A Perfect Life


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"Is something wrong Vern?" Kylynn asked sounding concerned, while she rushed over grabbing my arm to steady me.

"Just a brief dizzy spell I guess. I feel fine now," I smiled weakly back at her.

"Still I want you to go back to the infirmary with Amber and let the doctor have a look at you," Kylynn insisted, "and I don't want any macho back talk either! Take care of him, please Amber?"

"Yes Ms. Kylynn, right away. Come along Vern, we will have you feeling like a new person in no time," she told me, taking my hand, and nearly dragging me back to the infirmary.

Just as we passed through the door, I became dizzy again and had to support myself on the countertop at the reception desk.

"Mr. Solman is having dizzy spells. Please get Theresa for us. Quickly," Amber seemed to be taking my slight dizziness almost too seriously. "Vern, I am taking you back inside the infirmary so you can lay down on one of the hospital beds until you feel better."

I made it to the bed and stretched out, feeling better now that I was lying down.

Theresa and the nurse joined us in the room and she said, "Get his shoes and clothes off. I am going to start an IV."

"I'm just a little dizzy Theresa... I don't think it is all this serious," I complained even though I was feeling another wave of dizziness wash over me.

"I am the doctor here, so you just lay there and relax hon.," she insisted.

Along about that time I noticed that I was entirely naked, but I felt so out of it, I didn't care. Theresa sprayed my arm again and stuck me with the same kind of needle, as before, except this time she attached the tube to a hanging bag on a tree, and then she added a blue machine on a stand next to that.

"This is going to make you feel a lot better hon.," she said as she flipped a switch on the blue machine and a warm soothing sheet of drugged haziness drew across me.

"There that should make you feel a whole lot better. That is enough Morphine to make two men your size feel a lot better," she giggled and continued working.

"Now a little booster for that shot of genetic re-sequencing agent and another mutagenic pliability compound just like you received earlier," she poked a needle into the IV and pushed the plunger in.

I was floating at that point, and she could have poked me in the eye and I wouldn't have cared.

The door came open and I heard, "How is she coming ladies?"

With a great effort, I managed to focus my eyes and saw my beloved Kylynn standing there supposedly, asking about some woman?

Kylynn walked over to my bedside and saw me looking up at her, "Oh, you are still with us Vera. How are you feeling?"

"Whoooossh Weeerahh?" I slurred.

"Why you are my dear, or at least in a few days you will be," she smiled down at me.

"Dats nice Kahahlynnnn," I answered and closed my eyes savoring the high I was, on.

"You will probably not remember me telling you this honey, but I am going to anyway. Remember our discussion about the perfect life you wanted to give me if you ever made it big, well Vera, I have made it big. I make more than enough money to support us both and you need not ever have to work again. However after our conversation last night I realized you were right, that a man at home would be looked down upon by society and that you wouldn't be comfortable being a kept man. Well I figured out the answer to those problems. You are going to become a kept woman. You can stay at home and be beautiful. I will be able to hire maids and handmaidens who will wait on you hand and foot. You won't even have to dress yourself. The only thing you will have to be ready for is occasional sex with your horny wife. I'll see to it that you have only the most beautiful clothes, the sexiest underwear, and the body you always wanted me to have. Yes, I know of your fetish for huge boobs and everything else, you are going to look so beautiful that I won't be able to keep my hands off you."

"Be booful?" I mumbled.

"Maybe you did hear what I said after all. I never wanted to be a sex kitten for you or anyone else. That was your fantasy. So now you will get to live the perfect life, or what you said is a perfect life."

"I enjoy my work and my co-workers, but I couldn't stand to see you staying at home and so unhappy. I hope you will still love me at the end of this as much as I love you," she finished and then kissed my lips.

I passed out then and didn't come around until sometime much later... days I think.


"Vera! I see you are awake for a little while. My name is Allyce and I will be your nurse while you are being re-sequenced. (Pronounced Aleese Ah) We want to change the bed sheets right now, it seems you have had another little accident. So, please roll over to your right side for a moment."

I complied but my chest kept going. "What the f..." I started to say, but the squeaky voice it came out in, wasn't what I expected.

"Okay now roll onto your other side."

I complied but my chest flopped way over onto the new sheets lagging the rest of my body, once again.

"There! All changed. Kind of weird having your chest go flopping around on you, huh Vera?" she giggled.

I looked around the room and everything looked bigger than I remembered it. Then I looked at my nurse who seemed normal sized but that didn't quite add up, "How tall are you Allyce?"

"Five foot nothing. Why don't you like short nurses?" she teased.

"You don't look short to me..." I replied weakly.

"Well that is a relief. I like being short anyway. I hear you like short women, is that true?" she asked up close to my face.

"Yes, I like girls that are little and dainty," I answered truthfully.

"I feel much better now," she hugged me and then went on, "I don't think you are going to be awake much longer. The doctor is injecting you with some additional genetic re-sequencing agent so we'll have to turn up your morphine again. Sweet dreams," she said as she faded from my view.

Waking Two

The next time I came around it was only briefly.

"Oh, sorry to wake you dear, it's just me, Allyce. You need your diaper changed again."

"I'm wearing a diaper?" I asked blearily.

"Well dear we had to do something. Your body has been shedding mass like there is no tomorrow and the only way out for it is your bottom. Okay lift your butt up for me since you're awake, and I'll get rid of this stinky mess."

I did as she asked but it felt like I had so much more bottom than before.

She walked back around and told me, "Now hon. this is going to feel really weird to you, but I want you to relax and let me finish cleaning you. Can you do that for me?"

"Uh huh," I answered with a voice even higher than the day before.

She started using diaper wipes on my bottom and everything felt much as it should until she wiped between my legs...

"What...? Oh god! It's gone!" I wailed and started to cry after feeling her finger spread my labia to wipe me clean down there.

Allyce came to the head of the bed and smothered me in a big hug, "That's alright hon.. Let it out. You have a good cry."

I did as she said. I must have cried for fifteen minutes straight.

She finally released me when I was only sobbing and said, "I need to get a diaper back on you. So don't worry I am not leaving."

I felt her wrap it up around my hips and secure the tapes, "There, you are all safe again."

"I... I'm... I'm a girl... in a diaper," I wailed again.

"Yes, you are. But you are a very pretty girl in a diaper," she added trying to make me feel better. It didn't.

I shuddered, which made my chest start jiggling like Jell-O.

"Allyce, I want you to give me a hand with these injections, you take the right breast and I will take the left one," Theresa said from somewhere outside my vision.

"She is awake Doctor," Allyce told her, "should I crank up the Morphine?"

"Yes, that's a good idea. She'd be better off not being awake through the accelerated growth process," Dr. Neumann answered.

I felt the darkness wash over me again and out I went.

Waking Three

"Welcome back Vera. You are coming along nicely. We haven't had to change your diaper for hours now. We did have to leave your catheter in though. How are you feeling?" Allyce asked with her face close to mine as I was, brought around.

I felt an irresistible compulsion to answer, why... I don't have a clue, I said, "I don't hurt anywhere if that is what you mean. I feel a giant heaviness in my chest though."

"I shouldn't doubt that. Let's see if there is the kind of sensation to your skin that Kylynn wanted. Tell me what you feel," she moved her hand and stroked one of my mountainous breasts.

"Oooh... that feels like a whisper in my crotch, and I think I wet myself," I told her.

"Oh, good. Kylynn will be so pleased," Allyce told me.

"No time for sex Allyce, we have things to do yet," Theresa told her, "These fingers and finger nails need attending to before Kylynn with be happy with her. Turn out her lights and let's get busy."

Waking Four

I awoke to the feeling of getting a sponge bath.

"Ooh! Uh... ah!" it felt like everyplace she touched was an erogenous zone.

"Oh, sorry I was just bathing you."

"It feels so... so... I don't know," I offered.

"Sensual?" she offered.

"Yes..." I admitted biting my lower lip to keep from moaning as she continued to wipe me down.

"It's alright for you to enjoy this hon.. You have been given an extremely sensitive and responsive body," she explained as she made her way towards my left foot.

My leg started to quiver as she moved towards my toes and I let out a whimper as she cleaned my foot, gently with the soft sponge.

"Ooh, little Vera likes that," she giggled and washed my other foot.

"Little? What do you mean Little Vera? I'll have you know that

I'm six one, Miss," I claimed as I panted.

"Now that you are all clean, I think we can start to dispute that fact hon.," she claimed, "If you hadn't noticed, I was standing right here when I washed your feet. Either I have mutant long arms, or you are not as tall as you think."

"I'm going to put some shoes on your feet and then I want you to stand up and try to walk a little for me, alright?" Allyce asked.

"Shoes? Couldn't I just walk barefoot?" I asked.

"No you can't hon.. You had a whole bunch of magazines with women wearing very high heels didn't you?"

"Yes, I had a few," I admitted.

"Well Kylynn figured to see to it you could wear them without hurting your feet."

"So I have to wear them?"

"Well feet that work in high heels don't work in regular flats. Since your only job is going to be to look beautiful, the high heel feet were the only choice," she reasoned as she finished strapping the shoes to my feet. "Alright are you ready to give this a try?"

"I guess..." I answered, but I didn't feel like doing anything at all. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and cry. It was as if I was, compelled to do what she asked.

Allyce swung my feet around and pointed them towards the floor and then she reached over to me and pulled me towards her. It was kind of like a bear hug but she slowly let me slide down until my feet hit the floor.

I was looking up at her. The other thing I noticed right a way was if she hadn't been steadying me I would have wound up on my face in a hurry. The twin basketballs I sported would have dragged me over in an instant.

"Oh my god. These are immense. They are continents in their own right," I exclaimed as I stared at my own breasts, hidden underneath the hospital gown.

"Yes, but they are smaller than your favorite big bust star's. But don't worry, Kylynn has said if she doesn't think they are big enough, she will make them grow and stop just before you can't walk anymore."

"Oh, that is good news. She wants me to be able to walk under my own power. Um, would you please tell me that you had a growth spurt while I was unconscious?"

"Not at all hon.. Like I told you, you are little Vera now," she reiterated.

"Are you wearing high heels too?" I asked.

"No, sorry I am in nurse's daywear flats. They are comfortable, but the soles are less than one half inch thick," she assured me, "No, you are a tiny woman now. You do like tiny women don't you?"

"Just how tiny am I?" I didn't want to know but I had to know.

"Well those are four inch heels, and in them you are about 4' 10". Does that do it or do you want me to do that math for you too?" she answered sarcastically.

"I'm now four foot six? I'm a dwarf," I started to cloud up with that realization.

"I guess technically you are, however you do not suffer from any of the normal maladies of dwarfism, so I would have a hard time categorizing you as a dwarf. Do you need another hug?" she surprised me with that last question.

"W... W... Would you?" I asked, my lower lip quivering uncharacteristically.

"Oh sure! Kylynn says that is part of my job," she hugged me close, "You know, you are kind of fun to hug. I don't get to hug anyone who is smaller than me very often."

"Glad I could make your day," I answered muffled in her shoulder, but feeling better in the protection of her arms.

"Hey, I really like the new you Dearie," she told me grinning ear to ear, "That is one of the reasons why I am your personal care nurse. When I found out from Kylynn that you would be smaller than I am, well... I asked for the job right away."

"Why? Do you hate being short that much?" I wondered.

"Not really, I got turned on by the fact that you like tiny women," she admitted, "But now you are tinier than me."

"Yah but now you are a big woman. I don't think there are any girls smaller than me around anywhere," I whined feeling sorry for myself but still not able to muster any sign of rebellion.

"Oh yes there is, but Mary is not on shift right now. She is a real dwarf. She stands only 3' 11" so there smarty panties," she teased.

"Um... now that you mention panties..." I started, "I think I have to pee."

"Great! I have been waiting for this. I want to see the look on your face when you pee as a girl for the first time," she was nearly ecstatic.

"Do you have to watch?" I asked my lower lip trembling, and my tiny voice quavering.

"Yes! I have to make sure you know how to use your new equipment," she answered and seemed adamant about it.

"I can't even see my new equipment. How am I supposed to know how to use it?" I broke into tears again.

"Did you ever pee in the toilet without looking at it? Same thing here honey, you work by feel. You think women look at their pussies when they pee?" she laughed at my naiveté.

"I would. I have always thought that pussies are really pretty. I have wanted to watch a girl pee for a long time..." I admitted, "Now that I have a pussy, I still won't be able to watch."

"You want to watch a girl pee? You have such simple desires to accommodate," she patted my much larger and softer bottom, "If you really want to watch a girl pee honey, I'll pee first, you can watch, and then you pee and I'll watch. Is it a deal?"

I didn't know what was happening to me but it felt like I was wetting my diaper. "Um... sure. You go first and after I watch you, you can watch me," I acquiesced, but was quivering all over inside excitedly.

"Alright. Okay here I go," she slipped her greens down around her ankles and then her panties, (They had paisley flowers on them.) and that is when I saw that her pussy was shaved, she squatted onto the toilet and spread her legs wide so that I would have a good view, "Are you ready?"

I nodded enthusiastically, which caused a minor tittie quake, which I used my tiny hands to try to quell.

She let loose and I watched as a stream of urine squeezed into a line sprayed from her butt, "Wow! I always wondered what it looked like," I was very excited and extremely happy that someone would be so nice as to unabashedly, accommodate my quirks.

She wiped and stood back up pulling her greens and panties up as she stood, "Your turn."

"Um... can I hug you first?" I timidly asked in my little voice.

"Sure honey. Kylynn insisted on me giving you as many hugs as you want," she announced and held me protectively.

"After what she has done to me? Why would she care if I get any hugs at all?"

"Whether you believe it or not, Kylynn does love you and she has only done this to make you happy," Allyce told me while she held me tight.

"I have a vagina Allyce, how does giving me that say I love you?"

"Well it is hard to tell you yet, but you should relax and enjoy it while you can," she announced with a certainty that made me feel a little better.

"You are telling me that I am supposed to enjoy having this butt, which starts way up my back and finishes near my belly button?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. All girls feel their butt like that. It is like your butt is all the way, back to front," she admitted. "Little girls refer to their vulvas as their butt. Didn't you know that?"

"No, I haven't any sisters," I admitted, "I didn't have any female playmates when I was little either."

"I was an only child myself. I always wanted a little sister, and it seems now I have one," she stated, with a silly grin on her face.

"What makes you think I will want to be your little sister? Look what you did to me. You, that doctor, and my wife, you made me a girl," I accused with more than a little resentment oozing from my voice.

"You are going to need a whole lot of help now, even just to walk. If you hadn't noticed I am the only thing standing between you and a face full of floor Vera," she informed me as she stood back a little, but still held me steady. "Remember you are just a frail little girl now. You could be hurt seriously if you fell."

I clutched at her, suddenly afraid that she might let me fall.

"I see you do want me to be your friend. At least that is the way it seems to me. Is that what you want Vera?"

"Y... y... yes please, will you be my friend?" I was trembling and wobbling, still unable to stand on my own and deathly afraid she might let me fall and be hurt.

"I'm glad we got that little distasteful matter out of the way. Now I want you to take a step away from the bed. Don't worry, I won't let you fall."

I put my foot out, set my heel as usual, and tried to transfer my weight onto my other foot. As you might expect, my foot skittered out from under me and I was making a quick trip toward the floor.

"Whoa there Vera," Allyce lifted me up again, "You can't walk like a man anymore honey. You are going to have to walk like a lady, or you won't be able to walk at all."

"What do you mean, walk like a lady?" I was very confused. I had never really noticed that women walk differently than men, however I had always enjoyed the effects it produced.

"Okay 'Walking like a Lady 101' is now in session. I am going to lift you back up onto the bed and I want you to watch me walk," she grunted a little as she hoisted me up to the bed where I sat. "But first I will have to go and get some different shoes. Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." She walked off giggling to herself.

I tried to get a look at my feet past the basketballs I had stuffed underneath my hospital gown and finally managed to look at my right foot by holding it straight out in front of me. I saw ridiculously arched feet in shiny fire engine red pumps.

I heard clacking coming toward the room and in walked Allyce wearing black high heels, carrying her white nurse shoes, "Alright this should make it easier for you to see what I am going to teach you."

I watched intently as she came over to the side of the bed, "Okay you watched. What am I doing differently than you did?"

"You set your toe down first move your weight to it as you set your heel," I answered, looking to her for confirmation.

"Very good. Now down with you and I want to see you try," she told me, scooting me off the bed.