw his head back, the chords in his neck bulging out. His cock went rigid like a piece of steel and his head exploded with cum, spurting it out in a long, thick, white stream. The hot, sticky substance shot out across her face and neck, and she was ready for it as she quickly opened her mouth and tried to catch and swallow the sweet fluid. She released his member and let him finish pumping his cum out on her tits. His cock bounced up and down as it convulsed, finally shooting the last drop of semen out. Sean was silent for a moment, his head tilted back and holding the base of his cock, muscles tight and poised from the orgasm.

Sean smiled and then saw something moving out of the corner of his eyes. His heart stopped and he whispered, "He's coming..."

Tessa didn't look up as she licked his slowly deflating shaft, "Where?"

Sean strained to look out of the corner of his eye. He could see the white hockey mask in the brush, moving slowly and watching intently. His blood ran like ice water as he reported, "He's fifteen feet away, to my left and behind me."

"Stay still, keep moaning," she told him as she reached down for the tranquillizer gun, his cock still pressed to her lips.

Sean could hear footsteps now, heavy and powerful in the saturated turf of the park. He moaned as best he could, trying to keep cool as Jason approached, "Hurry up."

"It's cool baby," Tessa whispered and kissed his cockhead. She found the gun and slowly brought up, still hidden by Sean's body.

"Oh fuck he's right behind me," Sean closed his eyes as the stench of rotted meat penetrated his nostrils. In his mind he was tortured by the image of Jason ramming that machete right up his ass and cleaving him in two from the inside out. Sean was sweating badly as he hissed, "Tessa..."

And then he heard five muted reports from between his legs and the cool touch of metal against his balls. Tessa had leveled the rifle between his legs and shot Jason square in the chest with five darts. Sean turned and saw Jason standing there, his arm raised high and the machete gleaming in the moonlight. Dull, retarded eyes looked at him from behind the mask and then glazed over. The killer touched one of the feathered pink tips of the darts and then fell over backwards like some gigantic redwood. Mud and water splashed into the air as he collapsed.

Sean looked at Tessa and then at the rifle between his legs, his eyes wide, "What the fuck was that?"

"I had it all under control," she winked as she wiped some of his semen from her chin, "Besides, you got your rocks off for the night."

"You almost shot my rocks off!"

"Ye of little faith..."

"But he could have killed me," Sean said, his jaw hung open, "You shot between my legs..."

Tessa shook her head and stood up, looking like some bare-breasted huntress from a fantasy magazine as she gripped the long rifle, "My aim is perfect."

Sean could only stare at her.

"Let's load him up and get going."

"Tessa," he pulled his pants up, still awestruck and then said, "You fired a gun between my fucking legs?"

"I love you too."


"Well," Alice said from the back seat of the police cruiser as she, Lori and Loomis sat parked in her gravel driveway, "What are we waiting for?"

"Michael Myers isn't just some mindless zombie," Loomis said as he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, "He's very intelligent. In twenty-seven years, he's only been captured three times. Michael won't risk coming close if he knows he's being expected."

"Won't the police cruiser tip him off?" Lori asked from the passenger side seat.

"Michael already knows we're up to something," the doctor looked out the windshield at the moonlit front yard of Alice's house, "I believe he followed Tessa and me back to here from the Springwood city offices. He's been watching for sometime now, I imagine."

"From where?"

"In the shadows," he replied and motioned to the trees and bushes surrounding Alice's property, "Out of sight."

"Why though?" Alice asked, "Why not follow Sean and Tessa."

"He's not after them," Loomis said, "He's after me."

"How do you know?"

Loomis recalled the incident in the Police Station and how Michael had looked at him, even remembered him. There was a recognition there that couldn't be denied and Loomis knew he had been marked as his father had been. He said, "All of the super-killers have one common trait in that their motives for killing are very specific. I suppose you could sum it all up with general archetypes. While Jason might be more erratic in his choice of victims, his is a story of universal retribution. Freddy Krueger is universal vengeance in the flesh. Michael Myers is about universal evil, specifically hatred of those in his family."

"And how does that apply to you?"

Loomis smiled, "My father essentially was all Michael Myers knew until his escape in 1978. In his notes, he said that he felt as though Michael were the evil son he could not help and therefore had to destroy. I believe in a very strange way Michael saw my father as his father."

"Which would make you brothers?" Lori asked.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," Loomis clenched his jaw and scratched his beard, "Michael only feels hate when his heart is moved to feel anything. While his choice of victims has been varied, at the heart of almost all his rampages are members of his family or things directly linked to his family. For instance, his childhood home in Haddonfield is sacred to him and he has slaughtered complete strangers for violating it."

"Like Crystal Lake is to Jason," Lori said.

"Exactly," Loomis nodded.

"But still, why come to Springwood at all?"

"Krueger lured Michael here to deal with Jason," Lori said, "So I imagine that he used images of people that would spur Michael into action."

"How would Freddy do that?"

"My ex-wife," Loomis said, "He used Mary's knowledge of Michael and her being associated with me to bring Michael here."

"Only it's all backfired on him," Lori said.

"Has it?" Loomis looked at her, "Freddy has created enough fear and panic to carry him well beyond the city limits of Springwood. I believe he has succeeded in that respect."

"Doctor," Alice tapped him on the shoulder and pointed to the front of the car as headlights flashed before their eyes, "Look."

Another police cruiser slowly turned down the gravel driveway of Alice's home, the small stones crunching and popping beneath the tires. The headlights were on and blinding through the windshield as it approached them. Loomis put one hand to his eyes as the car pulled forward and then stopped. Lori looked at Alice and then at Loomis as they waited in an unbearable silence.

"Could that be the other cops Sean tried to call?" Lori asked.

"I think if they were going to join us, they would have already," Alice said quietly as she laced her fingers through the wire partition between the front and back seats. She had never been in the back of the police car before, and had often wondered what it might be like. Now she knew, and with a growing sense of fear she realized she had been stupid for wondering in the first place. It was like being a caged animal and at the mercy of those holding the keys.

The driver's side door of the car opened and Michael Myers stepped out. His face was placid and untouched by time, the mask a perfect hiding place for his evil. Loomis could see his shark's eyes glistening through the cutout eyeholes of his mask, somehow penetrating through the glare of the headlights off the windshield and into Loomis' heart. There were dark bloodstains on his dirty blue coveralls, and Loomis had no doubt that some of it belonged to Will Rollins. In his hand he held his trademark blade.

"That's no cop," Lori breathed as Michael began walking towards them, casually closing the distance of twenty feet like a man out on an early morning walk.

"I'd have to agree," Loomis said, his lips pursed. He had known this moment would come sooner or later. His life had become a quest to find and capture Michael Myers, not only to avenge his father's death and bring justice but also to put an end to the reign of terror. Sam Loomis had begged people to listen to him, he had pleaded with local and state governments to have Michael Myers locked away forever and even killed if at all possible (though Loomis suspected even then that his father knew Michael couldn't die by conventional means). The words of warning went unheeded and people died because of the ignorance of his father's work. Tonight, finally, Matthew Loomis had the chance to put an end to this once for all.

"Buckle up," Loomis told Lori and Alice, "Now."

The police cruiser started up and the headlights came on. Michael stopped about fifteen feet from the car, his head quizzically cocked and waiting for the next move. His mask seemed to glow in the powerful headlights.

"Come on," Loomis breathed as he slipped the car into gear, "A little closer."

Michael waited.

"Come on..."

Michael walked forward again, resuming his pace.

"What are you doing?" Lori asked.

"He knows I'm here," Loomis said as Michael walked towards the driver side door, "Goddam you Michael..."

Loomis slammed the gas pedal to floor and the engine revved. Gravel and mud sprayed from the tires as the police cruiser lurched forward and caught Michael by the legs. The killer was thrown onto the hood where his backside smashed into the windshield, cracking it in a spider web-like pattern. Lori screamed as Michael craned his head around looked at her, his eyes impassive and uncaring. And then he was thrown forward and into the windshield of his stolen police cruiser as the cars smashed together. Loomis gunned the engine for all it was worth as they pushed against the other cruiser, Michael sprawled out on the hood. The smell of hot rubber and burning oil filled the interior of the car as the wheels squealed.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alice cried out as Loomis forced the other car back down the driveway and out into the street. When they cleared the driveway and touched onto blacktop, Loomis turned and released the other car. Michael rolled off the hood and collapsed to the ground, unmoving. Loomis pulled forward another ten feet and then stopped. He opened the door and stepped out into the cold, looking back at Michael.

"Get up," he said and gritted his teeth, "Get up!"

Lori and Alice watched through the rear window as Michael lay still in front of the battered police car. One of the headlights had been smashed out and the lights mounted on the top of the car were flashing red and blue. Alice thought maybe Loomis had been wrong, that maybe Michael could be killed if attacked with enough force. The masked killer remained still and unmoved.

"Get up, Michael!" Loomis shouted, his voice echoing in the night as lightning flashed overhead and thunder rolled in the distance.