A Perfect Life


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"Just a moisturizer. We want to keep your skin soft and silky, now don't we? Okay, now you just stand there and I will do all of the work," she began spraying me here and there with different concoctions, but when she started rubbing another moisturizer into my boobs, I just had to sit down.

"Sorry I should have had you sit for this anyway. I'll remember next time," she promised, but didn't slow her ministrations one bit.

My hips started grinding into the stool and of course, she noticed, "You like moisturizing your big soft boobies do you? Well you are in luck because I have plenty of goop to rub into them."

"MMMMmmmm! Oh! Two more hands full of... ungh!"

"I like the way your thighs twitch when I do this. What does it feel like to you?" Allyce asked with a mischievous grin.

"I... I... I don't know. It feels wonderful, but it is making me so wet. I'm not sure we should be doing this. It sort of excites me, you know... down there?"

"Well, all of the plumbing seems to be working then. Now, Vera, I want you to look between your big boobies and down to your tummy, can you do that?" she asked holding my breasts apart.

"Okay... Oh, my! It looks so... so... so much like my wife's crotch."

"Not quite, she has hair, you don't. She has a mature pussy, yours is only as big as a ten year old girl's," she answered, as she rubbed my Mons Veneris.

"Don't... don't do that. You're making my pussy twitch all funny inside."

"Okay, why don't we get you into some clothes and then go and see the Doctor?"

"I don't know how to put on girl's clothes..."

"You won't have to. Sit right there and I will be right back," she told me as she scampered from the room.

She returned moments later with Amber, "Okay, I'll get to work on the left side of the bra and you get the right side Amber."

"Fun! I have wanted to do this ever since we planned the transformation. Okay, coming around the back with the strap... There we made it up, now to settle these big girls into the cups. That has gotten it. Straps over the shoulder and, viola, she is wearing her first bra. Now, can we slip this thong up her butt and abracadabra. She is in her lingerie," Amber gushed like my own personal cheerleader.

"Take her shoes off and we can slip these pantyhose up her legs. Then the shoes go right back on. We mustn't make her incapacitated longer than necessary. Now stand up Vera, we want to hike these pantyhose up tight into your crotch," Allyce commanded as she started to yank on the waistband.

I could feel the seam in the middle of the pantyhose pull in between my nether lips as she pulled up on them, "There now you can get the feel the rest of the women in this country have when their pantyhose rides up on them."

"Now slide her into this silk full slip and I will go and get the rest of her outfit," Allyce asked Amber as she scooted out of the door.

She came back with a very low cut, high seamed miniskirt, which clung to my body like a second skin.

She yanked and pulled it into its proper place. The next was a lovely silk blouse and then she pronounced to no one in particular, "She is all ready to take a walk now."

I undulated my hips as she had taught me and made my way slowly behind her to the waiting wheel chair and then down the hall a few rooms to where the Doctor had her offices.

She had me lie down on the exam table with my feet in the stirrups, (Yes still wearing my high heels and everything.) and asked me some rather embarrassing questions. When was my last period? Was I regular? Then she and her nurse broke up laughing and told me to put my feet back down and to stand on the floor, while leaning over the exam table.

I complied of course, as stoned as I was I couldn't think of anything else to do.

The Doctor pulled up my miniskirt and then down my pantyhose to expose my big soft buttocks. She promptly jabbed three needles in succession into my ass, told Allyce she could dress me again, and then take me back to my hospital room.

I was quickly ushered back to the bed and Allyce told me, "Stand there beside the bed so I can get you back into your nightie."

"I just got dressed. Why am I going to bed now?" I said, wobbling beside the bed and clutching it for support.

"Well honey, you are supposed to be getting used to wearing women's clothes and being dressed by someone else, so the more times I can change your clothes for you the quicker that will happen. I get to put you into a clean pink teddie. This should be a new sensation for you to enjoy. I bet you will look stunning in it. The other reason is if I don't get you horizontal soon you will probably fall down," she told me as she pulled the skirt down and then my panty hose. "Those shots the doctor just gave you will make you woozy and the doctor told me there may be some pain involved, so I had better get you back on the I.V. and hook up the Morphine pump again."

"I like the morphine pump," I said, still stoned by whatever medications they had pumped into me.

"I bet you do. Now raise your hands up so I can get your blouse and bra off."

Amber came in and helped out, since it is so hard to reach around behind me from the front.

"Alright Vera, step into the legs, one at a time... good girl. Spread your legs a little so we can pull this up into your crotch. Thank you. Up past the mountains, slip your arms into the holes and you are wearing a teddie," Allyce gave the play by play of my dressing. "Now I am going to lift you into the bed. Oof! There, now I will hook up your I.V. again and then start the morphine flowing again. There how does that feel now?"

"Really nice, but my chest is still jiggling," I complained dreamily.

"Don't worry it will stop soon after you quit moving around," she assured me.

"My crotch itches, or um, it feels like I want to rub it on something..."

"Shhh... you go ahead and rest for a while. You will be doing a little more refinements to your new body for a while so just lie there and relax. You will feel kind of strange all over while the changes happen, but you won't have to be unconscious for them like when you experienced the radical first changes you received. You might feel a little creepy, so if it gets to be too much just push the call button," Allyce told me and then slipped out of my room.

However, before leaving she tuned on the Television. It was playing some kind of fashion show, or it was a video catalog maybe. It showed beautiful lingerie, dresses, and accessories. There were makeup tips and shows on how to pick your wardrobe. I never knew that those shows were so interesting before. I became really fascinated by some of the sexy ways to accent your garments, like never before. They should put this stuff on the major networks. It is great stuff.


I have no idea how many of those programs ran while I lay there, the only thing I do know is that my bed was soaking wet. I didn't remember peeing it. It was just really wet and I was lying in a puddle.

At first, it was really warm and I didn't mind it, but then it started to cool off and it wasn't so nice anymore, therefore I pressed the buzzer to summon Allyce. Good thing I was so smashed or I would have been too embarrassed to do it.

Allyce came in and rushed to the I.V. saying, "Oh my you sure went trough that fast. What did you knock loose the connection? Nope... it is still connected... let's see hmm, I guess you used it all up. I'll get you another," she turned and left before I could sort out the words to tell her my bed was all wet.

Lucky for me she came back right away and hooked up another drip for me.

I tried real hard and managed to say, "Wee-wee in the bed."

"Maybe we should back off a little on the morphine and let you think just a little bit hmm?" she posed, "Did you have a little accident?"

"I don't think I pee peed. The bed is all wet and clammy though," I informed her slightly slurred.

Allyce dug under my covers, felt the bed sheets, and then brought her fingers near her nose, "Oh, Oh my. Are you horny Vera?"

"Please shove something in me...!" I begged, "I'm horny. I want to fuck something. Anything."

I felt a warmth swim up my arm and knew that darkness would soon follow, but even so I was working my hand into my crotch as hard as I could until the lights went out.


"Welcome back Vera. It seems we miscalculated a little when we adjusted your libido. Don't worry we took it back down to a manageable level, especially if we keep you slightly sedated. How do you feel hon.?" she asked with her face over suspended over mine.

"Horny," I replied.

"Well you can at least keep your hand out of your cunt now," she exclaimed, "I thought you were going to die from dehydration for a while there. Fluids were running out of you faster than we could pump them in at first. Kylynn worked her ass off adjusting you to a more normal level though."

"So now I not only want to fuck all of the time, now I want to fuck a herd of elephants all of the time," I whined.

"Fucking all of the time we can accommodate. Those elephants are hard to come by."

"My bed is still all wet though," I complained, "Did I pee while I was unconscious?"

"Nope honey, smell it? That is pussy juices. You have been randy to be fucked for hours now," she told me with a smile, "Don't you worry your pretty head though, we will take the edge off with a few drugs for now, and then I can change your sheets, so you won't be laying in a pheromone riddled puddle. There that should do it... you feeling warm yet?"

"Hmmm," I moaned, "Ahh," I sighed in blessed relief.

I could feel her cut the teddie off me and then she rolled me from side to side taking the old sheets and laying down a new set, but not before placing a mat underneath my ass to soak up any further sexual flows.

"I think you will just have to live with sleeping in a crotchless baby doll honey. Kylynn adjusted your libido, but just enough so that you flow constantly. In fact, now you flow all of the time as much as I do when I am aroused. You are going to be a very thirsty girl, but a great sexual partner," Allyce was so overwhelmed she French kissed me.

This did nothing to calm my flow of juices as you can well imagine.

"I have just given you something to keep you smiling and happy for hours. Well, let's just have a look at your new pussy and see if the changes that your wife wanted have come about..." Allyce took a really close look at my vulva opening my lips for a closer look, "That is much better Vera. Your vagina is now big enough for a really huge dildo to invade. I am so happy for you. Here see if you can feel my fingers spread the new you open wide?" she asked as her fingers pulled my lower lips apart.

"Ahh!" I yelled as my juices increased in their ever-increasing flow.

"This is much better. Now girl, you could take a really big dildo. Fucking you will be so much more fun now," Allyce told me as she gazed into the new depths of my femininity.

"Mmm I feel so... so, empty," I moaned.

"You are a girl you know. You are supposed to be empty, that is unless there is a huge cock buried deep in your cunt."

"I don't want a cock in me. I'm a man," I complained.

"I don't think so. What do you think this is down here?" Allyce asked as she played with my much bigger vaginal lips. "Kylynn thought it would be so much better to see you boned by huge dildos than small ones. Seeing your enjoyment at being impaled on huge plastic cocks would be a real turn on."

"Why? Because I would be humiliated?"

"Fuck no sweetie. I would love to see a guy revel in the pleasures of femininity. I want to see you love being a girl. To see you beg to remain a woman would be the ultimate affirmation that what we did to you was the best thing for you."

"You want me to be happy? You want me to be glad that you stole my manhood and forced me to be a sissy girl?" I asked incredulously.

"I love being a girl. Kylynn loves being a girl. Everyone here loves being a woman. We just want to share our love with you dear Vera. You should be glad that you are loved so much that Kylynn wanted you to share our joy."

"I'm wetting the bed with my vaginal lubrication, I am stoned out of my mind, and I am the second shortest person in the whole building. What do you women want from me?" I insisted.

"We want you to have the perfect life. You should feel loved and be loved, as much as possible. You should be so beautiful that you make everyone ache just to be with you. You should be such a desirable woman that men faint as you walk by," she exclaimed panting in her passion.

"So what, are you going to make me a supermodel or some kind of playmate?" I asked sarcastically.

"Maybe, but you will have to ask Kylynn what you are to become. I only work here," Allyce told me, "You will be introduced to your new handmaidens today, so after this I will only be coming around to visit socially," she informed me with a passionate kiss on my lips.

My split started weeping juices as if it had just sprung a leak.

"Ooh, that is so much better. You are working out just as we planed Vera."

"Don't I have anything to say about this? Can't I be in control of my own body? Do you think this is fair? You decide to make me a woman who is controlled entirely by her sexual urges, where are my human rights in that?" I asked.

"Honey you don't need human rights. Kylynn is giving you a perfect life. You should be happy that from here on in, no worries, no issues, no fears, and no troubles for you. You will have nothing but beauty and pleasure in your life. You have another trip to the doctor's today to be prepared for. I bought a special outfit for you to wear today as a gift. I just wanted to see you in it before the professionals start to work on what you wear."

"I am afraid to look."

"Ah it's not that bad. You don't get to see it until after your bath anyway. I'm going to swing your feet over and slip your shoe-sees on, and then we can take care or your morning pee, followed by an invigorating lilac scented bubble bath, which I just happened to have ready. There, your shoes are on. Come to momma," she told me as she slid me towards her and off the bed.

My chest bobbed all over the place as I wiggled over to the water closet and waited until Allyce dropped my panties for me. I did my business and before I could reach, for the toilet paper Allyce had a hand full and wiped my bottom for me.

I shrugged, thinking, 'If she wants to wipe my pussy, more power to her.' I was still pretty stoned and it was probably safer if she did it. I'm not sure that girls have to dig in between their lips and wiggle their finger around down there, quite like she was doing, but what the hell it felt great.

She helped me up and guided me to my vanity stool, removed my shoes and plopped me in the bathtub.

I hadn't ever remembered the intense reaction I was having from the beautiful fragrance of the water before. I was relaxed, but at the same time so turned on. It makes me feel... I don't know... pretty I guess. Yes, it makes me feel so pretty to smell like delicate Lilacs.

Allyce was taking her time washing me everywhere, "Now you just lie there, and let Nurse Allyce do everything for you." She carefully and so gently washed my skin with a super soft sponge. It's like being kissed all over my body the way she does it.

Today after draining the tub, drying me off, moisturizing, and perfuming me, she greased up my labia with Vaseline and then slipped a thong panty up my legs. The bra she had for me I learned was called, a shelf bra and basically held up my breasts, from underneath.

"You stay here while I go and get your first outfit for today..." Allyce told me as she slipped out the door.

Still quite stoned and fuzzyheaded I was staring into my own cleavage when she returned, "They are stunning aren't they?" she giggled.

Allyce came around behind me and slipped my arms into a red plaid long-sleeve blouse, which she didn't button up, all the way down to the bottom, just far enough to reach underneath my breasts. She tied the shirttails together under my boobs, which left my tummy bare.

A pair of threadbare denim shorts followed the panties she had put on earlier, well if you could call them shorts. They were barely big enough to cover the thong.

Allyce pulled them up tightly so that they slipped between my pussy lips in the crotch too, leaving my naked labia exposed for all to see.

"Okay, sit down at the vanity and I'll put your makeup on you and then you will be ready for a little walk. Won't that be fun?"

I didn't know what to say in answer to that so I just stayed silent as she painted my eyes, cheeks, and lips.

"Perfect. How do you like it?"

"I look like Daisy Mae."

"You sure do hon.. Although you are a bit bustier than she was," she giggled and poked one of my huge boobs, making them both jiggle together.

"Do your breasts jiggle like this all of the time too?" I asked, trying to get used to the strange sensation of my chest blown up and no longer stationary.

"Well my little titties jiggle a lot too I guess... I don't really notice it anymore unless I am trying to run or jump. C cup breasts are big enough for me, but I like the pair you have. That is I like them to play with," she was nearly drooling down my cleavage.

"I really can't wait to see you strut your stuff in this outfit. So let's get going. You are going to go on another tour of the plant today. Everyone is dying to meet the new you. First stop will be your wife's office," she took my hand and helped me wobble to my feet, and then lead me out the door and down the hallway.

"Is that, him?" I heard one of the ladies who were walking towards us exclaim. "Oh, my God! He's perfect."

She walked up to me, looking down at me, and then said, "You look so delicious. I can't wait until we can get to know each other better, honey. These look so big and soft." She gently lifted my breasts from underneath, giving them a squeeze.

I couldn't help it, I moaned and shivered all over.

"Oh, yes! She is a hottie. I love the outfit Allyce," she raved and reached her hand between my legs, "I love the way his labia hang out. Do you like girls to pet your sweet pussy Vera?"

She promptly did as she asked, eliciting another moan from me.

"Wow she is positively dripping already. I love her," she kissed me on the lips, "Nice to meet you Vera. I'll be seeing more of you soon I hope."

We made it another twenty feet or so when another woman, who was incredibly happy to meet me as well, stopped us and pretty much the same thing happened as before.

My knees were week and my legs were slimy and wet when we entered my wife's office.

"I see you have been getting acquainted with the staff already dear. They are anxious to see you in your new finery. Part of your new 'job' so to speak will be to model fashions around the facility for our lady workers. I know you will enjoy the work too, judging by the way your legs look right now," she giggled as she stood and gave me a hug squishing my boobs all over her chest and even around the sides of her ribs for a ways.

"I love you tiny like this. I can even reach down and grope that exquisite ass you have," she groped and then kissed me, slipping a tongue to me, almost urgently.

I was still out of it, but with all of this stimulation, I became lost in the sexual sensations. My mind was almost a complete blank, but between my legs, I was drenched. I felt so... so... empty.

"Mmmmm, these are so silky," she murmured as she stroked my exposed pussy lips, "So slippery too."

I felt one of her fingers slip between my pussy lips and work its self around a while. She then reached around behind me and groped my big soft butt.

"Mmmmm, well that will have to keep me for a while. Turn around and bend over for me please Vera?" Kylynn asked sweetly.